931 resultados para Data confidentiality and integrity


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Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an emerging wireless object identification technology with many potential applications such as supply chain management, personnel tracking and healthcare. However, security vulnerabilities of the RFID system have been a serious concern for its wide adoption in many applications. Although much work has been done to provide privacy and anonymity, little focus has been given to ensure RFID data confidentiality, integrity and to address the tampered data recovery problem. To this end, we propose a lightweight stenographic-based approach to ensure RFID data confidentiality and integrity as well as the recovery of tampered RFID data.


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Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an emerging wireless object identification technology with many potential applications such as supply chain management, personnel tracking and healthcare. However, security vulnerabilities of the RFID system have been a serious concern for its wide adoption in many applications. Although there are lots of work to provide privacy and anonymity, little focus has been given to ensure confidentiality and integrity of RFID tag data. To this end, we propose a lightweight hybrid approach based on stenographic and watermarking to ensure data confidentiality, linkability resistance and integrity on the RFID tags data. The proposed technique is capable of tampered data recovering and restoring for RFID tag. It has been validated and tested on EPC class 1 gen2 tags.


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Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an emerging wireless object identification technology with many potential applications such as supply chain management, personnel tracking and healthcare. However, security vulnerabilities of the RFID system have been a serious concern for its wide adoption in many applications. Although much work has been done to provide privacy and anonymity, little focus has been given to ensure RFID data confidentiality, integrity and to address the tampered data recovery problem. To this end, we propose a lightweight stenographic-based approach to ensure RFID data confidentiality and integrity as well as the recovery of tampered RFID data. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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Data flow analysis techniques can be used to help assess threats to data confidentiality and integrity in security critical program code. However, a fundamental weakness of static analysis techniques is that they overestimate the ways in which data may propagate at run time. Discounting large numbers of these false-positive data flow paths wastes an information security evaluator's time and effort. Here we show how to automatically eliminate some false-positive data flow paths by precisely modelling how classified data is blocked by certain expressions in embedded C code. We present a library of detailed data flow models of individual expression elements and an algorithm for introducing these components into conventional data flow graphs. The resulting models can be used to accurately trace byte-level or even bit-level data flow through expressions that are normally treated as atomic. This allows us to identify expressions that safely downgrade their classified inputs and thereby eliminate false-positive data flow paths from the security evaluation process. To validate the approach we have implemented and tested it in an existing data flow analysis toolkit.


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This article presents a novel approach to confidentiality violation detection based on taint marking. Information flows are dynamically tracked between applications and objects of the operating system such as files, processes and sockets. A confidentiality policy is defined by labelling sensitive information and defining which information may leave the local system through network exchanges. Furthermore, per application profiles can be defined to restrict the sets of information each application may access and/or send through the network. In previous works, we focused on the use of mandatory access control mechanisms for information flow tracking. In this current work, we have extended the previous information flow model to track network exchanges, and we are able to define a policy attached to network sockets. We show an example application of this extension in the context of a compromised web browser: our implementation detects a confidentiality violation when the browser attempts to leak private information to a remote host over the network.


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En los últimos años, la seguridad en redes y servicios ha evolucionado de manera exponencial debido al crecimiento de dispositivos conectados a Internet. Con el avance de las nuevas tecnologías es imprescindible dotar a cualquier servicio o dispositivo de la seguridad adecuada dado que éstos se pueden ver afectados por diversas amenazas tales como la accesibilidad, la integridad, la identidad del usuario, la disponibilidad y la confidencialidad de los datos. Cuando se trata de comunicaciones, la seguridad cobra especial importancia dado que los datos enviados a través de la red pueden ser interceptados por un agente no autorizado y utilizarlos para su propio beneficio o alterar su contenido. Para contrarrestar estos ataques, se han definido unos servicios de seguridad como son, por ejemplo, la confidencialidad y la integridad de los datos. Existen diversos mecanismos de seguridad que implementan estos servicios los cuales se apoyan en técnicas criptográficas. Desde el comienzo de las primeras comunicaciones se han desarrollado diferentes técnicas criptográficas que han ido evolucionando a la vez que éstas. La primera de estas técnicas conocida fue escítala lacedemonia en el siglo V a.C. Los éforos espartanos, que eran los que utilizaban dicha técnica, escribían el mensaje en una cinta de cuero o papiro enrollada en una vara de grosor variable. A continuación desenrollaban la cinta y la enviaban al receptor. Sí el mensaje era interceptado solo podrían leer una pila de letras sin sentido. Sí el mensaje llegaba al receptor, éste enrollaría de nuevo la cinta en una vara del mismo grosor que lo hizo el emisor y leería el mensaje. En este proyecto de fin de grado se va a realizar un estudio del estado de arte sobre mecanismos de seguridad para posteriormente diseñar e implementar un componente de seguridad que ofrecerá los servicios citados. Dicho componente se integrará en el sistema del proyecto Europeo I3RES como un servicio más de los definidos dentro del propio proyecto. Los servicios de seguridad que requiere el proyecto I3RES, y por tanto los que ofrecerá el componente, son los de autenticación, integridad, no repudio y confidencialidad. El proyecto I3RES basa su sistema en una arquitectura distribuida por lo que es necesario realizar un estudio del estado del arte sobre dichas arquitecturas para el correcto despliegue del componente en el sistema. Actualmente, la mayoría de los sistemas mantienen una arquitectura distribuida. Este tipo de arquitectura conecta distintos equipos y dispositivos que están separados físicamente mediante una red llamada middleware. Estos equipos trabajan conjuntamente para implementar un conjunto de servicios. En el documento presente se tratan todos los temas anteriormente citados y se detalla el componente a desarrollar así como las correspondientes pruebas de validación y las conclusiones obtenidas. ABSTRACT. Security in networks and services have been extensively developed in last decades due to the arising of multiple devices connected to Internet. Advances in new technologies enhanced the necessity of security requirements to in order to avoid several warnings such as accessibility, integrity, user identity, availability, and confidentiality of our data. In terms of communications, security is crucial due to data could be intercepted on Internet by non-authorised agents which could use them or even alter their content. In order to avoid this warnings, security services have been defined such as data confidentiality and integrity. There is several security mechanism which implement this services based on cryptographic techniques. In parallel to the evolution of communication, cryptographic technics have been also developed with. The most ancient of technics was described in s. V b.C called escitala lacedemonia. Spartan ephorts, which extensively used this method, were used to write messages on the surface of a leather tape or papyri which were rolled on a rod. Next, they unrolled the tape and they sent to the receptor. Whether the message was intercepted they just would be able to read a mess of letters without sense. On the other hand, if the message arrive to the proper receptor, he roll the tape again in a rod with similar anchor of the transmitter one which leads to the adequate read. This Degree Project is focused on an analysis of the state of art about security mechanism together with a design and implement of a security component which offered the services mentioned. This component will be integrated within the European project I3RES as one of the security elements defined inside the project. The security components required in project I3REs are authentication, integrity and non-repudiation will be offered by the designed component as well. Nowadays, the most of the systems maintain a distributed architecture. This type of architecture connect several devices which are physically separated by a network called middleware. This equipment work altogether to implement a set of services. This document is focused on all the topics mentioned as well as the details of the component developed together with the validation tests required and the conclusions obtained.


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Opportunistic Networks aim to set a reliable networks where the nodes has no end-To-end connection and the communication links often suffer from frequent disruption and long delays. The design of the OppNets routing protocols is facing a serious challenges such as the protection of the data confidentiality and integrity. OppNets exploit the characteristics of the human social, such as similarities, daily routines, mobility patterns and interests to perform the message routing and data sharing. Packet dropping attack is one of the hardest attacks in Opportunistic Networks as both the source nodes and the destination nodes have no knowledge of where or when the packet will be dropped. In this paper, we present a new malicious nodes detection technique against packet faking attack where the malicious node drops one or more packets and instead of them injects new fake packets. We have called this novel attack in our previous works a packet faking attack. Each node in Opportunistic Networks can detect and then traceback the malicious nodes based on a solid and powerful idea that is, hash chain techniques. In our hash chain based defense techniques we have two phases. The first phases is to detect the attack, and the second phases is to find the malicious nodes. We have compared our approach with the acknowledgement based mechanisms and the networks coding based mechanism which are well known approaches in the literature. In our simulation, we have achieved a very high node detection accuracy and low false negative rate.


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The paper examines the nature of qualitative empirical studies published in the AHRD proceedings from 1999-2003 and discusses findings on method, rationale for method, data collection, sampling strategies, and integrity measures.