3 resultados para DYRK2


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Proteins of the DYRK (dual-specificity tyrosine-phosphorylation-regulated kinase) family are characterized by the presence of a conserved kinase domain and N-terminal DH box. DYRK2 is involved in regulating key developmental and cellular processes, such as neurogenesis, cell proliferation, cytokinesis, and cellular differentiation. Herein, we report that the ortholog of DYRK2 found in zebrafish shares about 70% identity with that of human, mouse, and chick. RT-PCR showed that DYRK2 is expressed maternally and zygotically. In-situ hybridization results show that DYRK2 is expressed in somite cells that will develop into muscles. Our results provide preliminary evidence for investigating the in-vivo function of DYRK2 in zebrafish muscle development.


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Studies in both vertebrates and invertebrates have identified proteins of the Hedgehog (Hh) family of secreted signaling molecules as key organizers of tissue patterning. Initially discovered in Drosophila in 1992, Hh family members have been discovered in animals with body plans as diverse as those of mammals, insects and echinoderms. In humans three related Hh genes have been identified: Sonic, Indian and Desert hedgehog (Shh, Ihh and Dhh). Transduction of the Hh signal to the cytoplasm utilizes an unusual mechanism involving consecutive repressive interactions between Hh and its receptor components, Patched (Ptc) and Smoothened (Smo). Several cytoplasmic proteins involved in Hh signal transduction are known in Drosophila, but mammalian homologs are known only for the Cubitus interruptus (Ci) transcription factor (GLI(1-3)) and for the Ci/GLI-associated protein, Suppressor of Fused (Su(fu)). In this study I analyzed the mechanisms of how the Hh receptor Ptc regulates the signal transducer Smo, and how Smo relays the Shh signal from the cell surface to the cytoplasm ultimately leading to the activation of GLI transcription factors. In Drosophila, the kinesin-like protein Costal2 (Cos2) is required for suppression of Hh target gene expression in the absence of ligand, and loss of Cos2 causes embryonic lethality. Cos2 acts by bridging Smo to the Ci. Another protein, Su(Fu) exerts a weak suppressive influence on Ci activity and loss of Su(Fu) causes subtle changes in Drosophila wing pattern. This study revealed that domains in Smo that are critical for Cos2 binding in Drosophila are dispensable for mammalian Smo function. Furthermore, by analyzing the function of Su(Fu) and the closest mouse homologs of Cos2 by protein overexpression and RNA interference I found that inhibition of the Hh response pathway in the absence of ligand does not require Cos2 activity, but instead critically depends on the activity of Su(Fu). These results indicate that a major change in the mechanism of action of a conserved signaling pathway occurred during evolution, probably through phenotypic drift made possible by the existence in some species of two parallel pathways acting between the Hh receptor and the Ci/GLI transcription factors. In a second approach to unravel Hh signaling we cloned > 90% of all human full-length protein kinase cDNAs and constructed the corresponding kinase-activity deficient mutants. Using this kinome resource as a screening tool, two kinases, MAP3K10 and DYRK2 were found to regulate Shh signaling. DYRK2 directly phosphorylated and induced the proteasome dependent degradation of the key Hh-pathway regulated transcription factor, GLI2. MAP3K10, in turn, affected GLI2 indirectly by modulating the activity of DYRK2.


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本文主要研究在斑马鱼胚胎发育过程中参与肌肉发育的相关基因,克隆了四个在体节和肌肉中表达的基因全长,分析了基因的时空表达特征,并对其中两个基因进行了过表达,分析其在体节形成和肌肉发生过程中的功能。 从斑马鱼中克隆到甲状腺激素受体相关蛋白基因TRAP150。原位杂交分析TRAP150表达在近轴细胞的慢肌和体节的快肌,表达模式与MyoD的模式相近;并表现出肌肉特异性表达,TRAP150在体节形成和肌肉发生早期高水平说明TRAP150在肌肉分化过程发挥着重要的作用。此外,在胚胎的心脏中也检测到TRAP150的表达。在斑马鱼胚胎过量表达TRAP150造成MyoD在近轴中胚层的过量表达,而对MyoD在近轴细胞的表达影响不明显;由于MyoD在近轴中胚层的表达将诱导快肌的形成,因此过量表达TRAP150将可能导致快肌的增多;从过量表达的结果分析,TRAP150在MyoD的上游正向调控MyoD的表达,是诱导快肌的分化的重要基因。 从斑马鱼中克隆到双特性酪氨酸调控激酶新基因DYRK2。RT-PCR结果表明DYRK2具有母源性表达的特点,并且在36小时前各个时期都有表达。DYRK2在体节形成后表达在体节的近轴细胞中,大约在15个体节时检测到在快肌部位表达,18小时后在胚胎肌肉组织、脑部以及眼睛表达。DYRK2在斑马鱼胚胎发育过程中与体节和肌肉发生相关的基因之一,并可能参与脑和眼睛的发生。在斑马鱼胚胎中过量表达DYRK2导致肌肉标记基因MyoD的表达出现了很大的变化,注射侧MyoD在近轴细胞和近轴中胚层过量表达,尤其是在未形成体节的体节前体中胚层,注射侧的MyoD有大范围的高表达,而在正常一侧没有表达。MyoD的过量表达说明斑马鱼胚胎早期DYRK2通过调控MyoD的表达影响慢肌的分化。 克隆得到斑马鱼的血细胞生成的PBX1互作蛋白基因HPIP1。RT-PCR结果表明HPIP1在斑马鱼胚胎表达具有母源性,但是原位杂交的检测一直到10个体节时才检测到,说明HPIP1一直到肌肉分化后才大量表达,可能在肌肉的成熟阶段起作用。当胚胎发育到18小时,HPIP1表达在所有体节中,前端的较早形成的体节中表达量比晚形成的体节表达量高,也符合HPIP1参与肌肉成熟过程的判断。HPIP1还表达在胚胎的眼部周围,说明HPIP1可能参与到眼部肌肉的形成。 在斑马鱼中克隆的Chp-1相似蛋白基因CHORDC1。在3个体节时,CHORDC1表达在脊索两侧的近轴细胞中,而在5个体节时CHORDC1在表达在体节中,这个特点与MyoD的表达很相似,与MyoD在体节中表达不同的是,CHORDC1也在体节前体中胚层中表达,这与Myf5的表达特点相似,CHORDC1紧随着MyoD,Myf5的高表达说明CHORDC1在肌肉细胞的分化的早期即参与肌肉的发育,而其高表达量也说明CHORDC1在这个过程中可能起到非常重要的作用。CHORDC1在近轴中胚层的表达与MyoD,Myf5有不同的特点,这种不同表现在其在近轴中胚层的表达不仅仅限于快肌和慢肌,而且由后到前的逐渐扩展。而且,CHORDC1在心肌中也表达说明其不仅在骨骼肌中发挥作用。综合CHORDC1的表达特点可以认为其对肌肉的作用不限于特定肌肉类型,广泛参与到各种肌肉的发育过程