992 resultados para DIAGONAL BOND METHOD


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The influences of microdefects and dislocations on the lattice parameters of undoped semi-insulating GaAs single crystals were analyzed, and a novel nondestructive method for measuring stoichiometry in undoped semi-insulating GaAs was established in this letter. The comparison of this method with coulometric titration indicates that the method of nondestructive measurements is indeed convenient and reliable. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.


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The chemical bond properties, lattice energies, linear expansion coefficients, and mechanical properties of ReVO4 (Re = La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu, Sc, Y) are investigated systematically by the dielectric chemical bond theory. The calculated results show that the covalencies of Re-O bonds are increasing slightly from La to Lu and that the covalencies of V-O bonds in crystals are decreasing slightly from La to Lu. The linear expansion coefficients decrease progressively from LaVO4 to LuVO4; on the contrary, the bulk moduli increase progressively. Our calculated results are in good agreement with some experimental values for linear expansion coefficients and bulk moduli.


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Theoretical researches are performed on the alpha-R2MoO6 (R = Y, Gd, Tb Dy, Ho, Er, Tm and Yb) and pyrochlore-type R2Mo2O7 (R = Y, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb and Dy) rare earth molybdates by using chemical bond theory of dielectric description. The chemical bonding characteristics and their relationship with thermal expansion property and compressibility are explored. The calculated values of linear thermal expansion coefficient (LTEC) and bulk modulus agree well with the available experimental values. The calculations reveal that the LTECs and the bulk moduli do have linear relationship with the ionic radii of the lanthanides: the LTEC decreases from 6.80 to 6.62 10(-6)/K and the bulk modulus increases from 141 to 154 GPa when R goes in the order Gd, Tb Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, and Yb in the alpha-R2MoO6 series; while in the R2Mo2O7 series, the LTEC ranges from 6.80 to 6.61 10(-6)/K and the bulk modulus ranges from 147 to 163 GPa when R varies in the order Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb and Dy.


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The bulk moduli of some superhard materials were calculated by using the chemical bond method. For simple crystals, such as diamonds, c-BN, SiC, Si, BP, and Ge, the calculated results agree with experimental and theoretical values. For crystals of complex structure, such as beta-BC2N crystal and various structural C3N4 crystals, the results indicate that their bulk moduli are large, but do not exceed that of diamond.


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The relation between the lattice energies and the bulk moduli on binary inorganic crystals was studied, and the concept of lattice energy density is introduced. We find that the lattice energy densities are in good linear relation with the bulk moduli in the same type of crystals, the slopes of fitting lines for various types of crystals are related to the valence and coordination number of cations of crystals, and the empirical expression of calculated slope is obtained. From crystal structure, the calculated results are in very good agreement with the experimental values. At the same time, by means of the dielectric theory of the chemical bond and the calculating method of the lattice energy of complex crystals, the estimative method of the bulk modulus of complex crystals was established reasonably, and the calculated results are in very good agreement with the experimental values.


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By using a combinatorial screening method based on the self-consistent field theory (SCFT) for polymer systems, the micro-phase morphologies of the H-shaped (AC)B(CA) ternary block copolymer system are studied in three-dimensional (3D) space. By systematically varying the volume fractions of the components A, B, and C, six triangle phase diagrams of this H-shaped (AC)B(CA) ternary block copolymer system with equal interaction energies among the three components are constructed from the weaker segregation regime to the strong segregation regime, In this study, thirteen 3D micro-phase morphologies for this H-shaped ternary block copolymer system are identified to be stable and seven 3D microphase morphologies are found to be metastable.


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Approximate calculations are reported on pyrene within the PPP model Hamiltonian using a novel restricted CI scheme which employs both molecular orbital and valence bond techniques. Also reported are detailed full CI results of the PPP model on 2,7-dihydropyrene obtained using the valence bond method. Spectral studies, charge and spin density calculations in ground and excited states, and ring current calculations in the ground state of the molecules are presented. In pyrene, the calculated excitation energies are in good agreement with experiment. The closed structure pi-conjugated molecule pyrene appears to show smaller distortions from the ground state geometry compared with the open structure pi-conjugated molecule 2,7-dihydropyrene. The ground state equilibrium structure of 2,7-dihydropyrene can be viewed as two hexatriene molecules connected by a vinyl crosslink, as is evident from bond order and ring current calculations. This is consistent with the only Kekule resonant structure possible for this molecule.


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Experimental evidence for strong electron-electron interactions in polyacetylene is presented. These include (i) observation of a dipole forbidden state below the optical gap, (ii) observation of negative spin densities at sites at which noninteracting models predict zero spin density (iii) vanishing optical gap, in the infinite chain limit, in the closely related symmetrical linear cyanine dyes. To correctly explain these features it is necessary to solve correlated model Hamiltonians. Using diagrammatic valence bond method model exact solutions of correlated models of finite-size systems can be obtained and various physical properties of the low-lying states can be computed. These properties, when extrapolated to the infinite chain limit explain many of the experimental features observed in polyacetylene.


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The low-lying singlets and triplets of biphenyl are obtained exactly within the PPP model using the diagrammatic valence bond method. The energy gaps within the singlet manifold as well as the lowest singlet-triplet gap are found to be in good agreement with experimental results. The two weak absorptions between 4·1 and 4·2 eV reported experimentally are attributed to the two states lying below the optical gap that become weakly allowed on breaking electron-hole and inversion symmetries. The observed blue shift of the spectral lines, attributed to a change in dihedral angle, on going from crystalline to solution to vapour phase is also well reproduced within the PPP model. The bond orders show that the ground singlet state is benzenoidal while the dipole excited state as well as the lowest triplet state are quinonoidal and planar. Comparison with the experimental spin densities and the fine structure constants D and E in the triplet state point to slightly weaker correlations than assumed by the PPP model. The introduction of a 1-8 bond to mimic poly(paraphenylene)s gives an optical gap that is in good agreement with experiment.


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Tetracene is an important conjugated molecule for device applications. We have used the diagrammatic valence bond method to obtain the desired states, in a Hilbert space of about 450 million singlets and 902 million triplets. We have also studied the donor/acceptor (D/A)-substituted tetracenes with D and A groups placed symmetrically about the long axis of the molecule. In these cases, by exploiting a new symmetry, which is a combination of C-2 symmetry and electron-hole symmetry, we are able to obtain their low-lying states. In the case of substituted tetracene, we find that optically allowed one-photon excitation gaps reduce with increasing D/A strength, while the lowest singlet triplet gap is only wealdy affected. In all the systems we have studied, the excited singlet state, S-i, is at more than twice the energy of the lowest triplet state and the second triplet is very close to the S-1 state. Thus, donor-acceptor-substituted tetracene could be a good candidate in photovoltaic device application as it satisfies energy criteria for singlet fission. We have also obtained the model exact second harmonic generation (SHG) coefficients using the correction vector method, and we find that the SHG responses increase with the increase in D/A strength.


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The electronic structure of SrY2O4 is calculated by using a density functional method, and the exchange and correlation have been treated by using a the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) within the scheme due to Perdew, Burke, and Ernzerhof (PBE). SrY2O4 is predicted to be a direct-gap material because the top of the valence band and the bottom of the conduction band are along the same direction at G. The bond length and the bond covalency are also calculated by using a chemical bond method.


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Relationship between charge transfer energies E-CT of Yb3+ and Sm3+ and environmental factors h(e) in various crystals was investigated using a dielectric chemical bond method. Both results show that they have an exponential relation E-CT = A+B exp(-kh(e)), but the exponential factors are different, which indicates that the interaction between the rare earth ions and environment is connected with the kind of rare earth ion. This result provides a method of determining charge transfer energies of Yb3+ and Sm3+ from a crystal structure.


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Introduction: The proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation technique (PNF) has been proven to be efficient, since it was found higher gain of joint range-of-motion compared to the classic stretching. This study aimed to perform a comparison between the muscular stretching techniques and the PNF hold-relax on the internal and external sagittal/diagonal plane.Method: Randomly divided in 3 groups by a drawing, 30 healthy male individuals have undergone the test. In group I the hold-relax technique was utilized on the sagittal plane, grupo II receveid hold-relax on the internal and external diagonals, and group III, on which an evaluation was performed, worked as control. All the groups went through tests on the first, fifth and fifteenth day after the application of the different approaches. In this evaluation it was used a Flexis (R) Fleximeter.Result: Group II (diagonal) obtained statistically significant gain of 13.99% in the immediate post-test and post test later obtained a loss of 4.81%, group I (sagittal) showed no statistical difference as the group III (control).Conclusion: We conclude that the technique of PNF in the diagonal plane is effective in the flexibility of the hamstring muscles.


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A method has been suggested to accurately determine the DBTT of diffusion aluminide bond coats. Micro-tensile testing of free-standing coating samples has been carried out. The DBTT was determined based on the variation of plastic strain-to-fracture with temperature. The positive features of this method over the previously reported techniques are highlighted. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Brittle-to-ductile-transition-temperature (BDTT) of free-standing Pt-aluminide (PtAl) coating specimens, i.e. stand-alone coating specimens without any substrate, was determined by micro-tensile testing technique. The effect of Pt content, expressed in terms of the thickness of initial electro-deposited Pt layer, on the BDTT of the coating has been evaluated and an empirical correlation drawn. Increase in the electrodeposited Pt layer thickness from nil to 10 mu m was found to cause an increase in the BDTT of the coating by about 100 degrees C.