8 resultados para Decadentism
Notre mémoire prend pour objet d’étude les dix-sept textes brefs rassemblés dans le recueil Contes et nouvelles suivis du Théâtre, écrits durant la période symboliste et dans lesquels on constate un phénomène d’hybridation entre les genres narratif et dramatique ainsi qu’entre thèmes symbolistes et décadents. Le premier chapitre s’attache à l’étude de Contes et nouvelles suivis du Théâtre dans la perspective des poétiques du recueil afin de constituer les éléments qui en font une « anthologie de l’entre-deux » du corpus rachildien de textes brefs. En adoptant la perspective de la poétique des genres, il sera question dans le deuxième chapitre d’étudier l’hybridation des genres littéraires, plus précisément entre la prose narrative et le texte dramatique, donnant lieu à des textes en « prose dramatique » qui se situent entre texte à lire et à mettre en scène. Enfin, dans le troisième chapitre nous examinerons les thèmes et les motifs récurrents de l’imaginaire rachildien où s’entremêlent symbolisme et décadentisme, après nous être intéressée à « l’écriture artiste » sous la plume de Rachilde, qui permet de rendre « visibles » les différentes formes de spectres, d’illusions et d’ombres qui parsèment les textes de Contes et nouvelles suivis du Théâtre.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This monograph aims contribute to point out the presence of technical procedures, formal and thematic elements, typical of the Symbolist/Decadentism aesthetic in lyric poetry of Al Berto (1948-1997), using the Camilo Pessanha’s (1867-1926) work as tool to comparison. To achieve this goal, we analyze the corpus selected for research, consisting of three Pessanha’s poems taken from the book that brings together his work, Clepsidra, “Caminho I”, “Caminho II” e “[Depois das bodas de oiro]”, and three poems of Al Berto, taken from the book O Medo, which is the combination of his work too: “Os dias sem ninguém - 4”, “Doze moradas de silêncio – I” and “[no exíguo espaço do corpo ou da casa]”. Through the comparison between the analysis of the poems from Al Berto and Camilo Pessanha it was found resemblances, in fact, - and obviously some differences - between both. Furthermore, it was verified that Al Berto, a contemporary poet, rescues numerous traits of the decadent aesthetic, whose Camilo Pessanha is one of the greatest representatives
Poe, Baudelaire and Huysmans, voices that bewilder readers due to their literary iconoclastic impulse, knew how to bother society and tradition becoming archetypes of the poèt maudit. Eccentrics, these poets, living exiled to the margins of the frustrated bourgeois society with its moral rules, wish for something beyond world then was offering; so, they turn for the mysterious regions of the obscure, of the sordidness and of the Satanic, finally becoming the poets of the abyss. At the same time maudits and aesthetes, they wish to be sublime and consider the dandyism like the last ray of light of the decadence: it is what this article intends to discuss.
By the reading of news, reviews and essays published in Rio de Janeiro’s newspapers and periodicals, one intends to analyse how occured the perception and recognition of esthetic innovations introduced in Brazilian poetry by Fantos, by Lopes Filho, and Broquéis, by Cruz e Sousa.
This article is a discussion on the vision of transcendence peculiar to the poetic of Decadentism and considers the reference offered for the Cruz e Sousa´s poetry. We call poetic transcendence the search for Ideal and for broke the barrier of usual perception by the poetic work. Among the romantics, the transcendence was search for many ways; one of them was the sublime ravishing. In the Symbolism/Decadentism, the transcendent ravishing finds its opposite – the fall. The Cruz e Sousa´s poetry illustrates this new leitmotiv which have rise in the center of Modernity.