13 resultados para DISTINGUISHABILITY


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Tunnel ionization of room-temperature D-2 in an ultrashort (12 femtosecond) near infrared (800 nm) pump laser pulse excites a vibrational wavepacket in the D-2(+) ions; a rotational wavepacket is also excited in residual D-2 molecules. Both wavepacket types are collapsed a variable time later by an ultrashort probe pulse. We isolate the vibrational wavepacket and quantify its evolution dynamics through theoretical comparison. Requirements for quantum computation (initial coherence and quantum state retrieval) are studied using this well-defined (small number of initial states at room temperature, initial wavepacket spatially localized) single-electron molecular prototype by temporally stretching the pump and probe pulses.


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Current methods of understanding microbiome composition and structure rely on accurately estimating the number of distinct species and their relative abundance. Most of these methods require an efficient PCR whose forward and reverse primers bind well to the same, large number of identifiable species, and produce amplicons that are unique. It is therefore not surprising that currently used universal primers designed many years ago are not as efficient and fail to bind to recently cataloged species. We propose an automated general method of designing PCR primer pairs that abide by primer design rules and uses current sequence database as input. Since the method is automated, primers can be designed for targeted microbial species or updated as species are added or deleted from the database. In silico experiments and laboratory experiments confirm the efficacy of the newly designed primers for metagenomics applications.


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A current injection pattern in Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) has its own current distribution profile within the domain under test. Hence, different current patterns have different sensitivity, spatial resolution and distinguishability. Image reconstruction studies with practical phantoms are essential to assess the performance of EIT systems for their validation, calibration and comparison purposes. Impedance imaging of real tissue phantoms with different current injection methods is also essential for better assessment of the biomedical EIT systems. Chicken tissue paste phantoms and chicken tissue block phantoms are developed and the resistivity image reconstruction is studied with different current injection methods. A 16-electrode array is placed inside the phantom tank and the tank is filled with chicken muscle tissue paste or chicken tissue blocks as the background mediums. Chicken fat tissue, chicken bone, air hole and nylon cylinders are used as the inhomogeneity to obtained different phantom configurations. A low magnitude low frequency constant sinusoidal current is injected at the phantom boundary with opposite and neighboring current patterns and the boundary potentials are measured. Resistivity images are reconstructed from the boundary data using EIDORS and the reconstructed images are analyzed with the contrast parameters calculated from their elemental resistivity profiles. Results show that the resistivity profiles of all the phantom domains are successfully reconstructed with a proper background resistivity and high inhomogeneity resistivity for both the current injection methods. Reconstructed images show that, for all the chicken tissue phantoms, the inhomogeneities are suitably reconstructed with both the current injection protocols though the chicken tissue block phantom and opposite method are found more suitable. It is observed that the boundary potentials of the chicken tissue block phantoms are higher than the chicken tissue paste phantom. SNR of the chicken tissue block phantoms are found comparatively more and hence the chicken tissue block phantom is found more suitable for its lower noise performance. The background noise is found less in opposite method for all the phantom configurations which yields the better resistivity images with high PCR and COC and proper IRMean and IRMax neighboring method showed higher noise level for both the chicken tissue paste phantoms and chicken tissue block phantoms with all the inhomogeneities. Opposite method is found more suitable for both the chicken tissue phantoms, and also, chicken tissue block phantoms are found more suitable compared to the chicken tissue paste phantom. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Esta dissertaçãoo investiga a utilização de Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) para a obtenção automática de sistemas fuzzy do tipo Mamdani, tendo como insumo apenas as definições das variáveis do problema, seus domínios e a função objetivo. Neste trabalho utilizam-se algumas técnicas conhecidas na tentativa de minimizar a obtenção de sistemas fuzzy que não sejam coerentes. As principais técnicas usadas são o método de Wang e Mendell, chamado de WM, para auxiliar na obtenção de regras, e os conceitos de clusterização para obtenção das funções de pertinência. Na função de avaliação proposta, considera-se não somente a acurácia do sistema fuzzy, através da medida do erro, mas também a sua interpretabilidade, através da medida da compacidade, que consiste da quantidade de regras e funções membro, da distinguibilidade, que permite evitar que as funções membro não se confundam, e da completude, que permite avaliar que as funções membro abranjam o máximo do domínio. O propósito deste trabalho consiste no desenvolvimento de um algoritmo baseado em PSO, cuja função de avaliação congregue todos esses objetivos. Com parâmetros bem definidos, o algoritmo pode ser utilizado em diversos tipos de problemas sem qualquer alteração, tornando totalmente automática a obtenção de sistemas fuzzy. Com este intuito, o algoritmo proposto é testado utilizando alguns problemas pré-selecionados, que foram classificados em dois grupos, com base no tipo de função: contínua ou discreta. Nos testes com funções contínuas, são utilizados sistemas tridimensionais, com duas variáveis de entrada e uma de saída, enquanto nos testes com funções discretas são utilizados problemas de classificação, sendo um com quatro variáveis e outro com seis variáveis de entrada. Os resultados gerados pelo algoritmo proposto são comparados com aqueles obtidos em outros trabalhos.


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We have used the transverse correlated properties of the entangled photon pairs generated in the process of spontaneous parametric down-conversion, which is pumped by a femtosecond pulse laser, to perform Young's interference experiment. Unlike the case of a continuous wave laser pump, a broadband pulse laser pump can submerge an interference pattern. In order to obtain a high visibility interference pattern, we used a lens with a tunable focal length and two interference filters to eliminate the effects of the broadband pump laser. It is proven that the process of two-photon direct interference is a post-selection process.


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We analyze the role played by system-environment correlations in the emergence of non-Markovian dynamics. By working within the framework developed in Breuer et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 210401 (2009)], we unveil a fundamental connection between non-Markovian behavior and dynamics of system-environment correlations. We derive an upper bound to the rate of change of the distinguishability between different states of the system that explicitly depends on the establishment of correlations between system and environment. We illustrate our results using a fully solvable spin-chain model, which allows us to gain insight into the mechanisms triggering non-Markovian evolution. © 2012 American Physical Society.


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We consider the concept of temperature in a setting beyond the standard thermodynamics prescriptions. Namely, rather than restricting to standard coarse-grained measurements, we consider observers able to master any possible quantum measurement -a scenario that might be relevant at nanoscopic scales. In this setting, we focus on quantum systems of coupled harmonic oscillators and study the question of whether the temperature is an intensive quantity, in the sense that a block of a thermal state can be approximated by an effective thermal state at the same temperature as the whole system. Using the quantum fidelity as figure of merit, we identify instances in which this approximation is not valid, as the block state and the reference thermal state are distinguishable for refined measurements. Actually, there are situations in which this distinguishability even increases with the block size. However, we also show that the two states do become less distinguishable with the block size for coarse-grained measurements -thus recovering the standard picture. We then go further and construct an effective thermal state which provides a good approximation of the block state for any observables and sizes. Finally, we point out the role that entanglement plays in this scenario by showing that, in general, the thermodynamic paradigm of local intensive temperature applies whenever entanglement is not present in the system. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2012


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We propose a method to measure real-valued time series irreversibility which combines two different tools: the horizontal visibility algorithm and the Kullback-Leibler divergence. This method maps a time series to a directed network according to a geometric criterion. The degree of irreversibility of the series is then estimated by the Kullback-Leibler divergence (i.e. the distinguishability) between the in and out degree distributions of the associated graph. The method is computationally efficient and does not require any ad hoc symbolization process. We find that the method correctly distinguishes between reversible and irreversible stationary time series, including analytical and numerical studies of its performance for: (i) reversible stochastic processes (uncorrelated and Gaussian linearly correlated), (ii) irreversible stochastic processes (a discrete flashing ratchet in an asymmetric potential), (iii) reversible (conservative) and irreversible (dissipative) chaotic maps, and (iv) dissipative chaotic maps in the presence of noise. Two alternative graph functionals, the degree and the degree-degree distributions, can be used as the Kullback-Leibler divergence argument. The former is simpler and more intuitive and can be used as a benchmark, but in the case of an irreversible process with null net current, the degree-degree distribution has to be considered to identify the irreversible nature of the series


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Typically linear optical quantum computing (LOQC) models assume that all input photons are completely indistinguishable. In practice there will inevitably be nonidealities associated with the photons and the experimental setup which will introduce a degree of distinguishability between photons. We consider a nondeterministic optical controlled-NOT gate, a fundamental LOQC gate, and examine the effect of temporal and spectral distinguishability on its operation. We also consider the effect of utilizing nonideal photon counters, which have finite bandwidth and time response.


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Photonic quantum-information processing schemes, such as linear optics quantum computing, and other experiments relying on single-photon interference, inherently require complete photon indistinguishability to enable the desired photonic interactions to take place. Mode-mismatch is the dominant cause of photon distinguishability in optical circuits. Here we study the effects of photon wave-packet shape on tolerance against the effects of mode mismatch in linear optical circuits, and show that Gaussian distributed photons with large bandwidth are optimal. The result is general and holds for arbitrary linear optical circuits, including ones which allow for postselection and classical feed forward. Our findings indicate that some single photon sources, frequently cited for their potential application to quantum-information processing, may in fact be suboptimal for such applications.


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The problem of distributed compression for correlated quantum sources is considered. The classical version of this problem was solved by Slepian and Wolf, who showed that distributed compression could take full advantage of redundancy in the local sources created by the presence of correlations. Here it is shown that, in general, this is not the case for quantum sources, by proving a lower bound on the rate sum for irreducible sources of product states which is stronger than the one given by a naive application of Slepian-Wolf. Nonetheless, strategies taking advantage of correlation do exist for some special classes of quantum sources. For example, Devetak and Winter demonstrated the existence of such a strategy when one of the sources is classical. Optimal nontrivial strategies for a different extreme, sources of Bell states, are presented here. In addition, it is explained how distributed compression is connected to other problems in quantum information theory, including information-disturbance questions, entanglement distillation and quantum error correction.


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One of the most significant challenges facing the development of linear optics quantum computing (LOQC) is mode mismatch, whereby photon distinguishability is introduced within circuits, undermining quantum interference effects. We examine the effects of mode mismatch on the parity (or fusion) gate, the fundamental building block in several recent LOQC schemes. We derive simple error models for the effects of mode mismatch on its operation, and relate these error models to current fault-tolerant-threshold estimates.


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In physics, one attempts to infer the rules governing a system given only the results of imperfect measurements. Hence, microscopic theories may be effectively indistinguishable experimentally. We develop an operationally motivated procedure to identify the corresponding equivalence classes of states, and argue that the renormalization group (RG) arises from the inherent ambiguities associated with the classes: one encounters flow parameters as, e.g., a regulator, a scale, or a measure of precision, which specify representatives in a given equivalence class. This provides a unifying framework and reveals the role played by information in renormalization. We validate this idea by showing that it justifies the use of low-momenta n-point functions as statistically relevant observables around a Gaussian hypothesis. These results enable the calculation of distinguishability in quantum field theory. Our methods also provide a way to extend renormalization techniques to effective models which are not based on the usual quantum-field formalism, and elucidates the relationships between various type of RG.