990 resultados para DRUG ABSORPTION


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A modified Astra type multistage liquid impinger (MSLI) with integrated bronchial cell monolayers was used to study deposition and subsequent drug absorption on in vitro models of the human airway epithelial barrier. Inverted cell culture of Calu-3 cells on the bottom side of cell culture filter inserts was integrated into a compendial MSLI. Upside down cultivation did not impair the barrier function, morphology and viability of Calu-3 cells. Size selective deposition with subsequent absorption was studied for three different commercially available dry powder formulations of salbutamol sulphate and budesonide. After deposition without size separation the absorption rates from the aerosol formulations differed but correlated with the size of the carrier lactose particles. However, after deposition in the MSLI, simulating relevant impaction and causing the separation of small drug crystals from the carrier lactose, the absorption rates of the three formulations were identical, confirming the bioequivalence of the three formulations.


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Dipeptides can be absorbed into cells via the dipeptide transporter (which also transported tripeptides and dipeptide derivatives). The optimum conditions for measuring the inhibition of Gly-Pro uptake in Caco-2 cells were identified. A number of structure-activity relationships were identified. These included the effects of increasing the amino-acid chain-length, and the presence of a thiol or hydroxyl group in the side-chain increased IC50 while the presence of a hydroxyl group did not. The benzyl esters had lower or equal IC50 values compared to the parent dipeptides while the methyl esters had higher values. These results indicated that while molecular properties did affect IC50, the size, charge and composition of three particular groups caused the most significant effects, supporting the structure-activity relationship identified. An assay was developed using calcein-AM to show the inhibition of p-glycoprotein activity. There was no significant change due to the presence of mannitol but there was in the presence of clyclosporin A (p<0.01). Incubating the cells with the test solution for 30 minutes before the addition of the ester resulted in a significant (p<0.001) difference. The assay was specific for p-glycoprotein, as the presence MRP inhibitors had no effect (p>0.05). The modified protocol allowed the identification of p-glycoprotein inhibitors quickly and simply using a cell suspension of unmodified cells. The clinically relevant buffering of grapefruit juice to pH 7 led to a four-fold increase in intracellular calcein and hence significant inhibition of p-glycoprotein. Buffered orange and lemon juices had no effect on the assay. Flavone derivatives had previously been found to be inhibitors of CYP3A4 yet neither naringin nor naringenin had any significant effect at concentrations found in grapefruit juice. Of the other (non-grapefruit) flavone derivatives tested, hesperidin, found in orange juice, had no significant effect, kaempferol and rutin also had no effect while genistein significantly inhibited p-glycoprotein (results that support previous studies). Hydroxycinnamic acids had no effect on p-glycoprotein. Studies on other compounds found that the balance between inhibiting p-glycoprotein and disrupting cell membranes depends on the compound containing an oxygen atom and the size of the negative charge on it, as well as three-dimensional arrangement of the atoms.


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The small intestine poses a major barrier to the efficient absorption of orally administered therapeutics. Intestinal epithelial cells are an extremely important site for extrahepatic clearance, primarily due to prominent P-glycoprotein-mediated active efflux and the presence of cytochrome P450s. We describe a physiologically based pharmacokinetic model which incorporates geometric variations, pH alterations and descriptions of the abundance and distribution of cytochrome 3A and P-glycoprotein along the length of the small intestine. Simulations using preclinical in vitro data for model drugs were performed to establish the influence of P-glycoprotein efflux, cytochrome 3A metabolism and passive permeability on drug available for absorption within the enterocytes. The fraction of drug escaping the enterocyte (F(G)) for 10 cytochrome 3A substrates with a range of intrinsic metabolic clearances were simulated. Following incorporation of P-glycoprotein in vitro efflux ratios all predicted F(G) values were within 20% of observed in vivo F(G). The presence of P-glycoprotein increased the level of cytochrome 3A drug metabolism by up to 12-fold in the distal intestine. F(G) was highly sensitive to changes in intrinsic metabolic clearance but less sensitive to changes in intestinal drug permeability. The model will be valuable for quantifying aspects of intestinal drug absorption and distribution.


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The permeability of the lung is critical in determining the disposition of inhaled drugs and the respiratory epithelium provides the main physical barrier to drug absorption. The 16HBE14o- human bronchial epithelial cell line has been developed recently as a model of the airway epithelium. In this study, the transport of 10 low molecular weight compounds was measured in the 16HBE14o- cell layers, with apical to basolateral (absorptive) apparent permeability coefficients (P(app)) ranging from 0.4 x 10(-6)cms(-1) for Tyr-D-Arg-Phe-Phe-NH(2) to 25.2x10(-6)cms(-1) for metoprolol. Permeability in 16HBE14o- cells was found to correlate with previously reported P(app) in Caco-2 cells and absorption rates in the isolated perfused rat lung (k(a,lung)) and the rat lung in vivo (k(a,in vivo)). Log linear relationships were established between P(app) in 16HBE14o- cells and P(app) in Caco-2 cells (r(2)=0.82), k(a,lung) (r(2)=0.78) and k(a,in vivo) (r(2)=0.68). The findings suggest that permeability in 16HBE14o- cells may be useful to predict the permeability of compounds in the lung, although no advantage of using the organ-specific cell line 16HBE14o- compared to Caco-2 cells was found in this study.


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A number of mathematical models have been used to describe percutaneous absorption kinetics. In general, most of these models have used either diffusion-based or compartmental equations. The object of any mathematical model is to a) be able to represent the processes associated with absorption accurately, b) be able to describe/summarize experimental data with parametric equations or moments, and c) predict kinetics under varying conditions. However, in describing the processes involved, some developed models often suffer from being of too complex a form to be practically useful. In this chapter, we attempt to approach the issue of mathematical modeling in percutaneous absorption from four perspectives. These are to a) describe simple practical models, b) provide an overview of the more complex models, c) summarize some of the more important/useful models used to date, and d) examine sonic practical applications of the models. The range of processes involved in percutaneous absorption and considered in developing the mathematical models in this chapter is shown in Fig. 1. We initially address in vitro skin diffusion models and consider a) constant donor concentration and receptor conditions, b) the corresponding flux, donor, skin, and receptor amount-time profiles for solutions, and c) amount- and flux-time profiles when the donor phase is removed. More complex issues, such as finite-volume donor phase, finite-volume receptor phase, the presence of an efflux. rate constant at the membrane-receptor interphase, and two-layer diffusion, are then considered. We then look at specific models and issues concerned with a) release from topical products, b) use of compartmental models as alternatives to diffusion models, c) concentration-dependent absorption, d) modeling of skin metabolism, e) role of solute-skin-vehicle interactions, f) effects of vehicle loss, a) shunt transport, and h) in vivo diffusion, compartmental, physiological, and deconvolution models. We conclude by examining topics such as a) deep tissue penetration, b) pharmacodynamics, c) iontophoresis, d) sonophoresis, and e) pitfalls in modeling.


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The diffusion model for percutaneous absorption is developed for the specific case of delivery to the skin being limited by the application of a finite amount of solute. Two cases are considered; in the first, there is an application of a finite donor (vehicle) volume, and in the second, there are solvent-deposited solids and a thin vehicle with a high partition coefficient. In both cases, the potential effect of an interfacial resistance at the stratum corneum surface is also considered. As in the previous paper, which was concerned with the application of a constant donor concentration, clearance limitations due to the viable eqidermis, the in vitro sampling rate, or perfusion rate in vivo are included. Numerical inversion of the Laplace domain solutions was used for simulations of solute flux and cumulative amount absorbed and to model specific examples of percutaneous absorption of solvent-deposited solids. It was concluded that numerical inversions of the Laplace domain solutions for a diffusion model of the percutaneous absorption, using standard scientific software (such as SCIENTIST, MicroMath Scientific software) on modern personal computers, is a practical alternative to computation of infinite series solutions. Limits of the Laplace domain solutions were used to define the moments of the flux-time profiles for finite donor volumes and the slope of the terminal log flux-time profile. The mean transit time could be related to the diffusion time through stratum corneum, viable epidermal, and donor diffusion layer resistances and clearance from the receptor phase. Approximate expressions for the time to reach maximum flux (peak time) and maximum flux were also derived. The model was then validated using reported amount-time and flux-time profiles for finite doses applied to the skin. It was concluded that for very small donor phase volume or for very large stratum corneum-vehicle partitioning coefficients (e.g., for solvent deposited solids), the flux and amount of solute absorbed are affected by receptor conditions to a lesser extent than is obvious for a constant donor constant donor concentrations. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmaceutical Association J Pharm Sci 90:504-520, 2001.


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Les amidons non modifiées et modifiés représentent un groupe d’excipients biodégradables et abondants particulièrement intéressant. Ils ont été largement utilisés en tant qu’excipients à des fins diverses dans des formulations de comprimés, tels que liants et/ou agents de délitement. Le carboxyméthylamidon sodique à haute teneur en amylose atomisé (SD HASCA) a été récemment proposé comme un excipient hydrophile à libération prolongée innovant dans les formes posologiques orales solides. Le carboxyméthylamidon sodique à haute teneur en amylose amorphe (HASCA) a d'abord été produit par l'éthérification de l'amidon de maïs à haute teneur en amylose avec le chloroacétate. HASCA a été par la suite séché par atomisation pour obtenir le SD HASCA. Ce nouvel excipient a montré des propriétés présentant certains avantages dans la production de formes galéniques à libération prolongée. Les comprimés matriciels produits à partir de SD HASCA sont peu coûteux, simples à formuler et faciles à produire par compression directe. Le principal objectif de cette recherche était de poursuivre le développement et l'optimisation des comprimés matriciels utilisant SD HASCA comme excipient pour des formulations orales à libération prolongée. A cet effet, des tests de dissolution simulant les conditions physiologiques du tractus gastro-intestinal les plus pertinentes, en tenant compte de la nature du polymère à l’étude, ont été utilisés pour évaluer les caractéristiques à libération prolongée et démontrer la performance des formulations SD HASCA. Une étude clinique exploratoire a également été réalisée pour évaluer les propriétés de libération prolongée de cette nouvelle forme galénique dans le tractus gastro-intestinal. Le premier article présenté dans cette thèse a évalué les propriétés de libération prolongée et l'intégrité physique de formulations contenant un mélange comprimé de principe actif, de chlorure de sodium et de SD HASCA, dans des milieux de dissolution biologiquement pertinentes. L'influence de différentes valeurs de pH acide et de temps de séjour dans le milieu acide a été étudiée. Le profil de libération prolongée du principe actif à partir d'une formulation de SD HASCA optimisée n'a pas été significativement affecté ni par la valeur de pH acide ni par le temps de séjour dans le milieu acide. Ces résultats suggèrent une influence limitée de la variabilité intra et interindividuelle du pH gastrique sur la cinétique de libération à partir de matrices de SD HASCA. De plus, la formulation optimisée a gardé son intégrité pendant toute la durée des tests de dissolution. L’étude in vivo exploratoire a démontré une absorption prolongée du principe actif après administration orale des comprimés matriciels de SD HASCA et a montré que les comprimés ne se sont pas désintégrés en passant par l'estomac et qu’ils ont résisté à l’hydrolyse par les α-amylases dans l'intestin. Le deuxième article présente le développement de comprimés SD HASCA pour une administration orale une fois par jour et deux fois par jour contenant du chlorhydrate de tramadol (100 mg et 200 mg). Ces formulations à libération prolongée ont présenté des valeurs de dureté élevées sans nécessiter l'ajout de liants, ce qui facilite la production et la manipulation des comprimés au niveau industriel. La force de compression appliquée pour produire les comprimés n'a pas d'incidence significative sur les profils de libération du principe actif. Le temps de libération totale à partir de comprimés SD HASCA a augmenté de manière significative avec le poids du comprimé et peut, de ce fait, être utilisé pour moduler le temps de libération à partir de ces formulations. Lorsque les comprimés ont été exposés à un gradient de pH et à un milieu à 40% d'éthanol, un gel très rigide s’est formé progressivement sur leur surface amenant à la libération prolongée du principe actif. Ces propriétés ont indiqué que SD HASCA est un excipient robuste pour la production de formes galéniques orales à libération prolongée, pouvant réduire la probabilité d’une libération massive de principe actif et, en conséquence, des effets secondaires, même dans le cas de co-administration avec une forte dose d'alcool. Le troisième article a étudié l'effet de α-amylase sur la libération de principe actif à partir de comprimés SD HASCA contenant de l’acétaminophène et du chlorhydrate de tramadol qui ont été développés dans les premières étapes de cette recherche (Acetaminophen SR et Tramadol SR). La modélisation mathématique a montré qu'une augmentation de la concentration d’α-amylase a entraîné une augmentation de l'érosion de polymère par rapport à la diffusion de principe actif comme étant le principal mécanisme contrôlant la libération de principe actif, pour les deux formulations et les deux temps de résidence en milieu acide. Cependant, même si le mécanisme de libération peut être affecté, des concentrations d’α-amylase allant de 0 UI/L à 20000 UI/L n'ont pas eu d'incidence significative sur les profils de libération prolongée à partir de comprimés SD HASCA, indépendamment de la durée de séjour en milieu acide, le principe actif utilisé, la teneur en polymère et la différente composition de chaque formulation. Le travail présenté dans cette thèse démontre clairement l'utilité de SD HASCA en tant qu'un excipient à libération prolongée efficace.


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Conventionally, pharmaceutical substances are administered orally because the gastrointestinal tract possesses the appropriate features for drug absorption. Nevertheless, the gastrointestinal tract physiology is complex and influenced by many factors. These factors must be completely understood for the optimization of oral drug delivery systems. Although in vitro tests provide information about release and drug absorption profiles, in vivo studies are essential, due to the biological variability. Several techniques have been employed in an attempt to conveniently characterize the behavior of solid dosage forms in vivo. The noninvasive biomagnetic technique of alternate current biosusceptometry (ACB) has been used in studies focusing on gastrointestinal motility and, more recently, to evaluate the performance of magnetic dosage forms. This article will discuss the main characteristics of AC biosusceptometry and its applicability for determination of the relationship between the human gastrointestinal tract and orally administered pharmaceutical dosage forms. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This work shows the potentiality of As as internal standard to compensate errors from sampling of sparkling drinking water samples in the determination of selenium by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. The mixture Pd(NO 3) 2/Mg(NO 3) 2 was used as chemical modifier. All samples and reference solutions were automatically spiked with 500 μg l -1 As and 0.2% (v/v) HNO 3 by the autosampler, eliminating the need for manual dilutions. For 10 μl dispensed sample into the graphite tube, a good correlation (r=0.9996) was obtained between the ratio of analyte absorbance by the internal standard absorbance and the analyte concentrations. The relative standard deviations (R.S.D.) of measurements varied from 0.05 to 2% and from 1.9 to 5% (n=12) with and without internal standardization, respectively. The limit of detection (LD) based on integrated absorbance was 3.0 μg l -1 Se. Recoveries in the 94-109% range for Se spiked samples were obtained. Internal standardization (IS) improved the repeatability of measurements and increased the lifetime of the graphite tube in ca. 15%. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The use of the nasal route for drug delivery has attracted much interest in recent years in the pharmaceutical field. Local and principally systemic drug delivery can be achieved by this route of administration. But the nasal route of delivery is not applicable to all drugs. Polar drugs and some macromolecules are not absorbed in sufficient concentration due to poor membrane permeability, rapid clearance and enzymatic degradation into the nasal cavity. Thus, alternative means that help overcome these nasal barriers are currently in development. Absorption enhancers such as phospholipids and surfactants are constantly used, but care must be taken in relation to their concentration. Drug delivery systems including liposomes, cyclodextrins, micro- and nanoparticles are being investigated to increase the bioavailability of drugs delivered intranasally. This review article discusses recent progress and specific development issues relating to colloidal drug delivery systems in nasal drug delivery. © 2006 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Corneal collagen cross-linking (CXL) has been described as a promising therapy for keratoconus. According to standard CXL protocol, epithelium should be debrided before treatment to allow penetration of riboflavin into the corneal stroma. However, removal of the epithelium can increase procedure risks. In this study we aim to evaluate stromal penetration of a biocompatible riboflavin-based nanoemulsion system (riboflavin-5-phosphate and riboflavin-base) in rabbit corneas with intact epithelium. Two riboflavin nanoemulsions were developed. Transmittance and absorption coefficient were measured on corneas with intact epithelia after 30, 60, 120, 180, and 240 minutes following exposure to either the nanoemulsions or standard 0.1% or 1% riboflavin-dextran solutions. For the nanoemulsions, the epithelium was removed after measurements to assure that the riboflavin had passed through the hydrophobic epithelium and retained within the stroma. Results were compared to de-epithelialized corneas exposed to 0.1% riboflavin solution and to the same riboflavin nanoemulsions for 30 minutes (standard protocol). Mean transmittance and absorption measured in epithelialized corneas receiving the standard 0.1% riboflavin solution did not reach the levels found on the debrided corneas using the standard technique. Neither increasing the time of exposure nor the concentration of the riboflavin solution from 0.1% to 1% improved riboflavin penetration through the epithelium. When using riboflavin-5-phosphate nanoemulsion for 240 minutes, we found no difference between the mean absorption coefficients to the standard cross-linking protocol (p = 0.54). Riboflavin nanoemulsion was able to penetrate the corneal epithelium, achieving, after 240 minutes, greater stromal concentration when compared to debrided corneas with the standard protocol (p = 0.002). The riboflavin-5-phosphate nanoemulsion diffused better into the stroma than the riboflavin-base nanoemulsion. © 2013 Bottos et al.


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Biorelevante Medien sind entwickelt worden, um die Bedingungen im Magen-Darm-Trakt vor und nach der Mahlzeit zu imitieren. Mit FaSSIF und FeSSIF wurden Medien eingeführt, die nicht nur die pH- und Puffer-Kapazität des Dünndarms widerspiegeln, sondern auch Lipid und physiologische Tensid-Arten enthalten. Diese Medien (FaSSIF-V2 und FaSSlFmod6.5) wurden für Bioverfügbarkeitstudien in der Medikamentenentwicklung im Laufe der Jahre kontinuierlich weiterentwickelt. Dennoch sind die auf dem Markt verfügbaren Medien immer noch nicht in der Lage, die realen physiologischen Bedingungen zu simulieren. In der jetzigen Zusammensetzung sind nicht alle Kompetenten enthalten, welche natürlicher Weise im Duodenum vorkommen. Darüber hinaus wird nur eine 1:5 Verdünnung von FeSSIF zu FaSSIF angenommen, die individuelle Wasserzufuhr bei Medikamentengabe wird hierdurch jedoch nur eingeschränkt simuliert, obwohl diese von Patient zu Patient schwanken kann. rnZiel dieser Dissertation war die Verbesserung der Vorhersage der Auflösung und Absorption lipophiler Arzneistoffe durch Simulation der Bedingungen im zweiten Teil des Zwölffingerdarms mit neuen biorelevanten Medien, sowie unter Einwirkung zusätzlicher Detergention als Wirkstoffträger. rnUm den Effekt der Verdünnungsrate und Zeit im Dünndarm zu untersuchen, wurde die Entwicklung der Nanopartikel in der Magen-Darm-Flüssigkeit FaSSIFmod6.5 zu verschiedenen Zeitpunkten und Wassergehalten untersucht. Dafür wurden kinetische Studien an verschieden konzentrierten Modellmedien nach Verdünnungssprung untersucht. Das Modell entspricht der Vermischung der Gallenflüssigkeit mit dem Darminhalt bei variablem Volumen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Art und Größe der Nanopartikel stark von Verdünnung und Einirkungszeit abhängen. rnrnDie menschliche Darmflüssigkeit enthält Cholesterin, welches in allen früheren Modellmedien fehlt. Daher wurden biokompatible und physiologische Modellflüssigkeiten, FaSSIF-C, entwickelt. Der Cholesteringehalt von FaSSIF - 7C entspricht der Gallenflüssigkeit einer gesunden Frau, FaSSIF - 10C der einer gesunden männlichen Person und FaSSIF - 13C der in einigen Krankheitszuständen. Die intestinale Teilchen-Struktur-Untersuchung mit dynamische Lichtstreuung (DLS) und Neutronen-Kleinwinkelstreuung (SANS) ergab, dass die Korngröße von Vesikeln mit zunehmender Cholesterin-Konzentration abnahm. Zu hohe Cholesterin-Konzentration bewirkte zusätzlich sehr große Partikel, welche vermutlich aus Cholesterin-reichen “Disks“ bestehen. Die Löslichkeiten einiger BCS Klasse II Wirkstoffe (Fenofibrat, Griseofulvin, Carbamazepin, Danazol) in diesen neuen Medien zeigten, dass die Löslichkeit in unterschiedlicher Weise mit der Cholesteringehalt zusammen hing und dieser Effekt selektiv für die Droge war. rnDarüber hinaus wurde die Wirkung von einigen Tensiden auf die kolloidale Struktur und Löslichkeit von Fenofibrat in FaSSIFmod6.5 und FaSSIF -7C untersucht. Struktur und Löslichkeit waren Tensid- und Konzentrations-abhängig. Im Falle von FaSSIFmod6.5 zeigten die Ergebnisse eine dreifache Verzweigung der Lösungswege. Im Bereich mittlerer Tensidkonzentration wurde eine Löslichkeitslücke der Droge zwischen der Zerstörung der Galle-Liposomen und der Bildung von Tensid-reichen Mizellen beobachtet. In FaSSIF - 7C, zerstörten Tenside in höherer Konzentration die Liposomenstruktur trotz der allgemeinen Stabilisierung der Membranen durch Cholesterin. rnDie in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Ergebnisse ergeben, dass die Anwesenheit von Cholesterin als eine fehlende Komponente der menschlichen Darmflüssigkeit in biorelevanten Medien wichtig ist und dazu beitragen kann, das in vivo Verhalten schwerlöslicher Arzneistoffe im Körper besser vorhersagen zu können. Der Verdünnungsgrad hat einen Einfluss auf die Nanopartikel-Struktur und Tenside beeinflussen die Löslichkeit von Medikamenten in biorelevanten Medien: Dieser Effekt ist sowohl von der Konzentration das Tensids abhängig, als auch dessen Typ.rnrn