33 resultados para Decriminalization.


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ABOUT THE BOOK As the title Safety or Profit? suggests, health and safety at work needs to be understood in the context of the wider political economy. This book brings together contributions informed by this view from internationally recognized scholars. It reviews the governance of health and safety at work, with special reference to Australia, Canada, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. Three main aspects are discussed. The restructuring of the labor market: this is considered with respect to precarious work and to gender issues and their implications for the health and safety of workers. The neoliberal agenda: this is examined with respect to the diminished power of organized labor, decriminalization, and new governance theory, including an examination of how well the health-and-safety-at-work regimes put in place in many industrial societies about forty years ago have fared and how distinctive the recent emphasis on self-regulation in several countries really is. The role of evidence: there is a dearth of evidence-based policy. The book examines how policy on health and safety at work is formulated at both company and state levels. Cases considered include the scant regard paid to evidence by an official inquiry into future strategy in Canada; the lack of evidence-based policy and the reluctance to observe the precautionary principle with respect to work-related cancer in the United Kingdom; and the failure to learn from past mistakes in the Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. Intended Audience: Researchers; policymakers, trade union representatives, and officials interested in OHS; postgraduate students of OHS; OHS professionals; regulatory and socio-legal scholars.


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Urban Mass Transportation Administration, Washington, D.C.


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Urban Mass Transportation Administration, Washington, D.C.


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Urban Mass Transportation Administration, Washington, D.C.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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A presente tese faz um estudo sobre a criminalização secundária e a justiça penal hegemônica a partir da análise criminológica do caso de Eldorado de Carajás. A metodologia usada é a pesquisa bibliográfica agregada à pesquisa documental. Nestas, extraiu-se o discurso das criminalizações e sua função subterrânea no Estado Policial. A metodologia empreendida na realização deste trabalho parte da perspectiva do materialismo histórico. Os processos criminalizantes secundários subterrâneos não se exaurem em um momento efêmero, mas são a continuidade histórica de uma tragédia, de uma mesma matriz massacrante, seguindo a lógica da luta de classes. Essa continuação se dá pelas violências institucionais e estruturais com matriz nos conflitos agrários antecedentes e que detêm raízes legitimantes de massacres nos discursos criminológicos que vão do pré-positivismo ao criticismo contemporâneo. A comprovação da tese ocorre pela análise da ação penal que ficou mundialmente conhecida como O Caso do Massacre de Eldorado dos Carajás. O ponto de partida é a verificação concreta do respectivo caso, avançando para uma concepção abstrata da criminalização secundária subterrânea. O papel de pulsão vingativa do Estado contra a miséria e a adesão subjetiva à barbárie pela Justiça Penal deixam claros seu caráter hegemônico e a existência de uma criminalização vitimológica (secundária e subterrânea) em razão da distribuição desigual dos bens positivos e negativos aos condenados da terra.


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Euthanasia, especially the active one, has always been an extremely discussed subject, which goes further pure dogmatics and transcends the strictly legal field. A reflection about such issue makes us re-think on what it implies for all the involved without ever loosing sight of the fact that admitting a legalization is, in a legal system as ours, to admit the lack of punishment of an homicide act or an assistance to suicide. However, burying in mind the foreign experiences, isn’t there a possibility of working on a path that respects both the basis of our legal system and the rest of the interests involved? And what interests would those be? How to admit such a path? Based on what assumptions? The present study proposes a discovery of paths and not the search for dead ends, creating definitive answers. The purpose of this dissertation is to explore the existing structure of the Portuguese legal system on these matters, in a path that is until now mostly in favour of punishment, based on homicide or assisted suicide crimes. Along with the Portuguese dynamic, we want to analyse legal systems that opted by decriminalization and, based on those experiences, shared with our legal culture, scan the viability of a decriminalization procedure. What paths would be viable for such a decriminalization in Portuguese criminal territory? The scope is only to open the eyes of who always wanted to keep them shut, or to who just never tried to open them, because at the end of the day it will always be a discussion that we want to keep light up, since that what we are here discussing is life. We want discussion, not imposition.


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"Toute vérité est bonne à dire. Mais dire le droit nécessite sans doute la connaissance par le juge des normes universelles envisagées sous l'angle constitutionnel des droits fondamentaux de l'homme et de la société. Le fondement d'un tel principe trouve sa consécration dans le droit à l'information et à la protection juridique du devoir d'informer par les journalistes. Aujourd'hui, dans tout État de droit moderne et démocratique, la question se trouve nettement posée : comment adapter la fonction de poursuite et du jugement en matière de presse avec les garanties du droit à la liberté d'expression et au droit d'accès aux sources de l'information et par conséquent faciliter l'exercice de la mission du journaliste ? Aussi, comment organiser les relations professionnelles entre le pouvoir judiciaire, protecteur de l'ordre public et le pouvoir de la presse pourvoyeur et source de l'information ? Autant de questions qui se posent en droit algérien et au problème des limites de forme et de fond de ce droit et plus particulièrement en matière des délits de presse. Ainsi, ces aspects ont été mis en évidence dans différents systèmes juridiques, dans plusieurs pays du monde, notamment en droit pénal de la presse français. Cela implique l'intervention de l'État et des autorités publiques pour assurer et protéger le droit à l'information des citoyens qui constitue d'ailleurs le second aspect de la liberté d'information afin d'en assurer l'exercice effectif. Le problème est crucial en droit positif algérien ; il évolue souvent dans un climat de conflit et de tension entre le pouvoir et la presse de telle sorte que l'injure et la diffamation publique se définissent comme des délits de presse aux sanctions assez lourdes. Ces délits relèvent d'un régime pénal particulier dans la mesure où le législateur ne fait aucune distinction entre un article de presse considéré comme diffamatoire ou injurieux et une simple insulte proférée par un individu à l'encontre d'autres personnes. La spécificité de la profession journalistique n'est guère prise en compte. La notion d'exception de vérité fait défaut dans les dispositions ajoutées par le législateur en 2001 et modifiant le Code pénal algérien. De plus, la loi permet aux pouvoirs publics de s'autosaisir et d'engager automatiquement la procédure de poursuite judiciaire tant que le délit n'est pas prescrit. Cela nous interpelle sur le caractère spécial et exceptionnel de la notion de délit de presse et nous oblige à nous interroger sur leurs caractères d'identification en cas de déclenchement de l'action publique contre le journaliste ; et sur l'absence quasi-systématique du droit de réponse, au-delà des sanctions que le juge pourrait être amené à prononcer contre un organe de presse ou un journaliste. Certes, la dépénalisation des délits de presse n'est pas pour demain ; et le chemin est laborieux pour la corporation des journalistes mais personne ne peut nier leurs souhaits d'abolir les sanctions infligées à leur encontre par la proposition d'une application plus douce de la loi pénale aussi bien sur le plan de la procédure que sur le fond. Cela doit s'inscrire dans des nouvelles dispositions pour lesquelles le droit algérien de l'information ne peut pas être évidemment en marge, dans le cadre de la mondialisation de la presse, de l'émergence de la société de l'information et des nouveaux supports  de communication."


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Background: An important challenge in conducting social research of specific relevance to harm reduction programs is locating hidden populations of consumers of substances like cannabis who typically report few adverse or unwanted consequences of their use. Much of the deviant, pathologized perception of drug users is historically derived from, and empirically supported, by a research emphasis on gaining ready access to users in drug treatment or in prison populations with higher incidence of problems of dependence and misuse. Because they are less visible, responsible recreational users of illicit drugs have been more difficult to study. Methods: This article investigates Respondent Driven Sampling (RDS) as a method of recruiting experienced marijuana users representative of users in the general population. Based on sampling conducted in a multi-city study (Halifax, Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver), and compared to samples gathered using other research methods, we assess the strengths and weaknesses of RDS recruitment as a means of gaining access to illicit substance users who experience few harmful consequences of their use. Demographic characteristics of the sample in Toronto are compared with those of users in a recent household survey and a pilot study of Toronto where the latter utilized nonrandom self-selection of respondents. Results: A modified approach to RDS was necessary to attain the target sample size in all four cities (i.e., 40 'users' from each site). The final sample in Toronto was largely similar, however, to marijuana users in a random household survey that was carried out in the same city. Whereas well-educated, married, whites and females in the survey were all somewhat overrepresented, the two samples, overall, were more alike than different with respect to economic status and employment. Furthermore, comparison with a self-selected sample suggests that (even modified) RDS recruitment is a cost-effective way of gathering respondents who are more representative of users in the general population than nonrandom methods of recruitment ordinarily produce. Conclusions: Research on marijuana use, and other forms of drug use hidden in the general population of adults, is important for informing and extending harm reduction beyond its current emphasis on 'at-risk' populations. Expanding harm reduction in a normalizing context, through innovative research on users often overlooked, further challenges assumptions about reducing harm through prohibition of drug use and urges consideration of alternative policies such as decriminalization and legal regulation.


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Este trabajo se centra en el análisis del discurso político y desde allí analiza la problemática que tiene el aborto en Colombia, con la intencionalidad de permitir a las mujeres decidir sobre su cuerpo sin que sean notablemente estigmatizadas y penalizadas por llevar a cabo una práctica que desde ciertos puntos de vista debe ser permitida para respetar los derechos de las mujeres. En ese sentido, la despenalización del aborto en Colombia se permite en tres casos específicos, por violación, peligro para la vida de la mujer o malformaciones en el feto; bajo estas premisas que han pasado por una evolución discursiva, que no sólo ha afectado a las mujeres, sino a la sociedad, ya que el problema se ha acrecentado y se ha convertido también, en un problema de salud pública. Es así, que desde autores como Bourdieu, Butler y Austin, se crean actos de palabra que desprenden el cuerpo de su lenguaje, crea fuerza en él y permiten acciones que aumenten el posicionamiento de las mujeres en la lucha reivindicatoria que les permita decidir qué hacer con su cuerpo.


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El tema de las drogas suscita un debate entre quienes defienden la prohibición y la represión, y aquellos que defienden alternativas como la legalización y/o regulación y otras más moderadas como la descriminalización y la despenalización. Aunque ambas posturas muestran datos empíricos que las soportan, desde el ámbito discursivo la visión represiva se ha posicionado como la más aceptada en el continente americano, más específicamente, en Latinoamérica. El presente trabajo, hace un estudio de caso del proceso de securitización del narcotráfico entre los presidentes de Estados Unidos y Colombia durante el período 1986-1990. A lo largo del texto, se analizan discursos oficiales de los presidentes de ambos Estados, resaltando las estrategias retóricas y sus transformaciones que legitimaron acciones represivas de tipo político-militar contra las drogas. Al final se apunta a reivindicar el discurso como un instrumento para reproducir creencias sobre fenómenos, en este caso, la creencia de que las drogas son una amenaza existencial a la seguridad política y militar para los Estados.


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El objetivo de este trabajo monográfico es analizar la evolución del problema de las drogas dentro del marco de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA) durante el periodo comprendido entre los años 2003 y 2013. Se desarrolla un estudio sobre los dos grupos de países que más han participado en lo concerniente a este tema. Por un lado Estados Unidos, Canadá y México; y por otro lado Colombia, Perú y Bolivia son lo países que por sus lógicas y tendencias han impulsado este problema y su evolución, y por tanto también desde los cuales se han impulsado las diferentes tendencias y/o soluciones que en cuanto a este problema oscilan dentro de la OEA. Iniciando con la tendencia prohibicionista en 1978, en los últimos años se han desarrollado otras dos: la despenalización y la legalización. El análisis sobre la incidencia que han tenido los países nombrados anteriormente en el problema de las drogas se desarrollará a partir de la comprensión aportada por la teoría de los Complejos Regionales de Seguridad.


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Este artículo se trata de un buen ejemplo de una sentencia de constitucionalidad condicionada, donde la Corte Constitucional de Colombia hizo una gran labor jurídica de explicar, una a una, las razones de su cambio de precedente en cuanto al aborto. Pues, por primera vez en cien años, se da la posibilidad a las mujeres colombianas que decidan qué hacer frente a un embarazo. Este artículo pretende un análisis sobre el tipo de sentencia que produjo la Corte Constitucional, sobre valores o principios que entraron en juego, la clase de interpretación que se realizó, para finalmente hacer una reflexión crítica del caso.


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This paper restricts itself to crimes involving corporate fiduciaries taking bad decisions at the expense of shareholders (corporate governance offenses). The arguments do not apply to fraud as moral wrongfulness exists in that case. To the extent that the actions covered by this paper are blameworthy, I argue that this determination must be disentangled from punishment. Disentanglement of blame from deserts suggests a via-media between criminalization and decriminalization - criminalization without incarceration. Accordingly, the legal process stops at the determination of guilt. The paper advances the criminalization debate because it does not get bogged down in the irreconcilable quarrel about whether corporate governance misbehavior ought to be criminalized for deterrence, retribution, or rehabilitation reasons, and whether it achieves any of these purposes. For these offenses, I argue that whichever theoretical justification underpins the decision to criminalize, imprisonment must not follow conviction. The conviction, despite the lack of incarceration, and the consequential sanctions likely to be imposed on the wrongdoer are sufficient to satisfy the three main justifications for criminalization. In appropriate cases, disgorgement of the offender’s gains will aid in the achievement of these objectives. The model proposed by this paper would yield significant savings by reducing prison costs. It would also allow the state to take advantage of the disproportionate cost/burden of conviction on corporate governance offenders. Owing to the offenders’ high earning potential, deterrence can be achieved at lower cost by conviction alone because the cost of incarceration does not have to be borne by the state whereas the destruction of capacity to generate similar (or indeed, any) income has to be suffered by the offender even without going to jail. If the cost of incarceration is the same for offenders with different earning capacities, imprisoning those with very high earning capacities is a waste of social capital if the objectives sought to be achieved by incarceration can be achieved through other means. Further, the cost of a conviction can be predicted with sufficient certainty in the case of white-collar criminals by looking at their earnings history, and in many cases this can be a significant sum. Unlike the common criminal who may not have a similarly predictable earning capacity and therefore suffer the same extent of monetary loss from a conviction, this loss ought to serve the deterrence function without the need for the state to spend money imprisoning the offender. In addition to loss of earning capacity, clawing back ill-gotten gains significantly adds to disutility. The paper is set out as follows: Part II briefly outlines the scope of the wrongs tackled as stemming from the principal-agent relationship in corporate law, and the inability of the law to overcome effectively problems resulting from the collectivization of the principal in that relationship. In Part III, I argue that conviction without imprisonment is a second-best alternative to decriminalization in cases where the conduct is blameworthy, and results in non-consensual harm. Part IV demonstrates the disutility caused by conviction alone to show that the objectives of criminalization can be satisfied without the need for imprisonment. Part V asserts that consequential sanctions like shaming add to the disutility of conviction. Part VI ties the thesis to Skilling’s conviction for bad business judgment devoid of moral wrongfulness to illustrate the problems with conflating blame and punishment. Part VII concludes.


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Based on the proposal entitled anti-prohibitionist, contrary to prohibition and illegality of cannabis and its use, the anti-prohibitionist Collectives proposes to discuss the topic of drugs, especially marijuana, aiming decriminalization and legalization of this psychoactive. With this idea was articulated anti-prohibitionist movement in Natal, by organizing collectives that discuss issues related to drug use and conduct activities directed to this issue, such as Marijuana Marches and Cycles of Debates anti-prohibitionist. In this study we sought to understand the positioning in social and cultural terms, the marijuana users participating of the collectives, on the situation of illegality of their actions, in front of social, legal and moral question involved in the illicit psychoactive, through initiatives conferences, events and demonstrations for this purpose