844 resultados para DOWNS-SYNDROME
The levels of neopterin, biopterin and the neopterin/biopterin ratio (N/B) were measured in urine samples taken from normal young and elderly control subjects, exceptionally healthy elderly control subjects classified according to the ‘Senieur’ protocol and patients with Down’s syndrome (DS) or Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The N/B ratio was approximately unity in control groups with the exception of the normal elderly controls. The levels of neopterin and biopterin declined with age in the exceptionally healthy ‘Senieur’ control group. The N/B ratio was elevated in young and old DS patients as a result of the significant increase in neopterin. Neopterin levels were significantly elevated in AD patients compared with the healthy elderly controls, but this did not result in a significant increase in the N/B ratio in these patients. The N/B ratio increased with age in AD patients as a result of a decline in biopterin. These results suggested that there is a cellular immune reponse in DS and AD patients which in DS, may precede the formation of beta-amyloid deposits in the brain. In addition, there may be a deficiency in tetrahydrobiopterin biosynthesis in AD which becomes more marked with age.
Neopterin, an unconjugated pteridine, is secreted in large quantities by activated macrophages and can be used as a clinical marker of activated cellular immunity in a patient. Hence, neopterin levels were measured in urine samples taken from patients with Down’s syndrome (DS), non-hospitalized and hospitalized Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and age and sex matched controls. All subjects and patients were free from infectious and malignant disease. A significant effect of age on urinary neopterin levels was found in control subjects, levels being greater in younger and older subjects. No significant trends with age were found in AD and DS patients. The mean level of neopterin was significantly increased in DS and AD compared with age matched controls suggesting immune activation in these patients. In DS, elevated neopterin levels were present in individuals at least 17yrs old suggesting that immune activation could be associated with the initial deposition of beta/A4 in the brain.
Objective To demonstrate the potential value of screening for Down's Syndrome using highly correlated repeated measures of serum markers taken in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy. Design A Monte Carlo simulation study. Population Detection rates and false positive rates relating to the maternal age distribution of England and Wales for the period 1996 to 1998 were obtained using marker distributions from the SURUSS study. Results Screening using first trimester nuchal translucency and repeated measures of uE3 and PAPP-A in the first and second trimester has an estimated false positive rate of 0.3% for an 85% detection rate. This should be compared with the integrated test with an estimated false positive rate of 1.2% for the same detection rate. Conclusionsâ?? The performance of repeated measures screening tests, and their acceptability to women, should be assessed in further prospective studies.
Aims. To explore the perspective of midwives offering serum screening for Down’s syndrome.
Background. Previous literature has indicated that the offer and discussion of prenatal serum screening tests with women is complex, and health professionals may influence women’s decisions to accept or decline screening. Midwives are usually the key professional to offer serum screening for Down’s syndrome in the UK but their perspective is relatively neglected in the literature.
Design. An explorative qualitative interview study with 15 midwives employed in a maternity unit in Northern Ireland involved in offering prenatal screening to pregnant women. Data were collected from 1 July 2005–31 October 2005.
Methods. A focused ethnographic approach was used to explore the perspective of midwives.
Results. Midwives reported difficulty in explaining the test to women and felt unable to provide the necessary information to adequately inform women within their appointment time. The test offered (the triple test) and potential pathway of subsequent care, were identified as sources of professional and personal conflict by midwives. The expectation that midwives would provide a universal offer of Down’s syndrome serum screening but be unable to support women regarding termination of pregnancy also created dissonance.
Conclusions. The feasibility of proceeding with a universal serum screening programme for Down’s syndrome is questionable in countries which legally or culturally oppose termination of pregnancy. Professionals practising within environments such as this experience conflict in their role, which affects communication with women when discussing screening tests.
Relevance to clinical practice. As midwives are often, the primary health professional providing information to women, it is important that midwives are key participants in ongoing planning and discussions about screening policy to ensure programmes are implemented successfully.