997 resultados para DNA gyrase


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DNA gyrase is the target of two plasmid-encoded toxins CcdB and microcin B17, which ensure plasmid maintenance. These proteins stabilize gyrase-DNA covalent complexes leading to double-strand breaks in the genome. In contrast, the physiological role of chromosomally encoded inhibitor of DNA gyrase (Gyrl) in Escherichia coli is unclear and its mechanism of inhibition has not been established. We demonstrate that the mode of inhibition of GyrI is distinct from all other gyrase inhibitors. It inhibits DNA gyrase prior to, or at the step of, binding of DNA by the enzyme. Gyrl reduces intrinsic as well as toxin-stabilized gyrase-DNA covalent complexes. Furthermore, Gyri reduces microcin B17-mediated double-strand breaks in vivo, imparting protection to the cells against the toxin, substantiating the in vitro results. Thus, Gyrl is an antidote to DNA gyrase-specific proteinaceous poisons encoded by plasmid addiction systems.


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DNA gyrase is a type II topoisomerase that catalyzes the introduction of negative supercoils in the genomes of eubacteria. Fluoroquinolones (FQs), successful as drugs clinically, target the enzyme to trap the gyrase-DNA complex, leading to the accumulation of double-strand breaks in the genome. Mycobacteria are less susceptible to commonly used FQs. However, an 8-methoxy-substituted FQ, moxifloxacin (MFX), is a potent antimycobacterial, and a higher susceptibility of mycobacterial gyrase to MFX has been demonstrated. Although several models explain the mechanism of FQ action and gyrase-DNA-FQ interaction, the basis for the differential susceptibility of mycobacterial gyrase to various FQs is not understood. We have addressed the basis of the differential susceptibility of the gyrase and revisited the mode of action of FQs. We demonstrate that FQs bind both Escherichia coli and Mycobacterium tuberculosis gyrases in the absence of DNA and that the addition of DNA enhances the drug binding. The FQs bind primarily to the GyrA subunit of mycobacterial gyrase, while in E. coli holoenzyme is the target. The binding of MFX to GyrA of M. tuberculosis correlates with its effectiveness as a better inhibitor of the enzyme and its efficacy in cell killing.


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Quinolones constitute a family of compounds with a potent antibiotic activity. The enzyme DNA gyrase, responsible for the replication and transcription processes in DNA of bacteria, is involved in the mechanism of action of these drugs. In this sense, it is believed that quinolones stabilize the so-called 'cleavable complex' formed by DNA and gyrase, but the whole process is still far from being understood at the molecular level. This information is crucial in order to design new biological active products. As an approach to the problem, we have designed and synthesized low molecular weight peptide mimics of DNA gyrase. These peptides correspond to sequences of the subunit A of the enzyme from Escherichia coli, that include the quinolone resistance-determining region (positions 75-92) and a segment containing the catalytic Tyr-122 (positions 116-130). The peptide mimic of the non-mutated enzyme binds to ciprofloxin (CFX) only when DNA and Mg2+ were present (Kd = 1.6 × 10 -6 m), a result previously found with DNA gyrase. On the other hand, binding was reduced when mutations of Ser-83 to Leu-83 and Asp-87 to Asn-87 were introduced, a double change previously found in the subunit A of DNA gyrase from several CFX-resistant clinical isolates of E. coli. These results suggest that synthetic peptides designed in a similar way to that described here can be used as mimics of gyrases (topoisomerases) in order to study the binding of the quinolone to the enzyme-DNA complex as well as the mechanism of action of these antibiotics. Copyright © 2001 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Bacterial DNA gyrase, has been identified as the target of several antibacterial agents, including the coumarin drugs. The coumarins inhibit the gyrase action by competitive binding to the ATP-binding site of DNA gyrase B (GyrB) protein. The high in vitro inhibitory potency of coumarins against DNA gyrase reactions has raised interest in studies on coumarin-gyrase interactions. In this context, a series of low-molecular weight peptides, including the coumarin resistance-determining region of subunit B of Escherichia coli gyrase, has been designed and synthesized. The first peptide model was built using the natural fragment 131-146 of GyrB and was able to bind to novobiocin (K a = 1.8 ± 0.2 × 105/M) and ATP (Ka = 1.9 ± 0.4 × 103/M). To build the other sequences, changes in the Arg136 residue were introduced so that the binding to the drug was progressively reduced with the hydrophobicity of this residue (Ka = 1.3 ± 0.1 × 105/M and 1.0 ± 0.2 × 105/M for Ser and His, respectively). No binding was observed for the change Arg136 to Leu. In contrast, the binding to ATP was not altered, independently of the changes promoted. On the contrary, for peptide-coumarin and peptide-ATP complexes, Mg2+ appears to modulate the binding process. Our results demonstrate the crucial role of Arg 136 residue for the stability of coumarin-gyrase complex as well as suggest a different binding site for ATP and in both cases the interactions are mediated by magnesium ions. Copyright Blackwell Munksgaard, 2005.


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Like all hyperthermophiles yet tested, the bacterium Thermotoga maritima contains a reverse gyrase. Here we show that it contains also a DNA gyrase. The genes top2A and top2B encoding the two subunits of a DNA gyrase-like enzyme have been cloned and sequenced. The Top2A (type II DNA topoisomerase A protein) is more similar to GyrA (DNA gyrase A protein) than to ParC [topoisomerase IV (Topo IV) C protein]. The difference is especially striking at the C-terminal domain, which differentiates DNA gyrases from Topo IV. DNA gyrase activity was detected in T. maritima and purified to homogeneity using a novobiocin-Sepharose column. This hyperhermophilic DNA gyrase has an optimal activity around 82–86°C. In contrast to plasmids from hyperthermophilic archaea, which are from relaxed to positively supercoiled, we found that the plasmid pRQ7 from Thermotoga sp. RQ7 is negatively supercoiled. pRQ7 became positively supercoiled after addition of novobiocin to cell cultures, indicating that its negative supercoiling is due to the DNA gyrase of the host strain. The findings concerning DNA gyrase and negative supercoiling in Thermotogales put into question the role of reverse gyrase in hyperthermophiles.


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DNA gyrase is unique among topoisomerases in its ability to introduce negative supercoils into closed-circular DNA. We have demonstrated that deletion of the C-terminal DNA-binding domain of the A subunit of gyrase gives rise to an enzyme that cannot supercoil DNA but relaxes DNA in an ATP-dependent manner. Novobiocin, a competitive inhibitor of ATP binding by gyrase, inhibits this reaction. The truncated enzyme, unlike gyrase, does not introduce a right-handed wrap when bound to DNA and stabilizes DNA crossovers; characteristics reminiscent of conventional type II topoisomerases. This new enzyme form can decatenate DNA circles with increased efficiency compared with intact gyrase and, as a result, can complement the temperature-sensitive phenotype of a parCts mutant. Thus these results suggest that the unique properties of DNA gyrase are attributable to the wrapping of DNA around the C-terminal DNA-binding domains of the A subunits and provide an insight into the mechanism of type II topoisomerases.


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Microcin B17 (MccB17) is a 3.1-kDa Escherichia coli antibiotic that contains thiazole and oxazole heterocycles in a peptide backbone. MccB17 inhibits its cellular target, DNA gyrase, by trapping the enzyme in a complex that is covalently bound to double-strand cleaved DNA, in a manner similar to the well-known quinolone drugs. The identification of gyrase as the target of MccB17 provides an opportunity to analyze the relationship between the structure of this unusual antibiotic and its activity. In this report, steady-state parameters are used to describe the induction of the cleavable complex by MccB17 analogs containing modified bisheterocyclic sites. The relative potency of these analogs corresponds to the capacity of the compounds to prevent growth of sensitive cells. In contrast to previously reported experiments, inhibition of DNA gyrase supercoiling activity by wild-type MccB17 also was observed. These results suggest that DNA gyrase is the main intracellular target of MccB17. This study probes the structure-function relationship of a new class of gyrase inhibitors and demonstrates that these techniques could be used to analyze compounds in the search for clinically useful antibiotics that block DNA gyrase.


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Since cyclothialidine was discovered as the most active DNA gyrase inhibitor in 1994, enormous efforts have been devoted to make it into a commercial medicine by a number of pharmaceutical companies and research groups worldwide. However, no serious breakthrough has been made up to now. An essential problem involved with cyclothialidine is that though it demonstrated the potent inhibition of DNA gyrase, it showed little activity against bacteria. This probably is attributable to its inability to penetrate bacterial cell walls and membranes. We applied the TSAR programme to generate a QSAR equation to the gram-negative organisms. In that equation, LogP is profoundly indicated as the key factor influencing the cyclothialidine activity against bacteria. However, the synthesized new analogues have failed to prove that. In the structure based drug design stage, we designed a group of open chain cyclothialidine derivatives by applying the SPROUT programme and completed the syntheses. Improved activity is found in a few analogues and a 3D pharmacophore of the DNA gyrase B is proposed to lead to synthesis of the new derivatives for development of potent antibiotics.


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Cyclothialidine, a natural product isolated from Streptomyces .filipinensis NR0484, has been proven to be a potent and selective inhibitor of the bacterial enzyme DNA gyrase. Gyrase inhibition results in cell death, the enzyme being the target of several currently used antibiotics. Cyclothialidine showed poor activity against whole bacterial cells, highlighting scope for improvement regarding cell membrane pemeability in order for the full potential of this new class of antibiotics to be realised, Structurally, cyclothialidine contains a 12-membered lactone ring which is partly integrated into a pentapeptide chain, with a substituted aromatic moiety bordering the lactone, Retrosynthetically it can be traced back to cis-3-hydroxyproline, 3,5-dihydroxy-2,6-dimethylbenzoic acid and four commercially available amino acids; two serine, one cysteine and one alanine. In this work, a model of cyclothialidine was synthesised in order to establish the methodology for more complex compounds. Analogues with hydroxy, dihydroxy and dihydroxymethyl substituted aromatic moieties were then prepared to ensure successful protection methods could be performed and the pharmacophore synthesised. The key aromatic moiety, 2,6-dimethyl-3,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid was produced via two successive Mannich reaction/reduction steps. Acid protection using 4-nitrobenzyl bromide and TBDMS hydroxyl protection followed by bromination of one methyl afforded the desired intermediate. Reaction with a serine/cysteine dipeptide, followed by deprotection and cyclisation under Mitsunobu conditions lead to the 12-membered lactone. An amine substituted aromatic analogue and also replacement of the cysteine sulphur by oxygen were attempted but without success. In an effort to improve cell permeability, a conjugate was synthesised between the pharmacophore and a cholesterol moiety. It was hoped the steroid fragment would serve to increase potency by escorting the molecule through the lipid environment of the cell membrane. The pharmacophore and conjugate were tested against a variety of bacterial strains but the conjugate failed to improve activity.


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Type IA DNA topoisomerases, typically found in bacteria, are essential enzymes that catalyse the DNA relaxation of negative supercoils. DNA gyrase is the only type II topoisomerase that can carry out the opposite reaction (i.e. the introduction of the DNA supercoils). A number of diverse molecules target DNA gyrase. However, inhibitors that arrest the activity of bacterial topoisomerase I at low concentrations remain to be identified. Towards this end, as a proof of principle, monoclonal antibodies that inhibit Mycobacterium smegmatis topoisomerase I have been characterized and the specific inhibition of Mycobacterium smegmatis topoisomerase I by a monoclonal antibody, 2F3G4, at a nanomolar concentration is described. The enzyme-bound monoclonal antibody stimulated the first transesterification reaction leading to enhanced DNA cleavage, without significantly altering the religation activity of the enzyme. The stimulated DNA cleavage resulted in perturbation of the cleavagereligation equilibrium, increasing single-strand nicks and proteinDNA covalent adducts. Monoclonal antibodies with such a mechanism of inhibition can serve as invaluable tools for probing the structure and mechanism of the enzyme, as well as in the design of novel inhibitors that arrest enzyme activity.


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Topoisomerases (topos) maintain DNA topology and influence DNA transaction processes by catalysing relaxation, supercoiling and decatenation reactions. In the cellular milieu, division of labour between different topos ensures topological homeostasis and control of central processes. In Escherichia coli, DNA gyrase is the principal enzyme that carries out negative supercoiling, while topo IV catalyses decatenation, relaxation and unknotting. DNA gyrase apparently has the daunting task of undertaking both the enzyme functions in mycobacteria, where topo IV is absent. We have shown previously that mycobacterial DNA gyrase is an efficient decatenase. Here, we demonstrate that the strong decatenation property of the enzyme is due to its ability to capture two DNA segments in trans. Topo IV, a strong dedicated decatenase of E. coli, also captures two distinct DNA molecules in a similar manner. In contrast, E. coli DNA gyrase, which is a poor decatenase, does not appear to be able to hold two different DNA molecules in a stable complex. The binding of a second DNA molecule to GyrB/ParE is inhibited by ATP and the non-hydrolysable analogue, AMPPNP, and by the substitution of a prominent positively charged residue in the GyrB N-terminal cavity, suggesting that this binding represents a potential T-segment positioned in the cavity. Thus, after the GyrA/ParC mediated initial DNA capture, GyrB/ParE would bind efficiently to a second DNA in trans to form a T-segment prior to nucleotide binding and closure of the gate during decatenation.