997 resultados para DNA libraries


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Eleven minisatellite DNA locus specific probes, isolated from Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) partial genomic DNA libraries, were tested for cross-hybridization to eleven other salmonid species, i.e. sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka); coho salmon (O. kisutch), chum salmon (O. keta); pink salmon (O. gorbuscha); chinook salmon (O. tshawytscha); rainbow trout (O. mykiss); brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis); Arctic charr (S. alpinus); grayling (Thymallus thymallus); huchen (Hucho hucho); pollan (Coregonus autumnalis). Simple single locus profiles for each of these species were revealed by, from two to ten SLPs. These markers are likely to be of great value in addressing several problems in aquaculture of these species.


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Desmoid-type fibromatoses are locally aggressive and frequently recurrent tumours, and an accurate diagnosis is essential for patient management. The majority of sporadic lesions harbour beta-catenin (CTNNB1) mutations. We used next-generation sequencing to detect CTNNB1 mutations and to compare the sensitivity and specificity of next-generation sequencing with currently employed mutation detection techniques: mutation-specific restriction enzyme digestion and polymerase chain reaction amplification. DNA was extracted from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded needle biopsy or resection tissue sections from 144 patients with sporadic desmoid-type fibromatoses, four patients with syndrome-related desmoid-type fibromatoses and 11 morphological mimics. Two primer pairs were designed for CTNNB1 mutation hotspots. Using ≥10 ng of DNA, libraries were generated by Fluidigm and sequenced on the Ion Torrent Personal Genome Machine. Next-generation sequencing had a sensitivity of 92.36 % (133/144, 95 % CIs: 86.74 to 96.12 %) and a specificity of 100 % for the detection of CTNNB1 mutations in desmoid-type fibromatoses-like spindle cell lesions. All mutations detected by mutation-specific restriction enzyme digestion were identified by next-generation sequencing. Next-generation sequencing identified additional mutations in 11 tumours that were not detected by mutation-specific restriction enzyme digestion, two of which have not been previously described. Next-generation sequencing is highly sensitive for the detection of CTNNB1 mutations. This multiplex assay has the advantage of detecting additional mutations compared to those detected by mutation-specific restriction enzyme digestion (sensitivity 82.41 %). The technology requires minimal DNA and is time- and cost-efficient.


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Dictyostelium discoideum is a social amoeba that serves as a model system for RNA interference and related mechanisms. Its position between plants and animals enables evolutionary snapshot of mechanisms and protein machinery involved in investigated subjects. MiRNAs are small regulatory RNAs that are evolutionary conserved and present in animals, plants, viruses and some prokaryotes. They have roles in development, cell growth and differentiation, apoptosis and their miss-regulation is associated with many diseases such as cancer, neurodegenerative disorders and diabetes. Recently, through sequencing of DNA libraries miRNAs have been discovered in D. discoideum. In this work, it has been shown that heterologues miRNA let-7 can be expressed and processed in D. discoideum. Expression of let-7 miRNA in social amoeba resulted in a strong developmental phenotype suggesting an overload of the processing/silencing system or/and endogenous targets. The various effects on prel-7 strain have been observed and characterized, serving as a background for postulation of miRNA roles. An artificial miRNA system has been established and imposed to D. discoideum, showing that miRNAs in Dictyostelium could mediate gene expression on the level of mRNA stability and on the posttranscriptional level. Furthermore, presence of translational inhibition as a type of gene control was shown for the first time in this organism. Due to it new structures representing co-localities of miRNA and target mRNA have been detected. Taken together, this work shows functional artificial miRNA system and postulates roles of endogenous small RNA in social amoeba.


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Three U7 RNA-related sequences were isolated from mouse genomic DNA libraries. Only one of the sequences completely matches the published mouse U7 RNA sequence, whereas the other two apparently represent pseudogenes. The matching sequence represents a functional gene, as it is expressed after microinjection into Xenopus laevis oocytes. Sequence variations of the conserved cis-acting 5' and 3' elements of U RNA genes may partly explain the low abundance of U7 RNA.


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Genetic selections that use proteinaceous transdominant inhibitors encoded by DNA libraries to cause mutant phenocopies may facilitate genetic analysis in traditionally nongenetic organisms. We performed a selection for random short peptides and larger protein fragments (collectively termed “perturbagens”) that inhibit the yeast pheromone response pathway. Peptide and protein fragment perturbagens that permit cell division in the presence of pheromone were recovered. Two perturbagens were derived from proteins required for pheromone response, and an additional two were derived from proteins that may negatively influence the pheromone response pathway. Furthermore, three known components of the pathway were identified as probable perturbagen targets based on physical interaction assays. Thus, by selection for transdominant inhibitors of pheromone response, multiple pathway components were identified either directly as gene fragments or indirectly as the likely targets of specific perturbagens. These results, combined with the results of previous work [Holzmayer, T. A., Pestov, D. G. & Roninson, I. B. (1992) Nucl. Acids. Res. 20, 711–717; Whiteway, M., Dignard, D. & Thomas, D. Y. (1992) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89, 9410–9414; and Gudkov, A. V., Kazarov, A. R., Thimmapaya, R., Axenovich, S. A., Mazo, I. A. & Roninson, I. B. (1994) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91, 3744–3748], suggest that transdominant genetic analysis of the type described here will be broadly applicable.


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The X chromosome linkage group is conserved in placental mammals. However, X chromosome morphological differences, due to internal chromosome rearrangements, exist among mammalian species. We have developed bovine chromosome painting probes for Xp and Xq to assess segment homologies between the submetacentric bovine X chromosome and the acrocentric sheep and goat X chromosomes. These painting probes and their corresponding DNA libraries were developed by chromosome micromanipulation, DNA micropurification, microcloning, and PCR amplification. The bovine Xp painting probe identified an interstitially located homologous segment in the sheep and goat Xq region, most probably resulting from chromosome inversion. Ten type II (microsatellite) markers obtained from the bovine Xq library and five other X chromosome assigned, but unlinked, markers were used to generate a linkage map for Xq spanning 89.4 centimorgans. The chromosome painting probes and molecular markers generated in this study would be useful for comparative mapping and tracing of internal X chromosome rearrangements in all ruminant species and would contribute to the understanding of mammalian sex chromosome evolution.


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A persistência bacteriana correlacionada à formação de biofilmes bacterianos é, há algum tempo, fonte de grande preocupação médica em virtude de sua ampla associação com a dificuldade de tratamento de infecções crônicas. Por outro lado, as perspectivas de utilização de biofilmes bacterianos em novas aplicações biotecnológicas e até mesmo para fins terapêuticos são promissoras. Há, portanto, grande interesse em compreender os mecanismos que levam as células bacterianas a deixar o estado planctônico, de vida livre, e associarem-se nesses conglomerados celulares altamente complexos. Ao longo das últimas décadas, o segundo mensageiro c-di-GMP – em conjunto com as moléculas que catalisam sua síntese (diguanilato ciclases) e sua degradação (fosfodiesterases) e seus receptores – estabeleceu-se como um elemento central de regulação de uma série de respostas celulares que determinam a formação ou a dispersão de biofilmes. Curiosamente, as proteínas que participam do metabolismo deste segundo mensageiro estão, frequentemente, codificadas múltiplas vezes em um mesmo genoma bacteriano. Em vista dessa observação, estudos mais recentes apontam que, para reger paralelamente uma variedade tão ampla de fenótipos, este sistema opera em modo de alta especificidade de sinalização e que, portanto, o sinal metabolizado por determinados conjuntos de diguanilato ciclases e fosfodiesterases tem alvos celulares específicos. Evidências robustas, porém isoladas até o momento, apontaram que um dos meios pelo qual ocorre a segregação entre sinal produzido e alvo específico é a interação direta entre as proteínas componentes das vias de sinalização. Mais, demonstrou-se que, em algumas vias, a transmissão de sinal ocorre exclusivamente via interação proteica, dispensando a intermediação do sinalizador em si. Para avaliar a validade e relevância global deste mecanismo, propôs-se, neste estudo, a investigação da rede total de interações entre as proteínas tipicamente associadas às vias de sinalização por c-di-GMP em Pseudomonas aeruginosa, utilizando ensaios de duplo-hibrido bacteriano. Para tanto, foram construídas duas bibliotecas de DNA direcionadas e foram feitos testes de interação de forma estratégica para possibilitar o esgotamento e averiguação de todas as possíveis interações entre as proteínas alvo identificadas. O resultado obtido, um mapa inicial, porém abrangente, da rede de interações proteicas em P. aeruginosa, indica uma grande probabilidade de que os mecanismos previamente descritos sejam realmente recorrentes e relevantes para o intermédio da sinalização nesse organismo. Algumas das interações mais robustas encontradas são bastante interessantes e serão, em estudos futuros, mais extensivamente estudadas.


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Powerpoint slides for Lesson 7.


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Background. From shotgun libraries used for the genomic sequencing of the phytopathogenic bacterium Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (XAC), clones that were representative of the largest possible number of coding sequences (CDSs) were selected to create a DNA microarray platform on glass slides (XACarray). The creation of the XACarray allowed for the establishment of a tool that is capable of providing data for the analysis of global genome expression in this organism. Findings. The inserts from the selected clones were amplified by PCR with the universal oligonucleotide primers M13R and M13F. The obtained products were purified and fixed in duplicate on glass slides specific for use in DNA microarrays. The number of spots on the microarray totaled 6,144 and included 768 positive controls and 624 negative controls per slide. Validation of the platform was performed through hybridization of total DNA probes from XAC labeled with different fluorophores, Cy3 and Cy5. In this validation assay, 86% of all PCR products fixed on the glass slides were confirmed to present a hybridization signal greater than twice the standard deviation of the deviation of the global median signal-to-noise ration. Conclusions. Our validation of the XACArray platform using DNA-DNA hybridization revealed that it can be used to evaluate the expression of 2,365 individual CDSs from all major functional categories, which corresponds to 52.7% of the annotated CDSs of the XAC genome. As a proof of concept, we used this platform in a previously work to verify the absence of genomic regions that could not be detected by sequencing in related strains of Xanthomonas. © 2010 Moreira et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Abstract Background From shotgun libraries used for the genomic sequencing of the phytopathogenic bacterium Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (XAC), clones that were representative of the largest possible number of coding sequences (CDSs) were selected to create a DNA microarray platform on glass slides (XACarray). The creation of the XACarray allowed for the establishment of a tool that is capable of providing data for the analysis of global genome expression in this organism. Findings The inserts from the selected clones were amplified by PCR with the universal oligonucleotide primers M13R and M13F. The obtained products were purified and fixed in duplicate on glass slides specific for use in DNA microarrays. The number of spots on the microarray totaled 6,144 and included 768 positive controls and 624 negative controls per slide. Validation of the platform was performed through hybridization of total DNA probes from XAC labeled with different fluorophores, Cy3 and Cy5. In this validation assay, 86% of all PCR products fixed on the glass slides were confirmed to present a hybridization signal greater than twice the standard deviation of the deviation of the global median signal-to-noise ration. Conclusions Our validation of the XACArray platform using DNA-DNA hybridization revealed that it can be used to evaluate the expression of 2,365 individual CDSs from all major functional categories, which corresponds to 52.7% of the annotated CDSs of the XAC genome. As a proof of concept, we used this platform in a previously work to verify the absence of genomic regions that could not be detected by sequencing in related strains of Xanthomonas.


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Five synthetic combinatorial libraries of 2,080 components each were screened as mixtures for inhibition of DNA binding to two transcription factors. Rapid, solution-phase synthesis coupled to a gel-shift assay led to the identification of two compounds active at a 5- to 10-μM concentration level. The likely mode of inhibition is intercalation between DNA base pairs. The efficient deconvolution through sublibrary synthesis augurs well for the use of large mixtures of small, nonpeptide molecules in biological screens.


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We describe a method to screen pools of DNA from multiple transposon lines for insertions in many genes simultaneously. We use thermal asymmetric interlaced–PCR, a hemispecific PCR amplification protocol that combines nested, insertion-specific primers with degenerate primers, to amplify DNA flanking the transposons. In reconstruction experiments with previously characterized Arabidopsis lines carrying insertions of the maize Dissociation (Ds) transposon, we show that fluorescently labeled, transposon-flanking fragments overlapping ORFs hybridize to cognate expressed sequence tags (ESTs) on a DNA microarray. We further show that insertions can be detected in DNA pools from as many as 100 plants representing different transposon lines and that all of the tested, transposon-disrupted genes whose flanking fragments can be amplified individually also can be detected when amplified from the pool. The ability of a transposon-flanking fragment to hybridize declines rapidly with decreasing homology to the spotted DNA fragment, so that only ESTs with >90% homology to the transposon-disrupted gene exhibit significant cross-hybridization. Because thermal asymmetric interlaced–PCR fragments tend to be short, use of the present method favors recovery of insertions in and near genes. We apply the technique to screening pools of new Ds lines using cDNA microarrays containing ESTs for ≈1,000 stress-induced and -repressed Arabidopsis genes.


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The sheep (Ovis aries) is favored by many musculoskeletal tissue engineering groups as a large animal model because of its docile temperament and ease of husbandry. The size and weight of sheep are comparable to humans, which allows for the use of implants and fixation devices used in human clinical practice. The construction of a complimentary DNA (cDNA) library can capture the expression of genes in both a tissue- and time-specific manner. cDNA libraries have been a consistent source of gene discovery ever since the technology became commonplace more than three decades ago. Here, we describe the construction of a cDNA library using cells derived from sheep bones based on the pBluescript cDNA kit. Thirty clones were picked at random and sequenced. This led to the identification of a novel gene, C12orf29, which our initial experiments indicate is involved in skeletal biology. We also describe a polymerase chain reaction-based cDNA clone isolation method that allows the isolation of genes of interest from a cDNA library pool. The techniques outlined here can be applied in-house by smaller tissue engineering groups to generate tools for biomolecular research for large preclinical animal studies and highlights the power of standard cDNA library protocols to uncover novel genes.


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The apetalal mutation of Arabidopsis affects floral meristem identity and the development of sepal and petal primordia of the flower. We mapped the available RFLP markers on chromosome 1 that are in the general vicinity of apetalal on a fine structure map and then chose the closest RFLP as a starting point for contiguous DNA (contig) generation. We report here a contig of about 800 kilobases (kb) that spans a 3.5 cM region of chromosome 1. We used genomic libraries of Arabidopsis prepared in yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) vectors and the detailed characterization of 19 YACs is reported. RFLPs displayed by the end fragments from the walk were mapped to align and correlate the genetic and physical maps for this region of chromosome 1. In this segment of the genome, 1 cM corresponds to a little over 200 kb of physical distance.