24 resultados para DIPLOIDY
Diploid meiotic gynogenesis was induced in African catfish, Heterobranchus longifilis by injection of 0.5ml/kg ovaprim on the breeders, followed by application of UV light irradiation on the spermatozoa and temperature shocking of activated eggs. Diploidy was restored by shocking haploid activated eggs at 5 degree C for 40 minutes. The normal control spermatozoa did not receive any UV irradiation nor temperature shock, while the haploid control spermatozoa were irradiated, but did not receive cold shock. The percentage hatchability in the treated group was 25%, while in the control it was 53%. Less than 15 fingerlings had morphological aberrations. After two weeks of indoor rearing, the survival percentage of the treated group was 45% in the control experiment. Cytogenetic analysis of chromosomes revealed 25 chromosomes in the haploid embryo and 50 chromosomes each in diploid gynogenesis and normal diploid control
Triploid was induced in African Catfish (Heterobranchus longifilis) by cold shocking activated eggs at 5 degree C for forty minutes starting 3-4 minutes after fertilization. Triploidy was confirmed from mitotic chromosomes prepared from embryo which showed 100% triploidy in the cold shocking treatment and 100% diploidy in the control treatment
Great advances have been, and are being made in our knowledge of the genetics and molecular biology (including genomics, proteomics and structural biology). Global molecular profiling technologies such as microassays using DNA or oligonucleotide chip, and protein and lipid chips are being developed. The application of such biotechnological advances are inevitable in aquaculture in the areas of improvement of aquaculture stocks where many molecular markers such as RFLPs, AFLDs and RAPD are now available for genome analysis, finger printing and genetic linkage mapping. Transgenic technology has been developed in a number of fish species and research is being pursed to produce transgenic fish carrying genes that encode antimicrobial peptides such as lysozyme thereby achieving disease resistance in fish. Also it is a short cut to achieving genetic change for fast growth and other desirable traits like early sexual maturity, temperature tolerance and feed conversion efficiency. KEYWORDS: Fish genetics, transgenesis, monoploidy, diploidy, polyploidy,gynogenesis, androgenesis, cryopreservation.
Culture of a non-native species, such as the Suminoe oyster (Crassostrea ariakensis), could offset the harvest of the declining native eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) fishery in Chesapeake Bay. Because of possible ecological impacts from introducing a fertile non-native species, introduction of sterile triploid oysters has been proposed. However, recent data show that a small percentage of triploid individuals progressively revert toward diploidy, introducing the possibility that Suminoe oysters might establish self-sustaining populations. To assess the risk of Suminoe oyster populations becoming established in Chesapeake Bay, a demographic population model was developed. Parameters modeled were salinity, stocking density, reversion rate, reproductive potential, natural and harvest-induced mortality, growth rates, and effects of various management strategies, including harvest strategies. The probability of a Suminoe oyster population becoming self-sustaining decreased in the model when oysters are grown at low salinity sites, certainty of harvest is high, mini-mum shell length-at-harvest is small, and stocking density is low. From the results of the model, we suggest adopting the proposed management strategies shown by the model to decrease the probability of a Suminoe oyster population becoming self-sustaining. Policy makers and fishery managers can use the model to predict potential outcomes of policy decisions, supporting the ability to make science-based policy decisions about the proposed introduction of triploid Suminoe oysters into the Chesapeake Bay.
An experiment was conducted to optimize the procedure of gynogenesis in African catfish, Clarias gariepinus by suppressing meiotic and mitotic cell divisions in fertilized eggs. Gynogensis was conducted by fertilizing normal eggs with UV-irradiated sperm followed by either heat or cold shocking Irradiation of spermatozoa was given for a duration of 1 min and the eggs were fertilized in vitro. Cold shock at a temperature of 3± 1°C for a duration of 30 and 60 min and heat shock at a temperature of 39± 1°C for a duration of 1 and 2 min was applied to induce diploidy. Higher percentage of hatching (68.66) was observed for meiotic gynogens at a shock temperature of 39± 1°C for a duration of 1 min, 5 min after fertilization (af). Higher percentage of mitotic gynogenetic induction (15.33) was observed at a temperature shock of 39± 1°C for a duration of 1 min, 30 min af.
Summary: Genome duplications and polyploidization events are thought to have played relevant roles in the early stages of vertebrate evolution, in particular near the time of divergence of the lamprey lineage. Additional genome duplications, specifically in ray-finned fish, may have occurred before the divergence of the teleosts. The role of polyploidization in vertebrate genome evolution is a thriving area of research. Sturgeons (order Acipenseriformes) provide a unique model for the investigation of genome duplication, with existing species possessing 120, 250 or 360 chromosomes. In the present study, data from 240 sturgeon specimens representing 11 species were used for analysis of ploidy levels. Allele numbers were assessed at eleven microsatellite loci. The results provide further evidence for functional diploidy, tetraploidy and hexaploidy in species possessing 120, 250 and 360 chromosomes, respectively. The analysis also uncovered novel evidence for functional hexaploidy in the shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum). In conclusion, the process of functional genome reduction is demonstrated to be an on-going process in this fish lineage. © 2013 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.
L'ubiquitination est une modification post-traductionnelle qui joue un rôle central dans divers processus biologiques. Elle peut être contrecarrée par les déubiquitinases (DUBs). "BRCA1-Associated Protein 1" (BAP1) est une déubiquitinase, qui fait partie de complexes multiprotéiques, possèdant une fonction de suppression tumorale ainsi qu'un potentiel anti-métastatique. De plus, BAP1 est phosphorylée suite aux dommages à l’ADN par les kinases ATM/ATR. En nous basant sur ces données, nous avons purifié les protéines associées à BAP1 dans des conditions de stress génotoxique. Bien que la composition du complexe et l’activité DUB semblent inchangées, nous avons pu identifier des changements critiques dans les niveaux et les sites de phosphorylation, confirmant la régulation de BAP1 suite aux dommages à l’ADN. En déplétant BAP1 par ARNi et en utilisant des mutants dominants négatifs, nous avons obtenu des résultats suggèrant que suite au stress génotoxique, cette DUB est requise pour prolonger le point de contrôle en G2/M et ce, en retardant la reprise du cycle cellulaire. D'un autre côté, l'expression de BAP1 dans des cellules cancéreuses qui en sont déficientes restore une ploïdie normale et diminue la fréquence d'aberrations nucléaires, suggérant que cette protéine joue un rôle dans la stabilité génomique. Nos résultats suggèrent fortement que BAP1 joue un rôle dans la réponse des cellules au stress génotoxique et la stabilité génomique. Nos travaux permettront ainsi d’identifier et de caractériser les voies de signalisation cellulaire régulant l’activité et la fonction de BAP1 durant les périodes d’exposition à des agents qui endommagent l’ADN. Les connaissances acquises seront donc d’une valeur tangible pour nôtre compréhension de la mutagenèse induite par des agents carcinogènes, un déterminant clé de la formation des tumeurs.
Chondracanthus chamissoi (C. Agardh) Kutzing is an economically important red seaweed with an extended latitudinal distribution along the south-east Pacific. Here we report on the seasonal in vitro germination of carpospores and tetraspores from four populations distributed from 27 to 41 degrees S on the Chilean coast. Our results show that both types of spores exhibited a different physiological behavior related to the geographic origin of the specimens. Germination occurred throughout the year for both spore types in the four populations. However, for the northern locations (Calderilla, La Herradura and Puerto Aldea) germination was higher in spring, while for the southern location (Lechagua), germination was higher in summer. The growth rate of carposporelings and tetrasporelings varied seasonally in ail locations studied, with higher growth in spring. Among all, carposporelings from Lechagua specimens reached the highest growth rates (9.3 +/- 0.2% d(-1)). However, spores from Herradura and P. Aldea had a good germination and SGR in all seasons and would be good candidates to start spores-based cultivation of this valuable resource in Chile. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
This study develops a simplified model describing the evolutionary dynamics of a population composed of obligate sexually and asexually reproducing, unicellular organisms. The model assumes that the organisms have diploid genomes consisting of two chromosomes, and that the sexual organisms replicate by first dividing into haploid intermediates, which then combine with other haploids, followed by the normal mitotic division of the resulting diploid into two new daughter cells. We assume that the fitness landscape of the diploids is analogous to the single-fitness-peak approach often used in single-chromosome studies. That is, we assume a master chromosome that becomes defective with just one point mutation. The diploid fitness then depends on whether the genome has zero, one, or two copies of the master chromosome. We also assume that only pairs of haploids with a master chromosome are capable of combining so as to produce sexual diploid cells, and that this process is described by second-order kinetics. We find that, in a range of intermediate values of the replication fidelity, sexually reproducing cells can outcompete asexual ones, provided the initial abundance of sexual cells is above some threshold value. The range of values where sexual reproduction outcompetes asexual reproduction increases with decreasing replication rate and increasing population density. We critically evaluate a common approach, based on a group selection perspective, used to study the competition between populations and show its flaws in addressing the evolution of sex problem.
The present paper reports nuclear DNA content in 30 Neotropical freshwater fish species and summarizes the data on other Neotropical species presented in the literature. Among Neotropical fishes, the nuclear DNA content ranges from 1.04 ± 0.09 pg/nucleus in Corydoras cf. simulatus (2n = 62) to 248.0 pg/nucleus in Lepidosiren paradoxa (2n = 38). A general analysis of the data obtained in the present study for each species showed that DNA measurements were practically constant at the individual level, while significant differences were observed among individuals of the same population. This observation was valid for all species analyzed and was more evident in those species that presented other karyotypic particularities such as sex chromosomes or supernumerary chromosomes. The importance of changes in nuclear DNA content in the evolutionary process of Neotropical fishes is discussed.
The mitotic and meiotic chromosomes of the beetles Epicauta atomaria (Meloidae) and Palembus dermestoides (Tenebrionidae) were analysed using standard staining, C-banding and silver impregnation techniques. We determine the diploid and haploid chromosome numbers, the sex determination system and describe the chromosomal morphology, the C-banding pattern and the chromosome(s) bearing NORs (nucleolar organizer regions). Both species shown 2n = 20 chromosomes, the chromosomal meioformula 9 + Xyp, and regular chromosome segregation during anaphases I and II. The chromosomes of E. atomaria are basically metacentric or submetacentric and P. dermestoides chromosomes are submetacentric or subtelocentric. In both beetles the constitutive heterochromatin is located in the pericentromeric region in all autosomes and in the Xp chromosome; additional C-bands were observed in telomeric region of the short arm in some autosomes in P. dermestoides. The yp chromosome did not show typical C-bands in these species. As for the synaptonemal complex, the nucleolar material is associated to the 7th bivalent in E. atomaria and 3rd and 7th bivalents in P. dermestoides. Strong silver impregnated material was observed in association with Xyp in light and electron microscopy preparations in these species and this material was interpreted to be related to nucleolar material.
In this paper we provide a cytogenetic analysis of Paratelmatobius cardosoi and Paratelmatobius poecilogaster. The karyotypes of both species showed a diploid number of 24 chromosomes and shared some similarity in the morphology of some pairs. On the other hand, pairs 4 and 6 widely differed between these complements. These karyotypes also differed in their NOR number and location. Size heteromorphism was seen in all NOR-bearing chromosomes of the two karyotypes. In addition, both karyotypes showed small centromeric C-bands and a conspicuous heterochromatic band in the short arm of chromosome 1, although with a different size in each species. The P. cardosoi complement also showed other strongly stained non-centromeric C-bands, with no counterparts in the P. cardosoi karyotype. Chromosome staining with fluorochromes revealed heterogeneity in the base composition of two of the non-centromeric C-bands of P. cardosoi. Comparison of the chromosomal morphology of these Paratelmatobius karyotypes with that of P. lutzii showed that the P. poecilogaster karyotype is more similar to that of P. lutzii than P. cardosoi. These cytogenetic results agree with the proposed species arrangements in the P. cardosoi and P. lutzii groups based on morphological and ecological data.
The location of chromosomal telomeric repeats (TTAGGG)(n) was investigated in two species of the Molossidae family, Eumops glaucinus and Eumops perotis. The diploid chromosome number (2n) is 40 in E. glaucinus and 48 in E. perotis and the fundamental numbers (FN) are 64 and 58, respectively. It has been suggested that the E. glaucinus karyotype has evolved from the E. perotis karyotype through Robertsonian fusion events. In the present study, the telomeric sequences were detected at the termini of chromosomes in both species. In addition, E. glaucinus also displayed telomeric repeats in centromeric and pericentromeric regions in almost all biarmed chromosomes. Conversely, in E. perotis pericentromeric signals were only observed in two biarmed chromosomes. In both E. glaucinus and E. perotis, such telomeric sequences were observed as part of the heterochromatin. The interstitial sites of telomeric sequences suggest that they are remnants of telomeres of ancestral chromosomes that participated in the fusion event.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
As a contribution towards detecting the genetic effects of low doses of genotoxic physical agents, this paper deals with the consequences of low-dose X-rays in the Aspergillus nidulans genome. The irradiation doses studied were those commonly used in dental clinics (1-5 cGy). Even very low doses promoted increased mitotic crossing-over frequencies in diploid strains heterozygous for several genetic markers including the ones involved in DNA repair and recombination mechanisms. Genetic markers of several heterozygous strains were individually analyzed disclosing that some markers were especially sensitive to the treatments. These markers should be chosen as bio-indicators in the homozygotization index assay to better detect the recombinogenic/ carcinogenic genomic effects of low-dose X-rays. ©FUNPEC-RP.