25 resultados para DSO


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The study aimed mapping of the land use capacity classes for the Rio das Pedras watershed, Itatinga-SP in order to provide another mechanism of environmental planning for the studied area. It was used 1:10,000 topographic letters for the slope map generation which was overlaid with the studied area soil map. It was applied the judgment table criteria method, for generation of land use capacity map of the studied area. It were identified the following results: First, class III with constraints in relation of low fertility and restrictions about erosion risks on high slope areas. Second, class VI with the same characteristics of class III however with the presence of an aggravating factor of sand texture in all horizons, resulting in high risks of erosion events, especially in high slopes areas, and contamination by pollutants due the high soil permeability. Conclusions: It was verified that the more critical regions for land use capacity classes were VIs and mainly VIes class. The last one has more high relief areas and the presence of Neossolo Quartzarenico soil, with a big erosion propensity. The land use capacity map allow making different decisions for each region of the watershed respecting their individual characteristics.


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Several analytical methods for Dynamic System Optimum (DSO) assignment have been proposed but they are basically classified into two kinds. This chapter attempts to establish DSO by equilbrating the path dynamic marginal time (DMT). The authors analyze the path DMT for a single path with tandem bottlenecks and showed that the path DMT is not the simple summation of DMT associated with each bottleneck along the path. Next, the authors examined the DMT of several paths passing through a common bottleneck. It is shown that the externality at the bottleneck is shared by the paths in proportion to their demand from the current time until the queue vanishes. This share of the externality is caused by the departure rate shift under first in first out (FIFO) and the externality propagates to the downstream bottlenecks. However, the externalities propagates to the downstream are calculated out if downstream bottlenecks exist. Therefore, the authors concluded that the path DMT can be evaluated without considering the propagation of the externalities, but just as in the evaluation of the path DMT for a single path passing through a series of bottlenecks between the origin and destination. Based on the DMT analysis, the authors finally proposed a heuristic solution algorithm and verified it by comparing the numerical solution with the analytical one.


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El objeto del presente estudio fue evaluar el efecto de diferentes fuentes y dosis de abonos orgánicos en el cultivo de la Habichuela Phaseolus Vulgaris l. S. v. Green Crop y los componentes químicos del suelo. Se realizaron dos ciclos de siembra: el primero se sembró el 19 de septiembre y se cosecho el 13 de noviembre, el segundo se sembró el 1 de Noviembre y se cosecho el 16 de Diciembre, El diseño que se uso fue el de Bloque completo al Azar, con 4 repeticiones, con unidades experimentales de 1.60 m2, con dos surcos de 0.80 cm de distancia y una distancia de 0.10 m entre planas. Los tratamientos estudiados fueron; cascarilla de Arroz, compost, Estiercol Bobvina y pulpa de café, cada uno de dosis de 15,30 y45 ton/ con dso testigos: un fertilizante químico fórmula completa 12-24-12 a razón de 129.52kg/ha y 64.76 kg/ha de urea 46 porciento aplicando al momento de la siembre como testigo relativo, y otro sin aplicaciones de fertilizante como testigo absoluto. Los análisis estadísticos revelaron para el primer ciclo una clara tendencia del cultivo a responder positivamente al estiércol bovino a dosis de 45 ton/ha. Sobre el rendimiento los datos no arrojaron resultados muy concluyentes por el severo déficit hídrico sufrido por el cultivo. Para el segundo ciclo el análisis estadístico de los resultados muestran clara tendencia de la habichuela a responder positivamente en su comportamiento agronómico a la fuente orgánica pulpa de café a nivel de 30 y 45 ton/ha: en cuanto a rendimiento, la fuente Cascarilla de3 Arroz 30 ton/ha influenciado por una marcada reducción foliar obtuvo el mayor rendimiento con 2545.31 kg/ha superado en 25 porciento la fertilización mineral y en 44 porciento al testigo absoluto. Al realizar el análisis económico, para el primer ciclo el tratamiento de mayor beneficio económico fue al Estiércol Bovino 45ton/ha para el segundo ciclo, ningún tratamiento supero económicamente a la fertilización mineral.


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This paper is concerned with the voltage and reactive power issues surrounding the connection of Distributed Generation (DG) on the low-voltage (LV) distribution network. The presented system-wide voltage control algorithm consists of three stages. Firstly available reactive power reserves are utilized. Then, if required, DG active power output is curtailed. Finally, curtailment of non-critical site demand is considered. The control methodology is tested on a variant of the 13-bus IEEE Node Radial Distribution Test Feeder. The presented control algorithm demonstrated that the distribution system operator (DSO) can maintain voltage levels within a desired statutory range by dispatching reactive power from DG or network devices. The practical application of the control strategy is discussed.


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The current regulatory framework for maintenance outage scheduling in distribution systems needs revision to face the challenges of future smart grids. In the smart grid context, generation units and the system operator perform new roles with different objectives, and an efficient coordination between them becomes necessary. In this paper, the distribution system operator (DSO) of a microgrid receives the proposals for shortterm (ST) planned outages from the generation and transmission side, and has to decide the final outage plans, which is mandatory for the members to follow. The framework is based on a coordination procedure between the DSO and other market players. This paper undertakes the challenge of optimization problem in a smart grid where the operator faces with uncertainty. The results show the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed regulatory framework in the modified IEEE 34- bus test system.


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Distribution systems are the first volunteers experiencing the benefits of smart grids. The smart grid concept impacts the internal legislation and standards in grid-connected and isolated distribution systems. Demand side management, the main feature of smart grids, acquires clear meaning in low voltage distribution systems. In these networks, various coordination procedures are required between domestic, commercial and industrial consumers, producers and the system operator. Obviously, the technical basis for bidirectional communication is the prerequisite of developing such a coordination procedure. The main coordination is required when the operator tries to dispatch the producers according to their own preferences without neglecting its inherent responsibility. Maintenance decisions are first determined by generating companies, and then the operator has to check and probably modify them for final approval. In this paper the generation scheduling from the viewpoint of a distribution system operator (DSO) is formulated. The traditional task of the DSO is securing network reliability and quality. The effectiveness of the proposed method is assessed by applying it to a 6-bus and 9-bus distribution system.


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Il est généralement accepté que les lits vasculaires oculaires auraient la faculté d’autoréguler leur apport sanguin afin de contrebalancer les variations de pression de perfusion oculaire (PPO). Plusieurs études ont tenté d’évaluer ce mécanisme en mesurant les effets d’une variation de la PPO - induite par un exercice ou par une augmentation de la pression intra-oculaire (PIO) à l’aide d’une suction sclérale - sur le débit sanguin oculaire (DSO). Or, les méthodes de mesure du DSO utilisées jusqu'à maintenant présentent de nombreux désavantages et limites, ce qui rend difficile leur usage clinique. De récents développements dans le domaine des investigations non-invasives des paramètres sanguins oculaires proposent un modèle capable de mesurer en temps réel la concentration en oxygène, un autre paramètre important du métabolisme rétinien. Dans le cadre de la présente étude, ce nouveau modèle est utilisé afin de mesurer les effets d’un effort physique dynamique sur la concentration d’oxygène dans les capillaires de la tête du nerf optique (COTNO) de sujets jeunes et en santé. Six jeunes hommes non fumeurs ont participé à l’étude. L’effort physique dynamique consistait en une séance de bicyclette stationnaire de 15 minutes menant à une augmentation du pouls à 160 battements par minute. La COTNO était mesurée avant et immédiatement après la séance d’exercice. La pression artérielle (PA) et la PIO étaient mesurées ponctuellement alors que le pouls et la saturation sanguine en oxygène (SpO2) au niveau digital étaient mesurés tout au long de l’expérience. L’effort physique a entrainé une réduction de la PIO chez tous les sujets, une réduction de la COTNO chez tous les sujets sauf un tandis que la SpO2 demeura constante chez tous les sujets. Une corrélation quadratique entre les variations de la PIO et de la COTNO a pu être notée. Ces résultats suggèrent une corrélation directe entre les variations de la COTNO et celles de la PPO et de la PA. Les résultats de la présente étude suggèrent que les variations de la COTNO chez un sujet en santé suite à un effort physique dynamique pourraient représenter sa capacité à compenser un tel effort. De plus, les changements métaboliques sanguins induits par l’effort physique dynamique pourraient représenter une cause commune aux variations de la PIO et de la COTNO.


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El trabajo realizado en esta tesis tiene como objeto principal establecer una propuesta de mejora en el proceso de cobranzas de dos empresas en proceso de fusión con la descentralización de los procesos que se encuentran radicados en Perú, logrando que el área de créditos y cobranzas tenga autonomía y capacidad de tomar sus propias decisiones de acuerdo a las características del mercado local. Uno de los objetivos del trabajo es mejorar la gestión de cobranzas para mantener un óptimo indicador DSO, lo que mostrara que la cartera se esta recuperando en menor tiempo; tomando en cuenta el modelo de negocio que se adopte y el tipo de mercado al cual se ingrese con el nuevo portafolio de productos. La propuesta que se expone trata la unificación de los procesos de cobranzas, mediante la búsqueda de sinergias entre los procesos o la adopción de una mejor alternativa de acuerdo al enfoque de la empresa en el mercado. La idea principal es alinearse a un proceso que se adapte al entorno de ambas compañías; posteriormente de acuerdo al nuevo modelo adoptado se propondrá la obtención de autonomía en las decisiones de crédito, analizando la propuesta de descentralizar algunos procesos del área de créditos y cobranzas, para que las desiciones sean tomadas localmente con un conocimiento más amplio del mercado local y evaluando el comportamiento de los clientes, para brindar un soporte más eficiente para el área de ventas.


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This paper examines the various ways in which students reflect on their very recent experiences in collaborating in an online e-learning environment. Wikis, fully editable Websites, are easily accessible, require no software and allow its contributors, in these case students, to feel a sense of responsibility and ownership. Wikis are everywhere, but, unfortunately, the online literature has not yet begun to focus enough on wikis (Mattison 2003). Whereas students are used to the WebCT based university Elearning environment, Deakin Studies Online (DSO), this case study, completed in Nov 2004, was conducted to test the wiki platform as a means of online collaboration in the tertiary education environment. A full analysis of the results is presented, as are recommendations for improving the platform in an effort to employ wikis and utilize them to their full and absolute potential.


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In this paper we present the rationale and outcome of a University strategically funded project aimed at developing a broad range of cases illuminating good practices in the development and use of digital media and online technologies at Deakin University. The project is aimed at supporting the ongoing implementation of the University’s suite of e-learning technologies, Deakin Studies Online (DSO). It was seen as a significant strategic academic professional development initiative by the University in bringing together perspectives on effective teaching and learning in the context of various disciplines and professional fields of practice, with DSO possibilities for enhanced teaching/learning quality, efficiency, accessibility and satisfaction. The ‘case’ as a useful means of developing practice is outlined, along with the various project processes involving case selection, development, production and promotion. Finally, reflections on the outcomes of the project are considered. A number of positive though largely unintended consequences are identified


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In February this year, Deakin University launched Deakin Studies Online (DSO), its institution-wide learning management system (LMS) powered by WebCT Vista. Previously academics had a variety of applications available to them (and still do until DSO is fully implemented by late 2004) to support teaching and learning. These include TopClass, FirstClass, WebCT 3.6 and various custom-built systems and web pages.


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In 2003, Deakin University implemented a centralised learning management system (LMS) under the banner of Deakin Studies Online (DSO), as well as implementing policies requiring all its units of study to have at least a basic online presence from 2004. Given the scope of the university's commitment to online education, it was considered essential to evaluate the effectiveness of this investment. Based on more than 5400 responses obtained from students in 2004 and 2005 as part of the DSO evaluation survey, the analysis presented here identifies those elements of the online learning environment (OLE) that are most used and valued by students, those elements of the OLE that students most want to see improved, and, those factors that most contribute to students' perceptions that use of the OLE enhanced their learning experience. The most used and valued elements were core LMS functions, including accessing unit information, accessing lecture/tute/lab notes, interacting with unit learning resources, reading online discussions, contacting lecturers/tutors and submitting assignments online. The OLE elements identified as most needing attention were receiving feedback on assignments; viewing my marks; and reviewing unit progress. Students felt that using DSO enhanced their learning experience when they were adequately supported by unit teachers and technical support services; when they were able to find and use unit information; and when they were able to read the online contributions of other unit members. The retrospective analysis of data collected in the period 2004-2005 has been shaped by a forward-looking agenda. The array of elements available within, and in association with, traditional LMSs which has emerged since that time raises the future challenge of how to maximise and evidence educational value through the optimal combination of elements from the portfolio of e-learning technologies increasingly available to educators.


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The Deakin Studies Online (DSO) Learning Management System (LMS) forms the fundamental basis for tertiary education at Deakin University. This LMS is founded on Web 1.0 principles, however significant potential exists for engagement in Web 2.0 technologies to support learning and teaching in the design studio. A digitally enhanced design curriculum is discussed starting with html-based reflective folios in 2001, the use of blogs for reflection and resource creation and culminating in a Web 2.0 design studio based on social networking.


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The data was collected to gauge Deakin University students' perceptions of the university's centralised learning management system, especially if it enhanced their learning experience. It identified the features that were most used and valued by the students and those they felt could be improved.

The dataset consists of a set of survey questions and the survey results in an electronic database. It comprises of 2908 responses from 2004 and 2526 responses from 2005; including approximately 1000 open-ended comments providing rich qualitative data.

The data includes the following categories of information:
• demographic and background information (including gender, mode of study);
• perception of importance of and satisfaction with a range of LMS functions;
• a number of overall LMS satisfaction measures; and
• open-ended written comments about the LMS.