96 resultados para Dab


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Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa, L.) and dab (Limanda limanda, L.) are among the most abundant flatfishes in the north-eastern Atlantic region and the dominant species in shallow coastal nursery grounds. With increasing pressures on commercial flatfish stocks in combination with changing coastal environments, better knowledge of population dynamics during all life stages is needed to evaluate variability in year-class strength and recruitment to the fishery. The aim of this research was to investigate the complex interplay of biotic and abiotic habitat components influencing the distribution, density and growth of plaice and dab during the vulnerable juvenile life stage and to gain insight in spatial and temporal differences in nursery habitat quality along the west coast of Ireland. Intraspecific variability in plaice diet was observed at different spatial scales and showed a link with condition, recent growth and morphology. This highlights the effect of food availability on habitat quality and the need to consider small scale variation when attempting to link habitat quality to feeding, growth and condition of juvenile flatfish. There was evidence of trophic, spatial and temporal resource partitioning between juvenile plaice and dab allowing the co-existence of morphologically similar species in nursery grounds. In the limited survey years there was no evidence that the carrying capacity of the studied nursery grounds was reached but spatial and interannual variations in fish growth indicated fluctuating environments in terms of food availability, predator densities, sediment features and physico-chemical conditions. Predation was the most important factor affecting habitat quality for juvenile plaice and dab with crab densities negatively correlated to fish condition whereas shrimp densities were negatively associated with densities of small-sized juveniles in spring. A comparison of proxies for fish growth showed the advantage of Fulton’s K for routine use whereas RNA:DNA ratios proved less powerful when short-term environmental fluctuations are lacking. This study illustrated how distinct sets of habitat features can drive spatial variation in density and condition of juvenile flatfish highlighting the value of studying both variables when modeling habitat requirements. The habitat models generated in this study also provide a powerful tool to predict potential climate and anthropogenic impacts on the distribution and condition of juveniles in flatfish nurseries. The need for effective coastal zone management was emphasized to ensure a sustainable use of coastal resources and successful flatfish recruitment to the fishery.


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In Ireland, although flatfish form a valuable fishery, little is known about the smallest, the dab Limanda limanda. In this study, a variety of parameters of reproductive development, including ovarian phase description, gonadosomatic index (GSI), hepatosomatic index (HSI), relative condition (Kn) and oocyte size were analysed to provide information on the dab’s reproductive cycle and spawning periods. Sampling were collected monthly over an 18-month period using bottom trawls of the Irish coastline. A six phase macroscopic guide was developed for both sexes of dab, and verified using histology. In comparisons of macroscopic and microscopic phases, there was high agreement in the proposed female guide (86%), with males demonstratively lower (62%). No significant bias was observed between the the two reproductive methods. When the male macroscopic guide was examined, misclassification was high in phase 5 and phase 5 (41%), with 96% of misclassification occurring in adjacent phases. The sampled population was primarily composed of females, with ratios of females to males 1:0.6, although the predominance of females was less noticeable during the reproductive season. Oocyte growth in dab follows asynchronous development, and spawn over a protracted period indicating a batch spawning strategy. Spawning occurred mainly in early spring, with total regeneration of gonads by May. The length at which 50% of the population was reproductively mature was identified as 14cm and 17cm, for male and female dab, respectively. Precision and bias in age determinations using whole otoliths to age dab was investigated using six age readers from various institutions. Low levels of precision were obtained (CV: 10-23%) inferring the need for an alternative methodology. Precision and bias was influence by the level of experience of the reader, with ageing error attributed to interpretative differences and difficulty in edge determination. Sectioned otolith age determinations were subsequently compared to whole otolith age determinations using two age readers experienced in dab ageing. Although increased precision was observed in whole otoliths from previous estimates (CV=0%, 0% APE), sectioned otoliths were used for growth models. This was based on multinominal logistic regression on age length keys developed using both ageing methods. Biological data (length and age) for both sexes was applied to four growth models, where the Akaike criterion and Multi model Inference indicated the logistic model as having the best fit to the collected data. In general, female dab attained a longer length then males, with growth rates significantly different between the two sexes. Length weight relationships between the two sexes were also significantly different.


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The third generation (G-3) polypropylenimine hexadecaamine dendrimer (DAB-Am-16) was grafted onto the silica gel surface. The modified silica interacts easily with Cu(2+) and then with potassium ferrocyanide to form copper hexacyanoferrate. The modified silica was characterized by the following techniques: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), FTIR spectroscopy, Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) and Cyclic Voltammetry. The modified silica containing copper hexacyanoferrate (CuHCFSD) was tested for a voltammetric determination of nitrite using a modified graphite paste electrode.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Özege, M. S. Eski harflerle,


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The South American fur seal (Arctocephalus australis) is an amphibious marine mammal distributed along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of South America. The species is well adjusted to different habitats due to the morphology of its fin-like members and due to some adaptations in their integumentary system. Immunohistochemical studies are very important to evaluate the mechanisms of skin adaptation due the differential expression of the antigens present in the tissue depending of the region of the body surface. However, its strongly pigmented (melanin) epidermis prevents the visualization of the immuno-histochemical chromogens markers. In this study a melanin bleaching method was developed aimed to allow the visualization of the chromogens without interfering in the antigen-antibody affinity for immunohistochemistry. The analysis of PCNA (proliferating cell nuclear antigen) index in the epidermis of A. australis by immunohistochemistry with diaminobenzidine (DAB) as chromogen was used to test the method. The bleaching of the melanin allowed to obtain the cell proliferation index in epidermis and to avoid false positive results without affecting the immunohistochemical results.


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Immunolabeling is commonly used to localize antigens within frozen or paraffin tissue sections. We modified existing immunolabeling techniques to allow the detection of three antigens simultaneously within the one tissue section. The approach relies on the use of three monoclonal antibodies in sequential immunoperoxidase staining steps, each with colored substrates, resulting in the deposition of black, brown, and rose stains. The method is rapid and does not require novel techniques or materials. In this report, we demonstrate the colocalization of mast cell tryptase, neurofilament protein, and CD31 (platelet-endothelial cell adhesion molecule) or laminin in normal human skin and normal buccal mucosa, as an illustration of the power and simplicity of the multiple antigen localization technique.


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We have compared the effects of two types of physical training on the cardiac autonomic control in ovariectomized and sham-operated rats according to different approaches: double autonomic blockade (DAB) with methylatropine and propranolol; baroreflex sensibility (BRS) and spectral analysis of heart rate variability (HRV). Wistar female rats (+/- 250 g) were divided into two groups: sham-operated and ovariectomized. Each group was subdivided into three subgroups: sedentary rats, rats submitted to aerobic trained and rats submitted to resistance training. Ovariectomy did not change arterial pressure, basal heart rate (HR), DAB and BRS responses, but interfered with HRV by reducing the low-frequency oscillations (LF = 0.20-0.75 Hz) in relation to sedentary sham-operated rats. The DAB showed that both types of training promoted an increase in the predominance of vagal tonus in sham-operated rats, but HR variations due to methylatropine were decreased in the resistance trained rats compared to sedentary rats. Evaluation of BRS showed that resistance training for sham-operated and ovariectomized rats reduced the tachycardic responses in relation to aerobic training. Evaluation of HRV in trained rats showed that aerobic training reduced LF oscillations in sham-operated rats, whereas resistance training had a contrary effect. In the ovariectomized rats, aerobic training increased high frequency oscillations (HF = 0.75-2.5 Hz), whereas resistance training produced no effect. In sham-operated rats, both types of training increased the vagal autonomic tonus, but resistance training reduced HF oscillations and BRS as well. In turn, both types of training had similar results in ovariectomized rats, except for HRV, as aerobic training promoted an increase in HF oscillations. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The basal dendritic arbors of 442 supragranular pyramidal cells in visual cortex of the marmoset monkey were compared by fractal analyses. As detailed in a previous study,(1) individual cells were injected with Lucifer Yellow and processed for a DAB reaction product. The basal dendritic arbors were drawn, in the tangential plane, and the fractal dimension (D) determined by the dilation method. The fractal dimensions were compared between cells in ten cortical areas containing cells involved in visual processing, including the primary visual area (Vi), the second visual area (V2), the dorsoanterior area (DA), the dorsomedial area (DM), the dorsolateral. area (DL), the middle temporal area (MT), the posterior parietal area (PP), the fundus of the superior temporal area (FST) and the caudal and rostral subdivisions of inferotemporal cortex (ITc and ITr, respectively). Of 45 pairwise interareal comparisons of the fractal dimension of neurones, 20 were significantly different. Moreover, comparison of data according to previously published visual processing pathways revealed a trend for cells with greater fractal dimensions in higher cortical areas. Comparison of the present results with those in homologous cortical areas in the macaque monkey(2) revealed some similarities between the two species. The similarity in the trends of D values of cells in both species may reflect developmental features which, result in different functional attributes.


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Objective: A new protocol for fixation and slide preservation was evaluated in order to improve the quality of immunocytochemical reactions on cytology slides. Methods: The quality of immunoreactions was evaluated retrospectively on 186 cytology slides (130 direct smears, 56 cytospins) prepared from different cytology samples. Ninety-three of the slides were air dried, stored at -20 °C and fixed in acetone for 10 minutes (Protocol 1), whereas the other 93 were immediately fixed in methanol at -20 °C for at least 30 minutes, subsequently protected with polyethylene glycol (PEG) and stored at room temperature (Protocol 2). Immunocytochemical staining, with eight primary antibodies, was performed on a Ventana BenchMark Ultra instrument using an UltraView Universal DAB Detection Kit. The following parameters were evaluated for each immunoreaction: morphology preservation, intensity of specific staining, background and counterstain. The slides were blinded and independently scored by four observers with marks from 0 to 20. Results: The quality of immunoreactions was better on methanol-fixed slides protected with PEG than on air-dried slides stored in the freezer: X¯ = 14.44 ± 3.58 versus X¯ = 11.02 ± 3.86, respectively (P < 0.001). Conclusion: Immediate fixation of cytology slides in cold methanol with subsequent application of PEG is an easy and straightforward procedure that improves the quality of immunocytochemical reactions and allows the storage of the slides at room temperature.


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This work describes the synthesis and characterization of a series of new α-diimine and P,O, β-keto and acetamide phosphines ligands, and their complexation to Ni(II), Co(II),Co(III) and Pd(II) to obtain a series of new compounds aiming to study their structural characteristics and to test their catalytic activity. All the compounds synthesized were characterized by the usual spectroscopic and spectrometric techniques: Elemental Analysis, MALDI-TOF-MS spectrometry, IR, UV-vis, 1H, 13C and 31P NMR spectroscopies. Some of the paramagnetic compounds were also characterized by EPR. For the majority of the compounds it was possible to solve their solid state structure by single crystal X-ray diffraction. Tests for olefin polymerization were performed in order to determine the catalytic activity of the Co(II) complexes. Chapter I presents a brief introduction to homogenous catalysis, highlighting the reactions catalyzed by the type of compounds described in this thesis, namely olefin polymerization and oligomerization and reactions catalyzed by the complexes bearing α-diimines and P,O type ligands. Chapter II is dedicated to the description of the synthesis of new α-diimines cobalt (II) complexes, of general formula [CoX2(α-diimine)], where X = Cl or I and the α-diimines are bis(aryl)acenaphthenequinonediimine) (Ar-BIAN) and 1,4-diaryl-2,3-dimethyl-1,4-diaza-1,3-butadiene (Ar-DAB). Structures solved by single crystal X-ray diffraction were obtained for all the described complexes. For some of the compounds, X-band EPR measurements were performed on polycrystalline samples, showing a high-spin Co(II) (S = 3/2) ion, in a distorted axial environment. EPR single crystal experiments on two of the compounds allowed us to determine the g tensor orientation in the molecular structure. In Chapter III we continue with the synthesis and characterization of more cobalt (II)complexes bearing α-diimines of general formula [CoX2(α-diimine)], with X = Cl or I and α-diimines are bis(aryl)acenaphthenequinonediimine) (Ar-BIAN) and 1,4-diaryl-2,3-dimethyl- 1,4-diaza-1,3-butadiene (Ar-DAB). The structures of three of the new compounds synthesized were determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. A NMR paramagnetic characterization of all the compounds described is presented. Ethylene polymerization tests were done to determine the catalytic activity of several of the Co(II) complexes described in Chapter II and III and their results are shown. In Chapter IV a new rigid bidentate ligand, bis(1-naphthylimino)acenaphthene, and its complexes with Zn(II) and Pd(II), were synthesized. Both the ligand and its complexes show syn and anti isomers. Structures of the ligand and the anti isomer of the Pd(II) complex were solved by single crystal X-ray diffraction. All the compounds were characterized by elemental analysis, MALDI-TOF-MS spectrometry, and by IR, UV-vis, 1H, 13C, 1H-1H COSY, 1H-13C HSQC, 1H-13C HSQC-TOCSY and 1H-1H NOESY NMR when necessary. DFT studies showed that both conformers of [PdCl2(BIAN)] are isoenergetics and can be obtain experimentally. However, we can predict that the isomerization process is not available in square-planar complex, but is possible for the free ligand. The molecular geometry is very similar in both isomers, and only different orientations for naphthyl groups can be expected. Chapter V describes the synthesis of new P, O type ligands, β-keto phosphine, R2PCH2C(O)Ph, and acetamide phosphine R2PNHC(O)Me, as well as a series of new cobalt(III) complexes namely [(η5-C5H5)CoI2{Ph2PCH2C(O)Ph}], and [(η5- C5H5)CoI2{Ph2PNHC(O)Me}]. Treating these Co(III) compounds with an excess of Et3N, resulted in complexes η2-phosphinoenolate [(η5-C5H5)CoI{Ph2PCH…C(…O)Ph}] and η2- acetamide phosphine [(η5-C5H5)CoI{Ph2PN…C(…O)Me}]. Nickel (II) complexes were also obtained: cis-[Ni(Ph2PN…C(…O)Me)2] and cis-[Ni((i-Pr)2PN…C(…O)Me)2]. Their geometry and isomerism were discussed. Seven structures of the compounds described in this chapter were determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The general conclusions of this work can be found in Chapter VI.


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El cultivo "in vitro" de Leishmania braziliensis braziliensis constituye un método útil en el trabajo de campo, para el aislamiento primario de ésta subes-pécie de Leishmania. Cultivos en dos medios difásicos de agar sangre (DAB y EVANS) y dos medios líquidos (SCHNEIDER'S y AR-103) realizados en pacientes con lesiones cutáneas de Leishmaniasis Tegumentaria Americana (LTA) demostraron: 1) Similar sensibilidad de los medios DAB y Schneider's cuando utilizamos el procedimiento de aspiración de las muestras con aguja. 2) Rendimiento sensible y reproducible, con el medio DAB, cuando comparado, en repetidas ocasiones, con el medio EVANS. 3) Incremento significativo en el aislamiento primario de Leishmania braziliensis brazilensis mediante la ejecución, en la misma lesión de cada paciente, de tres aspiraciones consecutivas en sitios diferentes de la úlcera activa (50% de positividad, con el medio DAB).


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«Hast du», so fragte er ihn einst, «hast auch du vom Flusse jenes Geheime gelemt: daB es keine Zeit gibt?» (...) «Ja, Siddhartha (...) daB der FluB überall zugleich ist, am Urspmng und an der Mündung, am Wasserfall, an der Fãhre (...)überaU, zugleich, und daB es für ihn nur Gegenwart gibt, nicht den Schatten Zukunft?» «Dies ist es», sagte Siddhartha. «Und ais ich es gelemt hatte, da sah ich mein leben an, und es war auch ein FluB, (...). Es waren auch Siddharthas frühere Geburten keine Vergangenheit, und sein Tod und seine Rückkehr zu Brahma keine Zukunft. Nichts war, nichts wird sein; alies ist, alies hat Wesen und Gegenwart.» (GW V, p. 436) («Também tu», perguntou-lhe assim uma vez, «também tu aprendeste com o rio aquele seu segredo: que o tempo não existe?» (...) «Sim Siddhartha», disse. «(...) queres dizer que o rio é sempre o mesmo, em toda a parte, na fonte, na foz, nas quedas de água, junto ao molhe (...) sempre o mesmo e que para ele apenas existe o presente, não a sombra do futuro?» «É isso», disse Siddhartha. «Logo que o aprendi, passei em revista toda a minha vida; também era um rio. (...) Também as vidas anteriores de Siddhartha não pertenciam ao passado, nem a sua morte, o seu retomo a Brahma ao futuro. Nada fora, nada seria; tudo é, tem ser e presente.»)


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Comparamos diferentes medios artificiales y procedimientos de cultivo in vitro de Leishmania braziliensis braziliensis (Lbb) aislada de lesiones de hamsteres experimentalmente infectados. Observamos que la aspiración de material de la lesión, usando jeringa de 5 mlyaguja 22g(25 x 8mm), mostró resultados satisfactorios siendo un procedimiento conveniente de colecta. El medio de Agar Sangre Difco (DAB) es un medio eficiente para el aislamiento de Lbb. El medio de Evans demostro similares resultados al DAB, mientras que el medio líquido de Schneider y el químicamente definido AR-103 fueron nitidamente inferiores. En la propagación in vitro de Lbb, el medio de Schneider permitió un buen crecimiento del flagelado, alcanzando densidades de 0,21 - 2,57 x 10(8) promastigotes por ml ya, en el 5.° dia de cultivo. La adición de 5-fluorocytosine a los tubos de cultivo (150/jg/ml)para evitar la contaminación por hongos, no inhibió el crecimiento de Lbb.