974 resultados para Death Children
Alma-Ata declaration bring the Primary Attention to the Health (PAH) as first level of health attention for individuals, family and community, which considers infant group as priority. Several initiatives that gave bases to integral attention to the children health formalized in the principles of Unique Health System. Family Health Strategy (FHS) comes to strengthen this attention, instituting new ways of work organization and professional practices that gave impact in their quality indicators. One of them is children mortality, showing decline in their values. Though, studies indicates persistence of avoidable infant deaths. In Natal RN, this reality is also perceptible leading to inquietudes, mainly at the space of services production, it means, which motivated the accomplishment of the present study intending to analyse the way that the organizational and structural processes as long as the professional practices in FHS interfered in the quality of children s health attention who died by avoidable death in the year of 2007 in municipal district of Natal-RN. It treats, therefore, to an exploratory and descriptive survey of cases study type, thar had as primary sources the oficial documents of MH, the family prontuary, pregnant card, child card and testimony obt ined from instrument of research elaborated based in investigation form of infant death by MH, applied to 10 mothers of children who had avoidable death. In analysis it was appealed silmultaneous triangulation of methods and sources, allowing a bigger aproximation from obtained informations. To elucidate the cases, the aspects studied were analyzed to the light of explicative model of Social Determinants of Health. Among individual and family aspects were highlighted the related to age, schooling, family habits and customs and mother s economic condition, besides of pregnancy age, newborn weight and associated diseases, which don t differ from literature about the theme. Reffering to the factors organizational and structural processes and professionals practice, highlihgted, the treatment given by the professionals, the territorialization and adscription of areas, the difficulty of having access to the services or sleepers and the reference and counterreference. But also, the ausence or few greet, the lack of communication, few assiduity and ponctuality by professionals in service, among others. In a general way mothers considers the attendance received in the hospital good and very good , opnions that in the Basic Attention weren t so favorable, in spite of many of predictible actions in this level have been performed in the studied cases. It is observed, therefore, that the social determinants of health has a strong influence in ocurrence of infant deaths, what implicates in a large actuation by Infant Mortality Committee from municipal district. This way, it becomes fundamental the reflection and evaluation about the effectiveness and execution by the processes of vigilance to health in FHUs; the rethink about the social determinants of health in a wide and articulate way to the services quality, to permanent education, to management in service, to the given attention and to the way how it is installed the popular participation and social control. To the professionals it is presented the great challenge to review their daily practice, their values, behaviors and commitment, which ones must be guided by logical of sharing, work in team, humanescence and alterity, not only by the accomplishment of a professional duty
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
El artículo refiere a una investigación doctoral en curso sobre el desarrollo de la comprensión infantil de la muerte, y se centra en los conceptos de lo real, lo posible y lo necesario de las últimas investigaciones piagetianas. Aunque se trata de una discusión teórica, se mencionan algunos estudios precedentes acerca de la comprensión de la muerte, puntuando algunos de sus problemas metodológicos vinculados con la distinción entre creencias infantiles sugeridas y espontáneas. Se presentan algunos datos de nuestras exploraciones piloto con niños de 5 a 10 años. Ellos se utilizan como ilustración en la discusión sobre la posibilidad de analizar el desarrollo del concepto de muerte desde la hipótesis 'tendiente a precisar los mecanismos productores de novedad' de la diferenciación gradual entre lo real, lo posible y lo necesario. Se señala que la aceptación de la universalidad, la inevitabilidad y la irreversibilidad de la muerte es una constante en todos los niños entrevistados. Asimismo, sus ideas acerca de la 'persistencia de la existencia' luego de la muerte, y de la 'relocalización' post mórtem en otro espacio, sugieren la presencia de mecanismos análogos a los hallados en otros estudios. Finalmente, la co-existencia de racionalidades diferentes en un mismo sujeto, parecen manifestar las complejas relaciones entre representaciones sociales y creencias espontáneas
El artículo refiere a una investigación doctoral en curso sobre el desarrollo de la comprensión infantil de la muerte, y se centra en los conceptos de lo real, lo posible y lo necesario de las últimas investigaciones piagetianas. Aunque se trata de una discusión teórica, se mencionan algunos estudios precedentes acerca de la comprensión de la muerte, puntuando algunos de sus problemas metodológicos vinculados con la distinción entre creencias infantiles sugeridas y espontáneas. Se presentan algunos datos de nuestras exploraciones piloto con niños de 5 a 10 años. Ellos se utilizan como ilustración en la discusión sobre la posibilidad de analizar el desarrollo del concepto de muerte desde la hipótesis 'tendiente a precisar los mecanismos productores de novedad' de la diferenciación gradual entre lo real, lo posible y lo necesario. Se señala que la aceptación de la universalidad, la inevitabilidad y la irreversibilidad de la muerte es una constante en todos los niños entrevistados. Asimismo, sus ideas acerca de la 'persistencia de la existencia' luego de la muerte, y de la 'relocalización' post mórtem en otro espacio, sugieren la presencia de mecanismos análogos a los hallados en otros estudios. Finalmente, la co-existencia de racionalidades diferentes en un mismo sujeto, parecen manifestar las complejas relaciones entre representaciones sociales y creencias espontáneas
El artículo refiere a una investigación doctoral en curso sobre el desarrollo de la comprensión infantil de la muerte, y se centra en los conceptos de lo real, lo posible y lo necesario de las últimas investigaciones piagetianas. Aunque se trata de una discusión teórica, se mencionan algunos estudios precedentes acerca de la comprensión de la muerte, puntuando algunos de sus problemas metodológicos vinculados con la distinción entre creencias infantiles sugeridas y espontáneas. Se presentan algunos datos de nuestras exploraciones piloto con niños de 5 a 10 años. Ellos se utilizan como ilustración en la discusión sobre la posibilidad de analizar el desarrollo del concepto de muerte desde la hipótesis 'tendiente a precisar los mecanismos productores de novedad' de la diferenciación gradual entre lo real, lo posible y lo necesario. Se señala que la aceptación de la universalidad, la inevitabilidad y la irreversibilidad de la muerte es una constante en todos los niños entrevistados. Asimismo, sus ideas acerca de la 'persistencia de la existencia' luego de la muerte, y de la 'relocalización' post mórtem en otro espacio, sugieren la presencia de mecanismos análogos a los hallados en otros estudios. Finalmente, la co-existencia de racionalidades diferentes en un mismo sujeto, parecen manifestar las complejas relaciones entre representaciones sociales y creencias espontáneas
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''Phillips, Sampson, & Co. publish the following works''--catalogue, p. [153-155].
Diesel trucks and buses account for approximately 50 percent of the particulate matter (PM) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) air pollution from on-road vehicles in Illinois. PM and NOx may contribute to a variety of health effects, including nausea, headaches, increased risk of asthma attacks, lung cancer, and premature death. Children and people with lung and heart conditions, are generally the most sensitive to diesel exhaust. Millions of tons of air pollution are emitted every year in the U.S. by trucks and buses that idle while parked.
OBJECTOVE - To examine mortality rates and causes of death among subjects diagnosed with type I diabetes aged
This study explores the mortuary remains of children from the MH-LH I periods of the Argolid, Greece. This examination concentrates on how the child in death acted as a tool for wealth and status display. Here, children are understood to have perpetuated, maintained, and reinforced status distinctions between families in their community. The analysis of one hundred child burials that date to these periods illustrates how the burials of children were important opportunities used by the families of children to display wealth and status. Thus, children can be viewed as important factors in the reorganization of social structure in the transition from the Middle to Late Helladic.
The impact that “Romanization” and the development of urban centers had on the health of the Romano-British population is little understood. A re-examination of the skeletal remains of 364 nonadults from the civitas capital at Roman Dorchester (Durnovaria) in Dorset was carried out to measure the health of the children living in this small urban area. The cemetery population was divided into two groups; the first buried their dead organized within an east–west alignment with possible Christian-style graves, and the second with more varied “pagan” graves, aligned north–south. A higher prevalence of malnutrition and trauma was evident in the children from Dorchester than in any other published Romano-British group, with levels similar to those seen in postmedieval industrial communities. Cribra orbitalia was present in 38.5% of the children, with rickets and/or scurvy at 11.2%. Twelve children displayed fractures of the ribs, with 50% of cases associated with rickets and/or scurvy, suggesting that rib fractures should be considered during the diagnosis of these conditions. The high prevalence of anemia, rickets, and scurvy in the Poundbury children, and especially the infants, indicates that this community may have adopted child-rearing practices that involved fasting the newborn, a poor quality weaning diet, and swaddling, leading to general malnutrition and inadequate exposure to sunlight. The Pagan group showed no evidence of scurvy or rib fractures, indicating difference in religious and child-rearing practices but that both burial groups were equally susceptible to rickets and anemia suggests a shared poor standard of living in this urban environment.
Solo exhibition of 22 paintings at Outpost gallery, Norwich. And launch of Issue Four: Negative Space (2010) by John Russell – limited edition letterpress print published by Stone Canyon Nocturne Press.
It is clear that sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) is mainly a problem for people with refractory epilepsy, but our understanding of the best way to its prevention is still incomplete. Although the pharmacological treatments available for epilepsies have expanded, some antiepileptic drugs are still limited in clinical efficacy. In the present paper, we described an experience with vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) treatment by opening space and providing the opportunity to implement effective preventative maps to reduce the incidence of SUDEP in children and adolescents with refractory epilepsy.
Objective: The purpose of this case-control study was to evaluate risk factors associated with death in children with severe dengue. Methods: The clinical condition of hospitalized patients with severe dengue who died (cases, n = 18) was compared with that of hospitalized patients with severe dengue who survived (controls, n = 77). The inclusion criteria for this study were age under 13 years; hospital admission in São Luis, northeastern Brazil; and laboratory-confirmed diagnosis of dengue. Results: Severe bleeding (hemoptysis), a defining criterion for dengue severity, was the factor most strongly associated with death in our study. We also found that epistaxis and persistent vomiting, both included as warning signs in the World Health Organization (WHO) classification of dengue, were strongly associated with death. No significant association was observed between any of the laboratory findings and death. Conclusions: The finding that epistaxis and persistent vomiting were also associated with death in children with severe dengue was unexpected and deserves to be explored in future studies. Because intensive care units are often limited in resource-poor settings, any information that can help to distinguish patients with severe dengue with a higher risk to progress to death may be crucial.
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