997 resultados para Damped Quantum-systems


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In integrable one-dimensional quantum systems an infinite set of local conserved quantities exists which can prevent a current from decaying completely. For cases like the spin current in the XXZ model at zero magnetic field or the charge current in the attractive Hubbard model at half filling, however, the current operator does not have overlap with any of the local conserved quantities. We show that in these situations transport at finite temperatures is dominated by a diffusive contribution with the Drude weight being either small or even zero. For the XXZ model we discuss in detail the relation between our results, the phenomenological theory of spin diffusion, and measurements of the spin-lattice relaxation rate in spin chain compounds. Furthermore, we study the Haldane-Shastry model where a conserved spin current exists.


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What interactions are sufficient to simulate arbitrary quantum dynamics in a composite quantum system? Dodd [Phys. Rev. A 65, 040301(R) (2002)] provided a partial solution to this problem in the form of an efficient algorithm to simulate any desired two-body Hamiltonian evolution using any fixed two-body entangling N-qubit Hamiltonian, and local unitaries. We extend this result to the case where the component systems are qudits, that is, have D dimensions. As a consequence we explain how universal quantum computation can be performed with any fixed two-body entangling N-qudit Hamiltonian, and local unitaries.


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We present a family of 3-qubit states to which any arbitrary state can be depolarized. We fully classify those states with respect to their separability and distillability properties. This provides a sufficient condition for nonseparability and distillability for arbitrary states. We generalize our results to N-particle states.


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The present manuscript represents the completion of a research path carried forward during my doctoral studies in the University of Turku. It contains information regarding my scientific contribution to the field of open quantum systems, accomplished in collaboration with other scientists. The main subject investigated in the thesis is the non-Markovian dynamics of open quantum systems with focus on continuous variable quantum channels, e.g. quantum Brownian motion models. Non-Markovianity is here interpreted as a manifestation of the existence of a flow of information exchanged by the system and environment during the dynamical evolution. While in Markovian systems the flow is unidirectional, i.e. from the system to the environment, in non-Markovian systems there are time windows in which the flow is reversed and the quantum state of the system may regain coherence and correlations previously lost. Signatures of a non-Markovian behavior have been studied in connection with the dynamics of quantum correlations like entanglement or quantum discord. Moreover, in the attempt to recognisee non-Markovianity as a resource for quantum technologies, it is proposed, for the first time, to consider its effects in practical quantum key distribution protocols. It has been proven that security of coherent state protocols can be enhanced using non-Markovian properties of the transmission channels. The thesis is divided in two parts: in the first part I introduce the reader to the world of continuous variable open quantum systems and non-Markovian dynamics. The second part instead consists of a collection of five publications inherent to the topic.


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In this Thesis various aspects of memory effects in the dynamics of open quantum systems are studied. We develop a general theoretical framework for open quantum systems beyond the Markov approximation which allows us to investigate different sources of memory effects and to develop methods for harnessing them in order to realise controllable open quantum systems. In the first part of the Thesis a characterisation of non-Markovian dynamics in terms of information flow is developed and applied to study different sources of memory effects. Namely, we study nonlocal memory effects which arise due to initial correlations between two local environments and further the memory effects induced by initial correlations between the open system and the environment. The last part focuses on describing two all-optical experiment in which through selective preparation of the initial environment states the information flow between the system and the environment can be controlled. In the first experiment the system is driven from the Markovian to the non- Markovian regime and the degree of non-Markovianity is determined. In the second experiment we observe the nonlocal nature of the memory effects and provide a novel method to experimentally quantify frequency correlations in photonic environments via polarisation measurements.


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We are currently at the cusp of a revolution in quantum technology that relies not just on the passive use of quantum effects, but on their active control. At the forefront of this revolution is the implementation of a quantum computer. Encoding information in quantum states as “qubits” allows to use entanglement and quantum superposition to perform calculations that are infeasible on classical computers. The fundamental challenge in the realization of quantum computers is to avoid decoherence – the loss of quantum properties – due to unwanted interaction with the environment. This thesis addresses the problem of implementing entangling two-qubit quantum gates that are robust with respect to both decoherence and classical noise. It covers three aspects: the use of efficient numerical tools for the simulation and optimal control of open and closed quantum systems, the role of advanced optimization functionals in facilitating robustness, and the application of these techniques to two of the leading implementations of quantum computation, trapped atoms and superconducting circuits. After a review of the theoretical and numerical foundations, the central part of the thesis starts with the idea of using ensemble optimization to achieve robustness with respect to both classical fluctuations in the system parameters, and decoherence. For the example of a controlled phasegate implemented with trapped Rydberg atoms, this approach is demonstrated to yield a gate that is at least one order of magnitude more robust than the best known analytic scheme. Moreover this robustness is maintained even for gate durations significantly shorter than those obtained in the analytic scheme. Superconducting circuits are a particularly promising architecture for the implementation of a quantum computer. Their flexibility is demonstrated by performing optimizations for both diagonal and non-diagonal quantum gates. In order to achieve robustness with respect to decoherence, it is essential to implement quantum gates in the shortest possible amount of time. This may be facilitated by using an optimization functional that targets an arbitrary perfect entangler, based on a geometric theory of two-qubit gates. For the example of superconducting qubits, it is shown that this approach leads to significantly shorter gate durations, higher fidelities, and faster convergence than the optimization towards specific two-qubit gates. Performing optimization in Liouville space in order to properly take into account decoherence poses significant numerical challenges, as the dimension scales quadratically compared to Hilbert space. However, it can be shown that for a unitary target, the optimization only requires propagation of at most three states, instead of a full basis of Liouville space. Both for the example of trapped Rydberg atoms, and for superconducting qubits, the successful optimization of quantum gates is demonstrated, at a significantly reduced numerical cost than was previously thought possible. Together, the results of this thesis point towards a comprehensive framework for the optimization of robust quantum gates, paving the way for the future realization of quantum computers.


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Since no physical system can ever be completely isolated from its environment, the study of open quantum systems is pivotal to reliably and accurately control complex quantum systems. In practice, reliability of the control field needs to be confirmed via certification of the target evolution while accuracy requires the derivation of high-fidelity control schemes in the presence of decoherence. In the first part of this thesis an algebraic framework is presented that allows to determine the minimal requirements on the unique characterisation of arbitrary unitary gates in open quantum systems, independent on the particular physical implementation of the employed quantum device. To this end, a set of theorems is devised that can be used to assess whether a given set of input states on a quantum channel is sufficient to judge whether a desired unitary gate is realised. This allows to determine the minimal input for such a task, which proves to be, quite remarkably, independent of system size. These results allow to elucidate the fundamental limits regarding certification and tomography of open quantum systems. The combination of these insights with state-of-the-art Monte Carlo process certification techniques permits a significant improvement of the scaling when certifying arbitrary unitary gates. This improvement is not only restricted to quantum information devices where the basic information carrier is the qubit but it also extends to systems where the fundamental informational entities can be of arbitary dimensionality, the so-called qudits. The second part of this thesis concerns the impact of these findings from the point of view of Optimal Control Theory (OCT). OCT for quantum systems utilises concepts from engineering such as feedback and optimisation to engineer constructive and destructive interferences in order to steer a physical process in a desired direction. It turns out that the aforementioned mathematical findings allow to deduce novel optimisation functionals that significantly reduce not only the required memory for numerical control algorithms but also the total CPU time required to obtain a certain fidelity for the optimised process. The thesis concludes by discussing two problems of fundamental interest in quantum information processing from the point of view of optimal control - the preparation of pure states and the implementation of unitary gates in open quantum systems. For both cases specific physical examples are considered: for the former the vibrational cooling of molecules via optical pumping and for the latter a superconducting phase qudit implementation. In particular, it is illustrated how features of the environment can be exploited to reach the desired targets.


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In this paper, we demonstrate that the inevitable action of the environment can be substantially weakened when considering appropriate nonstationary quantum systems. Beyond protecting quantum states against decoherence, an oscillating frequency can be engineered to make the system-reservoir coupling almost negligible. Differently from the program for engineering reservoir and similarly to the schemes for dynamical decoupling of open quantum systems, our technique does not require previous knowledge of the state to be protected. However, differently from the previously-reported schemes for dynamical decoupling, our technique does not rely on the availability of tailored external pulses acting faster than the shortest timescale accessible to the reservoir degree of freedom.


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In recent years, an approach to discrete quantum phase spaces which comprehends all the main quasiprobability distributions known has been developed. It is the research that started with the pioneering work of Galetti and Piza, where the idea of operator bases constructed of discrete Fourier transforms of unitary displacement operators was first introduced. Subsequently, the discrete coherent states were introduced, and finally, the s-parametrized distributions, that include the Wigner, Husimi, and Glauber-Sudarshan distribution functions as particular cases. In the present work, we adapt its formulation to encompass some additional discrete symmetries, achieving an elegant yet physically sound formalism.


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This is an introductory course to the Lanczos Method and Density Matrix Renormalization Group Algorithms (DMRG), two among the leading numerical techniques applied in studies of low-dimensional quantum models. The idea of studying the models on clusters of a finite size in order to extract their physical properties is briefly discussed. The important role played by the model symmetries is also examined. Special emphasis is given to the DMRG.


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We apply the supersymmetry approach to one-dimensional quantum systems with spatially dependent mass, by including their ordering ambiguities dependence. In this way we extend the results recently reported in the literature. Furthermore, we point out a connection between these systems and others with constant masses. This is done through convenient transformations in the coordinates and wave functions.


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In this paper, we present a measure of quantum correlation for a multipartite system, defined as the sum of the correlations for all possible partitions. Our measure can be defined for quantum discord (QD), geometric quantum discord or even for entanglement of formation (EOF). For tripartite pure states, we show that the multipartite measures for the QD and the EOF are equivalent, which allows direct comparison of the distribution and the robustness of these correlations in open quantum systems. We study dissipative dynamics for two distinct families of entanglement: a W state and a GHZ state. We show that, for the W state, the QD is more robust than the entanglement, while for the GHZ state, this is not true. It turns out that the initial genuine multipartite entanglement present in the GHZ state makes the EOF more robust than the QD. © IOP Publishing and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.


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Passive states of quantum systems are states from which no system energy can be extracted by any cyclic (unitary) process. Gibbs states of all temperatures are passive. Strong local (SL) passive states are defined to allow any general quantum operation, but the operation is required to be local, being applied only to a specific subsystem. Any mixture of eigenstates in a system-dependent neighborhood of a nondegenerate entangled ground state is found to be SL passive. In particular, Gibbs states are SL passive with respect to a subsystem only at or below a critical system-dependent temperature. SL passivity is associated in many-body systems with the presence of ground state entanglement in a way suggestive of collective quantum phenomena such as quantum phase transitions, superconductivity, and the quantum Hall effect. The presence of SL passivity is detailed for some simple spin systems where it is found that SL passivity is neither confined to systems of only a few particles nor limited to the near vicinity of the ground state.


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We study particle current in a recently proposed model for coherent quantum transport. In this model, a system connected to mesoscopic Fermi reservoirs (meso-reservoir) is driven out of equilibrium by the action of super-reservoirs thermalized to prescribed temperatures and chemical potentials by a simple dissipative mechanism described by the Lindblad equation. We compare exact (numerical) results with theoretical expectations based on the Landauer formula.