4 resultados para DUCLOUXII
堇菜科堇菜属全世界约有525–600种,分布于除南极洲之外的广大地区,大部分种类分布于北温带地区和南美洲安第斯山脉地区。我国是堇菜属的主要物种多样性中心之一,《中国植物志》(51卷)记载了111种,另外有58个基于中国产的模式标本描述的学名在该著作中没有处理。由于本属形态变异复杂,分类相当困难,我国该属植物同物异名、名实不符的问题相当常见,《中国植物志》遗漏种类过多,因此需要全面修订。 通过文献查阅、标本研究、野外考察和部分种类的移栽实验,本文对中国堇菜属进行了力所能及的分类修订。描述新种和新变种9个(Viola dimorphophylla、 V. muliensis、 V. bulbosa var. oblonga、 V. gongshanensis、 V. guangxiensis、 V. hui、V. magnifica var. qianshanensis、 V. miaolingensis和V. nitida;其中V. dimorphophylla为全世界堇菜属中发现的唯一具轮生叶的种类),做出新组合6个(V. biflora var. rockiana、 V. dissecta var. incisa、 V. prionantha var. taishanensis、 V. philippica var. stenocentra、V. kosanensis subsp. pendulicarpa、V. kosanensis subsp. serrula),补充记载11个以前发表而后来未再在我国有 关分类学著作中提及的种(V. belophylla、V. yunnanfuensis、V. tienschiensis、 V. duclouxii、 V. fargesii、 V. hondoensis、V. kosanensis、V. japonica、 V. striatella、 V. kwangtungensis 和 V. perpusilla), 确认我国没有V. yezoensis和V. faurieana的分布,发现中国分布新记录种和变种各1个(V. violacea和V. tokubuchiana var. takedana),将85个学名降为异名,另外对58个《中国植物志》(51卷)中没有处理的学名全部进行了分类处理。我们的修订结果承认中国有堇菜属植物101种、3亚种和13变种,1种因未见模式标本暂存疑。本文对所有种给出了分种检索表、形态描述和标本引证,对大多数种进行了分类学评论和绘出了地理分布图以及形态图解。此外, 本文指定了33个名称的后选模式。 根据形态学、地理分布和细胞学证据,本文将匍匐堇菜组和蔓茎堇菜组予以归并;根据形态特征,在合生托叶组内建立了两个新系,即圆叶堇菜系和鳞茎堇菜系;我们认为前人在二裂花柱组内单纯强调距的长短而完全忽略其他性状划分的两个亚组——长距堇菜亚组和短距堇菜亚组——不合理,故结合根状茎、根、地下匍匐茎和花冠的有关性状对本组重新进行了亚组划分,合并长距堇菜亚组和短距堇菜亚组,建立一个新的亚组,即灰叶堇菜亚组。此外, 本文对3种(V. magnifica、V. henryi和V. pendulicarpa)的系统位置进行了调整。 本文对我国堇菜属34种共42个居群进行了染色体记数,其中20种的数目为首次报道。我们发现合生托叶组的染色体基数应该为x=6,而不是先前认为的x=12, 合生托叶组的大部分种类为多倍体,其中具有种内多倍性的种类具有很强的杂草习性。蔓茎堇菜组的多数种类的染色体数目为2n=24, 与合生托叶组很相似,另外这两个组具有相似的形态和地理分布特征,我们认为蔓茎堇菜组与合生托叶组的亲缘关系较紧密。
The methanol extract from aerial parts of the Peperomia blanda (Piperaceae) yielded two C-glycosyl-flavones. Their structures were elucidated on the basis of extensive spectroscopic analysis, including 1D and 2D NMR, chemical transformation and comparison with the related known compounds. The structure of the new flavonoids were established as 4`-methoxy-vitexin 7-O-beta-D-xylopyranoside (1) (7-O-beta-D-xylopyranosyl-8-C-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-4`-methoxy-apigenin) and vicenin-2 (2). The antioxidant activity of both compounds was investigated using the DPPH assay. Both compounds showed only modest activity, with IC50 values of 357.2 mu M for 1, and 90.5 mu M for 2. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Five tetrahydrofuran lignans and two known flavones were isolated from the aerial parts of Peperomia blanda. The structures of the isolated lignans were elucidated by interpretation of their spectroscopic data, including by gHMQC and gHMBC. The relative and absolute configurations of the isolates were determined from NOESY interactions and optical properties, respectively. Four of the lignans were diastercomeric whilst one was of mixed biosynthetic origin. All but one of the lignans exhibited high in vitro trypanocidal activity when assayed against epimastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi strain Y. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.