997 resultados para Data Warehousing
During the last few years many research efforts have been done to improve the design of ETL (Extract-Transform-Load) systems. ETL systems are considered very time-consuming, error-prone and complex involving several participants from different knowledge domains. ETL processes are one of the most important components of a data warehousing system that are strongly influenced by the complexity of business requirements, their changing and evolution. These aspects influence not only the structure of a data warehouse but also the structures of the data sources involved with. To minimize the negative impact of such variables, we propose the use of ETL patterns to build specific ETL packages. In this paper, we formalize this approach using BPMN (Business Process Modelling Language) for modelling more conceptual ETL workflows, mapping them to real execution primitives through the use of a domain-specific language that allows for the generation of specific instances that can be executed in an ETL commercial tool.
Työn tavoittena oli selvittää, miten tietovarastointi voi tukea yrityksessä tapahtuvaa päätöksentekoa. Tietovarastokomponenttien ja –prosessien kuvauksen jälkeen on käsitelty tietovarastoprojektin eri vaiheita. Esitettyä teoriaa sovellettiin käytäntöön globaalissa metalliteollisuusyrityksessä, jossa tietovarastointikonseptia testattiin. Testauksen perusteella arvioitiin olemassa olevan tiedon tilaa sekä kahden käytetyn ohjelmiston toimivuutta tietovarastoinnissa. Yrityksen operatiivisten järjestelmien tiedon laadun todettiin olevan tutkituilta osin epäyhtenäistä ja puutteellista. Siksi tiedon suora yrityslaajuinen hyödyntäminen luotettavien ja hyvälaatuisten raporttien luonnissa on vaikeaa. Lisäksi eri yksiköiden välillä havaittiin epäyhtenäisyyttä käytettyjen liiketoiminnan käsitteiden sekä järjestelmien käyttötapojen suhteen. Testauksessa käytetyt ohjelmistot suoriutuivat perustietovarastoinnista hyvin, vaikkakin joitain rajoituksia ja erikoisuuksia ilmenikin. Työtä voidaan pitää ennen varsinaista tietovarastoprojektia tehtävänä esitutkimuksena. Jatkotoimenpiteinä ehdotetaan testauksen jatkamista nykyisillä työkaluilla kohdistaen tavoitteet konkreettisiin tuloksiin. Tiedon laadun tärkeyttä tulee korostaa koko organisaatiossa ja olemassa olevan tiedon laatua pitää parantaa tulevaisuudessa.
OBJECTIVES: The prediction of protein structure and the precise understanding of protein folding and unfolding processes remains one of the greatest challenges in structural biology and bioinformatics. Computer simulations based on molecular dynamics (MD) are at the forefront of the effort to gain a deeper understanding of these complex processes. Currently, these MD simulations are usually on the order of tens of nanoseconds, generate a large amount of conformational data and are computationally expensive. More and more groups run such simulations and generate a myriad of data, which raises new challenges in managing and analyzing these data. Because the vast range of proteins researchers want to study and simulate, the computational effort needed to generate data, the large data volumes involved, and the different types of analyses scientists need to perform, it is desirable to provide a public repository allowing researchers to pool and share protein unfolding data. METHODS: To adequately organize, manage, and analyze the data generated by unfolding simulation studies, we designed a data warehouse system that is embedded in a grid environment to facilitate the seamless sharing of available computer resources and thus enable many groups to share complex molecular dynamics simulations on a more regular basis. RESULTS: To gain insight into the conformational fluctuations and stability of the monomeric forms of the amyloidogenic protein transthyretin (TTR), molecular dynamics unfolding simulations of the monomer of human TTR have been conducted. Trajectory data and meta-data of the wild-type (WT) protein and the highly amyloidogenic variant L55P-TTR represent the test case for the data warehouse. CONCLUSIONS: Web and grid services, especially pre-defined data mining services that can run on or 'near' the data repository of the data warehouse, are likely to play a pivotal role in the analysis of molecular dynamics unfolding data.
Project justification is regarded as one of the major methodological deficits in Data Warehousing practice. As reasons for applying inappropriate methods, performing incomplete evaluations, or even entirely omitting justifications, the special nature of Data Warehousing benefits and the large portion of infrastructure-related activities are stated. In this paper, the economic justification of Data Warehousing projects is analyzed, and first results from a large academiaindustry collaboration project in the field of non-technical issues of Data Warehousing are presented. As conceptual foundations, the role of the Data Warehouse system in corporate application architectures is analyzed, and the specific properties of Data Warehousing projects are discussed. Based on an applicability analysis of traditional approaches to economic IT project justification, basic steps and responsibilities for the justification of Data Warehousing projects are derived.
Construction organizations typically deal with large volumes of project data containing valuable information. It is found that these organizations do not use these data effectively for planning and decision-making. There are two reasons. First, the information systems in construction organizations are designed to support day-to-day construction operations. The data stored in these systems are often non-validated, non-integrated and are available in a format that makes it difficult for decision makers to use in order to make timely decisions. Second, the organizational structure and the IT infrastructure are often not compatible with the information systems thereby resulting in higher operational costs and lower productivity. These two issues have been investigated in this research with the objective of developing systems that are structured for effective decision-making. ^ A framework was developed to guide storage and retrieval of validated and integrated data for timely decision-making and to enable construction organizations to redesign their organizational structure and IT infrastructure matched with information system capabilities. The research was focused on construction owner organizations that were continuously involved in multiple construction projects. Action research and Data warehousing techniques were used to develop the framework. ^ One hundred and sixty-three construction owner organizations were surveyed in order to assess their data needs, data management practices and extent of use of information systems in planning and decision-making. For in-depth analysis, Miami-Dade Transit (MDT) was selected which is in-charge of all transportation-related construction projects in the Miami-Dade county. A functional model and a prototype system were developed to test the framework. The results revealed significant improvements in data management and decision-support operations that were examined through various qualitative (ease in data access, data quality, response time, productivity improvement, etc.) and quantitative (time savings and operational cost savings) measures. The research results were first validated by MDT and then by a representative group of twenty construction owner organizations involved in various types of construction projects. ^
Construction organizations typically deal with large volumes of project data containing valuable information. It is found that these organizations do not use these data effectively for planning and decision-making. There are two reasons. First, the information systems in construction organizations are designed to support day-to-day construction operations. The data stored in these systems are often non-validated, nonintegrated and are available in a format that makes it difficult for decision makers to use in order to make timely decisions. Second, the organizational structure and the IT infrastructure are often not compatible with the information systems thereby resulting in higher operational costs and lower productivity. These two issues have been investigated in this research with the objective of developing systems that are structured for effective decision-making. A framework was developed to guide storage and retrieval of validated and integrated data for timely decision-making and to enable construction organizations to redesign their organizational structure and IT infrastructure matched with information system capabilities. The research was focused on construction owner organizations that were continuously involved in multiple construction projects. Action research and Data warehousing techniques were used to develop the framework. One hundred and sixty-three construction owner organizations were surveyed in order to assess their data needs, data management practices and extent of use of information systems in planning and decision-making. For in-depth analysis, Miami-Dade Transit (MDT) was selected which is in-charge of all transportation-related construction projects in the Miami-Dade county. A functional model and a prototype system were developed to test the framework. The results revealed significant improvements in data management and decision-support operations that were examined through various qualitative (ease in data access, data quality, response time, productivity improvement, etc.) and quantitative (time savings and operational cost savings) measures. The research results were first validated by MDT and then by a representative group of twenty construction owner organizations involved in various types of construction projects.
Pretende-se desenvolver um Data Warehouse para um grupo empresarial constituído por quatro empresas, tendo como objectivo primordial a consolidação de informação. A consolidação da informação é de extrema utilidade, uma vez que as empresas podem ter dados comuns, tais como, produtos ou clientes. O principal objectivo dos sistemas analíticos é permitir analisar os dados dos sistemas transacionais da organização, fazendo com que os utilizadores que nada percebem destes sistemas consigam ter apoio nas tomadas decisão de uma forma simples e eficaz. A utilização do Data Warehouse é útil no apoio a decisões, uma vez que torna os utilizadores autónomos na realização de análises. Os utilizadores deixam de estar dependentes de especialistas em informática para efectuar as suas consultas e passam a ser eles próprios a realizá-las. Por conseguinte, o tempo de execução de uma consulta através do Data Warehouse é de poucos segundos, ao contrário das consultas criadas anteriormente pelos especialistas que por vezes demoravam horas a ser executadas. __ ABSTRACT: lt is intended to develop a Data Warehouse for a business related group of four companies, having by main goal the information consolidation. This information consolidation is of extreme usefulness since the companies can have common data, such as products or customers. The main goal of the analytical systems is to allow analyze data from the organization transactional systems, making that the users that do not understand anything of these systems may have support in a simple and effective way in every process of taking decisions. Using the Data Warehouse is useful to support decisions, once it will allow users to become autonomous in carrying out analysis. Users will no longer depend on computer experts to make their own queries and they can do it themselves. Therefore, the time of a query through the Data Warehouse takes only a few seconds, unlike the earlier queries created previously by experts that sometimes took hours to run.
Тихомир Трифонов, Цветанка Георгиева-Трифонова - В настоящата статия е представена системата bgBell/OLAP за складиране и онлайн аналитична обработка на данни за уникални български камбани. Реализираната система предоставя възможност за извеждане на обобщени справки и анализиране на различни характеристики на камбаните, за да се извлече предварително неизвестна и потенциално полезна информация.
The increasing availability of mobility data and the awareness of its importance and value have been motivating many researchers to the development of models and tools for analyzing movement data. This paper presents a brief survey of significant research works about modeling, processing and visualization of data about moving objects. We identified some key research fields that will provide better features for online analysis of movement data. As result of the literature review, we suggest a generic multi-layer architecture for the development of an online analysis processing software tool, which will be used for the definition of the future work of our team.
Esta dissertação incide sobre a problemática da construção de um data warehouse para a empresa AdClick que opera na área de marketing digital. O marketing digital é um tipo de marketing que utiliza os meios de comunicação digital, com a mesma finalidade do método tradicional que se traduz na divulgação de bens, negócios e serviços e a angariação de novos clientes. Existem diversas estratégias de marketing digital tendo em vista atingir tais objetivos, destacando-se o tráfego orgânico e tráfego pago. Onde o tráfego orgânico é caracterizado pelo desenvolvimento de ações de marketing que não envolvem quaisquer custos inerentes à divulgação e/ou angariação de potenciais clientes. Por sua vez o tráfego pago manifesta-se pela necessidade de investimento em campanhas capazes de impulsionar e atrair novos clientes. Inicialmente é feita uma abordagem do estado da arte sobre business intelligence e data warehousing, e apresentadas as suas principais vantagens as empresas. Os sistemas business intelligence são necessários, porque atualmente as empresas detêm elevados volumes de dados ricos em informação, que só serão devidamente explorados fazendo uso das potencialidades destes sistemas. Nesse sentido, o primeiro passo no desenvolvimento de um sistema business intelligence é concentrar todos os dados num sistema único integrado e capaz de dar apoio na tomada de decisões. É então aqui que encontramos a construção do data warehouse como o sistema único e ideal para este tipo de requisitos. Nesta dissertação foi elaborado o levantamento das fontes de dados que irão abastecer o data warehouse e iniciada a contextualização dos processos de negócio existentes na empresa. Após este momento deu-se início à construção do data warehouse, criação das dimensões e tabelas de factos e definição dos processos de extração e carregamento dos dados para o data warehouse. Assim como a criação das diversas views. Relativamente ao impacto que esta dissertação atingiu destacam-se as diversas vantagem a nível empresarial que a empresa parceira neste trabalho retira com a implementação do data warehouse e os processos de ETL para carregamento de todas as fontes de informação. Sendo que algumas vantagens são a centralização da informação, mais flexibilidade para os gestores na forma como acedem à informação. O tratamento dos dados de forma a ser possível a extração de informação a partir dos mesmos.
Dissertação de mestrado em Systems Engineering
Proyecto final de grado consistente en la explotación de un data warehouse para el análisis de información sobre el tránsito rodado de vehículos.
Diseño, elaboración y explotación de un data warehouse para una institución sanitaria.