42 resultados para DPPG


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The interaction of wild-type puroindoline-b (Pin-b+) and two mutant forms having single residue substitutions (G46S or W44R) with L-alpha-dipalmitoylphosphatidyl-dl-glycerol (DPPG) as a Langmuir monolayer at the air/water interface was investigated by neutron reflectivity (NR) and Brewster angle microscopy (BAM). NR profiles were fitted using a three-layer model to enable differences in penetration of protein between the lipid headgroup and acyl regions to be determined. The data showed similar surface excesses for each of the three proteins at the interface; however, it was revealed that the depth of penetration of protein into the lipid region differed for each protein with Pin-b+ penetrating further into the acyl region of the lipid compared to the mutant forms of the protein that interacted with the headgroup region only. BAM images revealed that the domain structure of the DPPG monolayers was disrupted when Pin-b+ adsorption had reached equilibrium, suggesting protein penetration had led to compression of the lipid region. In contrast, the domain structure was unaffected by the W44R mutant, suggesting no change in compression of the lipid region and hence little or no penetration of protein into the lipid layer.


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A minicapillary viscometer utilizing <0.5 ml of sample at a volume fraction of <0.1% is described. The calculated a/b of DPPC/DPPG multilamellar liposome was 1.14 as prolate ellipsoids and a/b of dioleoylpropyltrimethyl ammonium methylsulfate-DNA complex at a charge ratio of 4: 1 (+/-) was 3.7 as prolate ellipsoids or 4.9 as oblate ellipsoids. The deviation of shape from perfect sphere is thus expressed quantitatively in more than two significant figures. In these measurement, the necessary amount of DNA is <0.5 mg.


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Nisin is a positively charged antibacterial peptide that binds to the negatively charged membranes of gram-positive bacteria. The initial interaction of the peptide with the model membrane of negatively charged DPPG (dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol) was studied by cyclic voltammetry and a.c. impedance spectroscopy. Nisin could induce pores the supported bilayer lipid membrane, thus, it led to the marker ions Fe(CN)(6)(3-/4-) crossing the lipid membrane and giving the redox reaction on the glassy carbon electrode (GCE). Experimental results suggested that the pore formation on supported bilayer lipid membrane was dependent on the concentration of nisin and it included three main concentration stages: low, middling, high concentration.


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The interaction of La3+ and cholesterol with the negatively charged phospholipid dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol bilayers was studied by Fourier transform-Raman spectroscopy. La3+ was shown to increase interchain order and intermolecular ordering of the lipid lattice, cholesterol exhibited less of an effect, the La3+-DPPG-cholesterol complex was more ordered than cholesterol=DPPG nd less ordered than La3+-DPPG complexes, cholesterol modulates the order/disorder parameters of DPPG bilayers.


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Os sistemas de veiculação de fármacos, presentemente, apresentam-se como uma alternativa viável às terapias convencionais. De entre os diversos sistemas de transporte passíveis de associar substâncias farmacologicamente activas, destacam-se os de base lipídica, em particular, os lipossomas, os quais constituem um dos sistemas mais estudados e com maior sucesso, comprovado pelo número de produtos em fase clínica ou já aprovados para utilização em humanos. Os lipossomas são estruturas constituídas por membranas lipídicas organizadas em bicamadas, fechadas e concêntricas, que permitem a encapsulação de moléculas hidrofílicas no espaço interno aquoso e hidrofóbicas na bicamada lipídica. No presente trabalho, foram desenvolvidas metodologias com vista à encapsulação em lipossomas do aminoglicosídeo, a Paromomicina (PRM). Este fármaco está indicado para o tratamento de doenças infecciosas nomeadamente parasitárias e bacterianas. Algumas das principais desvantagens resultantes da sua utilização em clínica são, o reduzido tempo de circulação na corrente sanguínea, rápida excreção renal e consequentemente insuficiente concentração intracelular do fármaco. Como forma de ultrapassar algumas das desvantagens apresentadas, foram desenvolvidas formulações lipossomais de PRM com vista a melhorar o desempenho deste antibiótico. Para tal, foram preparadas e caracterizadas diversas formulações lipossomais de PRM com vista à selecção daquelas que apresentem maiores valores de eficácia de encapsulação (E.E.), e superior estabilidade. Com as formulações seleccionadas foram realizados estudos in vitro de interacção lipossoma-célula, utilizando uma linha celular humana monocítica leucémica, THP-1. De entre as formulações desenvolvidas e seleccionadas para os estudos in vitro de a formulação DPPC:DPPG, foi uma das que apresentou uma E.E. superior a 80% e valores de internalização celular superiores a 90%.


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The interactions have been investigated of puroindoline-a (Pin-a) and mixed protein systems of Pin-a and wild-type puroindoline-b (Pin-b+) or puroindoline-b mutants (G46S mutation (Pin bH) or W44R mutation (Pin-bS)) with condensed phase monolayers of an anionic phospholipid (L-α-dipalmitoylphosphatidyl-dl-glycerol (DPPG)) at the air/water interface. The interactions of the mixed systems were studied at three different concentration ratios of Pin-a:Pin-b, namely 3:1, 1:1 and 1:3 in order to establish any synergism in relation to lipid binding properties. Surface pressure measurements revealed that Pin-a interaction with DPPG monolayers led to an equilibrium surface pressure increase of 8.7 ± 0.6 mN m-1. This was less than was measured for Pin-a:Pin-b+ (9.6 to 13.4 mN m-1), but was significantly more than was measured for Pin-a:Pin-bH (4.0 to 6.2 mN m-1) or Pin-a:Pin-bS (3.8 to 6.3 mN m-1) over the complete range of concentration ratio. Consequently, surface pressure increases were shown to correlate to endosperm hardness phenotype, with puroindolines present in hard-textured wheat varieties yielding lower equilibrium surface pressure changes. Integrated amide I peak areas from corresponding external reflectance Fourier-transform infrared (ER-FTIR) spectra, used to indicate levels of protein adsorption to the lipid monolayers, showed that differences in adsorbed amount were less significant. The data therefore suggest that Pin-b mutants having single residue substitutions within their tryptophan-rich loop that are expressed in some hard-textured wheat varieties influence the degree of penetration of Pin-a and Pin-b into anionic phospholipid films. These findings highlight the key role of the tryptophan-rich loop in puroindoline-lipid interactions.


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External reflectance Fourier transform infrared (ER-FTIR) spectroscopy and surface pressure measurements have been used to characterize the interaction of wild-type puroindoline-b (Pin-b) and two mutant forms featuring single residue substitutions-namely, Gly-46 to Ser-46 (Pin-bH) and Trp-44 to Arg-44 (Pin-bS)-with condensed-phase monolayers of zwitterionic (L-alpha-dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, DPPC) and anionic (L-alpha-dipalmitoylphosphatidyl-dl-glycerol, DPPG) phospholipids. The interaction with anionic DPPG monolayers, monitored by surface pressure isotherms, was influenced significantly by mutations in Pin-b (p < 0.05); wild-type Pin-b showed the highest surface pressure change of 10.6 +/- 1.0 mN m(-1), followed by Pin-bH (7.9 +/- 1.6 mN m(-1)) and Pin-bS (6.3 +/- 1.0 mN m(-1)), and the surface pressure isotherm kinetics were also different in each case. Integrated Amide I peak areas from corresponding ER-FTIR spectra confirmed the differences in adsorption kinetics, but also showed that differences in adsorbed amount were less significant, suggesting that mutations influence the degree of penetration into DPPG films. All Pin-b types showed evidence of interaction with DPPC films, detected as changes in surface pressure (5.6 +/- 1.1 mN m(-1)); however, no protein peaks were detected in the ER-FTIR spectra, which indicated that the interaction was via penetration with limited adsorption at the lipid/water interface. The expression of Pin-b mutants is linked to wheat endosperm hardness; therefore, the data presented here suggest that the lipid binding properties may be pivotal within the mechanism for this quality trait. In addition, the data suggest antimicrobial activities of Pin-b mutants would be lower than those of the wild-type Pin-b, because of decreased selectivity toward anionic phospholipids.


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Surface pressure measurements, external reflection- Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and neutron re. flectivity have been used to investigate the lipid-binding behavior of three antimicrobial peptides: melittin, magainin II, and cecropin P1. As expected, all three cationic peptides were shown to interact more strongly with the anionic lipid, 1,2 dihexadecanoyl-sn-glycerol3-( phosphor-rac-( 1- glycerol)) ( DPPG), compared to the zwitterionic lipid, 1,2 dihexadecanoyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphocholine ( DPPC). All three peptides have been shown to penetrate DPPC lipid layers by surface pressure, and this was confirmed for the melittin-DPPC interaction by neutron reflectivity measurements. Adsorption of peptide was, however, minimal, with a maximum of 0.4 mg m(-2) seen for melittin adsorption compared to 2.1 mg m(-2) for adsorption to DPPG ( from 0.7 mu M solution). The mode of binding to DPPG was shown to depend on the distribution of basic residues within the peptide alpha-helix, although in all cases adsorption below the lipid layer was shown to dominate over insertion within the layer. Melittin adsorption to DPPG altered the lipid layer structure observed through changes in the external reflection-Fourier transform infrared lipid spectra and neutron reflectivity. This lipid disruption was not observed for magainin or cecropin. In addition, melittin binding to both lipids was shown to be 50% greater than for either magainin or cecropin. Adsorption to the bare air-water interface was also investigated and surface activity followed the trend melittin. magainin. cecropin. External re. ection- Fourier transform infrared amide spectra revealed that melittin adopted a helical structure only in the presence of lipid, whereas magainin and cecropin adopted helical structure also at an airwater interface. This behavior has been related to the different charge distributions on the peptide amino acid sequences.


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The indolines and thionins are basic, amphiphilic and cysteine-rich proteins found in cereals; puroindoline-a (Pin-a) and β-purothionin (β-Pth) are members of these families in wheat (Triticum aestivum). Pin-a and β-Pth have been suggested to play a significant role in seed defence against microbial pathogens, making the interaction of these proteins with model bacterial membranes an area of potential interest. We have examined the binding of these proteins to lipid monolayers composed of 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-(1'-rac-glycerol) (DPPG) using a combination of neutron reflectometry, Brewster angle microscopy, and infrared spectroscopy. Results showed that both Pin-a and β-Pth interact strongly with condensed phase DPPG monolayers, but the degree of penetration was different. β-Pth was shown to penetrate the lipid acyl chain region of the monolayer and remove lipids from the air/liquid interface during the adsorption process, suggesting this protein may be able to both form membrane spanning ion channels and remove membrane phospholipids in its lytic activity. Conversely, Pin-a was shown to interact mainly with the head-group region of the condensed phase DPPG monolayer and form a 33 Å thick layer below the lipid film. The differences between the interfacial structures formed by these two proteins may be related to the differing composition of the Pin-a and β-Pth hydrophobic regions.


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The plant defence proteins α1- and α2-purothionin (Pth) are type 1 thionins from common wheat (Triticum aestivum). These highly homologous proteins possess characteristics common amongst antimicrobial peptides and proteins, that is, cationic charge, amphiphilicity and hydrophobicity. Both α1- and α2-Pth possess the same net charge, but differ in relative hydrophobicity as determined by C18 reversed phase HPLC. Brewster angle microscopy, X-ray and neutron reflectometry, external reflection FTIR and associated surface pressure measurements demonstrated that α1 and α2-Pth interact strongly with condensed phase 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-(1'-rac-glycerol) (DPPG) monolayers at the air/liquid interface. Both thionins disrupted the in-plane structure of the anionic phospholipid monolayer, removing lipid during this process and both penetrated the lipid monolayer in addition to adsorbing as a single protein layer to the lipid head-group. However, analysis of the interfacial structures revealed that the α2-Pth showed faster disruption of the lipid film and removed more phospholipid (12%) from the interface than α1-Pth. Correlating the protein properties and lipid binding activity suggests that hydrophobicity plays a key role in the membrane lipid removal activity of thionins.


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We investigate the bilayer pre-transition exhibited by some lipids at temperatures below their main phase transition, and which is generally associated to the formation of periodic ripples in the membrane. Experimentally we focus on the anionic lipid dipalmytoylphosphatidylglycerol (DPPG) at different ionic strengths, and on the neutral lipid dipalmytoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC). From the analysis of differential scanning calorimetry traces of the two lipids we find that both pre- and main transitions are part of the same melting process. Electron spin resonance of spin labels and excitation generalized polarization of Laurdan reveal the coexistence of gel and fluid domains at temperatures between the pre- and main transitions of both lipids, reinforcing the first finding. Also, the melting process of DPPG at low ionic strength is found to be less cooperative than that of DPPC. From the theoretical side, we introduce a statistical model in which a next-nearest-neighbor competing interaction is added to the usual two-state model. For the first time, modulated phases (ordered and disordered lipids periodically aligned) emerge between the gel and fluid phases as a natural consequence of the competition between lipid-lipid interactions. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Recent studies involving chitosan interacting with phospholipid monolayers that mimic cell membranes have brought molecular-level evidence for some of the physiological actions of chitosan, as in removing a protein from the membrane. This interaction has been proven to be primarily of electrostatic origin because of the positive charge OF chitosan in low pH solutions, but indirect evidence has also appeared of the presence of hydrophobic interactions. In this study, we provide definitive proof that model membranes are not affected merely by the charges in the amine groups of chitosan. Such a proof was obtained by comparing surface pressure and surface potential isotherms of dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl choline (DPPC) and dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl glycerol (DPPG) monolayers incorporating either chitosan or poly(allylamine hydrochloride) (PAH). As the latter is also positively charged and With the same charged Functional group as chitosan, similar effects should be observed in case the electrical charge was the only relevant parameter. Instead, we observed a large expansion in the surface pressure isotherms upon interaction with chitosan, whereas PAH had much smaller effects. Of particular relevance for biological implications, chitosan considerably reduced the monolayer elasticity, whereas PAH had almost no effect. it is clear therefore that chitosan action depends strongly either on its functional uncharged groups and/or on its specific conformation in solution.


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The immobilization of enzymes in nanostructured films has potential applications, e.g. in biosensing, for which the activity may not only be preserved, but also enhanced if optimized conditions are identified. Optimization is not straightforward because several requirements must be fulfilled, including a suitable matrix and film-forming technique. In this study, we show that horseradish peroxidase (HRP) has its activity enhanced when immobilized in Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films, in conjunction with dipalmitoylphosphaticlylglycerol (DPPG). Incorporation of HRP into a DPPG monolayer at the air-water interface was demonstrated with compression isotherms, and Polarization-Modulation Infrared Reflection Absorption Spectroscopy (PM-IRRAS). From the PM-IRRAS data, we inferred that HRP was not denatured when adsorbed on a pre-formed, low pressure DPPG monolayer. A change in orientation was induced by the phospholipid matrix, with the amide C=O and NH groups from HRP being oriented perpendicular to the surface, parallel to the DPPG acyl chains, i.e. the alpha-helix was inserted into the monolayer. The mixed DPPG-HRP monolayer could be transferred onto solid supports, to which HRP activity was ca. 23% higher than in solution. The control of molecular architecture and choice of a suitable phospholipid matrix allowed HRP-containing LB films to be used in sensing peroxide. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The method employed to incorporate guest molecules onto phospholipid Langmuir monolayers plays an important role in the interaction between the monolayer and the guest molecules. In this paper, we show that for the interaction between horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and a monolayer of dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol (DPPG) does depend on the method of HRP incorporation. The surface pressure isotherms of the mixed DPPG/HRP monolayers, for instance, were less expanded when the two materials were co-spread than in the case where HRP was injected into the subphase. Therefore, the method for incorporation affected not only the penetration of HRP but also the changes in molecular packing caused to the DPPG monolayer. With experiments with the monolayer on a pendant drop, we observed that the incorporation of HRP affects the dynamic elasticity of the DPPG monolayer, on a way that varies with the surface pressure. At low pressures, HRP causes the monolayer to be more rigid, while the converse is true for surface pressures above 8 mN/m. Taken all the results together, we conclude that HRP is more efficiently incorporated if injected into the subphase on which a DPPG monolayer had been spread and that the interaction between HRP and DPPG is maintained even at high surface pressures. This is promising for the possible transfer of mixed films onto solid substrates and for applications in biosensors and drug delivery systems. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Many chitosan biological activities depend on the interaction with biomembranes, but so far it has not been possible to obtain molecular-level evidence of chitosan action. In this article, we employ Langmuir phospholipid monolayers as cell membrane models and show that chitosan is able to remove beta-lactoglobulin (BLG) from negatively charged dimyristoyl phosphatidic acid (DMPA) and dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl glycerol (DPPG). This was shown with surface pressure isotherms and elasticity and PM-IRRAS measurements in the Langmuir monolayers, in addition to quartz crystal microbalance and fluorescence spectroscopy measurements for Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films transferred onto solid substrates. Some specificity was noted in the removal action because chitosan was unable to remove BLG incorporated into neutral dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl choline (DPPC) and cholesterol monolayers and had no effect on horseradish peroxidase and urease interacting with DMPA. An obvious biological implication of these findings is to offer reasons that chitosan can remove BLG from lipophilic environments, as reported in the recent literature.