997 resultados para DNA DEPLETION
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) alterations and their clinical and pathological implications have been analyzed in several human malignancies. A marked decrease in mtDNA copy number along with the increase in malignancy was observed in diffusely infiltrating astrocytomas (24 WHO grade II, 18 grade III, and 78 grade IV or GBM) compared to non-neoplastic brain tissues, being mostly depleted in GBM. Although high relative gene expression levels of mtDNA replication regulators (mitochondrial polymerase catalytic subunit (POLG), transcription factors A (TFAM), B1 (TFB1M) and B2 (TFB2M)) were detected, it cannot successfully revert the mtDNA depletion observed in our samples. On the other hand, a strong correlation among the expression levels of mitochondrial transcription factors corroborates with the TFAM role in the direct control of TFB1M and TFB2M during initiation of mtDNA replication. POLG expression was related to decreased mtDNA copy number, and its overexpression associated with TFAM expression levels also have an impact on long-term survival among GBM patients, interpreted as a potential predictive factor for better prognosis. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. and Mitochondria Research Society. All rights reserved.
The extensive replication of mitochondria during oogenesis and the wide variability in mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA) copy numbers present in fully grown oocytes indicate that mtDNA amount may play an important role during early embryogenesis. Using bovine oocytes derived from follicles of different sizes to study the influence of mtDNA content on development, we showed that oocytes obtained from small follicles, known to be less competent in developing into blastocysts, contain less mtDNA than those originating from larger follicles. However, because of the high variability in copy number, a more accurate approach was examined in which parthenogenetic one-cell embryos were biopsied to measure their mtDNA content and then cultured to assess development capacity. Contrasting with previous findings, mtDNA copy number in biopsies was not different between competent and incompetent embryos, indicating that mtDNA content is not related to early developmental competence. To further examine the importance of mtDNA on development, one-cell embryos were partially depleted of their mtDNA (64% +/- 4.1% less) by centrifugation followed by the removal of the mitochondrial-enriched cytoplasmic fraction. Surprisingly, depleted embryos developed normally into blastocysts, which contained mtDNA copy numbers similar to nonmanipulated controls. Development in depleted embryos was accompanied by an increase in the expression of genes (TFAM and NRF1) controlling mtDNA replication and transcription, indicating an intrinsic ability to restore the content of mtDNA at the blastocyst stage. Therefore, we concluded that competent bovine embryos are able to regulate their mtDNA content at the blastocyst stage regardless of the copy numbers accumulated during oogenesis.
As citopatias mitocondriais constituem um importante grupo de doenças metabólicas de expressão clínica heterogénea, para as quais não existe uma terapia eficaz. A maioria destas doenças é causada por uma disfunção ao nível da fosforilação oxidativa (OXPHOS), originando consequentemente uma deficiente produção de energia. O correto funcionamento da OXPHOS resulta de uma interação coordenada entre o genoma nuclear e mitocondrial. Assim, as doenças mitocondriais podem ser causadas por defeitos moleculares no genoma mitocondrial, no nuclear, ou em ambos, originando as doenças da comunicação intergenómica, que resultam na perda ou na instabilidade do DNA mitocondrial (mtDNA), e podem causar quer deleções múltiplas, quer depleção do genoma mitocondrial. A síndrome da depleção do mtDNA constitui um grupo de doenças raras, autossómicas recessivas, que se manifestam maioritariamente após o nascimento, causando a morte de muitos doentes durante a infância ou início da adolescência devido a uma redução acentuada do número de cópias do mtDNA. Trata-se de uma síndrome fenotipicamente heterogénea, apresentando-se sob três apresentações clínicas: hepatocerebral, miopática e encefalomiopática. A caracterização molecular destes doentes é importante não só para permitir a realização de aconselhamento genético e diagnóstico pré-natal adequados, mas também para melhorar a compreensão da fisiopatologia da doença e as opções terapêuticas.
An increasing number of genes required for mitochondrial biogenesis, dynamics, or function have been found to be mutated in metabolic disorders and neurological diseases such as Leigh Syndrome. In a forward genetic screen to identify genes required for neuronal function and survival in Drosophila photoreceptor neurons, we have identified mutations in the mitochondrial methionyl-tRNA synthetase, Aats-met, the homologue of human MARS2. The fly mutants exhibit age-dependent degeneration of photoreceptors, shortened lifespan, and reduced cell proliferation in epithelial tissues. We further observed that these mutants display defects in oxidative phosphorylation, increased Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), and an upregulated mitochondrial Unfolded Protein Response. With the aid of this knowledge, we identified MARS2 to be mutated in Autosomal Recessive Spastic Ataxia with Leukoencephalopathy (ARSAL) patients. We uncovered complex rearrangements in the MARS2 gene in all ARSAL patients. Analysis of patient cells revealed decreased levels of MARS2 protein and a reduced rate of mitochondrial protein synthesis. Patient cells also exhibited reduced Complex I activity, increased ROS, and a slower cell proliferation rate, similar to Drosophila Aats-met mutants.
The primary motivation behind the considerable effort in studying stratospheric ozone depletion is the potential for biological consequences of increased solar UVB (280–315 nm) radiation. Yet, direct links between ozone depletion and biological impacts have been established only for organisms of Antarctic waters under the influence of the ozone “hole;” no direct evidence exists that ozone-related variations in UVB affect ecosystems of temperate latitudes. Indeed, calculations based on laboratory studies with plants suggest that the biological impact of ozone depletion (measured by the formation of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers in DNA) is likely to be less marked than previously thought, because UVA quanta (315–400 nm) may also cause significant damage, and UVA is unaffected by ozone depletion. Herein, we show that the temperate ecosystems of southern South America have been subjected to increasingly high levels of ozone depletion during the last decade. We found that in the spring of 1997, despite frequent cloud cover, the passages of the ozone hole over Tierra del Fuego (55° S) caused concomitant increases in solar UV and that the enhanced ground-level UV led to significant increases in DNA damage in the native plant Gunnera magellanica. The fluctuations in solar UV explained a large proportion of the variation in DNA damage (up to 68%), particularly when the solar UV was weighted for biological effectiveness according to action spectra that assume a sharp decline in quantum efficiency with increasing wavelength from the UVB into the UVA regions of the spectrum.
The free radicals nitric oxide and superoxide anion react to form peroxynitrite (ONOO-), a highly toxic oxidant species. In vivo formation of ONOO- has been demonstrated in shock and inflammation. Herein we provide evidence that cytotoxicity in cells exposed to ONOO- is mediated by DNA strand breakage and the subsequent activation of the DNA repair enzyme poly(ADP ribose) synthetase (PARS). Exposure to ONOO- (100 microM to 1 mM) inhibited mitochondrial respiration in cultured J774 macrophages and in rat aortic smooth muscle cells. The loss of cellular respiration was rapid, peaking 1-3 h after ONOO- exposure, and reversible, with recovery after a period of 6-24 h. The inhibition of mitochondrial respiration was paralleled by a dose-dependent increase in DNA strand breakage, reaching its maximum at 20-30 min after exposure to ONOO-. We observed a dose-dependent increase in the activity of PARS in cells exposed to ONOO-. Inhibitors of PARS such as 3-aminobenzamide (1 mM) prevented the inhibition of cellular respiration in cells exposed to ONOO-. Activation of PARS by ONOO--mediated DNA strand breakage resulted in a significant decrease in intracellular energy stores, as reflected by a decline of intracellular NAD+ and ATP content. 3-Aminobenzamide prevented the loss of NAD+ and ATP in cells exposed to ONOO-. In contrast, impairment of cellular respiration by the addition of the nitric oxide donors S-nitroso-N-acetyl-DL-penicillamine or diethyltriamine nitric oxide complex, was not associated with the development of DNA strand breaks, in concentrations up to 1 mM, and was largely refractory to PARS inhibition. Our results suggest that DNA damage and activation of PARS, an energy-consuming futile repair cycle, play a central role in ONOO--mediated cellular injury.
Solar radiation sustains and affects all life forms on Earth. In recent years, the increase in environmental levels of solar-UV radiation due to depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer, as a result of anthropogenic emission of destructive chemicals, has highlighted serious issues of social concern. This becomes still more dramatic in tropical and subtropical regions, where the intensity of solar radiation is higher. To better understand the impact of the harmful effects of solar-UV radiation on the DNA molecule, we developed a reliable biological monitoring system based on the exposure of plasmid DNA to artificial UV lamps and sunlight. The determination and quanti. cation of different types of UV photoproducts were performed through the use of specific DNA repair enzymes and antibodies. As expected, a significant number of CPDs and 6-4PPs was observed when the DNA-dosimeter system was exposed to increasing doses of UVB radiation. Moreover, CPDs could also be clearly detected in plasmid DNA when this system was exposed to either UVA or directly to sunlight. Interestingly, although less abundant, 6-4PPs and oxidative DNA damage were also generated after exposure to both UVA and sunlight. These results confirm the genotoxic potential of sunlight, reveal that UVA may also produce CPDs and 6-4PPs directly in naked DNA and demonstrate the applicability of a DNA-dosimeter system for monitoring the biological effects of solar-UV radiation.
Type I diabetes is thought to occur as a result of the loss of insulin-producing pancreatic beta cells by an environmentally triggered autoimmune reaction. In rodent models of diabetes, streptozotocin (STZ), a genotoxic methylating agent that is targeted to the beta cells, is used to trigger the initial cell death. High single doses of STZ cause extensive beta -cell necrosis, while multiple low doses induce limited apoptosis, which elicits an autoimmune reaction that eliminates the remaining cells. We now show that in mice lacking the DNA repair enzyme alkylpurine-DNA-N-glycosylase (APNG), beta -cell necrosis was markedly attenuated after a single dose of STZ. This is most probably due to the reduction in the frequency of base excision repair-induced strand breaks and the consequent activation of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP), which results in catastrophic ATP depletion and cell necrosis. Indeed, PARP activity was not induced in A-PNG(-/-) islet cells following treatment with STZ in vitro. However, 48 h after STZ treatment, there was a peak of apoptosis in the beta cells of APNG(-/-) mice. Apoptosis was not observed in PARP-inhibited APNG(+/+) mice, suggesting that apoptotic pathways are activated in the absence of significant numbers of DNA strand breaks. Interestingly, STZ-treated APNG(-/-) mice succumbed to diabetes 8 months after treatment, in contrast to previous work with PARP inhibitors, where a high incidence of beta -cell tumors was observed. In the multiple-low-dose model, STZ induced diabetes in both APNG(-/-) and APNG(-/-) mice; however, the initial peak of apoptosis was 2.5-fold greater in the APNG(-/-) mice. We conclude that APNG substrates are diabetogenic but by different mechanisms according to the status of APNG activity.
Background: HIV vaccine-candidates based on rare adenovirus serotypes such as Ad26 and Ad35 vectors, and poxvirus vectors are important components of future promising vaccine regimens that in the near future hopefully will move into a number of efficacy clinical trials in combination with protein vaccines. For these reasons, it is important to comprehensively characterize the vaccine-induced immune responses in different anatomical compartments and particularly at mucosal sites which represent the primary port of entry for HIV.Methods: In the present study, we have investigated the anatomic distribution in blood and gut mucosal tissues (rectum and ileum) of memory poxvirus-specific CD4 and CD8 T cells in subjects vaccinated with smallpox and compared with vector (NYVAC)-specific and HIV insert-specific T-cell responses induced by an experimental DNA-C/NYVAC-C vaccine regimen.Results: Smallpox-specific CD4 T-cell responses were present in the blood of 52% of subject studied, while Smallpox-specific CD8 T cells were rarely detected (12%). With one exception, Smallpoxspecific T cells were not measurable in gut tissues. Interestingly, NYVAC vector-specific and HIV-specific CD4 and CD8 T-cell responses were detected in almost 100% of the subjects immunized with DNA-C/NYVAC-C in blood and gut tissues. The large majority (83%) of NYVAC-specific CD4 T cells expressed a4b7 integrins and the HIV co-receptor CCR5.Conclusion: These results demonstrate that the experimental DNA-C/NYVAC-C HIV vaccine regimen induces the homing of potentially protective HIV-specific CD4 and CD8 T cells in the gut, the port of entry of HIV and one of the major sites for HIV spreading and depletion of CD4 T cells.
In the present study, we have investigated the anatomic distribution in blood and gut mucosal tissues of memory poxvirus-specific CD4 and CD8 T cells in subjects vaccinated with smallpox and compared it with vector (NYVAC)-specific and HIV insert-specific T-cell responses induced by an experimental DNA-C/ NYVAC-C vaccine regimen. Smallpox-specific CD4 T-cell responses were present in the blood of 52% of the subjects studied, while smallpox-specific CD8 T cells were rarely detected (12%). With one exception, smallpox-specific T cells were not measurable in gut tissues. Interestingly, NYVAC vector-specific and HIV-specific CD4 and CD8 T-cell responses were detected in almost 100% of the subjects immunized with DNA-C/NYVAC-C in blood and gut tissues. The large majority (83%) of NYVAC-specific CD4 T cells expressed α4β7 integrins and the HIV coreceptor CCR5. These results demonstrate that the experimental DNA-C/NYVAC-C HIV vaccine regimen induces the homing of potentially protective HIV-specific CD4 and CD8 T cells in the gut, the port of entry of HIV and one of the major sites for HIV spreading and the depletion of CD4 T cells.
Endonuclease G (EndoG) is a well conserved mitochondrial nuclease with dual lethal and vital roles in the cell. It non-specifically cleaves endogenous DNA following apoptosis induction, but is also active in non-apoptotic cells for mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) replication and may also be important for replication, repair and recombination of genomic DNA. The aim of our study was to examine whether EndoG exerts similar activities on exogenous DNA substrates such as plasmid DNA (pDNA) and viral DNA vectors, considering their importance in gene therapy applications. The effects of EndoG knockdown on pDNA stability and levels of encoded reporter gene expression were evaluated in the cervical carcinoma HeLa cells. Transfection of pDNA vectors encoding short-hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) reduced levels of EndoG mRNA and nuclease activity in HeLa cells. In physiological circumstances, EndoG knockdown did not have an effect on the stability of pDNA or the levels of encoded transgene expression as measured over a four day time-course. However, when endogenous expression of EndoG was induced by an extrinsic stimulus (a cationic liposome transfection reagent), targeting of EndoG by shRNA improved the perceived stability and transgene expression of pDNA vectors. Therefore, EndoG is not a mediator of exogenous DNA clearance, but in non-physiological circumstances it may non-specifically cleave intracellular DNA regardless of its origin. To investigate possible effects of EndoG on viral DNA vectors, we constructed and evaluated AdsiEndoG, a first generation adenovirus (Ad5 ΔE1) vector encoding a shRNA directed against EndoG mRNA, along with appropriate Ad5 ΔE1 controls. Infection of HeLa cells with AdsiEndoG at a multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 10 p.f.u./cell resulted in an early cell proliferation defect, absent from cells infected at equivalent MOI with control Ad5 ΔE1 vectors. Replication of Ad5 ΔE1 DNA was detected for all vectors, but AdsiEndoG DNA accumulated to levels that were 50 fold higher than initially, four days after infection, compared to 14 fold for the next highest control Ad5 ΔE1 vector. Deregulation of the cell cycle by EndoG depletion, which is characterized by an accumulation of cells in the G2/M transition, is the most likely reason for the observed cell proliferation defect. The enhanced replication of AdsiEndoG is consistent with this conclusion, as Ad5 ΔE1 DNA replication is intimately related to cell cycling and prolongation or delay in G2/M greatly enhances this process. Furthermore, infection of HeLa with AdsiEndoG at MOI of 50 p.f.u./cell resulted in an almost complete disappearance of viable, adherent tumour cells from culture, whereas almost a third of the cells were still adherent after infection with control Ad5 ΔE1 vectors, relative to the non-infected control. Therefore, targeting of EndoG by RNAi is a viable strategy for improving the oncolytic properties of first generation adenovirus vectors. In addition, AdsiEndoG-mediated knockdown of EndoG reduced homologous recombination between pDNA substrates in HeLa cells. The effect was modest but, nevertheless demonstrated that the proposed role of EndoG in homologous recombination of cellular DNA also extends to exogenous DNA substrates.
Les sites apuriniques/apyrimidiniques (AP) sont des sites de l’ADN hautement mutagène. Les dommages au niveau de ces sites peuvent survenir spontanément ou être induits par une variété d’agents. Chez l’humain, les sites AP sont réparés principalement par APE1, une enzyme de réparation de l’ADN qui fait partie de la voie de réparation par excision de base (BER). APE1 est une enzyme multifonctionnelle; c’est une AP endonucléase, 3’-diestérase et un facteur redox impliqué dans l’activation des facteurs de transcription. Récemment, il a été démontré qu’APE1 interagit avec l’enzyme glycolytique GAPDH. Cette interaction induit l’activation d’APE1 par réduction. En outre, la délétion du gène GAPDH sensibilise les cellules aux agents endommageant l’ADN, induit une augmentation de formation spontanée des sites AP et réduit la prolifération cellulaire. A partir de toutes ces données, il était donc intéressant d’étudier l’effet de la délétion de GAPDH sur la progression du cycle cellulaire, sur la distribution cellulaire d’APE1 et d’identifier la cystéine(s) d’APE1 cible(s) de la réduction par GAPDH. Nos travaux de recherche ont montré que la déficience en GAPDH cause un arrêt du cycle cellulaire en phase G1. Cet arrêt est probablement dû à l’accumulation des dommages engendrant un retard au cours duquel la cellule pourra réparer son ADN. De plus, nous avons observé des foci nucléaires dans les cellules déficientes en GAPDH qui peuvent représenter des agrégats d’APE1 sous sa forme oxydée ou bien des focis de la protéine inactive au niveau des lésions d’ADN. Nous avons utilisé la mutagénèse dirigée pour créer des mutants (Cys en Ala) des sept cystéines d’APE1 qui ont été cloné dans un vecteur d’expression dans les cellules de mammifères. Nous émettons l’hypothèse qu’au moins un mutant ou plus va être résistant à l’inactivation par oxydation puisque l’alanine ne peut pas s’engager dans la formation des ponts disulfures. Par conséquent, on anticipe que l’expression de ce mutant dans les cellules déficientes en GAPDH pourrait restaurer une distribution cellulaire normale de APE1, libérerait les cellules de l’arrêt en phase G1 et diminuerait la sensibilité aux agents endommageant l’ADN. En conclusion, il semble que GAPDH, en préservant l’activité d’APE1, joue un nouveau rôle pour maintenir l’intégrité génomique des cellules aussi bien dans les conditions normales qu’en réponse au stress oxydatif.
Le surenroulement de l’ADN est important pour tous les processus cellulaires qui requièrent la séparation des brins de l’ADN. Il est régulé par l’activité enzymatique des topoisomérases. La gyrase (gyrA et gyrB) utilise l’ATP pour introduire des supertours négatifs dans l’ADN, alors que la topoisomérase I (topA) et la topoisomérase IV (parC et parE) les éliminent. Les cellules déficientes pour la topoisomérase I sont viables si elles ont des mutations compensatoires dans un des gènes codant pour une sous-unité de la gyrase. Ces mutations réduisent le niveau de surenroulement négatif du chromosome et permettent la croissance bactérienne. Une de ces mutations engendre la production d'une gyrase thermosensible. L’activité de surenroulement de la gyrase en absence de la topoisomérase I cause l’accumulation d’ADN hyper-surenroulé négativement à cause de la formation de R-loops. La surproduction de la RNase HI (rnhA), une enzyme qui dégrade l’ARN des R-loops, permet de prévenir l’accumulation d’un excès de surenroulement négatif. En absence de RNase HI, des R-loops sont aussi formés et peuvent être utilisés pour déclencher la réplication de l’ADN indépendamment du système normal oriC/DnaA, un phénomène connu sous le nom de « constitutive stable DNA replication » (cSDR). Pour mieux comprendre le lien entre la formation de R-loops et l’excès de surenroulement négatif, nous avons construit un mutant conditionnel topA rnhA gyrB(Ts) avec l’expression inductible de la RNase HI à partir d’un plasmide. Nous avons trouvé que l’ADN des cellules de ce mutant était excessivement relâché au lieu d'être hypersurenroulé négativement en conditions de pénurie de RNase HI. La relaxation de l’ADN a été montrée comme étant indépendante de l'activité de la topoisomérase IV. Les cellules du triple mutant topA rnhA gyrB(Ts) forment de très longs filaments remplis d’ADN, montrant ainsi un défaut de ségrégation des chromosomes. La surproduction de la topoisomérase III (topB), une enzyme qui peut effectuer la décaténation de l’ADN, a corrigé les problèmes de ségrégation sans toutefois restaurer le niveau de surenroulement de l’ADN. Nous avons constaté que des extraits protéiques du mutant topA rnhA gyrB(Ts) pouvaient inhiber l’activité de surenroulement négatif de la gyrase dans des extraits d’une souche sauvage, suggérant ainsi que la pénurie de RNase HI avait déclenché une réponse cellulaire d’inhibition de cette activité de la gyrase. De plus, des expériences in vivo et in vitro ont montré qu’en absence de RNase HI, l’activité ATP-dépendante de surenroulement négatif de la gyrase était inhibée, alors que l’activité ATP-indépendante de cette enzyme demeurait intacte. Des suppresseurs extragéniques du défaut de croissance du triple mutant topA rnhA gyrB(Ts) qui corrigent également les problèmes de surenroulement et de ségrégation des chromosomes ont pour la plupart été cartographiés dans des gènes impliqués dans la réplication de l’ADN, le métabolisme des R-loops, ou la formation de fimbriae. La deuxième partie de ce projet avait pour but de comprendre les rôles des topoisomérases de type IA (topoisomérase I et topoisomérase III) dans la ségrégation et la stabilité du génome de Escherichia coli. Pour étudier ces rôles, nous avons utilisé des approches de génétique combinées avec la cytométrie en flux, l’analyse de type Western blot et la microscopie. Nous avons constaté que le phénotype Par- et les défauts de ségrégation des chromosomes d’un mutant gyrB(Ts) avaient été corrigés en inactivant topA, mais uniquement en présence du gène topB. En outre, nous avons démontré que la surproduction de la topoisomérase III pouvait corriger le phénotype Par- du mutant gyrB(Ts) sans toutefois corriger les défauts de croissance de ce dernier. La surproduction de topoisomérase IV, enzyme responsable de la décaténation des chromosomes chez E. coli, ne pouvait pas remplacer la topoisomérase III. Nos résultats suggèrent que les topoisomérases de type IA jouent un rôle important dans la ségrégation des chromosomes lorsque la gyrase est inefficace. Pour étudier le rôle des topoisomérases de type IA dans la stabilité du génome, la troisième partie du projet, nous avons utilisé des approches génétiques combinées avec des tests de « spot » et la microscopie. Nous avons constaté que les cellules déficientes en topoisomérase I avaient des défauts de ségrégation de chromosomes et de croissance liés à un excès de surenroulement négatif, et que ces défauts pouvaient être corrigés en inactivant recQ, recA ou par la surproduction de la topoisomérase III. Le suppresseur extragénique oriC15::aph isolé dans la première partie du projet pouvait également corriger ces problèmes. Les cellules déficientes en topoisomérases de type IA formaient des très longs filaments remplis d’ADN d’apparence diffuse et réparti inégalement dans la cellule. Ces phénotypes pouvaient être partiellement corrigés par la surproduction de la RNase HI ou en inactivant recA, ou encore par des suppresseurs isolés dans la première partie du projet et impliques dans le cSDR (dnaT18::aph et rne59::aph). Donc, dans E. coli, les topoisomérases de type IA jouent un rôle dans la stabilité du génome en inhibant la réplication inappropriée à partir de oriC et de R-loops, et en empêchant les défauts de ségrégation liés à la recombinaison RecA-dépendante, par leur action avec RecQ. Les travaux rapportés ici révèlent que la réplication inappropriée et dérégulée est une source majeure de l’instabilité génomique. Empêcher la réplication inappropriée permet la ségrégation des chromosomes et le maintien d’un génome stable. La RNase HI et les topoisomérases de type IA jouent un rôle majeur dans la prévention de la réplication inappropriée. La RNase HI réalise cette tâche en modulant l’activité de surenroulement ATP-dependante de la gyrase, et en empêchant la réplication à partir des R-loops. Les topoisomérases de type IA assurent le maintien de la stabilité du génome en empêchant la réplication inappropriée à partir de oriC et des R-loops et en agissant avec RecQ pour résoudre des intermédiaires de recombinaison RecA-dépendants afin de permettre la ségrégation des chromosomes.
The cellular actions of genistein, and its in vivo metabolites, are believed to mediate the decreased risk of breast cancer associated with high soy consumption. The genistein metabolite, 5,7,3',4'-tetrahydroxyisoflavone (THIF), induced G2-M cell cycle arrest in T47D tumorigenic breast epithelial cells via a mechanism involving the activation of ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related kinase (ATR) via its phosphorylation at Ser(428). This activation of ATR appeared to result from THIF-induced increases in intracellular oxidative stress, a depletion of cellular GSH and an increase in DNA strand breakage. THIF treatment also led to an inhibition of cdc2, which was accompanied by the phosphorylation of both p53 (Ser(15)) and Chk1 (Ser(296)) and the de-activation of cdc25C phosphatase. We suggest the anti-proliferative actions of THIF may be mediated by initial oxidative DNA damage, activation of ATR and downstream regulation of the p53 and Chk1 pathways leading to cell cycle arrest in G2-M. This may represent one mechanism by which genistein exerts its cellular activity in vivo. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Solar radiation sustains and affects all life forms on Earth. The increase in solar UV-radiation at environmental levels, due to depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer, highlights serious issues of social concern. This becomes still more dramatic in tropical and subtropical regions where radiation-intensity is still higher. Thus, there is the need to evaluate the harmful effects of solar UV-radiation on the DNA molecule as a basis for assessing the risks involved for human health, biological productivity and ecosystems. In order to evaluate the profile of DNA damage induced by this form of radiation and its genotoxic effects, plasmid DNA samples were exposed to artificial-UV lamps and directly to sunlight. The induction of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer photoproducts (CPDs) and oxidative DNA damage in these molecules were evaluated by means of specific DNA repair enzymes. On the other hand, the biological effects of such lesions were determined through the analysis of the DNA inactivation rate and mutation frequency, after replication of the damaged pCMUT vector in an Escherichia coli MBL50 strain. The results indicated the induction of a significant number of CPDs after exposure to increasing doses of UVC, UVB, UVA radiation and sunlight. Interestingly, these photoproducts are those lesions that better correlate with plasmid inactivation as well as mutagenesis, and the oxidative DNA damages induced present very low correlation with these effects. The results indicated that DNA photoproducts play the main role in the induction of genotoxic effects by artificial UV-radiation sources and sunlight. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.