946 resultados para Dairy calves
Faecal Egg Count Reduction Tests (FECRTs) for macrocyclic lactone (ML) and levamisole (LEV) drenches were conducted on two dairy farms in the subtropical, summer rainfall region of eastern Australia to determine if anthelmintic failure contributed to severe gastrointestinal nematode infections observed in weaner calves. Subtropical Cooperia spp. were the dominant nematodes on both farms although significant numbers of Haemonchus placei were also present on Farm 2. On Farm 1, moxidectin pour-on (MXD) drenched at 0.5 mg kg-1 liveweight (LW) reduced the overall Cooperia burden by 82% (95% confidence limits, 37-95%) at day 7 post-drench. As worm burdens increased rapidly in younger animals in the control group (n = 4), levamisole was used as a salvage drench and these calves withdrawn from the trial on animal welfare grounds after sample collection at day 7. Levamisole (LEV) dosed at 6.8 mg kg-1 LW reduced the worm burden in these calves by 100%, 7 days after drenching. On Farm 2, MXD given at 0.5 mg kg-1 LW reduced the faecal worm egg count of cooperioids at day 8 by 96% (71-99%), ivermectin oral (IVM) at 0.2 mg kg-1 LW by 1.6% (-224 to 70%) and LEV oral at 7.1 mg kg-1 LW by 100%. For H. placei the reductions were 98% (85-99.7%) for MXD, 0.7% (-226 to 70%) for IVM and 100% for LEV. This is the first report in Australia of the failure of macrocyclic lactone treatments to control subtropical Cooperia spp. and suspected failure to control H. placei in cattle.
Vasikoiden kasvatus yksilökarsinoissa, imemismahdollisuuden puute maitojuoton yhteydessä sekä pienet juomamäärät ovat tekijöitä, jotka mahdollisesti voivat vähentää vasikoiden hyvinvointia. Vasikoiden kasvatukseen etsitäänkin uusia tapoja, joissa eläinten käyttäytymistarpeet ja hyvinvointi otetaan entistä paremmin huomioon. Tässä väitöskirjassa vasikoiden kasvatusta on tarkasteltu sekä tuotannon että vasikoiden käyttäytymisen ja hyvinvoinnin kannalta. Väitöskirja koostuu kolmesta kokeesta, joista ensimmäisessä tutkittiin vasikoiden kasvatusta ryhmäkarsinoissa ulkona tai sisällä ja vasikoiden kasvatusta sisällä ryhmä- tai yksilökarsinoissa. Toisessa kokeessa vasikoiden annettiin imeä emiään rajoitetusti lypsyn jälkeen viiden tai kahdeksan viikon ajan ja kolmannessa selvitettiin vasikoiden veden juontia, kun vasikat saivat juomarehua vapaasti. Lisäksi kokeiden yhdistetystä aineistosta analysoitiin eri rehujen syöntimäärien suhdetta sekä rehujen vaikutusta kasvuun ennen ja jälkeen maidosta vieroituksen. Tutkimuksessa todettiin, että vasikoita voi ryhmässä kasvattaa kylmissä ja vaihtelevissa sääoloissa ulkona, kunhan ne hoidetaan ja ruokitaan erittäin huolellisesti. Kylmällä ilmalla vasikat saattavat kuitenkin syödä väkirehua vähemmän varsinkin, jos ruokailupaikka on ulkona ja makuualue sisällä. Ryhmässä kasvaneet vasikat aloittivat sekä kuivien rehujen syönnin että märehtimisen nuorempina kuin yksilökarsinassa kasvaneet. Ryhmissä esiintyvää käyttäytymisongelmaa, toisten vasikoiden imemistä, voidaan vähentää hoito- ja ruokintamenetelmillä. Annettaessa vasikoiden imeä emiään rajoitetusti lypsyn jälkeen vasikat oppivat imemään emiään hyvin nopeasti. Lypsytyö vaikeutui muutamien lehmien kohdalla, sillä ne pidättivät maitoa lypsettäessä. Saadessaan imeä rajoitetusti vasikat imivät suurehkoja maitomääriä kerrallaan. Vieroittaminen suurilta maitomääriltä viiden viikon iässä oli kuitenkin liian aikaista, koska vasikat eivät vielä syöneet riittävästi kuivia rehuja. Vieroitus emästä niin viiden kuin kahdeksankin viikon iässä aiheutti vasikoissa levottomuutta ja ääntelyn lisääntymistä. Saadessaan hapatettua juomarehua vapaasti vasikat joivat keskimäärin vain vähän vettä, olipa vesilähteenä avoin ämpäri tai vesinippa. Vasikoiden välillä oli suurta vaihtelua veden juontimäärissä. Viikkoa ennen maidosta vieroitusta vasikat joivat 0-3 l vettä päivässä. Vasikat joivat nipasta kerrallaan vähemmän vettä kuin ämpäristä, ja käyttivät enemmän aikaa päivässä veden juomiseen kuin vesiämpäristä juoneet vasikat. Suurin osa vasikoista joi vettä juomanipoista erikoisella tavalla esimerkiksi painamalla nippaa otsalla ja juomalla tippuvaa vettä. Vesinipat voivat olla siis vasikoille joko vaikeita tai epämukavia käyttää. Vasikoiden juoman maitomäärän lisääntyessä kasvu lisääntyy selvästi. Runsas maidon juominen vähentää kuitenkin kuivien rehujen syöntiä ja vieroitusvaiheessa kasvu voi hidastua. Vasikat olisikin tärkeää vieroittaa vähitellen, ettei muutoksia kasvuun tulisi. Syönti- ja kasvutulokset eivät aina anna oikeaa kuvaa kasvatusmenetelmien eroista eläinten hyvinvoinnin kannalta. Käyttäytyminen on herkkä hyvinvoinnin mittari ja se tulisikin aina huomioida eri kasvatusmenetelmiä arvioitaessa. .
Dentre os materiais de construção utilizados nas instalações rurais, merecem destaque as coberturas, pois são grandes responsáveis pelo conforto térmico, influenciando no balanço térmico no interior das instalações. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar a influência das coberturas sobre a entalpia (H), Carga Térmica Radiante (CTR) e no Índice de Temperatura de Globo Negro e Umidade (ITGU), em abrigos individuais para bezerros leiteiros. O delineamento foi o inteiramente casualizado com três tratamentos: Z - telha de zinco; CA - telha de cimento amianto, e CAB - telha de cimento amianto pintada de branco na face superior. As médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Scott Knott, a 1% de probabilidade. Os resultados mostraram que não houve diferença estatística entre os tratamentos (P<0,01) e o ambiente externo, para a H. Para a CTR, houve diferença estatística entre todos os tratamentos, em que CAB demonstrou menor CTR, 489,28 W m-², seguido do tratamento CA, 506,72 W m-², e Z com maior valor de CTR, 523,55 W m-². Para o ITGU, observaram-se menores valores para CAB (76,8) e CA (77,4), diferindo-se, significativamente do Z, que obteve maior valor (81,6). As telhas com pintura branca em sua face superior promoveram menor CTR e menor ITGU, favorecendo o ambiente térmico da instalação.
Amostras fecais de 203 bezerros com diarréia, idade inferior a 30 dias, de ambos os sexos e de diferentes propriedades do Estado de São Paulo foram examinadas num período de dois anos. Cultivos para pesquisa bacteriana foram feitos em agar acrescido de 10% de sangue bovino e agar Levine. As placas foram incubadas por até 96 horas, em condições aeróbias, a 37°C, com observação dos aspectos de colônia e estudos morfológicos, bioquímicos e realização de outros testes, quando pertinentes. O teste de ELISA foi aplicado para pesquisa de Rotavirus. Cryptosporidium spp. também foi pesquisado e identificado. Resultados revelaram envolvimento de vários patógenos de forma isolada, assim como associados. Rotavirus foi encontrado em 51 (25,1%) das amostras, sendo em 58,8% só, em 41.7% associado a outros microrganismos. Cryptosporydium spp foi isolado em 43 (21.3%) das amostras, sendo só em 65,1% delas e associado a outros enteropatógenos em 34,9%. No exame parasitológico foram encontrados ovos de estrongilídeos em 5 (2,5%) das amostras, não excedendo mais de dois ovos por campo examinado. Ao exame microbiológico, um ou mais microrganismos foram isolados. Escherichia coli foi encontrada em 100% das amostras. As pesquisas de toxina termoestável e do antígeno de aderência K99 realizada nas 73 amostras de E.coli foram negativas, e o grupo sorológico das mesmas foi determinado, sendo 34,2%, 17,8% e 47,9% das amostras pertencentes aos sorogrupos O8, O11 e O101, respectivamente. Salmonella Dublin e Salmonella typhimurium foram isoladas em 5,4% e 6,1% das amostras examinadas, respectivamente.
In Tropical regions, the animal performance is often affected by climate conditions. This study aimed to evaluate covering materials in individual shelters, normally used to house dairy calves, and its influence on the calves physiology and performance. The design used was completely randomized, with a 2x3 factorial arrangement to compare the averages of 5% through the Tukey's test, i.e., both genders-and three types of covering in the shelters (Z - zinc; AC - asbestos cement; and WPAC - white-painted asbestos cement). Parameters evaluated included daily weight gain (DWG), dry matter intake (DMI), feed conversion (FC), rectal temperature (RT), and respiratory frequency (RF). Results showed significant differences (P < 0.05) among males (1.04kg/day) and females (0.74kg/day) for DWG and interaction between gender and treatment (P < 0.05) for zinc covering (0.562kg/day for females and 1.120kg/day for males). Significant differences were also observed in FI of animals housed under shelters with the covering of zinc (48.35kgDM/day for females and 96.91 kgDM/day for males). There were no significant differences (P > 0.05) in the FC and the RT, and there were significant differences (P < 0.05) for RF in the Z treatments (56.9 mov.min(-1)), WPAC (62.2 mov.min(-1)) and FC (70.25 mov.min-1). It was concluded that different covering materials did not affect performance and dry matter intake of dairy calves. However, the animals' physiology of thermoregulation was altered by the different covering materials used in individual shelters.
Cryptosporidiosis is a common protozoan disease observed in a wide range of vertebrate hosts, including ruminants. Cattle can be a potential reservoir of Cryptosporidium spp., leading to environmental contamination with oocysts of zoonotic species. The molecular characterization of Cryptosporidium spp. isolated from cattle from the state of So Paulo, Brazil, was accomplished using nested polymerase chain reaction for amplification of fragments of the 18S rRNA gene and the glycoprotein GP60 gene, following sequencing of amplified fragments. Positivity for Cryptosporidium was found in 10.7% (21/196) of the samples. Four species of Cryptosporidium were identified: C. andersoni, C. bovis, C. parvum subtype IIaA15G2R1, and C. ryanae. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of infection by C. ryanae and C. parvum IIaA15G2R1 in cattle from Brazil.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the route of administration of mannan-oligosaccharides in the diet of dairy calves and their effects on performance and plasma parameters indicative of rumen development. Following birth, twenty-four male Holstein calves were used in a completely randomized design and assigned to the following treatments: Control; 4 g/d Bio-Mos (R) (Alltech Biotech.) added to starter concentrate; and 4 g/d Bio-Mos (R) mixed into milk replacer. Animals were housed in individual hutches with free access to water, and fed 4L/d of milk replacer until weaning at six weeks. Calves also received 23g/kg crude protein of starter concentrate ad libitum. Fecal scores were evaluated daily. Body weights, growth measurements and blood samples for glucose, urea-N and beta-hidroxibutyrate analyses were taken weekly until 8 weeks of age. There were no significant effects of treatment or treatment x age interactions for mean starter concentrate intake, weight gain or body growth. However, there was a significant age effect for all parameters. Fecal scores were not affected by treatments. Also, plasma concentration of glucose, urea-N or beta-hidroxibutyrate were not affected by treatment or the treatment x age interaction. However, urea-N and beta-hidroxibutyrate concentrations significantly increased with age, suggesting adequate rumen development. Under the conditions of this study, there were no calf performance benefits when mannan-oligosaccharides were incorporated into milk replacer or calf starter concentrate.
Serum samples from 142 calves and their dams were analyzed for gammaglobulins (gammaG, calves) and selenium concentrations (Se, calves and dams). A questionnaire provided information about birth and colostrum management. The calves and their dams were distributed into two groups according the calves' gammaG concentration (< 10 and >= 10 g/L), Se concentrations were compared between groups. The correlation between gammaG and Se concentrations in the calves and their dams was analyzed. Risk factors for failure of passive transfer and Se deficiency were assessed based on the questionnaire. The gammaG concentration of 42.9 % of the calves was < 10 g/L (median: 10.9). Calves showed significantly higher gammaG values after optimized colostrum administration than calves with suboptimal colostrum administration (p < 0.004). The median Se concentration was 26.8 and 36.5 microg/L for the calves and dams, respectively. A high correlation was observed between the Se concentration of the dam and her calf (r = 0.72, p < 0.001). The calves' Se and gammaG concentrations were not significantly correlated. These results demonstrate that further efforts toward better information of farmers regarding colostrum management and Se supply are warranted.
BackgroundInfection pathways of S. aureus udder infections in heifers are still not well understood. One hypothesis is that calves become infected with S. aureus via feeding mastitis milk. Especially on small-scale farms, pasteurisers are not economic. The purpose of this randomised comparative study was to investigate the influence of feeding milk containing S. aureus genotype B (SAGTB) on the health and development of calves and udder health of the respective heifers. Additionally, a method reducing the bacterial load to obtain safer feeding milk was tested. Thirty-four calves were fed mastitis milk from cows with subclinical SAGTB mastitis. One group was fed untreated milk (UMG). For the other group, milk was thermised at 61°C for one minute (heat treated milk group¿=¿HMG). After weaning, calves were followed up until first calving. A milk sample of these heifers was taken at first milking to compare udder health of both groups.ResultsThermisation of milk led to an effective reduction of S. aureus in the feeding milk. 78% of the analysed pools were free of S. aureus, a reduction of at least one log was obtained in the other pools.Quarter milk samples revealed that two heifers had a S. aureus intramammary infection, but caused by a genotype different from genotype B.During the suckling period, the UMG had a significantly higher incidence rate of 1.09 diarrhoea cases per 100 calf days at risk compared to 0.26 cases per 100 calf days in the HMG (p¿<¿0.05).ConclusionsUnder the conditions of this study, no effects of feeding milk containing SAGTB on udder health after first calving were observed. But a power analysis indicated that the sample size in the current setup is insufficient to allow for assessment on mastitis risk after SAGTB exposition, as a minimal number of 4 calves infected (vs. 0 in the HMG) would have shown significant effects. High bacterial load, however, was associated with an increased incidence rate of diarrhoea. Thus, thermisation as a minimal preventive measure before feeding mastitis milk to calves might be beneficial for maintaining calf health.
The aim of this study was to determine whether any differences in the GH-IGF-I axis in juvenile calves were predictive of fertility problems as adult cows. Endogenous metabolic hormone profiles before and after feeding and the response to a GH-releasing factor (GRF) challenge were measured in prepubertal (6 month) dairy calves. These metabolic parameters were subsequently related to physical characteristics at puberty and to ovarian function during the first lactation. Milk progesterone analysis was used to categorize the animals into those with normal progesterone profiles following calving (n = 17) and those that developed delayed ovulation (DOV1, n = 9) or persistent corpus luteum (PCL1, n = 6) profiles. There were associations between prepubertal GH parameters, glucose and non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) concentrations and the body condition score at which the animals attained puberty. The calves which subsequently developed DOV1 profiles as cows tended to have a higher GH pulse amplitude during fasting than normal profile animals, they did not show the anticipated decrease in circulating glucose concentrations following a post-prandial rise in insulin and they also had the lowest IGF-I concentrations. The calves that later developed PCL1 had a significantly larger GH pulse amplitude and pulse area than normal profile animals in the fed period and had the highest IGF-I concentrations. There were no differences in prepubertal insulin or NEFA concentrations or in the GH response to a GRF challenge between the different progesterone profile categories. Plasma IGF-I concentrations in prepubertal animals were positively correlated with their post-calving concentrations, whereas glucose concentrations had a negative correlation between these time-periods. These results suggested that the different juvenile endocrine profiles of the DOV1 cows may predispose them to a higher rate of tissue mobilization during lactation and a consequent reduction in fertility, while altered GH and IGF-I levels in PCL1 cows may later contribute to the maintenance of the persistent corpus luteum. Therefore metabolic differences in prepubertal calves were later reflected by altered reproductive function during the first lactation.
This study investigated possible relationships between measurements of the somatotrophic axis in pre-pubertal dairy calves and subsequent milk yields. Endogenous growth hormone (GH) release was measured through a fed and fasted period in fifty 6-month-old Holstein-Friesian heifers and they were then challenged with growth hormone-releasing factor (GRF) to assess their GH release pattern. Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), insulin and glucose concentrations were measured in relation to time of feeding. Cows were subsequently monitored through their first three lactations to record peak and 305-day milk yields. In the first lactation, milk energy output for the first 120 days of lactation was also calculated. The mean 305-day milk yield increased from 7417 +/- 191 kg in the first lactation (n = 37) to 8749 +/- 252 kg in the third (n = 25). There were no significant relationships between any measures of GH secretion and peak or 305-day yield in any lactation. A highly significant positive relationship was established between the GH peak measured 10 min post-GRF challenge and 120-day milk energy values in the first lactation. This relationship was, however, only present in the subpopulation of 12 cows culled after one or two lactations and was absent in the 25 animals remaining for the third lactation. There were no significant relationships between pre-pubertal IGF-I and fed or fasted insulin or glucose concentrations and any subsequent measurement of yield. The usefulness of GH secretagogue challenges in calves as a predictive test for future milk production is thus limited but may have some bearing on nutrient partitioning and longevity. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The influences of age in calves' immune system are described in their first phase of life. We hypothesized that variations that occur in the main mechanisms of lung innate response can help to identify periods of greater susceptibility to the respiratory diseases that affect calves in the first stage of their life. This study aimed to evaluate the innate immune system. Nine healthy calves were monitored for 3 mo and 8 immunologic evaluations were performed. Bronchoalveolar lavage samples were recovered by bronchoscopy. The alveolar macrophages in samples were identified by protein expression of cluster of differentiation 14 (CD14) and underwent functional evaluation of phagocytosis (Staphylococcus aureus stained with propidium iodide and Escherichia coli). Data was assessed by one-way ANOVA (unstacked and parametric) and the Mann-Whitney test (nonparametric). Functional alterations in CD14-positive phagocytes were observed, with punctual higher intensity of phagocytosis in the third week and its decrease starting at 45 d of life. A gradual increase in phagocytosis rate was observed starting at this date. It is concluded that from 45 d of life on, alveolar macrophages have less phagocytic capacity but more cells perform this function. We suggest that this occurs because lung macrophages of calves start to maintain their immune response without passive immunity influence. Until 90 d of life, calves did not achieve the stability to conclude the maturation of local innate immune response.
The objective of this research was to evaluate the thermal efficiency of roofs used on individual shelters during milk-feeding stage of Girolando calves. The research was conducted at a farm located in a dry region of Pernambuco state, Brazil. The experimental design was completely randomized, with 27 Holstein × Gir dairy crossbred calves housed in shelters with three roofing materials (fibre cement tile, recycled tile, and thatched roofs). The recycled tiles and thatched roofs provided reductions of 18.7 and 14.6% in radiant thermal load, respectively. Regardless the roofing material, all animals increased their respiratory rate to maintain thermal equilibrium.