999 resultados para Decreasing Velocity


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The effect of a gas flow field on the size of raceway has been studied experimentally using a two-dimensional (2-D) cold model. It is observed that as the blast velocity from the tuyere increases, raceway size increases, and when the blast velocity is decreased from its highest value, raceway size does not change much until the velocity reaches a critical velocity. Below the critical velocity, raceway size decreases with decreasing velocity but is always larger than that for the same velocity when the velocity increased. This phenomenon is called "raceway hysteresis." Raceway hysteresis has been studied in the presence of different gas flow rates and different particle densities. Raceway hysteresis has been observed in all the experiments. The effect of liquid flow, with various superficial velocities, on raceway hysteresis has also been studied. A study of raceway size hysteresis shows that interparticle and particle-wall friction have a very large effect on raceway size. A hypothesis has been proposed to describe the hysteresis phenomenon in the packed beds. The relevance of hysteresis to blast furnace raceways has been discussed. Existing literature correlations for raceway size ignore the frictional effects. Therefore, their applicability to the ironmaking blast furnace is questionable.


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A pseudopotential for positronium-atom interaction, based on electron-atom and positron-atom phase shifts, is constructed, and the phase shifts for Ps-Kr and Ps-Ar scattering are calculated. This approach allows us to extend the Ps-atom cross sections, obtained previously in the impulse approximation [I. I. Fabrikant and G. F. Gribakin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 243201 (2014)], to energies below the Ps ionization threshold. Although experimental data are not available in this low-energy region, our results describe well the tendency of the measured cross sections to drop with decreasing velocity at v < 1 a.u. Our results show that the effect of the Ps-atom van der Waals interaction is weak compared to the polarization interaction in electron-atom and positron-atom scattering. As a result, the Ps scattering length for both Ar and Kr is positive, and the Ramsauer-Townsend minimum is not observed for Ps scattering from these targets. This makes Ps scattering quite different from electron scattering in the low-energy region, in contrast to the intermediate energy range from the Ps ionization threshold up to v ∼ 2 a.u., where the two are similar.


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Empirical relationships between physical properties determined non-destructively by core logging devices and calibrated by carbonate and opal measurements determined on discrete samples allow extraction of carbonate and opal records from the non-destructive measurements in biogenic settings. Contents of detrital material can be calculated as a residual. For carbonate and opal the correlation coefficients (r) are 0.954 and ?0.916 for sediment density, ?0.816 and 0.845 for compressional-wave velocity, 0.908 and ?0.942 for acoustic impedance, and 0.886 and ?0.865 for sediment color (lightness). Carbonate contents increase in concert with increasing density and acoustic impedance, decreasing velocity and lighter sediment color. The opposite is true for opal. The advantages of deriving the sediment composition quantitatively from core logging are: (i) sampling resolution is increased significantly, (ii) non-destructive data can be gathered rapidly, and (iii) laboratory work on discrete samples can be reduced. Applied to paleoceanographic problems, this method offers the opportunity of precise stratigraphic correlations and of studying processes related to biogenic sedimentation in more detail. Density is most promising because it is most strongly affected by changes in composition.


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Compressional (Vp) and shear (Vs) wave velocities have been measured to 10 kb in 32 cores of basalt from 14 Pacific sites of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Both Vp and V s show wide ranges (3.70 to 6.38 km/sec for Vp and 1.77 to 3.40 km/sec for V s at 0.5 kb) which are linearly related to density and sea floor age, confirming earlier findings by Christensen and Salisbury of decreasing velocity with progressive submarine weathering based on studies of basalts from five sites in the Atlantic. Combined Pacific and Atlantic data give rates of decreasing velocity of -1.89 and -1.35 km/sec per 100 my for Vp and Vs respectively. New analyses of oceanic seismic refraction data indicate a decrease in layer 2 velocities with age similar to that observed in the laboratory, suggesting that weathering penetrates to several hundred meters in many regions and is largely responsible for the extreme range and variability of layer 2 refraction velocities.


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The effect of a gas flow field on the size of raceway has been studied experimentally using a two-dimensional (2-D) cold model. It is observed that as the blast velocity from the tuyere increases, raceway size increases, and when the blast velocity is decreased from its highest value, raceway size does not change much until the velocity reaches a critical velocity. Below the critical velocity, raceway size decreases with decreasing velocity but is always larger than that for the same velocity when the velocity increased. This phenomenon is called raceway hysteresis. Raceway hysteresis has been studied in the presence of different gas flow rates and different particle densities. Raceway hysteresis has been observed in all the experiments. The effect of liquid flow, with various superficial velocities, on raceway hysteresis has also been studied. A study of raceway size hysteresis shows that interparticle and particle-wall friction have a very large effect on raceway size. A hypothesis has been proposed to describe the hysteresis phenomenon in the packed beds. The relevance of hysteresis to blast furnace raceways has been discussed. Existing literature correlations for raceway size ignore the frictional effects. Therefore, their applicability to the ironmaking blast furnace is questionable.


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A previously developed one-dimensional mathematical model, to explain raceway hysteresis, is used to predict the raceway diameter in operating blast furnaces and hot models. Raceway size obtained from the open literature under various conditions for various blast furnaces are compared with computed predictions. In addition the predictions are also compared with published outcomes from other hot models. Simulated results on raceway diameter are in very good agreement with published operating blast furnace and hot model data. The effect of various parameters such as tuyere and hearth diameter, coke size and density, void fraction and bed height on raceway diameter has been studied.


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It has been well recognized now that the blast furnace aerodynamics can be represented more accurately under the decreasing gas velocity condition. Therefore, gas-fines study has been carried out in a packed bed under the decreasing gas velocity condition. Gas and fines flow equations have been developed and solved, for two-dimensional case using finite volume method. To take into account the turbulence, k-e turbulent flow model has also been developed in two-dimension. The model's predictions have been validated against the published experimental data for the increasing gas velocity case, as no experimental data are available in open literature for the decreasing gas velocity. This study shows the difference in the results for increasing and decreasing gas velocity cases under various conditions which have been reported here. Implication of the results to the blast furnace condition has also been discussed.


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The flood flow in urbanised areas constitutes a major hazard to the population and infrastructure as seen during the summer 2010-2011 floods in Queensland (Australia). Flood flows in urban environments have been studied relatively recently, although no study considered the impact of turbulence in the flow. During the 12-13 January 2011 flood of the Brisbane River, some turbulence measurements were conducted in an inundated urban environment in Gardens Point Road next to Brisbane's central business district (CBD) at relatively high frequency (50 Hz). The properties of the sediment flood deposits were characterised and the acoustic Doppler velocimeter unit was calibrated to obtain both instantaneous velocity components and suspended sediment concentration in the same sampling volume with the same temporal resolution. While the flow motion in Gardens Point Road was subcritical, the water elevations and velocities fluctuated with a distinctive period between 50 and 80 s. The low frequency fluctuations were linked with some local topographic effects: i.e, some local choke induced by an upstream constriction between stairwells caused some slow oscillations with a period close to the natural sloshing period of the car park. The instantaneous velocity data were analysed using a triple decomposition, and the same triple decomposition was applied to the water depth, velocity flux, suspended sediment concentration and suspended sediment flux data. The velocity fluctuation data showed a large energy component in the slow fluctuation range. For the first two tests at z = 0.35 m, the turbulence data suggested some isotropy. At z = 0.083 m, on the other hand, the findings indicated some flow anisotropy. The suspended sediment concentration (SSC) data presented a general trend with increasing SSC for decreasing water depth. During a test (T4), some long -period oscillations were observed with a period about 18 minutes. The cause of these oscillations remains unknown to the authors. The last test (T5) took place in very shallow waters and high suspended sediment concentrations. It is suggested that the flow in the car park was disconnected from the main channel. Overall the flow conditions at the sampling sites corresponded to a specific momentum between 0.2 to 0.4 m2 which would be near the upper end of the scale for safe evacuation of individuals in flooded areas. But the authors do not believe the evacuation of individuals in Gardens Point Road would have been safe because of the intense water surges and flow turbulence. More generally any criterion for safe evacuation solely based upon the flow velocity, water depth or specific momentum cannot account for the hazards caused by the flow turbulence, water depth fluctuations and water surges.


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The piezoelastodynamic field equations are solved to determine the crack velocity at bifurcation for poled ferroelectric materials where the applied electrical field and mechanical stress can be varied. The underlying physical mechanism, however, may not correspond to that assumed in the analytical model. Bifurcation has been related to the occurrence of a pair of maximum circumferential stress oriented symmetrically about the moving crack path. The velocity at which this behavior prevails has been referred to as the limiting crack speed. Unlike the classical approach, bifurcation will be identified with finite distances ahead of a moving crack. Nucleation of microcracks can thus be modelled in a single formulation. This can be accomplished by using the energy density function where fracture initiation is identified with dominance of dilatation in relation to distortion. Poled ferroelectric materials are selected for this study because the microstructure effects for this class of materials can be readily reflected by the elastic, piezoelectic and dielectric permittivity constants at the macroscopic scale. Existing test data could also shed light on the trend of the analytical predictions. Numerical results are thus computed for PZT-4 and compared with those for PZT-6B in an effort to show whether the branching behavior would be affected by the difference in the material microstructures. A range of crack bifurcation speed upsilon(b) is found for different r/a and E/sigma ratios. Here, r and a stand for the radial distance and half crack length, respectively, while E and a for the electric field and mechanical stress. For PZT-6B with upsilon(b) in the range 100-1700 m/s, the bifurcation angles varied from +/-6degrees to +/-39degrees. This corresponds to E/sigma of -0.072 to 0.024 V m/N. At the same distance r/a = 0.1, PZT-4 gives upsilon(b) values of 1100-2100 m/s; bifurcation angles of +/-15degrees to +/-49degrees; and E/sigma of -0.056 to 0.059 V m/N. In general, the bifurcation angles +/-theta(0) are found to decrease with decreasing crack velocity as the distance r/a is increased. Relatively speaking, the speed upsilon(b) and angles +/-theta(0) for PZT-4 are much greater than those for PZT-6B. This may be attributed to the high electromechanical coupling effect of PZT-4. Using upsilon(b)(0) as a base reference, an equality relation upsilon(b)(-) < upsilon(b)(0) < upsilon(b)(+) can be established. The superscripts -, 0 and + refer, respectively, to negative, zero and positive electric field. This is reminiscent of the enhancement and retardation of crack growth behavior due to change in poling direction. Bifurcation characteristics are found to be somewhat erratic when r/a approaches the range 10(-2)-10(-1) where the kinetic energy densities would fluctuate and then rise as the distance from the moving crack is increased. This is an artifact introduced by the far away condition of non-vanishing particle velocity. A finite kinetic energy density prevails at infinity unless it is made to vanish in the boundary value problem. Future works are recommended to further clarify the physical mechanism(s) associated with bifurcation by means of analysis and experiment. Damage at the microscopic level needs to be addressed since it has been known to affect the macrocrack speeds and bifurcation characteristics. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Increasing air movement over poultry by using fans (ventilation) has become an accepted means of reducing environmental heat stress over the last several years. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of air velocity and exposure time to ventilation on body surface and rectal temperature of broiler chickens. Male broiler chickens aged 36-42 days were placed in individual wire cages and exposed to five different air velocities (5.7, 4.2, 3.1, 2.4, or 1.8 m/sec). Throughout the experiment head, back, leg, and rectal temperatures were monitored every 10 min during a 30-min period for each air velocity. The data showed that exposure time to the wind affected (P<.05) leg and body temperature, with a rapid reduction being observed during the first 10 min. There was a reduction in leg temperature with air velocity of 2 m/sec; however, air velocity lower than 4.5 m/sec was not effective in decreasing head and back temperature. The results suggest that air velocity of 2 m/sec, in air temperature of 29 degrees C, improves heat loss in the birds. The data also indicate that exposure time to ventilation seems to be a critical point in the maintenance of bird thermal homeostasis.


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Slowslip forms part of the spectrum of fault behaviour between stable creep and destructive earthquakes. Slow slip occurs near the boundaries of large earthquake rupture zones and may sometimes trigger fast earthquakes. It is thought to occur in faults comprised of rocks that strengthen under fast slip rates, preventing rupture as a normal earthquake, or on faults that have elevated pore-fluid pressures. However, the processes that control slow rupture and the relationship between slow and normal earthquakes are enigmatic. Here we use laboratory experiments to simulate faulting in natural rock samples taken from shallow parts of the Nankai subduction zone, Japan, where very low-frequency earthquakes - a form of slow slip - have been observed.We find that the fault rocks exhibit decreasing strength over millimetre-scale slip distances rather than weakening due to increasing velocity. However, the sizes of the slip nucleation patches in our laboratory simulations are similar to those expected for the very lowfrequency earthquakes observed in Nankai. We therefore suggest that this type of fault-weakening behaviour may generate slow earthquakes. Owing to the similarity between the expected behaviour of slow earthquakes based on our data, and that of normal earthquakes during nucleation, we suggest that some types of slow slip may represent prematurely arrested earthquakes.


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Porosity, permeability, and compressional (P-wave) velocity were measured as a function of stress on sediments from Ocean Drilling Program Site 1073, U.S. Mid-Atlantic continental slope. Thin sections, scanning electron microscopy, and X-ray diffraction analyses provided mineralogical characteristics of the samples. Uniaxial strain boundary conditions were imposed on the samples during consolidation tests with the maximum effective axial stress reaching 13 MPa. The maximum effective radial stress necessary to maintain uniaxial strain was 7.6 MPa. Over an effective axial stress interval of 0 to 5.2 MPa, Sample 174A-1073A-26X-2, 82-89 cm (226.65 meters below seafloor [mbsf]), exhibited the largest decrease in porosity (51% to 41%), whereas Sample 71X-1, 2-8 cm (644.70 mbsf), exhibited the smallest decrease in porosity (48% to 45%). All samples showed negligible porosity increases during unloading. The permeability (on the order of 1 x 10-17 m**2) of Sample 174A-1073A-71X-1, 2-8 cm, was twice that measured on Sample 8H-1, 23-26 cm (63.75 mbsf), even though the former was considerably deeper and older. The differences in porosity-stress behavior and permeability between shallow and deep samples is related to lithologic, mineralogic, and diagenetic differences between the sediments above and below the Pliocene-Pleistocene to Miocene unconformity. P-wave velocity for Samples 174A-1073A-41X-5, 97-103 cm (372.35 mbsf), and 71X-1, 2-8 cm, increased with decreasing porosity, but did not change significantly during unloading.