S6 kinases (S6Ks) act to integrate nutrient and insulin signaling pathways and, as such, function as positive effectors in cell growth and organismal development. However, they also have been shown to play a key role in limiting insulin signaling and in mediating the autophagic response. To identify novel regulators of S6K signaling, we have used a Drosophila-based, sensitized, gain-of-function genetic screen. Unexpectedly, one of the strongest enhancers to emerge from this screen was the nuclear receptor (NR), Drosophila hormone receptor 3 (DHR3), a critical constituent in the coordination of Drosophila metamorphosis. Here we demonstrate that DHR3, through dS6K, also acts to regulate cell-autonomous growth. Moreover, we show that the ligand-binding domain (LBD) of DHR3 is essential for mediating this response. Consistent with these findings, we have identified an endogenous DHR3 isoform that lacks the DBD. These results provide the first molecular link between the dS6K pathway, critical in controlling nutrient-dependent growth, and that of DHR3, a major mediator of ecdysone signaling, which, acting together, coordinate metamorphosis.
Larval tissues undergo programmed cell death (PCD) during Drosophila metamorphosis. PCD is triggered in a stage and tissue-specific fashion in response to ecdysone pulses. The understanding of how ecdysone induces the stage and tissue-specificity of cell death remains obscure. Several steroid-regulated primary response genes have been shown to act as key regulators of cellular responses to ecdysone by inducing a cascade of transcriptional regulation of late responsive genes. In this article, the authors identify Fhos as a gene that is required for Drosophila larval salivary gland destruction. Animals with a P-element mutation in Fhos possess persistent larval salivary glands, and precise excisions of this P-element insertion resulted in reversion of this salivary gland mutant phenotype. Fhos encodes the Drosophila homolog of mammalian Formin Fhos. Fhos is differentially transcribed during development and responds to ecdysone in a method that is similar to other cell death genes. Similarly to what has been shown for its mammalian counterpart, FHOS protein is translocated to the nucleus at later stages of cell death. Fhos mutants posses disrupted actin cytoskeleton dynamics in persistent salivary glands. Together, our data indicate that Fhos is a new ecdysone-regulated gene that is crucial for changes in the actin cytoskeleton during salivary gland elimination in Drosophila. genesis 50:672684, 2012. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
We have designed a rapid cloning and screening strategy to identify new members of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily that are expressed during the onset of Drosophila metamorphosis. Using this approach, we isolated three Drosophila genes, designated DHR38, DHR78, and DHR96. All three genes are expressed throughout third-instar larval and prepupal development. DHR38 is the Drosophila homolog of NGFI-B and binds specifically to an NGFI-B response element. DHR78 and DHR96 are orphan receptor genes. DHR78 is induced by 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) in cultured larval organs, and its encoded protein binds to two AGGTCA half-sites arranged as either direct or palindromic repeats. DHR96 is also 20E-inducible, and its encoded protein binds selectively to the hsp27 20E response element. The 20E receptor can bind to each of the sequences recognized by DHR78 and DHR96, indicating that these proteins may compete with the receptor for binding to a common set of target sequences.
Ecdysteroids regulate many aspects of insect physiology after binding to a heterodimer composed of the nuclear hormone receptor proteins ecdysone receptor (EcR) and ultraspiracle (Use). Several lines of evidence have suggested that the latter also plays important roles in mediating the action of juvenile hormone (JH) and, thus, integrates signaling by the two morphogenetic hormones. By using an RNAi approach, we show here that Us p participates in the mechanism that regulates the progression of pupal development in Apis mellifera, as indicated by the observed pupal developmental delay in usp knocked-down bees. Knock-down experiments also suggest that the expression of regulatory genes such as ftz transcription factor 1 (ftz-f1) and juvenile hormone esterase (jhe) depend on Usp. Vitellogenin (vg), the gene coding the main yolk protein in honeybees, does not seem to be under Usp regulation, thus suggesting that the previously observed induction of vg expression by JH during the last stages of pupal development is mediated by yet unknown transcription factor complexes. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Critical size at which metamorphosis is initiated represents an important checkpoint in insect development. Here, we use experimental evolution in Drosophila melanogaster to test the long-standing hypothesis that larval malnutrition should favour a smaller critical size. We report that six fly populations subject to 112 generations of laboratory natural selection on an extremely poor larval food evolved an 18% smaller critical size (compared to six unselected control populations). Thus, even though critical size is not plastic with respect to nutrition, smaller critical size can evolve as an adaptation to nutritional stress. We also demonstrate that this reduction in critical size (rather than differences in growth rate) mediates a trade-off in body weight that the selected populations experience on standard food, on which they show a 15-17% smaller adult body weight. This illustrates how developmental mechanisms that control life history may shape constraints and trade-offs in life history evolution.
In metamorphosing wing discs, progression through the cell cycle takes place, as in larval discs, in nonclonally derived clusters of cells synchronized in the same cell cycle stage. Contrary to early discs, there are temporal and spatial heterogeneities in cell proliferation associated with wing margin, vein, intervein, and middle intervein territories. Within these territories, there are no indications of a wave progression of the cell cycle. Mitotic orientations are, as in early discs, at random but there is a preferential allocation of postmitotic cells along the proximodistal axis, thus explaining the elongated shape of the resulting clones along this axis. Shapes of clones in mature discs and in evaginated wings are similar, thus excluding major morphogenetic movements during evagination. After the proliferative period, all the cells are arrested in G1 phase. The final number of cells of the wing is fixed independently of experimental perturbations that alter the cell division schedule. These results are discussed in the context of a model of wing morphogenesis.
The spatial and temporal association of muscle-specific tropomyosin gene expression, and myofibril assembly and degradation during metamorphosis is analyzed in the gastropod mollusc. Haliotis rufescens. Metamorphosis of tile planktonic larva to the benthic juvenile includes rearrangement and atrophy of specific larval muscles, and biogenesis of the new juvenile muscle system. The major muscle of the larva - the larval retractor muscle - reorganizes at metamorphosis, with two suites of cells having different fates. The ventral cells degenerate, while the dorsal cells become part of the developing juvenile mantle musculature. Prior to these changes in myofibrillar structure, tropomyosin mRNA prevalence declines until undetectable in the ventral cells, while increasing markedly in the dorsal cells. In the foot muscle and right shell muscle, tropomyosin mRNA levels remain relatively stable, even trough myofibril content increases. In a population of median mesoderm cells destined to form de novo the major muscle of the juvenile and adult (the columellar muscle), tropomyosin expression is initiated at 45 h after induction of metamorphosis. Myofibrillar filamentous actin is not detected in these cells until about 7 days later. Given that patterns of tropomyosin mRNA accumulation in relation to myofibril assembly and disassembly differ significantly among the four major muscle systems examined, we suggest that different regulatory mechanisms, probably operating at both transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels, control the biogenesis and atrophy of different larval and postlarval muscles at metamorphosis.
We have isolated a homeobox-containing cDNA from the gastropod mollusc Haliotis rufescens that is most similar to members of the Mox homeobox gene class, The derived Haliotis homeodomain sequence is 85% identical to mouse and frog Mox-2 homeodomains and 88.9% identical to the partial cnidarian cnox5-Hm homeodomain. Quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction analysis of mRNA accumulation reveals that this gene, called HruMox, is expressed in the larva, but not in the early embryo, Transcripts are most prevalent during larval morphogenesis from trochophore to veliger. There are also transient increases in transcript prevalence 1 and 3 days after the intitiation of metamorphosis from veliger to juvenile. The identification of a molluscan Mox homeobox gene that is more closely related to vertebrate genes than other protostome (e.g. Drosophila) genes suggests the Mox class of homeobox genes may consist of several different families that have been conserved through evolution, (C) 1997 Federation of European Biochemical Societies.
Filarial parasites cause debilitating diseases in humans and domesticated animals. Brugia malayi and Dirofilaria immitis are transmitted by mosquitoes and infect humans and dogs, respectively. Their life cycle is punctuated by a series of cuticular molts as they move between different hosts and tissues. An understanding of the genetic basis for these developmental transitions may suggest potential targets for vaccines or chemotherapeutics. Nuclear receptor (NR) proteins have been implicated in molting in the free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans and have well characterized roles in molting during larval development of Drosophila melanogaster. For example, the D. melanogaster E75 (NR1D3) NR gene is required for molting and metamorphosis, as well as egg chamber development in adult females. We have identified Bm-nhr-11and Di-nhr-6, B. malayi and D. immitis orthologues of E75. Both genes encode canonical nuclear receptor proteins, are developmentally regulated, and are expressed in a sex-specific manner in adults.
Main developmental programs are highly conserved among species of the animal kingdom. Improper execution of these programs often leads to progression of various diseases and disorders. Here we focused on Drosophila wing tissue morphogenesis, a fairly complex developmental program, one of the steps of which - apposition of the dorsal and ventral wing sheets during metamorphosis - is mediated by integrins. Disruption of this apposition leads to wing blistering which serves as an easily screenable phenotype for components regulating this process. By means of RNAi-silencing technique and the blister phenotype as readout, we identify numerous novel proteins potentially involved in wing sheet adhesion. Remarkably, our results reveal not only participants of the integrin-mediated machinery, but also components of other cellular processes, e.g. cell cycle, RNA splicing, and vesicular trafficking. With the use of bioinformatics tools, these data are assembled into a large blisterome network. Analysis of human orthologues of the Drosophila blisterome components shows that many disease-related genes may contribute to cell adhesion implementation, providing hints on possible mechanisms of these human pathologies.
Programmed cell death (PCD) in insect metamorphosis assumes a great diversity of morphology and controlling processes that are still not well understood. With the objective of obtaining information about the PCD process, salivary glands of Drosophila arizonae and D. mulleri were studied during larval-pupal development. From the results, it can be concluded that the type of the PCD that occurs in these organs is morphologically typical of apoptosis (formation of apoptotic nuclei, followed by fragmentation into apoptotic bodies). Histolysis happens in both species, between 22 and 23 h after pupation. There were no significant differences between the species studied. Apoptosis does not occur simultaneously in all cells. Cytoplasmic acid phosphatase activity gradually increases during development, suggesting the existence of acid phosphatases that are only expressed during the apoptotic stage. Twenty hours after pupation, salivary glands already show biochemical alterations relative to nuclear permeability such as acidification, possibly due to the fusion of lysosomes with the nucleus a few hours before apoptosis. Autophagy seems to act together with apoptosis and has a secondary role in cell death. ©FUNPEC-RP.
In Drosophila the steroid hormone ecdysone regulates a wide range of developmental and physiological responses, including reproduction, embryogenesis, postembryonic development and metamorphosis. Drosophila provides an excellent system to address some fundamental questions linked to hormone actions. In fact, the apparent relative simplicity of its hormone signaling pathways taken together with well-established genetic and genomic tools developed to this purpose, defines this insect as an ideal model system for studying the molecular mechanisms through which steroid hormones act. During my PhD research program I’ve analyzed the role of ecdysone signaling to gain insight into the molecular mechanisms through which the hormone fulfills its pleiotropic functions in two different developmental stages: the oogenesis and the imaginal wing disc morphogenesis. To this purpose, I performed a reverse genetic analysis to silence the function of two different genes involved in ecdysone signaling pathway, EcR and ecd.
Response to the steroid hormone ecdysone in Drosophila is controlled by genetic regulatory hierarchies that include eight members of the nuclear receptor protein family. The DHR3 gene, located within the 46F early-late ecdysone-inducible chromosome puff, encodes an orphan nuclear receptor that recently has been shown to exert both positive and negative regulatory effects in the ecdysone-induced genetic hierarchies at metamorphosis. We used a reverse genetics approach to identify 11 DHR3 mutants from a pool of lethal mutations in the 46F region on the second chromosome. Two DHR3 mutations result in amino acid substitutions within the conserved DNA binding domain. Analysis of DHR3 mutants reveals that DHR3 function is required to complete embryogenesis. All DHR3 alleles examined result in nervous system defects in the embryo.
The discovery that several inherited human diseases are caused by mtDNA depletion has led to an increased interest in the replication and maintenance of mtDNA. We have isolated a new mutant in the lopo (low power) gene from Drosophila melanogaster affecting the mitochondrial single-stranded DNA-binding protein (mtSSB), which is one of the key components in mtDNA replication and maintenance. lopo1 mutants die late in the third instar before completion of metamorphosis because of a failure in cell proliferation. Molecular, histochemical, and physiological experiments show a drastic decrease in mtDNA content that is coupled with the loss of respiration in these mutants. However, the number and morphology of mitochondria are not greatly affected. Immunocytochemical analysis shows that mtSSB is expressed in all tissues but is highly enriched in proliferating tissues and in the developing oocyte. lopo1 is the first mtSSB mutant in higher eukaryotes, and its analysis demonstrates the essential function of this gene in development, providing an excellent model to study mitochondrial biogenesis in animals.
Mutations in 12 genes regulating Drosophila melanogaster mushroom body (MB) development were each studied in two genetic backgrounds. In all cases, brain structure was qualitatively or quantitatively different after replacement of the "original" genetic background with that of the Canton Special wild-type strain. The mushroom body miniature gene (mbm) was investigated in detail. mbm supports the maintenance of MB Kenyon cell fibers in third instar larvae and their regrowth during metamorphosis. Adult mbm1 mutant females are lacking many or most Kenyon cell fibers and are impaired in MB-mediated associative odor learning. We show here that structural defects in mbm1 are apparent only in combination with an X-linked, dosage-dependent modifier (or modifiers). In the Canton Special genetic background, the mbm1 anatomical phenotype is suppressed, and MBs develop to a normal size. However, the olfactory learning phenotype is not fully restored, suggesting that submicroscopic defects persist in the MBs. Mutant mbm1 flies with full-sized MBs have normal retention but show a specific acquisition deficit that cannot be attributed to reductions in odor avoidance, shock reactivity, or locomotor behavior. We propose that polymorphic gene interactions (in addition to ontogenetic factors) determine MB size and, concomitantly, the ability to recognize and learn odors.