977 resultados para DISEASE ASSOCIATIONS


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Background Primary Immunodeficiencies (PIDs) represent unique opportunities to understand the operation of the human immune system. Accordingly, PIDs associated with autoimmune manifestations provide insights into the pathophysiology of autoimmunity as well as into the genetics of autoimmune diseases (AID). Epidemiological data show that there are PIDs systematically associated with AID, such as immune dysregulation, polyendocrinopathy, enteropathy, X-linked syndrome (IPEX), Omenn syndrome, autoinunune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodertnal dystrophy (APECED), autoinumine lymphoproliferative syndrome (ALPS), and C1q deficiency, while strong associations are seen with a handful of other deficits. Conclusion We interpret such stringent disease associations, together with a wealth of observations in experimental systems, as indicating first of all that natural tolerance to body components is an active, dominant process involving many of the components that ensure responsiveness, rather than, as previously believed, the result of the mere purge of autoreactivities. More precisely, it seems that deficits of Treg cell development, functions, numbers, and T cell receptor repertoire are among the main factors for autoimmunity pathogenesis in many (if not all) PIDs most frequently presenting with autoimmune features. Clearly, other pathophysiological mechanisms are also involved in autoimmunity, but these seem less critical in the process of self-tolerance. Comparing the clinical picture of IPEX cases with those, much less severe, of ALPS or APECED, provides some assessment of the relative importance of each set of mechanisms.


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Variation in the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of the HLA-C locus determines binding of the microRNA Hsa-miR-148a, resulting in lower cell surface expression of alleles that bind miR-148a relative to those alleles that escape its binding. The HLA-C 3'UTR variant was shown to associate with HIV control, but like the vast majority of disease associations in a region dense with causal candidates, a direct effect of HLA-C expression level on HIV control was not proven. We demonstrate that a MIR148A insertion/deletion polymorphism associates with its own expression levels, affecting the extent to which HLA-C is down-regulated, the level of HIV control, and the risk of Crohn disease only among those carrying an intact miR-148a binding site in the HLA-C 3'UTR. These data illustrate a direct effect of HLA-C expression level on HIV control that cannot be attributed to other HLA loci in linkage disequilibrium with HLA-C and highlight the rich complexity of genetic interactions in human disease.


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Objective: To analyse the effects of strength training (ST) in walking capacity in patients with intermittent claudication (IC) compared with walking training (WT) effects. Methods. Thirty patients with IC were randomized into ST and WT. Both groups trained twice a week for 12 weeks at the same rate of perceived exertion. ST consisted of three sets of 10 repetitions of whole body exercises. WT consisted of 15 bouts of 2-minute walking. Before and after the training program walking capacity, peak VO(2), VO(2) at the first stage of treadmill test, ankle brachial index, ischemic window, and knee extension strength were measured. Results: ST improved initial claudication distance (358 +/- 224 vs 504 +/- 276 meters; P < .01), total walking distance (618 +/- 282 to 775 +/- 334 meters; P < .01), VO(2), at the first stage of treadmill test (9.7 +/- 2.6 vs 8.1 +/- 1.7 mL . kg(-1) . minute; P < .01), ischemic window (0.81 +/- 1.16 vs 0.43 +/- 0.47 mm Hg minute meters(-1); P = .04), and knee extension strength (19 +/- 9 vs 21 +/- 8 kg and 21 +/- 9 vs 23 +/- 9; P < .01). Strength increases correlated with the increase in initial claudication distance (r = 0.64; P = .01.) and with the decrease ill VO(2) measured at the first stage of the treadmill test (r = -0.52; P = .04 and r = -0.55; P = .03). Adaptations following ST were similar to the ones observed after WT; however, patients reported lower pain during ST than WT (P < .01). Conclusion: ST improves functional limitation similarly to WT but it produces lower pain, suggesting that this type of exercise could be useful and should be considered in patients with IC. (J Vase Surg 2010;51:89-95.)


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The purposes of this workwere to characterize postharvest injuries and to evaluate the physicochemical characteristics of`Nra` and `Lima`oranges and `Murcott` tangor at Ceagesp market, as well as to characterize the environmental mycoflora in retail points at Ceagesp in 2006. Fruits collected at retail points were stored for 14 days at 25 degrees C and 85-90% RH. The incidence of injuries was visually evaluated every three days. The physicochemical characteristics analyzed were titratable acidity and soluble solids amount. The environmental mycoflora was sampled according to the gravimetric method, using Petri dishes containing potato-dextrose-agar medium+pentabiotic opened for two minutes. The average rot incidences in `Pera` and `Lima` oranges and `Murcott` tangor were 12.8, 14.9 and 25.8%, respectively, at the end of the storage period, and green mold was the main postharvest disease. Associations between physicochemical parameters and rot incidence was, in general, not significant. The environmental fungal population varied significantly between the sampling months in retail points with an average of 25.3 cfu/plate. Penicillium and Cladosporium were the most recorded genera of fungi. Positive correlation (r=0.96) was observed between frequency of P digitatum found in the environment of retail points and the green mold in on-sale fruits of `Pera` orange. However, for `Lima` orange and `Murcott` tangor such a correlation was not verified.


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Background: Interleukin 8 (IL-8) is a chemokine related to the initiation and amplification of acute and chronic inflammatory processes. Polymorphisms in the IL8 gene have been associated with inflammatory diseases. We investigated whether the - 845(T/C) and - 738(T/A) single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the IL8 gene, as well as the haplotypes they form together with the previously investigated -353(A/T), are associated with susceptibility to chronic periodontitis. Methods: DNA was extracted from buccal epithelial cells of 400 Brazilian individuals (control n =182, periodontitis n=218). SNPs were genotyped by the polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method. Disease associations were analyzed by the chi(2) test, Exact Fisher test and Clump program. Haplotypes were reconstructed using the expectation-maximization algorithm and differences in haplotype distribution between the groups were analyzed to estimate genetic susceptibility for chronic periodontitis development. Results: When analyzed individually, no SNPs showed different distributions between the control and chronic periodontitis groups. Although, nonsmokers carrying the TTA/CAT (OR = 2.35, 95% CI = 1.03-5.36) and TAT/CTA (OR= 6.05, 95% CI = 1.32-27.7) haplotypes were genetically susceptible to chronic periodontitis. The ITT/TAA haplotype was associated with protection against the development of periodontitis (for nonsmokers OR= 0.22, 95% CI = 0.10-0.46). Conclusion: Although none of the investigated SNPs in the IL8 gene was individually associated with periodontitis, some haplotypes showed significant association with susceptibility to, or protection against, chronic periodontitis in a Brazilian population. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background Meta-analysis is increasingly being employed as a screening procedure in large-scale association studies to select promising variants for follow-up studies. However, standard methods for meta-analysis require the assumption of an underlying genetic model, which is typically unknown a priori. This drawback can introduce model misspecifications, causing power to be suboptimal, or the evaluation of multiple genetic models, which augments the number of false-positive associations, ultimately leading to waste of resources with fruitless replication studies. We used simulated meta-analyses of large genetic association studies to investigate naive strategies of genetic model specification to optimize screenings of genome-wide meta-analysis signals for further replication. Methods Different methods, meta-analytical models and strategies were compared in terms of power and type-I error. Simulations were carried out for a binary trait in a wide range of true genetic models, genome-wide thresholds, minor allele frequencies (MAFs), odds ratios and between-study heterogeneity (tau(2)). Results Among the investigated strategies, a simple Bonferroni-corrected approach that fits both multiplicative and recessive models was found to be optimal in most examined scenarios, reducing the likelihood of false discoveries and enhancing power in scenarios with small MAFs either in the presence or in absence of heterogeneity. Nonetheless, this strategy is sensitive to tau(2) whenever the susceptibility allele is common (MAF epsilon 30%), resulting in an increased number of false-positive associations compared with an analysis that considers only the multiplicative model. Conclusion Invoking a simple Bonferroni adjustment and testing for both multiplicative and recessive models is fast and an optimal strategy in large meta-analysis-based screenings. However, care must be taken when examined variants are common, where specification of a multiplicative model alone may be preferable.


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Background. Clinical manifestations of dengue vary in different areas of endemicity and between specific age groups, whereas predictors of outcome have remained controversial. In Brazil, the disease burden predominantly affects adults, with an increasing trend toward progression to dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) noted. Methods. A cohort of adults with confirmed cases of dengue was recruited in central Brazil in 2005. Patients were classified according to the severity of their disease. Associations of antibody responses, viremia levels (as determined by real-time polymerase chain reaction [PCR]), and serotypes (as determined by multiplex PCR) with disease severity were evaluated. Results. Of the 185 symptomatic patients > 14 years of age who had a confirmed case of dengue, 26.5% and 23.2% were classified as having intermediate dengue fever (DF)/ DHF (defined as internal hemorrhage, plasma leakage, manifested signs of shock, and/ or thrombocytopenia [platelet count, <= 50,000 platelets/mm(3)]) and DHF, respectively. The onset of intermediate DF/ DHF and DHF occurred at a late stage of disease, around the period of defervescence. Patients with DHF had abnormal liver enzyme levels, with a > 3-fold increase in aspartate aminotransferase level, compared with the range of values considered to be normal. Overall, 65% of patients presented with secondary infections with dengue virus, with such infection occurring in similar proportions of patients in each of the 3 disease category groups. Dengue virus serotype 3 (DV3) was the predominant serotype, and viremia was detected during and after defervescence among patients with DHF or intermediate DF/ DHF. Conclusions. Viremia was detected after defervescence in adult patients classified as having DHF or intermediate DF/ DHF. Secondary infection was not a predictor of severe clinical manifestation in adults with infected with the DV3 serotype.


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Myelin proteolipid protein (PLP), the most abundant protein of central nervous system (CNS) myelin, is a hydrophobic integral membrane protein. Because of its physical properties, which make it difficult to work with, progress towards determining the exact function(s) and disease associations of myelin PLP has been slow. However, recent molecular biology advances have given new life to investigations of PLP, and suggest that it has multiple functions within myelin and is of importance in several neurological disorders. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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RESUMO: Introdução: A espondilite anquilosante (EA) é uma doença inflamatória crónica caracterizada pela inflamação das articulações sacroilíacas e da coluna. A anquilose progressiva motiva uma deterioração gradual da função física e da qualidade de vida. O diagnóstico e o tratamento precoces podem contribuir para um melhor prognóstico. Neste contexto, a identificação de biomarcadores, assume-se como sendo muito útil para a prática clínica e representa hoje um grande desafio para a comunidade científica. Objetivos: Este estudo teve como objetivos: 1 - caracterizar a EA em Portugal; 2 - investigar possíveis associações entre genes, MHC e não-MHC, com a suscetibilidade e as características fenotípicas da EA; 3 - identificar genes candidatos associados a EA através da tecnologia de microarray. Material e Métodos: Foram recrutados doentes com EA, de acordo com os critérios modificados de Nova Iorque, nas consultas de Reumatologia dos diferentes hospitais participantes. Colecionaram-se dados demográficos, clínicos e radiológicos e colhidas amostras de sangue periférico. Selecionaram-se de forma aleatória, doentes HLA-B27 positivos, os quais foram tipados em termos de HLA classe I e II por PCR-rSSOP. Os haplótipos HLA estendidos foram estimados pelo algoritmo Expectation Maximization com recurso ao software Arlequin v3.11. As variantes alélicas dos genes IL23R, ERAP1 e ANKH foram estudadas através de ensaios de discriminação alélica TaqMan. A análise de associação foi realizada utilizando testes da Cochrane-Armitage e de regressão linear, tal como implementado pelo PLINK, para variáveis qualitativas e quantitativas, respetivamente. O estudo de expressão génica foi realizado por Illumina HT-12 Whole-Genome Expression BeadChips. Os genes candidatos foram validados usando qPCR-based TaqMan Low Density Arrays (TLDAs). Resultados: Foram incluídos 369 doentes (62,3% do sexo masculino, com idade média de 45,4 ± 13,2 anos, duração média da doença de 11,4 ± 10,5 anos). No momento da avaliação, 49,9% tinham doença axial, 2,4% periférica, 40,9% mista e 7,1% entesopática. A uveíte anterior aguda (33,6%) foi a manifestação extra-articular mais comum. Foram positivos para o HLA-B27, 80,3% dos doentes. Os haplótipo A*02/B*27/Cw*02/DRB1*01/DQB1*05 parece conferir suscetibilidade para a EA, e o A*02/B*27/Cw*01/DRB1*08/DQB1*04 parece conferir proteção em termos de atividade, repercussão funcional e radiológica da doença. Três variantes (2 para IL23R e 1 para ERAP1) mostraram significativa associação com a doença, confirmando a associação destes genes com a EA na população Portuguesa. O mesmo não se verificou com as variantes estudadas do ANKH. Não se verificou associação entre as variantes génicas não-MHC e as manifestações clínicas da EA. Foi identificado um perfil de expressão génica para a EA, tendo sido validados catorze genes - alguns têm um papel bem documentado em termos de inflamação, outros no metabolismo da cartilagem e do osso. Conclusões: Foi estabelecido um perfil demográfico e clínico dos doentes com EA em Portugal. A identificação de variantes génicas e de um perfil de expressão contribuem para uma melhor compreensão da sua fisiopatologia e podem ser úteis para estabelecer modelos com relevância em termos de diagnóstico, prognóstico e orientação terapêutica dos doentes. -----------ABSTRACT: Background: Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) is a chronic inflammatory disorder characterized by inflammation in the spine and sacroiliac joints leading to progressive joint ankylosis and in progressive deterioration of physical function and quality of life. An early diagnosis and early therapy may contribute to a better prognosis. The identification of biomarkers would be helpful and represents a great challenge for the scientific community. Objectives: The present study had the following aims: 1- to characterize the pattern of AS in Portuguese patients; 2- to investigate MHC and non-MHC gene associations with susceptibility and phenotypic features of AS and; 3- to identify candidate genes associated with AS by means of whole-genome microarray. Material and Methods: AS was defined in accordance to the modified New York criteria and AS cases were recruited from hospital outcares patient clinics. Demographic and clinical data were recorded and blood samples collected. A random group of HLA-B27 positive patients and controls were selected and typed for HLA class I and II by PCR-rSSOP. The extended HLA haplotypes were estimated by Expectation Maximization Algorithm using Arlequin v3.11 software. Genotyping of IL23R, ERAP1 and ANKH allelic variants was carried out with TaqMan allelic discrimination assays. Association analysis was performed using the Cochrane-Armitage and linear regression tests as implemented in PLINK, for dichotomous and quantitative variables, respectively. Gene expression profile was carried out using Illumina HT-12 Whole-Genome Expression BeadChips and candidate genes were validated using qPCR-based TaqMan Low Density Arrays (TLDAs). Results: A total of 369 patients (62.3% male; mean age 45.4±13.2 years; mean disease duration 11.4±10.5 years), were included. Regarding clinical disease pattern, at the time of assessment, 49.9% had axial disease, 2.4% peripheral disease, 40.9% mixed disease and 7.1% isolated enthesopathic disease. Acute anterior uveitis (33.6%) was the most common extra-articular manifestation. 80.3% of AS patients were HLA-B27 positive. The haplotype A*02/B*27/Cw*02/DRB1*01/DQB1*05 seems to confer susceptibility to AS, whereas A*02/B*27/Cw*01/DRB1*08/DQB1*04 seems to provide protection in terms of disease activity, functional and radiological repercussion. Three markers (two for IL23R and one for ERAP1) showed significant single-locus disease associations. Association of these genes with AS in the Portuguese population was confirmed, whereas ANKH markers studied did not show an association with AS. No association was seen between non-MHC genes and clinical manifestations of AS. A gene expression signature for AS was established; among the fourteen validated genes, a number of them have a well-documented inflammatory role or in modulation of cartilage and bone metabolism. Conclusions: A demographic and clinical profile of patients with AS in Portugal was established. Identification of genetic variants of target genes as well as gene expression signatures could provide a better understanding of AS pathophysiology and could be useful to establish models with relevance in terms of susceptibility, prognosis, and potential therapeutic guidance.


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The adipocyte-derived protein adiponectin is highly heritable and inversely associated with risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) and coronary heart disease (CHD). We meta-analyzed 3 genome-wide association studies for circulating adiponectin levels (n = 8,531) and sought validation of the lead single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 5 additional cohorts (n = 6,202). Five SNPs were genome-wide significant in their relationship with adiponectin (P< or =5x10(-8)). We then tested whether these 5 SNPs were associated with risk of T2D and CHD using a Bonferroni-corrected threshold of P< or =0.011 to declare statistical significance for these disease associations. SNPs at the adiponectin-encoding ADIPOQ locus demonstrated the strongest associations with adiponectin levels (P-combined = 9.2x10(-19) for lead SNP, rs266717, n = 14,733). A novel variant in the ARL15 (ADP-ribosylation factor-like 15) gene was associated with lower circulating levels of adiponectin (rs4311394-G, P-combined = 2.9x10(-8), n = 14,733). This same risk allele at ARL15 was also associated with a higher risk of CHD (odds ratio [OR] = 1.12, P = 8.5x10(-6), n = 22,421) more nominally, an increased risk of T2D (OR = 1.11, P = 3.2x10(-3), n = 10,128), and several metabolic traits. Expression studies in humans indicated that ARL15 is well-expressed in skeletal muscle. These findings identify a novel protein, ARL15, which influences circulating adiponectin levels and may impact upon CHD risk.


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This overview summarizes recent data on emerging viruses after hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT), including adenovirus, BK virus, human metapneumovirus (hMPV), and human herpesvirus (HHV) 6. The increased recognition of these infections is due to improved molecular detection methods, increased surveillance and more profound immunosuppression in the host. Adenovirus can cause serious disease especially in T-cell depleted transplant recipients. Adenovirus viremia is an important risk factor for disease in this setting. BK virus has been associated with hemorrhagic cystitis in HCT recipients. BK viremia is significantly associated with hemorrhagic cystitis. hMPV shows a seasonal distribution and can cause fatal pneumonia in HCT recipients. hMPV may be the etiology of some cases previously categorized as idiopathic pneumonia syndrome. HHV-6 commonly leads to viremia in HCT recipients. HHV-6 has been strongly associated with encephalitis and delayed platelet engraftment. Prospective studies are needed to further examine epidemiology, disease associations, and management strategies for these viruses.


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The importance of chronic low-grade inflammation in the pathology of numerous age-related chronic conditions is now clear. An unresolved inflammatory response is likely to be involved from the early stages of disease development. The present position paper is the most recent in a series produced by the International Life Sciences Institute's European Branch (ILSI Europe). It is co-authored by the speakers from a 2013 workshop led by the Obesity and Diabetes Task Force entitled ‘Low-grade inflammation, a high-grade challenge: biomarkers and modulation by dietary strategies’. The latest research in the areas of acute and chronic inflammation and cardiometabolic, gut and cognitive health is presented along with the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying inflammation–health/disease associations. The evidence relating diet composition and early-life nutrition to inflammatory status is reviewed. Human epidemiological and intervention data are thus far heavily reliant on the measurement of inflammatory markers in the circulation, and in particular cytokines in the fasting state, which are recognised as an insensitive and highly variable index of tissue inflammation. Potential novel kinetic and integrated approaches to capture inflammatory status in humans are discussed. Such approaches are likely to provide a more discriminating means of quantifying inflammation–health/disease associations, and the ability of diet to positively modulate inflammation and provide the much needed evidence to develop research portfolios that will inform new product development and associated health claims.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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• Chronic Wasting Disease Update: Wisconsin, Minnesota, South Dakota, Colorado; National CWD Management – USDA & USDI National Plan for Assisting States, Federal Agencies, and Tribes in Managing Chronic Wasting Disease in Free-ranging and Captive Cervids • West Nile virus (WNV) reaches the Pacific coast • West Nile Virus in Blue Jays • Idaho Brucellosis Linked to Wildlife: All of the epidemiological and laboratory information clearly indicates that brucellosis-infected elk transmitted the disease to the cattle herd. • Tularemia caused a die-off of captured wild prairie dogs this summer at a Texas commercial exotic animal facility that distributes the animals for sale as pets. • Raptors can acquire avian vacuolar myelinopathy (AVM) via ingestion of other affected birds. • House Finch Mycoplasmosis: bacterial eye disease of house finches • Raccoon Rabies report • Toxoplasmosis – The newest finding regarding sea otters in California is the importance of toxoplasmosis as a mortality factor. Toxoplasma gondii is a protozoan parasite that can invade visceral organs and the central nervous system to cause acute, disseminated tissue necrosis and fatal meningoencephalitis in susceptible animals. In recent years, 36% of dead sea otters examined have been infected. Another tissue-invading protozoan, Sarcocystis neurona, also was found in 4% of the otters. • Recovery of remnant populations of the endangered black-footed ferret have been hampered by sylvatic plague, which is caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis. • Dr. Samantha Gibbs received the Wildlife Disease Association’s Student Research Recognition Award. Dr. Cynthia Tate was selected by the American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists to receive the Best Student Presentation Award. Dr. Andrea Varela won second place in the Student Presentation Award for her presentation at the meeting of the American Association Veterinary Parasitologists. Mr. Michael Yabsley received the Wildlife Disease Association Student Scholarship and the S.A. Ewing Vectorborne Parasitology Award from the University of Georgia’s College of Veterinary Medicine.