31 resultados para DVE


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The over represented number of novice drivers involved in crashes is alarming. Driver training is one of the interventions aimed at mitigating the number of crashes that involve young drivers. To our knowledge, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) have never been comprehensively used in designing an intelligent driver training system. Currently, there is a need to develop and evaluate ADAS that could assess driving competencies. The aim is to develop an unsupervised system called Intelligent Driver Training System (IDTS) that analyzes crash risks in a given driving situation. In order to design a comprehensive IDTS, data is collected from the Driver, Vehicle and Environment (DVE), synchronized and analyzed. The first implementation phase of this intelligent driver training system deals with synchronizing multiple variables acquired from DVE. RTMaps is used to collect and synchronize data like GPS, vehicle dynamics and driver head movement. After the data synchronization, maneuvers are segmented out as right turn, left turn and overtake. Each maneuver is composed of several individual tasks that are necessary to be performed in a sequential manner. This paper focuses on turn maneuvers. Some of the tasks required in the analysis of ‘turn’ maneuver are: detect the start and end of the turn, detect the indicator status change, check if the indicator was turned on within a safe distance and check the lane keeping during the turn maneuver. This paper proposes a fusion and analysis of heterogeneous data, mainly involved in driving, to determine the risk factor of particular maneuvers within the drive. It also explains the segmentation and risk analysis of the turn maneuver in a drive.


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The over representation of novice drivers in crashes is alarming. Research indicates that one in five drivers’ crashes within their first year of driving. Driver training is one of the interventions aimed at decreasing the number of crashes that involve young drivers. Currently, there is a need to develop comprehensive driver evaluation system that benefits from the advances in Driver Assistance Systems. Since driving is dependent on fuzzy inputs from the driver (i.e. approximate distance calculation from the other vehicles, approximate assumption of the other vehicle speed), it is necessary that the evaluation system is based on criteria and rules that handles uncertain and fuzzy characteristics of the drive. This paper presents a system that evaluates the data stream acquired from multiple in-vehicle sensors (acquired from Driver Vehicle Environment-DVE) using fuzzy rules and classifies the driving manoeuvres (i.e. overtake, lane change and turn) as low risk or high risk. The fuzzy rules use parameters such as following distance, frequency of mirror checks, gaze depth and scan area, distance with respect to lanes and excessive acceleration or braking during the manoeuvre to assess risk. The fuzzy rules to estimate risk are designed after analysing the selected driving manoeuvres performed by driver trainers. This paper focuses mainly on the difference in gaze pattern for experienced and novice drivers during the selected manoeuvres. Using this system, trainers of novice drivers would be able to empirically evaluate and give feedback to the novice drivers regarding their driving behaviour.


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Driver training is one of the interventions aimed at mitigating the number of crashes that involve novice drivers. Our failure to understand what is really important for learners, in terms of risky driving, is one of the many drawbacks restraining us to build better training programs. Currently, there is a need to develop and evaluate Advanced Driving Assistance Systems that could comprehensively assess driving competencies. The aim of this paper is to present a novel Intelligent Driver Training System (IDTS) that analyses crash risks for a given driving situation, providing avenues for improvement and personalisation of driver training programs. The analysis takes into account numerous variables acquired synchronously from the Driver, the Vehicle and the Environment (DVE). The system then segments out the manoeuvres within a drive. This paper further presents the usage of fuzzy set theory to develop the safety inference rules for each manoeuvre executed during the drive. This paper presents a framework and its associated prototype that can be used to comprehensively view and assess complex driving manoeuvres and then provide a comprehensive analysis of the drive used to give feedback to novice drivers.


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O exotismo, em sua projeção literária, é um conceito relacionado ao imperialismo e ao relato da aventura. Cabe, assim, questionar o emprego de semelhante conceito na produção literária contemporânea, inserida em um mundo mapeado, cosmopolita e de fronteiras fluidas. No esteio da reflexão sobre o exotismo literário no século XXI, os conceitos de alteridade e de identidade ganham peso, expondo um sujeito multifacetado e descentrado, que se equilibra na corda bamba entre realidade e ficção. Está preparado, assim, o terreno para a transgressão de gêneros canônicos, como a autobiografia, gerando novas perspectivas de abordagem do posicionamento do autor no campo literário e ampliando conceitos como os de autoficção e de espaço biográfico. No mesmo movimento, o fenômeno da desterritorialização conduz autores e leitores a novos espaços, nem sempre físicos, mas talvez propícios a inéditas viagens pelo caminho da arte


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Medir a espessura da parede vesical (EPV) através da ultrassonografia, correlacioná-la com os parâmetros urodinâmicos e avaliar o papel destes parâmetros para lesão do trato urinário superior. Avaliar também o papel das alterações da forma da bexiga nos resultados de injeção de toxina botulínica tipo-A (BTX-A) no detrusor em pacientes com lesão medular traumática (LMT). Trata-se de dois estudos. O primeiro é um estudo transversal de 272 pacientes com LMT submetidos à ultrassonografia renal e de bexiga e estudo urodinâmico. A parede anterior da bexiga foi medida e comparada com os dados urodinâmicos. A cistografia foi realizada em 57 pacientes. O segundo foi um estudo prospectivo avaliando os resultados da injeção de BTX-A no detrusor em 27 pacientes considerando os achados urodinâmicos (pré e pós procedimento) e as deformidades da bexiga (cistografia). A média da EPV foi de 3,94 mm e foi estatisticamente maior em pacientes com hiperatividade detrusora neurogênica associada à dissinergia vesicoesfincteriana (HDN/DVE), em comparação com aqueles sem DVE (p<0,001). Essa média também foi maior em pacientes com complacência < 20 mL/cmH2O, comparada aos pacientes com complacência ≥ 20 mL/cmH2O (p<0,001). A média da pressão detrusora máxima (Pdet Max) foi estatisticamente maior nos pacientes com refluxo vesicoureteral (RVU) em comparação com aqueles sem RVU (100,7 vs 61,2 cmH2O respectivamente, p=0,022). Pacientes com complacência < 20 mL/cmH2O apresentaram prevalência de hidronefrose 4,2 vezes maior, comparada aos pacientes com complacência ≥ 20 mL/cmH2O. Não houve associação estatística entre EPV e hidronefrose ou RVU. Vinte e sete pacientes foram submetidos à injeção de BTX-A no detrusor. A média de tempo de continência urinária foi de 8 meses. Nove pacientes (33,3%) tinham forma vesical alterada e 8 casos (29,6%) tinham divertículos. A capacidade cistométrica máxima, Pdet max, volume reflexo e complacência não apresentaram diferença significativa na presença de divertículos ou alteração da forma. O aumento da EPV está associado à complacência < 20 mL/cmH2O e HDN/DVE em pacientes com LMT. No entanto, não houve relação entre a EPV e hidronefrose ou RVU. Baixa complacência e HDN/DVE são os principais fatores de risco para dano ao trato urinário superior. A presença de divertículos ou alteração da forma vesical não influenciou nos resultados após injeção de BTX-A no detrusor.


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Wydział Neofilologii: Instytut Filologii Romańskiej


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Recently, new lines of yellow-seeded (CS-Y) and black-seeded canola (CS-B) have been developed with chemical and structural alteration through modern breeding technology. However, no systematic study was found on the bioactive compounds, chemical functional groups, fatty acid profiles, inherent structure, nutrient degradation and absorption, or metabolic characteristics between the newly developed yellow- and black-seeded canola lines. This study aimed to systematically characterize chemical, structural, and nutritional features in these canola lines. The parameters accessed include bioactive compounds and antinutrition factors, chemical functional groups, detailed chemical and nutrient profiles, energy value, nutrient fractions, protein structure, degradation kinetics, intestinal digestion, true intestinal protein supply, and feed milk value. The results showed that the CS-Y line was lower (P ≤ 0.05) in neutral detergent fiber (122 vs 154 g/kg DM), acid detergent fiber (61 vs 99 g/kg DM), lignin (58 vs 77 g/kg DM), nonprotein nitrogen (56 vs 68 g/kg DM), and acid detergent insoluble protein (11 vs 35 g/kg DM) than the CS-B line. There was no difference in fatty acid profiles except C20:1 eicosenoic acid content (omega-9) which was in lower in the CS-Y line (P < 0.05) compared to the CS-B line. The glucosinolate compounds differed (P < 0.05) in terms of 4-pentenyl, phenylethyl, 3-CH3-indolyl, and 3-butenyl glucosinolates (2.9 vs 1.0 μmol/g) between the CS-Y and CS-B lines. For bioactive compounds, total polyphenols tended to be different (6.3 vs 7.2 g/kg DM), but there were no differences in erucic acid and condensed tannins with averages of 0.3 and 3.1 g/kg DM, respectively. When protein was portioned into five subfractions, significant differences were found in PA, PB1 (65 vs 79 g/kg CP), PB2, and PC fractions (10 vs 33 g/kg CP), indicating protein degradation and supply to small intestine differed between two new lines. In terms of protein structure spectral profile, there were no significant differences in functional groups of amides I and II, α helix, and β-sheet structure as well as their ratio between the two new lines, indicating no difference in protein structure makeup and conformation between the two lines. In terms of energy values, there were significant differences in total digestible nutrient (TDN; 149 vs 133 g/kg DM), metabolizable energy (ME; 58 vs 52 MJ/kg DM), and net energy for lactation (NEL; 42 vs 37 MJ/kg DM) between CS-Y and CS-B lines. For in situ rumen degradation kinetics, the two lines differed in soluble fraction (S; 284 vs 341 g/kg CP), potential degradation fraction (D; 672 vs 590 g/kg CP), and effective degraded organic matter (EDOM; 710 vs 684 g/kg OM), but no difference in degradation rate. CS-Y had higher digestibility of rumen bypass protein in the intestine than CS-B (566 vs 446 g/kg of RUP, P < 0.05). Modeling nutrient supply results showed that microbial protein synthesis (MCP; 148 vs 171 g/kg DM) and rumen protein degraded balance (DPB; 108 vs 127 g/kg DM) were lower in the CS-Y line, but there were no differences in total truly digested protein in small intestine (DVE) and feed milk value (FMV) between the two lines. In conclusion, the new yellow line had different nutritional, chemical, and structural features compared to the black line. CS-Y provided better nutrient utilization and availability.


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Au début de son Traité fondamental de la foi, Karl Rahner avise le lecteur que l’introduction au concept de christianisme qu’il propose se déploie à ce qu’il nomme un « premier niveau de réflexion » (erste Reflexionsstufe). S’il le distingue explicitement du niveau de réflexion des sciences entendues au sens usuel, il n’en donne pas de définition formelle, s’employant plutôt à le mettre en œuvre. Curieusement, eu égard à l’importance que lui accorde Rahner, la question de ce « plan » alternatif de compréhension et de justification de la foi chrétienne est demeurée pratiquement sans écho (un constat formulé par Max Seckler en 1984 et renouvelé par Karl H. Neufeld en 2006). C'est à cette question du « premier niveau de réflexion » chez Rahner que s'attache la présente étude. Après avoir dressé un état de la question, nous y présentons les jalons du déve-loppement du concept chez Rahner, depuis ses articles sur la formation des prêtres en contexte de pluralisme jusqu’au Traité fondamental de la foi. Nous y montrons ensuite en quoi la référence de Rahner à l'illative sense newmanien, contestée lorsqu’elle n’est pas négligée par les commentateurs, peut être une clé d’interprétation de la notion qui nous occupe, le « sens illatif » (et la Grammar of Assent) éclairant le « premier niveau de réflexion » (et le Traité fondamental), et vice versa. Nous y voyons enfin comment cette référence à Newman met sur la voie des Exercices spirituels d’Ignace de Loyola, lequel aura été pour Rahner non seulement un maître spirituel, mais également un maître de théologie. Ce qui paraissait n’être au début qu’une indication d’ordre didactique se révèle dès lors comme une caractérisation fondamentale de la théologie telle que la com-prend Rahner.


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Le présent travail se penche sur le concept de la conscience de l’environnement d’affaires. Ce concept fait référence à l’importance de la prise en compte par l’employé non-cadre d’un ensemble varié d’éléments d’information composant l’environnement d’affaires. La prise en considération de ces éléments d’information par l’employé aiderait ce dernier non seulement à prendre de meilleures décisions d’affaires, mais aussi à résoudre des problèmes dans un milieu de travail prônant la gestion participative. Seulement deux mémoires et un article scientifique se sont penchés sur la conscience de l’environnement d’affaires. Le mémoire d’Ève St-Onge (2007) a justifié l’existence du concept et a établi une première liste d’indicateurs reflétant les éléments d’information de l’environnement d’affaires. Pour sa part le mémoire de Véronique Gauvreau-Jean (2008) s’est plutôt attardé à la validation initiale d’une échelle de mesure de la conscience de l’environnement d’affaires. À ces deux mémoires s’ajoute l’article scientifique de Haines, Rousseau, Brotheridge et St-Onge (2012) lequel a permis de définir un ensemble d’indicateurs et de dimensions de la conscience de l’environnement d’affaires. Le présent mémoire a pour objectif de vérifier le caractère adéquat du contenu de l’échelle de Véronique Gauvreau-Jean (2008), ce type de vérification «consiste essentiellement à examiner le contenu du test pour s’assurer de sa représentativité en tant qu’échantillon du domaine de comportements à évaluer» (Anastasi, 1982, p.132). Considérant la complexité de la conscience de l’environnement d’affaires, cette vérification s’impose pour mettre au point une échelle de mesure qui peut être généralement applicable dans des milieux de travail ayant recours à une gestion participative. Pour vérifier le caractère adéquat du contenu de l’échelle de mesure de Véronique Gauvreau-Jean (2008), il y a eu l’animation de deux panels de discussion avec une entreprise œuvrant dans le placement de personnel ainsi qu’une autre dans la distribution de produits de papier. Avec les propos des participants des panels, une analyse des données a été effectué pour produire une échelle de mesure reformulée. Cette dernière a ensuite eu un avis favorable par deux professeurs, de différentes facultés d’administration québécoises, concernant la facilité de compréhension et sa capacité de refléter les éléments de l’environnement d’affaires. Il y a finalement eu la comparaison du contenu de l’échelle reformulée et du contenu de l’échelle de Gauvreau-Jean (2008) pour déterminer le caractère adéquat de l’échelle existante.


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Introdução: O acidente vascular encefálico hemorrágico e a hemorragia subaracnóide são doenças de elevada morbi-mortalidade. Os produtos da degradação da hemoglobina são implicados em diversos estudos experimentais como elementoschave na fisiopatologia da lesão secundária após a hemorragia intracraniana. Entretanto, há poucos dados em humanos que possam corroborar as observações experimentais. Objetivo: Avaliar o papel dos produtos da degradação da hemoglobina e dos mecanismos de proteção contra a hemoglobina e o heme na fisiopatologia do dano secundário à hemorragia intracraniana. Métodos: Estudo prospectivo realizado nas unidades neurointensivas de três hospitais. Foi coletado sangue e líquor (pela DVE) de pacientes internados com AVEh ou HSA e hemoventrículo durante os primeiros três dias após o ictus. Foram dosadas sequencialmente as concentrações de ferro, heme, hemopexina, haptoglobina, enolase e S100-\03B2 além de um painel de citocinas. O desfecho primário era mortalidade em 7 dias Resultados: Quinze pacientes foram incluídos, 10 com HSA e 5 com AVEh. Após a hemorragia intracraniana, ocorreu o desencadeamento da resposta inflamatória no sistema nervoso central (SNC), com níveis de IL-8 e GM-CSF no líquor cerca de 20x superiores ao do plasma. Foi observada a correlação entre a concentração de ferro e IP-10 no líquor (r=0,97; p=0,03) e heme e MIP-1b no líquor (r=0,76; p=0,01). Os níveis de hemopexina e haptoglobina foram consistentemente inferiores no líquor em relação ao plasma, ao longo dos três dias de estudo. Tanto o ferro e heme plasmáticos, quanto o grau de resposta inflamatória sistêmica e no SNC foram preditores de mortalidade nos primeiros 7 dias após o evento. Conclusão: Os resultados desse estudo mostram que tanto o ferro quanto o heme estão correlacionados ao desencadeamento da lesão secundária após a hemorragia intracraniana e estão associados ao pior prognóstico neste grupo de pacientes. Além disso, os mecanismos de proteção cerebral contra a hemoglobina e o heme são insuficientes. Mais estudos são necessários para elucidar o papel dos produtos da degradação da hemoglobina na fisiopatologia da hemorragia intracraniana em humanos


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One goal in the development of distributed virtual environments (DVEs) is to create a system such that users are unaware of the distribution-the distribution should be transparent. The paper begins by discussing the general issues in DVEs that might make this possible, and a system that allows some level of distribution transparency is described. The system described suffers from effects of inconsistency, which in turn cause undesirable visual effects. The causal surface is introduced as a solution that removes these visual effects. The paper then introduces two determining factors of distribution transparency relating to user perception and performance. With regard to these factors, two hypotheses are stated relating to the causal surface. A user-trial on forty-five subjects is used to validate the hypotheses. A discussion of the results of the trial concludes that the causal surface solution does significantly improve the distribution transparency in a DVE.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)