943 resultados para Dano muscular induzido exercício
A estimulação transcraniana por corrente contínua (ETCC) é uma técnica não invasiva que apresenta características anti-fadigante e analgésica. Com o objetivo de testar seus efeitos sobre a diminuição da força e do aparecimento da dor muscular de início tardio (DMIT), apresentados após um evento de dano muscular induzido pelo exercício (DMIE), foi utilizado um estudo clínico de caráter experimental, controlado, randomizado e duplo-cego. A amostra foi composta por 24 jovens do sexo masculino, aparentemente saudáveis (19,7±1,8 anos; 23,6±3,65 IMC), os quais foram alocada, de forma aleatória e estratificada, nos seguintes grupos: G1: grupo controle; G2: grupo de estimulação após o dano e G3: grupo com estimulação antes e após o dano muscular. Os dados foram submetidos à estatística descritiva e análise de variância ANOVA, adotando-se um nível de significância de 5%. O aumento nos níveis séricos de CK (56.18%) e LDH (24,15%) comprovou a ocorrência do DMIE. Em contrapartida, após a análise de variância para comparação dos tratamentos aplicados, pode-se observar que não houve diferenças significativas nos níveis de CK (p= 0,3514) e força muscular (p= 0,9702). A DMIT transcorreu como esperado, mas sem diferença significativa entre os grupos (p= 0,4861). Estes dados demonstraram que a ETCC não foi capaz de modular a DMIT e a diminuição da força muscular após o DMIE em jovens aparentemente saudáveis
Exercise-induced muscle damage mainly affects individuals who returned to physical activity after a time without practicing it or had some kind of exhaustive exercise, particularly eccentric exercise. To evaluate the effect of cryotherapy and laser therapy in response to muscle damage induced by eccentric exercise on the biceps muscle. This was a randomized clinical trial consisting of 60 female subjects. All subjects initially underwent an evaluation consisting of perimetry, measurement of pain sensation (via algometry and visual analogue scale), electromyography and dynamometry. Then the subjects performed an exercise protocol on the isokinetic dynamometer consisting of 2 sets of 10 eccentric elbow flexors contraction at 60 °/s. Completed this protocol, an intervention was held according to a previously random group distribution: control group (no intervention), cryotherapy group and laser therapy group. Finally, subjects were re-evaluated immediately and 48 hours after the intervention protocol, except for Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), which was also evaluated 24 hours after exercise. The circumference of the limb, the pain sensation (VAS and algometry), the muscle activation amplitude (via Root Mean Square - RMS), median frequency, peak torque normalized per body weight, average peak torque, power and work were analyzed. The median frequency immediately after the intervention protocol on the cryotherapy group was the only variable that showed inter and intra-group differences; the remaining variables showed only intragroup differences. The perimetry values did not change immediately after the protocol on the groups which underwent cryotherapy and laser therapy, however, there was an increase after 48 hours; algometry values decreased in all groups for 48 hours and the VAS values increased 24 and 48 hours also for all groups. Regarding RMS no significant change was observed. For dynamometry, peak torque normalized per body weight and average peak torque had a similar behavior, with a reduction in the post protocol that has remained after 48 hours. For the power and work, a decrease was observed immediately after the protocol with a further reduction after 48 hours. Cryotherapy and laser therapy does not alter the muscle damage response, except for the perimetry values immediately after exercise.
Objective: analyze the effect of Kinesio Taping (KT) on the indirect clinical markers of muscle damage induced by eccentric exercises in the elbow flexors in healthy individuals. Materials and methods: It is a randomized controlled trial involving sixty volunteers at age group between 18 and 28 years randomly selected. The sample into three groups with twenty participants: control group (CG) – eccentric protocol without KT, KT group – eccentric with tensioned KT, placebo group – eccentric protocol KT with no tension. The evaluations took place at four moments; the first one was the basis line (AV1), after the second protocol (AV2) and the following two groups 24 (AV3) and 48 hours (AV4) after the intervention protocol. The muscle damage was induced by sixteen maximum eccentric contractions of the elbow flexors from the non-dominant limb, divided in two sets of eight repetitions, at 60º/s, with two minutes interval. The variables analyzed were: the joint amplitude in rest, the level of pain, the joint position sense (JPS) followed of isokinetic checking with electromyographic sign capitation. These data were analyzed in software SPSS 20.0. The normality was identified by Kolmogorov-Smimov examination and then, being used the ANOVA mixed model with significance of 5%. Outcomes: a decrease was observed at joint amplitude moreover, an immediate increase of pain wich increased after 24 and remained until 48 hours at all groups searched. There was not difference at the JPS. The variables peak torque, average peak torque, total work and mean power mean reduced until 48 hours after muscle lesion in all groups. Among the groups, there was no difference in EMG values and for any of the variables. Conclusion: The KT did not influence at the indirect clinical markers of muscle lesion induced by eccentric exercises in the elbow flexors in healthy people.
Objective: analyze the effect of Kinesio Taping (KT) on the indirect clinical markers of muscle damage induced by eccentric exercises in the elbow flexors in healthy individuals. Materials and methods: It is a randomized controlled trial involving sixty volunteers at age group between 18 and 28 years randomly selected. The sample into three groups with twenty participants: control group (CG) – eccentric protocol without KT, KT group – eccentric with tensioned KT, placebo group – eccentric protocol KT with no tension. The evaluations took place at four moments; the first one was the basis line (AV1), after the second protocol (AV2) and the following two groups 24 (AV3) and 48 hours (AV4) after the intervention protocol. The muscle damage was induced by sixteen maximum eccentric contractions of the elbow flexors from the non-dominant limb, divided in two sets of eight repetitions, at 60º/s, with two minutes interval. The variables analyzed were: the joint amplitude in rest, the level of pain, the joint position sense (JPS) followed of isokinetic checking with electromyographic sign capitation. These data were analyzed in software SPSS 20.0. The normality was identified by Kolmogorov-Smimov examination and then, being used the ANOVA mixed model with significance of 5%. Outcomes: a decrease was observed at joint amplitude moreover, an immediate increase of pain wich increased after 24 and remained until 48 hours at all groups searched. There was not difference at the JPS. The variables peak torque, average peak torque, total work and mean power mean reduced until 48 hours after muscle lesion in all groups. Among the groups, there was no difference in EMG values and for any of the variables. Conclusion: The KT did not influence at the indirect clinical markers of muscle lesion induced by eccentric exercises in the elbow flexors in healthy people.
This study determined roller massager (RM) effectiveness on ankle plantar flexors’ recovery after exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) stimulus. Two experiments were conducted. The first experiment (n=10) examined functional [i.e., ankle plantar flexion maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) and submaximal (30% of MVIC) sustained force; ankle dorsiflexion maximal range of motion and resistance to stretch; and pain pressure threshold] and morphological [medial gastrocnemius (MG) cross sectional area, thickness, fascicle length, and fascicle angle] variables, before and immediately, 1h, 24h, 48h, and 72 after EIMD. In the second experiment (n=10), changes in MG deoxyhemoglobin concentration kinetics (velocity and amplitude) during a submaximal sustained force test were observed before and 48h after EIMD. Participants performed both experiments twice, with and without (NRM) the application of a RM (6 × 45 seconds with 20 seconds rest between sets). RM intervention did not alter plantar flexors’ strength and flexibility impairment after EIMD, as well the MG morphology and oxygenation kinetics (p>0.05). On the other hand, a strong tendency for an acute (within 1 hour) change of ipsilateral (post-effects: RM=+19%, NRM=-5%, p=0.032) and contralateral (p=0.095) MG pain pressure threshold was observed. In conclusion, the present results suggest that a roller massager has no effect on muscular performance, morphology, and oxygenation recovery after EIMD, except for muscle pain pressure threshold (i.e., a soreness). Thus, RM may have potential application in recovery for people with increased muscle soreness, if performed immediately before a physical task.
Several nutritional interventions are performed in order to reduce the impact of EO induced by exercise. Some studies suggest that mate tea (CM) have compounds, which can act as antioxidants reducing EO. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of CM induced under the EO after a single bout of aerobic exercise. Methods: We used male Wistar rats (50 days and 200g) distributed in four experimental groups: control (CON); mate tea (CM), Swimming (N); Swimming+mate tea (N + CM) . The CM and N+CM groups received CM diluted in distilled water at 96 ° C for five days, oropharyngeal route (50 mg / kg body weight, 0.5 mL). Both groups were adapted to the aquatic environment prior to experimental day, after a single swimming session, with 5% of body weight attached to the tail, until the animals reached exhaustion. Immediately after the state of exhaustion, peripheral blood was collected for further analysis. Results: The animals of the group N + CM showed improved resistance swimming compared to group C (p < 0.0001). No increase in lipid oxidative damage and production of lactate in group N + CM , compared to group N , may be attributed to the significant increase in plasma uric acid concentrations demonstrated in this study was observed . Conclusion: Therefore, the results indicate that consumption of CM may be natural strategy for improving aerobic exercise endurance and reduce the impact of EO induced by aerobic exercise.
Já é bem estabelecido que, após a realização de exercícios aos quais não se está acostumado, principalmente se esses envolverem contrações excêntricas, ocorre um processo conhecido como dano muscular (DM). Esse processo consiste na desorganização e/ou rompimento de células musculares graças a elevados níveis de estresse mecânico e/ou metabólico. Esse processo pode ser identificado pela manifestação de sintomas clássicos como dor muscular, diminuição da amplitude de movimento, perda de força e extravasamento de proteínas intracelulares para a corrente sanguínea, entre outros. Sabe-se que, após a ocorrência do DM, o músculo acometido se recupera e passa a ser mais resistente a esse fenômeno, apresentando respostas atenuadas desses sintomas. Recentemente, diferentes estratégias de proteção contra o DM que não envolvem a realização de contrações excêntricas máximas vêm sendo apresentadas, como a realização de contrações excêntricas submáximas, contrações isométricas, treinamento de flexibilidade e aumento da temperatura muscular previamente ao exercício. O objetivo do presente estudo foi revisar essas estratégias de proteção contra o DM para melhor entender esse fenômeno. Foram realizadas pesquisas em importantes bases de dados e, os artigos encontrados que forem relevantes ao tema serão revisados e didaticamente explanados ao longo do trabalho
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a resposta inflamatória induzida por grande número de ações excêntricas (AE) máximas realizadas pelos flexores do cotovelo. Participaram do estudo nove homens jovens, que realizaram 35 séries de seis AE nos flexores de cotovelo, com intervalo de um minuto, utilizando um dinamômetro isocinético em uma velocidade de 210º.s-1. As variáveis mensuradas foram: a contração isométrica voluntaria máxima (CIVM), a amplitude de movimento (AM), a dor muscular de inicio tardio (DMIT), a interleucina-6 (IL-6) e o fator de necrose tumoral alfa (TNF-α). Alterações significantes foram observadas para os marcadores indiretos de dano muscular (CIVM, AM e DMIT), entretanto não houve modificações para os marcadores inflamatórios (IL-6 e TNF-α). Em conclusão, os resultados demonstraram que mesmo com alterações nos marcadores indiretos de dano muscular após a realização de um grande número de AE não foram observadas alterações na resposta inflamatória sistêmica.
OBJETIVO: Verificar a influência de dois diferentes intervalos de recuperação (IR) entre as séries no exercício leg-press sobre o número e sustentabilidade das repetições e no volume total, em idosas não treinadas. MÉTODOS: Onze idosas (66,5 ± 5,0 anos; 59,2 ± 9,1kg; 146,4 ± 34,9cm) foram submetidas a duas sessões experimentais de exercícios com pesos com intensidade de 15 repetições máximas. Cada sessão experimental foi composta por três séries realizadas até a fadiga muscular utilizando IR de um (IR-1) ou três minutos (IR-3). As sessões experimentais foram separadas por, no mínimo, 48 horas. Todas as participantes realizaram ambos os protocolos e um delineamento cross-over balanceado foi utilizado para determinar a ordem das sessões experimentais. RESULTADOS: Para ambos os IR entre as séries, reduções significativas (P < 0,05) no número e na sustentabilidade das repetições foram observadas da primeira para a segunda e terceira séries e da segunda para a terceira séries. Diferenças significativas (P < 0,05) entre os IR foram observadas nas duas séries finais. O volume total da sessão realizada com IR-3 foi estatisticamente superior (20,4%; P < 0,05) quando comparada a sessão IR-1. CONCLUSÃO: O número e a sustentabilidade das repetições e o volume total de treino de idosas não treinadas são influenciados pelo IR empregado entre as séries. Maiores IR devem ser utilizados quando a finalidade for otimizar o volume de treino por meio da sustentabilidade das repetições. Em contrapartida, menores IR devem ser utilizados quando a meta for obter maiores níveis de fadiga muscular.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The goal of the present study was to investigate possible differences towards strenght recovery measured by different methods and running economy (RE), after one session of downhill running (DR), in order to induce muscle damage (MD). Our hypothesis is that the strenght recovery measured by jumps is more alike RE markers, due to the measures' specificity. Ten male subjects, ages 18 to 30, apparently healthy, without any experience with strenght training at least 6 months before the tests took place in this study. After going to the lab twice (to familiarize themselves with the protocols, and determine their maximum oxygen consumption/running speeds), they went to the lab five times in the following week, in order to collect all the variables before, immediately after, and 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours in. The variables obtained were: stride frequency (SF), stride lenght (SL), oxygen volume (VO2), carbon dioxide volume (VCO2), ventilation (VE), lactate blood concentration ([Lac]), isometric peak torque (IPT), subjective pain perception (SPP), effort perception (EP), medial-portion circumference (CIR), knee movement extent (EXT), torque development rate (TDR), counter movement jump and squat jump height (HCM and HS), strenght development rate of both jumps (SDCM and SDS), and maximum soil strenght reaction (SRCM and SRS). Changes over time in all variables were verified by one way variancy analysis. Differences between the strenght measures were verified by two way variancy analysis. When significant effects were verified, Tuckey's post-hoc were applied. The significancy level taken on this study was p < 0,05. Of all indirect muscle damage markers, IPT, SPP and TDR were the only ones in which ocurred significant changes. We couldn't find the moments where this happened for TDR with the post-hoc used. On RE markers, VO2, [Lac] and VE suffered significant effects over time. About the jumps variables, only SDCM and HCM presented significant...
O objetivo foi comparar a magnitude do efeito protetor (EP) contra o dano muscular (DM) induzido por uma sessão de exercícios excêntricos (EEM) entre os extensores do joelho e os flexores do cotovelo. Doze sujeitos do gênero masculino foram divididos em 2 grupos, braços (GB) e pernas (GP), e realizaram 2 sessões de EEM. Foram coletados 3 marcadores de DM, sendo eles, pico de torque isométrico (PTI), creatina quinase (CK) e percepção subjetiva de dor (PSD), antes, imediatamente após (com exceção da CK) e 48 horas após cada sessão de EEM. Foi encontrada queda significante de PTI e aumento significante de CK e PSD tanto imediatamente e 48 horas após a primeira sessão de EEM para o GB. No GP houve aumento significante de CK 48 horas após os EEM e da PSD imediatamente após os EEM, decorrentes da primeira sessão. No GB, a segunda sessão apenas provocou queda de PTI imediatamente após os EEM, enquanto no GP houve aumento significante apenas na PSD imediatamente após a segunda sessão de EEM. Apenas a CK apresentou EP para ambos os grupos. Pudemos concluir que o EP foi maior para o GB em comparação com o GP. Esse fenômeno pode ter ocorrido em detrimento da existência de um EP prévio para o GP, uma vez que este membro realiza contrações excêntricas intensas com maior freqüência no dia-a-dia, quando comparados com os GB.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Fisiológicas - FOA