969 resultados para Data Exchange
The HUPO Proteomics Standards Initiative has developed several standardized data formats to facilitate data sharing in mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics. These allow researchers to report their complete results in a unified way. However, at present, there is no format to describe the final qualitative and quantitative results for proteomics and metabolomics experiments in a simple tabular format. Many downstream analysis use cases are only concerned with the final results of an experiment and require an easily accessible format, compatible with tools such as Microsoft Excel or R. We developed the mzTab file format for MS-based proteomics and metabolomics results to meet this need. mzTab is intended as a lightweight supplement to the existing standard XML-based file formats (mzML, mzIdentML, mzQuantML), providing a comprehensive summary, similar in concept to the supplemental material of a scientific publication. mzTab files can contain protein, peptide, and small molecule identifications together with experimental metadata and basic quantitative information. The format is not intended to store the complete experimental evidence but provides mechanisms to report results at different levels of detail. These range from a simple summary of the final results to a representation of the results including the experimental design. This format is ideally suited to make MS-based proteomics and metabolomics results available to a wider biological community outside the field of MS. Several software tools for proteomics and metabolomics have already adapted the format as an output format. The comprehensive mzTab specification document and extensive additional documentation can be found online.
The Catalan Research Portal (Portal de la Recerca de Catalunya or PRC) is an initiative carried out by the Consortium for University Services in Catalonia (CSUC) in coordination with nearly all universities in Catalonia. The Portal will provide an online CERIF-compliant collection of all research outputs produced by Catalan HEIs together with an appropriate contextual information describing the specific environment where the output was generated (such as researchers, research group, research project, etc). The initial emphasis of the Catalan Research Portal approach to research outputs will be made on publications, but other outputs such as patents and eventually research data will eventually be addressed as well. These guidelines provide information for PRC data providers to expose and exchange their research information metadata in CERIFXML compatible structure, thus allowing them not just to exchange validated CERIF XML data with the PRC platform, but to improve their general interoperability by being able to deliver CERIFcompatible outputs.
There has been a clear lack of common data exchange semantics for inter-organisational workflow management systems where the research has mainly focused on technical issues rather than language constructs. This paper presents the neutral data exchanges semantics required for the workflow integration within the AXAEDIS framework and presents the mechanism for object discovery from the object repository where little or no knowledge about the object is available. The paper also presents workflow independent integration architecture with the AXAEDIS Framework.
Virtual reality has the potential to improve visualisation of building design and construction, but its implementation in the industry has yet to reach maturity. Present day translation of building data to virtual reality is often unidirectional and unsatisfactory. Three different approaches to the creation of models are identified and described in this paper. Consideration is given to the potential of both advances in computer-aided design and the emerging standards for data exchange to facilitate an integrated use of virtual reality. Commonalities and differences between computer-aided design and virtual reality packages are reviewed, and trials of current system, are described. The trials have been conducted to explore the technical issues related to the integrated use of CAD and virtual environments within the house building sector of the construction industry and to investigate the practical use of the new technology.
"May 1990."
In the global strategy for preservation genetic resources of farm animals the implementation of information technology is of great importance. In this regards platform independent information tools and approaches for data exchange are needed in order to obtain aggregate values for regions and countries of spreading a separate breed. The current paper presents a XML based solution for data exchange in management genetic resources of farm animals’ small populations. There are specific requirements to the exchanged documents that come from the goal of data analysis. Three main types of documents are distinguished and their XML formats are discussed. DTD and XML Schema for each type are suggested. Some examples of XML documents are given also.
Kiihtyvä kilpailu yritysten välillä on tuonut yritykset vaikeidenhaasteiden eteen. Tuotteet pitäisi saada markkinoille nopeammin, uusien tuotteiden pitäisi olla parempia kuin vanhojen ja etenkin parempia kuin kilpailijoiden vastaavat tuotteet. Lisäksi tuotteiden suunnittelu-, valmistus- ja muut kustannukset eivät saisi olla suuria. Näiden haasteiden toteuttamisessa yritetään usein käyttää apuna tuotetietoja, niiden hallintaa ja vaihtamista. Andritzin, kuten muidenkin yritysten, on otettava nämä asiat huomioon pärjätäkseen kilpailussa. Tämä työ on tehty Andritzille, joka on maailman johtavia paperin ja sellun valmistukseen tarkoitettujen laitteiden valmistajia ja huoltopalveluiden tarjoajia. Andritz on ottamassa käyttöön ERP-järjestelmän kaikissa toimipisteissään. Sitä halutaan hyödyntää mahdollisimman tehokkaasti, joten myös tuotetiedot halutaan järjestelmään koko elinkaaren ajalta. Osan tuotetiedoista luo Andritzin kumppanit ja alihankkijat, joten myös tietojen vaihto partnereiden välillä halutaan hoitaasiten, että tiedot saadaan suoraan ERP-järjestelmään. Tämän työn tavoitteena onkin löytää ratkaisu, jonka avulla Andritzin ja sen kumppaneiden välinen tietojenvaihto voidaan hoitaa. Tämä diplomityö esittelee tuotetietojen, niiden hallinnan ja vaihtamisen tarkoituksen ja tärkeyden. Työssä esitellään erilaisia ratkaisuvaihtoehtoja tiedonvaihtojärjestelmän toteuttamiseksi. Osa niistä perustuu yleisiin ja toimialakohtaisiin standardeihin. Myös kaksi kaupallista tuotetta esitellään. Tarkasteltavana onseuraavat standardit: PaperIXI, papiNet, X-OSCO, PSK-standardit sekä RosettaNet. Lisäksi työssä tarkastellaan ERP-järjestelmän toimittajan, SAP:in ratkaisuja tietojenvaihtoon. Näistä vaihtoehdoista parhaimpia tarkastellaan vielä yksityiskohtaisemmin ja lopuksi eri ratkaisuja vertaillaan keskenään, jotta löydettäisiin Andritzin tarpeisiin paras vaihtoehto.
Organizations across the globe are creating and distributing products that include open source software. To ensure compliance with the open source licenses, each company needs to evaluate exactly what open source licenses and copyrights are included - resulting in duplicated effort and redundancy. This talk will provide an overview of a new Software Package Data Exchange (SPDX) specification. This specification will provide a common format to share information about the open source licenses and copyrights that are included in any software package, with the goal of saving time and improving data accuracy. This talk will review the progress of the initiative; discuss the benefits to organizations using open source and share information on how you can contribute.
Although the link between macroeconomic news announcements and exchange rates is well documented in recent literature, this connection may be unstable. By using a broad set of macroeconomic news announcements and high frequency forex data for the Euro/Dollar, Pound/Dollar and Yen/Dollar from Nov 1, 2004 to Mar 31, 2014, we obtain two major findings with regards to this instability. First, many macroeconomic news announcements exhibit unstable effects with certain patterns in foreign exchange rates. These news effects may change in magnitude and even in their sign over time, over business cycles and crises within distinctive contexts. This finding is robust because the results are obtained by applying a Two-Regime Smooth Transition Regression Model, a Breakpoints Regression Model, and an Efficient Test of Parameter Instability which are all consistent with each other. Second, when we explore the source of this instability, we find that global risks and the reaction by central bank monetary policy to these risks to be possible factors causing this instability.
In the decade since OceanObs `99, great advances have been made in the field of ocean data dissemination. The use of Internet technologies has transformed the landscape: users can now find, evaluate and access data rapidly and securely using only a web browser. This paper describes the current state of the art in dissemination methods for ocean data, focussing particularly on ocean observations from in situ and remote sensing platforms. We discuss current efforts being made to improve the consistency of delivered data and to increase the potential for automated integration of diverse datasets. An important recent development is the adoption of open standards from the Geographic Information Systems community; we discuss the current impact of these new technologies and their future potential. We conclude that new approaches will indeed be necessary to exchange data more effectively and forge links between communities, but these approaches must be evaluated critically through practical tests, and existing ocean data exchange technologies must be used to their best advantage. Investment in key technology components, cross-community pilot projects and the enhancement of end-user software tools will be required in order to assess and demonstrate the value of any new technology.
Abstract Background The study and analysis of gene expression measurements is the primary focus of functional genomics. Once expression data is available, biologists are faced with the task of extracting (new) knowledge associated to the underlying biological phenomenon. Most often, in order to perform this task, biologists execute a number of analysis activities on the available gene expression dataset rather than a single analysis activity. The integration of heteregeneous tools and data sources to create an integrated analysis environment represents a challenging and error-prone task. Semantic integration enables the assignment of unambiguous meanings to data shared among different applications in an integrated environment, allowing the exchange of data in a semantically consistent and meaningful way. This work aims at developing an ontology-based methodology for the semantic integration of gene expression analysis tools and data sources. The proposed methodology relies on software connectors to support not only the access to heterogeneous data sources but also the definition of transformation rules on exchanged data. Results We have studied the different challenges involved in the integration of computer systems and the role software connectors play in this task. We have also studied a number of gene expression technologies, analysis tools and related ontologies in order to devise basic integration scenarios and propose a reference ontology for the gene expression domain. Then, we have defined a number of activities and associated guidelines to prescribe how the development of connectors should be carried out. Finally, we have applied the proposed methodology in the construction of three different integration scenarios involving the use of different tools for the analysis of different types of gene expression data. Conclusions The proposed methodology facilitates the development of connectors capable of semantically integrating different gene expression analysis tools and data sources. The methodology can be used in the development of connectors supporting both simple and nontrivial processing requirements, thus assuring accurate data exchange and information interpretation from exchanged data.
An important feature in computer systems developed for the agricultural sector is to satisfy the heterogeneity of data generated in different processes. Most problems related with this heterogeneity arise from the lack of standard for different computing solutions proposed. An efficient solution for that is to create a single standard for data exchange. The study on the actual process involved in cotton production was based on a research developed by the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA) that reports all phases as a result of the compilation of several theoretical and practical researches related to cotton crop. The proposition of a standard starts with the identification of the most important classes of data involved in the process, and includes an ontology that is the systematization of concepts related to the production of cotton fiber and results in a set of classes, relations, functions and instances. The results are used as a reference for the development of computational tools, transforming implicit knowledge into applications that support the knowledge described. This research is based on data from the Midwest of Brazil. The choice of the cotton process as a study case comes from the fact that Brazil is one of the major players and there are several improvements required for system integration in this segment.
The increased data complexity and task interdependency associated with servitization represent significant barriers to its adoption. The outline of a business game is presented which demonstrates the increasing complexity of the management problem when moving through Base, Intermediate and Advanced levels of servitization. Linked data is proposed as an agile set of technologies, based on well established standards, for data exchange both in the game and more generally in supply chains.
The fourth industrial revolution, also known as Industry 4.0, has rapidly gained traction in businesses across Europe and the world, becoming a central theme in small, medium, and large enterprises alike. This new paradigm shifts the focus from locally-based and barely automated firms to a globally interconnected industrial sector, stimulating economic growth and productivity, and supporting the upskilling and reskilling of employees. However, despite the maturity and scalability of information and cloud technologies, the support systems already present in the machine field are often outdated and lack the necessary security, access control, and advanced communication capabilities. This dissertation proposes architectures and technologies designed to bridge the gap between Operational and Information Technology, in a manner that is non-disruptive, efficient, and scalable. The proposal presents cloud-enabled data-gathering architectures that make use of the newest IT and networking technologies to achieve the desired quality of service and non-functional properties. By harnessing industrial and business data, processes can be optimized even before product sale, while the integrated environment enhances data exchange for post-sale support. The architectures have been tested and have shown encouraging performance results, providing a promising solution for companies looking to embrace Industry 4.0, enhance their operational capabilities, and prepare themselves for the upcoming fifth human-centric revolution.
The purpose is to present a scientific research that led to the modeling of an information system which aimed at the maintenance of traceability data in the Brazilian wine industry, according to the principles of a service-oriented architecture (SOA). Since 2005, traceability data maintenance is an obligation for all producers that intend to export to any European Union country. Also, final customers, including the Brazilian ones, have been asking for information about food products. A solution that collectively contemplated the industry was sought in order to permit that producer consortiums of associations could share the costs and benefits of such a solution. Following an extensive bibliographic review, a series of interviews conducted with Brazilian researchers and wine producers in Bento Goncalves - RS, Brazil, elucidated many aspects associated with the wine production process. Information technology issues related to the theme were also researched. The software was modeled with the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and uses web services for data exchange. A model for the wine production process was also proposed. A functional prototype showed that the adopted model is able to fulfill the demands of wine producers. The good results obtained lead us to consider the use of this model in other domains.