938 resultados para DNA, Mitochondrial
The objective of this study was to determine if MTND2*LHON4917G (4917G), a specific non-synonymous polymorphism in the mitochondrial genome previously associated with neurodegenerative phenotypes, is associated with increased risk for age-related macular degeneration (AMD). A preliminary study of 393 individuals (293 cases and 100 controls) ascertained at Vanderbilt revealed an increased occurrence of 4917G in cases compared to controls (15.4% vs.9.0%, p = 0.11). Since there was a significant age difference between cases and controls in this initial analysis, we extended the study by selecting Caucasian pairs matched at the exact age at examination. From the 1547 individuals in the Vanderbilt/Duke AMD population association study (including 157 in the preliminary study), we were able to match 560 (280 cases and 280 unaffected) on exact age at examination. This study population was genotyped for 4917G plus specific AMD-associated nuclear genome polymorphisms in CFH, LOC387715 and ApoE. Following adjustment for the listed nuclear genome polymorphisms, 4917G independently predicts the presence of AMD (OR = 2.16, 95%CI 1.20-3.91, p = 0.01). In conclusion, a specific mitochondrial polymorphism previously implicated in other neurodegenerative phenotypes (4917G) appears to convey risk for AMD independent of recently discovered nuclear DNA polymorphisms.
A collaborative exercise was carried out by the European DNA Profiling Group (EDNAP) in order to evaluate the distribution of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) heteroplasmy amongst the hairs of an individual who displays point heteroplasmy in blood and buccal cells. A second aim of the exercise was to study reproducibility of mtDNA sequencing of hairs between laboratories using differing chemistries, further to the first mtDNA reproducibility study carried out by the EDNAP group. Laboratories were asked to type 2 sections from each of 10 hairs, such that each hair was typed by at least two laboratories. Ten laboratories participated in the study, and a total of 55 hairs were typed. The results showed that the C/T point heteroplasmy observed in blood and buccal cells at position 16234 segregated differentially between hairs, such that some hairs showed only C, others only T and the remainder, C/T heteroplasmy at varying ratios. Additionally, differential segregation of heteroplasmic variants was confirmed in independent extracts at positions 16093 and the poly(C) tract at 302-309, whilst a complete A-G transition was confirmed at position 16129 in one hair. Heteroplasmy was observed at position 16195 on both strands of a single extract from one hair segment, but was not observed in the extracts from any other segment of the same hair. Similarly, heteroplasmy at position 16304 was observed on both strands of a single extract from one hair. Additional variants at positions 73, 249 and the HVII poly(C) region were reported by one laboratory; as these were not confirmed in independent extracts, the possibility of contamination cannot be excluded. Additionally, the electrophoresis and detection equipment used by this laboratory was different to those of the other laboratories, and the discrepancies at position 249 and the HVII poly(C) region appear to be due to reading errors that may be associated with this technology. The results, and their implications for forensic mtDNA typing, are discussed in the light of the biology of hair formation.
We examined the variation in mitochondrial DNA by sequencing the D-loop region in wild and domestic (large-white breed) pigs, in hybrids between domestic and wild pigs, and in Monteiro pigs. A D-loop fragment of approximately 330 bp was amplified by PCR. Sequencing of DNA amplicons identified haplotypes previously described as European and Asian types. Monteiro pigs and wild pigs had European haplotypes and domestic pigs had both European and Asian haplotypes. ©FUNPEC-RP.
We tried to amplify mitochondrial, microsatellite and amelogenin loci in DNA from fecal samples of a wild Mazama americana population. Fifty-two deer fecal samples were collected from a 600-ha seasonal semideciduous forest fragment in a subtropical region of Brazil (21°20′, 47°17′W), with the help of a detection dog; then, stored in ethanol and georeferenced. Among these samples 16 were classified as fresh and 36 as non-fresh. DNA was extracted using the QIAamp® DNA Stool Mini Kit. Mitochondrial loci were amplified in 49 of the 52 samples. Five microsatellite loci were amplified by PCR; success in amplification varied according to locus size and sample age. Successful amplifications were achieved in 10/16 of the fresh and in 13/36 of the non-fresh samples; a negative correlation (R = -0.82) was found between successful amplification and locus size. Amplification of the amelogenin locus was successful in 22 of the 52 samples. The difficulty of amplifying nuclear loci in DNA samples extractedfrom feces collected in the field was evident. Some methodological improvements, including collecting fresh samples, selecting primers for shorter loci and quantifying the extracted DNA by real-time PCR, are suggested to increase amplification success in future studies. © FUNPEC-RP.
Because of the role that DNA damage and depletion play in human disease, it is important to develop and improve tools to assess these endpoints. This unit describes PCR-based methods to measure nuclear and mitochondrial DNA damage and copy number. Long amplicon quantitative polymerase chain reaction (LA-QPCR) is used to detect DNA damage by measuring the number of polymerase-inhibiting lesions present based on the amount of PCR amplification; real-time PCR (RT-PCR) is used to calculate genome content. In this unit, we provide step-by-step instructions to perform these assays in Homo sapiens, Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus, Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila melanogaster, Danio rerio, Oryzias latipes, Fundulus grandis, and Fundulus heteroclitus, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these assays.
Rapamycin consistently increases longevity in mice although the mechanism of action of this drug is unknown. In the present investigation we studied the effect of rapamycin on mitochondrial oxidative stress at the same dose that is known to increase longevity in mice (14 mg of rapamycin/kg of diet). Middle aged mice (16 months old) showed significant age-related increases in mitochondrial ROS production at complex I, accumulation of mtDNA fragments inside nuclear DNA, mitochondrial protein lipoxidation, and lipofuscin accumulation compared to young animals (4 months old) in the liver. After 7 weeks of dietary treatment all those increases were totally or partially (lipofuscin) abolished by rapamycin, middle aged rapamycin-treated animals showing similar levels in those parameters to young animals. The decrease in mitochondrial ROS production was due to qualitative instead of quantitative changes in complex I. The decrease in mitochondrial protein lipoxidation was not due to decreases in the amount of highly oxidizable unsaturated fatty acids. Rapamycin also decreased the amount of RAPTOR (of mTOR complex) and increased the amounts of the PGC1-α and ATG13 proteins. The results are consistent with the possibility that rapamycin increases longevity in mice at least in part by lowering mitochondrial ROS production and increasing autophagy, decreasing the derived final forms of damage accumulated with age which are responsible for increased longevity. The decrease in lipofuscin accumulation induced by rapamycin adds to previous information suggesting that the increase in longevity induced by this drug can be due to a decrease in the rate of aging. © 2016 Elsevier Inc.
A Mata Atlântica brasileira concentra uma das maiores diversidades biológicas da Terra com cerca de 7% das espécies animais e vegetais do planeta. Esse bioma abriga atualmente mais de 50% das espécies de anuros do Brasil (c.a. 500 espécies), mas sofre intensa perda e fragmentação de habitat. Um dos principais fragmentos da Mata Atlântica, a Reserva Ecológica de Guapiaçu (REGUA) abriga vasta anurofauna, com cerca de 71 espécies já descritas. Acredita-se, porém, que muitas ainda precisam ser identificadas e estudadas. A identificação de espécies baseada em caracteres moleculares vem se mostrando uma alternativa para dar suporte à identificação morfológica, e dentro deste contexto os genes de DNA mitocondrial, como o 16S, são utilizados para a realização de barcode. O objetivo deste estudo foi testar a metodologia de identificação molecular de espécies (DNA barcode) na comunidade de anfíbios anuros da REGUA utilizando o gene mitocondrial 16S. Para isso, foram coletados tecidos de 99 indivíduos, entre adultos e girinos de 23 espécies, agrupados em seis famílias distintas. Desses 99 indivíduos, 88 foram amplificados corretamente para o gene em referência e foram realizadas, com sucesso, a determinação de espécies de 84 anuros (95,45%) da REGUA. As espécies de Scinax albicans, Scinax flavoguttatus e Hylodes charadranaetes, cujas identificações haviam sido determinadas com base em critérios morfológicos, agruparam em clados de mesmo gênero, porém de espécies diferentes quando analisadas pelas metodologias neighbor-joining e maximum-likelihood. Além de altos valores de distância intraespecífica (2,18%, 3,49% e 3,77%, respectivamente) e distâncias interespecíficas nulas (0%) temos a indicação de possíveis equívocos em determinações de espécies feitas exclusivamente por critérios morfológicos. Nesse caso, as discordâncias morfológica e molecular são exclusivamente de girinos, demonstrando a dificuldade na identificação morfológica e a escassez de chaves de identificação dessas espécies em estágio larval. Os resultados mostram que o gene mitocondrial 16S teve seu uso na identificação de anuros da REGUA confirmada e apontam que, em casos de estudos com indivíduos em estágios larvais, como em girinos, a metodologia de barcode, quando complementada a identificação morfológica, suporta a correta identificação das espécies de anfíbios anuros.
人类线粒体DNA(mtDNA)是一个长度16,569bp 的环状分子,编码13 种蛋白 质、22 种tRNA 和2 种rRNA。由于mtDNA 全基因组信息具有缺乏重组、母系 遗传、高突变速率和相对较高的分辨率等特点,近年来已经成为重建人类历史的 重要工具。这些研究已经证实,mtDNA 最古老的六个单倍型类群,L0-L5,在非 洲特异的出现;而6-7 万年前从L3 衍生出的M 和N 两个超类群最终占领了世界 其他地区。然而,mtDNA 全序列研究在世界上某些特定地区尚是一片空白,其 中之一便是作为人类“走出非洲”的关键区域——印度。 为弥补这一空白,我们从 1200 个印度样品中选择了131 个可以代表所有主 要单倍型类群的个体,进行了全基因组扩增和测序,手工重建并软件验证了系统 发育关系树。我们的结果发现了12 个新的印度特有单倍型类群(N5, R7, R8, R30, R31, M34-M40),修订了11 个已知特有单倍型类群(N1d, R5, R6, U2a, U2b, U2c, M2, M4, M5, M6, M30)的定义,详细描述了存在于印度的欧洲特有类群(HV, JT, U, N1, W)。 这一工作产生了多个推论。第一个是关于人类“走出非洲”假说长期以来 存在的争论。欧亚大陆和大洋洲mtDNA 在M 和N(包括R)超类群系统发育关系 上星状和不重叠的分布,表明了人类走出非洲是沿着亚洲海岸线(即所谓的“南 方路线”)的一个快速扩散的过程。第二个推论是关于存在于印度的欧洲特有世 系。与典型的欧洲世系相比,这些世系仅仅存在一到两个突变,从而证实了新石 器时代以来来自于近东新月地带或中亚高原的基因流。第三个推论涉及一个早期 的印度全序列研究。仔细分析其数据表明,他们的数据丢失了很多基部的特有突 变并产生了多个幻影突变,从而证实了系统发育思想对检测数据质量的作用。 随着印度人群 mtDNA 全序列研究的完成,人类mtDNA 系统发育的基本框 架得以建立。人类mtDNA 明显地呈现出大洲特异性分布。目前已经有两种假说用来解释这一现象。传统的观点把这一现象归于遗传漂变;而近期的选择假说认 为选择在人类mtDNA 的分化中扮演了极其重要的角色,而气候是主要的选择压 力。为解决这一争论,我们收集了来自南亚、大洋洲和东亚三个具有不同气候的 地区的mtDNA,使用直接计数的办法比较了各个大洲之间同义突变和异义突变 的差异。结果表明,几乎在所有的基因中,异义突变的数量低于同义突变的数量, 从而表明纯净化选择是人类mtDNA 进化中的主要力量。然而,在这三个大洲之 间没有发现显著的差异,表明mtDNA 在这三个区域上所承受的选择压力基本相 同。这一结果表明,气候不大可能是造成人类mtDNA 分化的主要原因。
本文分析了麂属动物及其近缘种的线粒体DNA(Mitochondrial DNA, mtDNA)和核塘体DNA(Ribosomal DNA, rDNA)限制性片段长度多态性(RFLP),建立了麂属动物mtDNA和rDNA的限制性内切酶间谱。据此计算出各个物种的种内及种间的遗传距离,构建了麂属动物的种内及种间的分子聚类图。结果表明,在现生麂类中,黑麂和贡山麂之间的关缘关系最近,其次是费氏麂;印度麂是一个特化的特种,它和黑麂支系(包括费氏麂、贡山麂和黑麂)可能是从小麂的祖先类群中独立分化出来的。在近缘物种中,毛冠鹿与麂属动物的亲缘关系较近。结合前人有关的工作,计算19种鹿科动物之间的遗传距离并绘制它们的分子聚类图。
The nuclear respiratory factor-1 (NRF1) gene is activated by lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which might reflect TLR4-mediated mitigation of cellular inflammatory damage via initiation of mitochondrial biogenesis. To test this hypothesis, we examined NRF1 promoter regulation by NFκB, and identified interspecies-conserved κB-responsive promoter and intronic elements in the NRF1 locus. In mice, activation of Nrf1 and its downstream target, Tfam, by Escherichia coli was contingent on NFκB, and in LPS-treated hepatocytes, NFκB served as an NRF1 enhancer element in conjunction with NFκB promoter binding. Unexpectedly, optimal NRF1 promoter activity after LPS also required binding by the energy-state-dependent transcription factor CREB. EMSA and ChIP assays confirmed p65 and CREB binding to the NRF1 promoter and p65 binding to intron 1. Functionality for both transcription factors was validated by gene-knockdown studies. LPS regulation of NRF1 led to mtDNA-encoded gene expression and expansion of mtDNA copy number. In cells expressing plasmid constructs containing the NRF-1 promoter and GFP, LPS-dependent reporter activity was abolished by cis-acting κB-element mutations, and nuclear accumulation of NFκB and CREB demonstrated dependence on mitochondrial H(2)O(2). These findings indicate that TLR4-dependent NFκB and CREB activation co-regulate the NRF1 promoter with NFκB intronic enhancement and redox-regulated nuclear translocation, leading to downstream target-gene expression, and identify NRF-1 as an early-phase component of the host antibacterial defenses.
BACKGROUND: The MitoChip v2.0 resequencing array is an array-based technique allowing for accurate and complete sequencing of the mitochondrial genome. No studies have investigated mitochondrial mutation in salivary gland adenoid cystic carcinomas. METHODOLOGY: The entire mitochondrial genome of 22 salivary gland adenoid cystic carcinomas (ACC) of salivary glands and matched leukocyte DNA was sequenced to determine the frequency and distribution of mitochondrial mutations in ACC tumors. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Seventeen of 22 ACCs (77%) carried mitochondrial mutations, ranging in number from 1 to 37 mutations. A disproportionate number of mutations occurred in the D-loop. Twelve of 17 tumors (70.6%) carried mutations resulting in amino acid changes of translated proteins. Nine of 17 tumors (52.9%) with a mutation carried an amino acid changing mutation in the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenase (NADH) complex. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Mitochondrial mutation is frequent in salivary ACCs. The high incidence of amino acid changing mutations implicates alterations in aerobic respiration in ACC carcinogenesis. D-loop mutations are of unclear significance, but may be associated with alterations in transcription or replication.
In most strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae the mitochondrial gene COX1, for subunit 1 of cytochrome oxidase, contains multiple exons and introns. Processing of COX1 primary transcript requires accessory proteins factors, some of which are encoded by nuclear genes and others by reading frames residing in some of the introns of the COX1 and COB genes. Here we show that the low molecular weight protein product of open reading frame YLR204W, for which we propose the name COX24, is also involved in processing of COX1 RNA intermediates. The growth defect of cox24 mutants is partially rescued in strains harboring mitochondrial DNA lacking introns. Northern blot analyses of mitochondrial transcripts indicate cox24 null mutants to be blocked in processing of introns aI2 and aI3. The dependence of intron aI3 excision on Cox24p is also supported by the growth properties of the cox24 mutant harboring mitochondrial DNA with different intron compositions. The intermediate phenotype of the cox24 mutant in the background of intronless mitochondrial DNA, however, suggests that in addition to its role in splicing of the COX1 pre-mRNA, Cox24p still has another function. Based on the analysis of a cox14-cox24 double mutant, we propose that the other function of Cox24p is related to translation of the COX1 mRNA. © 2006 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.
Nuclear mitochondrial-like sequences (numts) are copies of mitochondrial DNA that have migrated to the genomic DNA. We present the first characterization of numts in ants, these numts being homologues to a mitochondrial DNA fragment containing loci the 3′ portion of the cytochrome oxidase I gene, an intergenic spacer, the tRNA leucine gene and the 5′ portion of the cytochrome oxidase II gene. All 67 specimens of Atta cephalotes (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Attini) investigated had these homologues, which are within two monophyletic groups that we called numt1 and numt2. Numt1 and numt2 sequences are less variable than mitochondrial sequences and released from the severe purifying selection constraining the evolution of mitochondrial genes. Their formation probably involved bottlenecks related to two distinct transfer events of ancient and fast evolving mitochondrial DNA fragments to comparative slowly evolving nuclear DNA regions. © 2007 The Authors.
The Coleoptera order is the richest group among Metazoa, but its phylogenetics remains incompletely understood. Among Coleoptera, bioluminescence is found within the Elateroidea, but the evolution of this character remains a mystery. Mitochondrial DNA has been used extensively to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships, however, the evolution of a single gene does not always correspond to the species evolutionary history and the molecular marker choice is a key step in this type of analysis. To create a solid basis to better understand the evolutionary history of Coleoptera and its bioluminescence, we sequenced and comparatively analyzed the mitochondrial genome of the Brazilian luminescent click beetle Pyrophorus divergens (Coleoptera: Elateridae). © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.