8 resultados para Datiloscopia


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A genética forense tem grande importância na geração de provas em casos de violência sexual, paternidade criminal, identificação de cadáveres e investigação de evidências de locais de crime. A análise de STRs apresenta grande poder de discriminação, mas é uma metodologia multi-etapas, trabalhosa, cara e em muitos casos a análise genética é prejudicada pela baixa quantidade e qualidade das evidências coletadas. Este estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver e caracterizar uma metodologia de triagem de amostras forenses através da análise de perfis de dissociação em alta resolução (HRM) de regiões do DNA mitocondrial, o qual está presente em maior número de cópias e mais resistente a degradação. Para tanto, foram extraídos DNAs de 68 doadores. Estas amostras foram sequenciadas e analisadas por HRM para sete alvos no DNA mitocondrial. Também foram realizados ensaios para determinar a influência do método de extração, da concentração e nível de degradação do DNA no perfil de HRM obtido para uma amostra. Os resultados demonstraram a capacidade da técnica de excluir indivíduos com sequências diferentes da referência comparativa em cinco regiões amplificadas. Podem ser analisadas em conjunto, amostras de DNA com variação de concentração de até a ordem de 100 vezes e extraídas por diferentes metodologias. Condições de degradação de material genético não prejudicaram a obtenção de perfis de dissociação em alta resolução. A sensibilidade da técnica foi aprimorada com a análise de produtos de amplificação de tamanho reduzido. A fim de otimizar o ensaio foi testada a análise de HRM em reações de PCR duplex. Um dos pares de amplificação forneceu perfis de HRM compatíveis com resultados obtidos de reações com amplificação de apenas um dos alvos. Através da análise conjunta das cinco regiões, esta metodologia visa a identificação de indivíduos não relacionados com as referências comparativas, diminuindo o número de amostras a serem analisadas por STRs, reduzindo gastos e aumentando a eficiência da rotina de laboratórios de genética forense.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE


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Experimental models composed by human and animal cell lines are simplified and informative, allowing them to be widely used for biomedical research. Most laboratories that use in vitro cultivated cells maintain a variation of cell lines stored and cultivated. Therefore, misidentification and cross-contamination events can happen during cell lines handling. This problem can generate a repertoire of dubious results and papers, which may prejudice biomedical research. Recently it was created the International Cell Line Authentication Committee (ICLAC), which aims to spread knowledge about cross-contamination and misidentification of in vitro cell lines. Despite of the efforts spent trying to aware scientific community about the importance of the correct identification of cells, the number of papers based on misidentified cell lines it´s still worrying, compromising the reliability of out coming results and conclusions regarding them. The present study aims to analyze and discuss the main advantages and limitations of eukaryote in vitro cell lines use, characterizing the cell lines authentication problems. Therefore, compilation and critical analyses of literature data was realized, aiming to improve the understanding about this subject. Based on information about 445 cell lines with issues published by ICLAC it´s clear that contamination in human cell lines represented 89,2 % of mentioned problems. HeLa cell line was the responsible for most contamination, especially in 92 normal tissue cell lines, representing 44,6% of the contamination. These results reinforce the importance of periodic maintenance of cell lines cultures by labs and implementation of authentication methods as polymorphic STRs, besides obtaining cell lines from reliable sources and cell banks


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The biometric characteristics have been used increasingly as a way to identify an individual, mainly for security reasons. Among them, the fingerprint is the most used biometric characteristic around the world, because it is relatively simple and very efficient. In this scene, there was a significant increase in the size of databases containing information on fingerprints, necessary to perform the recognition of a person. The task of classifying them beforehand has become extremely important as it reduces dramatically the size of the problem during a search, because it is not necessary to go through the whole database. Considering its importance, in the last thirty years, many techniques have been developed to try to increase the efficiency of the classification process. This project followed the rules-based approach and the Software Development Kit (SDK) VeriFinger 6.1 was used to assist in the detection of cores and deltas. Additionally, the classification was also implemented by means of directional map and the Poincar´e index. To make the experiments, the number four database from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) was used, which is a standard in this area


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The use of physical characteristics for human identification is known as biometrics. Among the many biometrics traits available, the fingerprint is the most widely used. The fingerprint identification is based on the impression patterns, as the pattern of ridges and minutiae, characteristics of first and second levels respectively. The current identification systems use these two levels of fingerprint features due to the low cost of the sensors. However, the recent advances in sensor technology, became possible to use third level features present within the ridges, such as the perspiration pores. Recent studies show that the use of third-level features can increase security and fraud protection in biometric systems, since they are difficult to reproduce. In addition, recent researches have also focused on multibiometrics recognition due to its many advantages. The goal of this research project was to apply fusion techniques for fingerprint recognition in order to combine minutia, ridges and pore-based methods and, thus, provide more robust biometrics recognition systems, and also to develop an automated fingerprint identification system using these three methods of recognition. We evaluated isotropic-based and adaptive-based automatic pore extraction methods, and the fusion of pore-based method with the identification methods based on minutiae and ridges. The experiments were performed on the public database PolyUHRF and showed a reduction of approximately 16% in the EER compared to the best results obtained by the methods individually


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE