20 resultados para DHEAS
Objective: To search for predictors of metformin response in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) through a detailed analysis of clinical and laboratory parameters. Study design: We designed a prospective study to investigate clinical and laboratory parameters to search for predictors of metformin response in women with PCOS. A total of 53 PCOS patients were given metformin 850 mg twice a day for 6 months, after which patients were classified as responders or non-responders. Parameters analyzed for comparison between the two groups were: plasma fasting insulin glucose/insulin ratio; oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) with insulin (120 min); HOMA and QUICKI tests; total cholesterol and fractions, triglycerides; LH, FSH, estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, androstenedione, 17-OH progesterone, and DHEAS. Results: From all patients, 30(56.6%) were responders and 23(43.3%) were non-responders. Multinomial analysis showed that the positive response to metformin was associated with higher levels of basal LH (p = 0.038) and lower levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) (p = 0.015). Conclusion: In weight-matched PCOS subjects, laboratory markers might predict the metformin response. Higher levels of basal LH and lower levels of HDL-C are correlated with a positive response to metformin treatment in PCOS subjects. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
RAPPORT DE SYNTHESE : L'hirsutisme, l'acné et l'alopécie chez la femme sont souvent associés à des troubles menstruels et à une production excessive d'androgènes, raison pour laquelle ces symptômes cutanés font l'objet d'évaluation endocrinienne. L'hyperandrogénie affecte 5 à 10 % des femmes en âge de reproduction et constitue un motif fréquent de consultation. Récemment, les sociétés d'endocrinologie ont émis des recommandations sur l'investigation et le traitement de l'hyperandrogénie. Longtemps confrontés à la demande de patientes souffrant d'hirsutisme, d'acné ou d'alopécie, nous avons décidé d'effectuer une approche diagnostique et thérapeutique comportant des dosages hormonaux et un traitement antiandrogénique. Un grand nombre de patientes a été ainsi étudié au fil des années. Les paramètres mesurés incluaient la testostérone plasmatique totale, l'androstènedione, le sulfate de déhydroépiandrostérone (DHEAS), la sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) et la testostérone salivaire. Cette dernière est considérée comme un bon reflet de la testostérone libre plasmatique, indépendamment des protéines de liaison. L'analyse rétrospective des dossiers nous a permis de comparer nos données avec celles de la littérature. Des 318 dossiers de patientes ayant consulté notre Service pour hirsutisme, acné ou alopécie pendant 6 ans, 228 ont pu être retenus pour une évaluation adéquate. Chez les patientes présentant ces symptômes de façon isolée, les taux d'androgènes et la prévalence de l'oligo-aménorhée étaient plus élevés en cas d'hirsutisme qu'en cas d'alopécie, avec des valeurs intermédiaires en cas d'acné. Aucun des androgènes mesurés ne permettait, à lui seul, d'identifier tous les cas d'hyperandrogénie, mais la testostérone salivaire a montré la meilleure corrélation positive avec l'hirsutisme, alors que la testostérone plasmatique totale montrait la moins bonne corrélation, et l'androstènedione, le DHEAS et la SHBG des corrélations intermédiaires (corrélation négative pour la SHBG). De plus, au cours du traitement antiandrogénique, la testostérone salivaire a montré l'abaissement proportionnel le plus marqué de tous les androgénes mesurés. Comparées aux patientes originaires d'Europe centrale, les patientes originaires d'Europe du sud consultaient avec des degrés d'hirsutisme supérieurs, mais aucune différence n'a été observée dans les corrélations entre l'hirsutisme et les taux hormonaux de ces deux groupes. En l'absence d'un nombre suffisant d'échographies ovariennes, .la prévalence du syndrome des ovaires polykystiques a été probablement sous-estimée (63 patientes, 27.6 % des cas), au bénéfice du diagnostic d'hyperandrogénie avec euménorrhée (101, 44.3 %); les autres diagnostics étaient: androgénes normaux (51, 22.4%), SHBG basse isolée (7, 3.1%), hyperplasie surrénalienne congénitale non-classique (4, 1.8%), et tumeur ovarienne (2, 0.9%). Nous avons comparé les divers traitements médicaux de l'hirsutisme publiés au cours des 25 dernières années, quant à leur efficacité et leur coût. La sensibilisation à l'insuline avec metformin est moins efficace, mais aussi moins chère. L'anti-androgène flutamide et l'inhibiteur de la 5-α reductase finastéride figurent parmi les traitements les plus performants, mais ils sont aussi les plus chers. Le traitement anti-androgénique et de suppression hormonale avec acétate de cyprotérone et éthinyloestradiol, utilisé dans cette étude, est également parmi les plus efficaces, tout en étant nettement moins cher. Cette étude est la première comparant directement les taux d'androgènes et la prévalence de l'oligoaménorrhée dans les 3 symptômes cutanés d'hyperandrogénie, hirsutisme, acné et alopécie, et elle démontre leur différente dépendance aux androgènes. La salive apparait comme un milieu de choix pour identifier ces patientes et la recommandation actuelle de doser la testostérone plasmatique totale en premier, pour distinguer l'hyperandrogénie de l'hirsutisme idiopathique, nous paraît inadéquate. Nous proposons, au contraire, d'abandonner ce dosage au profit de celui de la testostérone salivaire. Par ailleurs, notre étude infirme l'hypothèse d'une sensibilité cutanée accrue aux androgènes chez les femmes originaires du sud de l'Europe. Finalement, elle est la seule à comparer les effets cliniques, les changements biologiques et le coût annuel des traitements publiés de l'hirsutisme.
Hirsutism, acne, alopecia, and oligo-amenorrhea are clinical expressions of hyperandrogenism, one of the most frequent endocrine disorders in women of reproductive age. Women referred to our endocrine clinics for skin symptoms of hyperandrogenism underwent a laboratory workup to evaluate hormone measurements and received antiandrogen therapy. We retrospectively analyzed the outcome of 228 consecutive patients investigated over 6 years.Patients with hirsutism had higher levels of androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), and salivary testosterone; lower levels of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG); and a higher prevalence of oligo-amenorrhea than patients with alopecia, while patients with acne showed intermediate values. Hirsutism score correlated positively with androstenedione, DHEAS, and salivary testosterone, and correlated negatively with SHBG; salivary testosterone showed the highest correlation coefficient. Total testosterone was not significantly different among patients with hirsutism, alopecia, or acne, and did not significantly correlate with hirsutism score. Hirsutism and oligo-amenorrhea were the most sensitive symptoms of hyperandrogenism, and no androgenic parameter alone allowed us to identify all cases of hyperandrogenism.Patients of central European origin sought consultation with milder hirsutism scores than patients of southern European origin. There was, however, no difference in the clinical-biological correlation between these groups, arguing against differences in skin sensitivity to androgens.Polycystic ovary syndrome, defined as hyperandrogenism (hirsutism or elevated androgens) and oligo-amenorrhea, was diagnosed in 63 patients (27.6%), an underestimate compared with other reports that include systematic ovarian ultrasound studies. Neither pelvic ultrasound, used in a limited number of cases, nor the luteinizing hormone/follicle-stimulating hormone ratio helped to distinguish patients with polycystic ovary syndrome from the other diagnostic groups. These included hyperandrogenism (hirsutism or elevated androgens) and eumenorrhea (101 patients; 44.3%); normal androgens (acne or alopecia and eumenorrhea) (51 patients; 22.4%); isolated low SHBG (7 patients; 3.1%); nonclassical congenital adrenal hyperplasia (4 patients; 1.8% of total, 4.9% of patients undergoing cosyntropin stimulation tests); and ovarian tumor (2 patients; 0.9%).Ethinylestradiol and high-dose cyproterone acetate treatment lowered the hirsutism score to 53.5% of baseline at 1 year, and was also effective in treating acne and alopecia. The clinical benefit is ascribed to the peripheral antiandrogenic effect of cyproterone acetate as well as the hormone-suppressive effect of this combination. Salivary testosterone showed the most marked proportional decrease of all the androgens under treatment. Cost-effectiveness and tolerance of ethinylestradiol and high-dose cyproterone acetate compared well with other antiandrogenic drug therapies for hirsutism. The less potent therapy with spironolactone only, a peripheral antiandrogen without hormone-suppressive effect, was effective in treating isolated alopecia in patients with normal androgens.
BACKGROUND: Breast cancer risk for postmenopausal women is positively associated with circulating concentrations of oestrogens and androgens, but the determinants of these hormones are not well understood. METHODS: Cross-sectional analyses of breast cancer risk factors and circulating hormone concentrations in more than 6000 postmenopausal women controls in 13 prospective studies. RESULTS: Concentrations of all hormones were lower in older than younger women, with the largest difference for dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEAS), whereas sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) was higher in the older women. Androgens were lower in women with bilateral ovariectomy than in naturally postmenopausal women, with the largest difference for free testosterone. All hormones were higher in obese than lean women, with the largest difference for free oestradiol, whereas SHBG was lower in obese women. Smokers of 15+ cigarettes per day had higher levels of all hormones than non-smokers, with the largest difference for testosterone. Drinkers of 20+ g alcohol per day had higher levels of all hormones, but lower SHBG, than non-drinkers, with the largest difference for DHEAS. Hormone concentrations were not strongly related to age at menarche, parity, age at first full-term pregnancy or family history of breast cancer. CONCLUSION: Sex hormone concentrations were strongly associated with several established or suspected risk factors for breast cancer, and may mediate the effects of these factors on breast cancer risk.
ABSTRACT: INTRODUCTION: Prospective epidemiologic studies have consistently shown that levels of circulating androgens in postmenopausal women are positively associated with breast cancer risk. However, data in premenopausal women are limited. METHODS: A case-control study nested within the New York University Women's Health Study was conducted. A total of 356 cases (276 invasive and 80 in situ) and 683 individually-matched controls were included. Matching variables included age and date, phase, and day of menstrual cycle at blood donation. Testosterone, androstenedione, dehydroandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) were measured using direct immunoassays. Free testosterone was calculated. RESULTS: Premenopausal serum testosterone and free testosterone concentrations were positively associated with breast cancer risk. In models adjusted for known risk factors of breast cancer, the odds ratios for increasing quintiles of testosterone were 1.0 (reference), 1.5 (95% confidence interval (CI), 0.9 to 2.3), 1.2 (95% CI, 0.7 to 1.9), 1.4 (95% CI, 0.9 to 2.3) and 1.8 (95% CI, 1.1 to 2.9; Ptrend = 0.04), and for free testosterone were 1.0 (reference), 1.2 (95% CI, 0.7 to 1.8), 1.5 (95% CI, 0.9 to 2.3), 1.5 (95% CI, 0.9 to 2.3), and 1.8 (95% CI, 1.1 to 2.8, Ptrend = 0.01). A marginally significant positive association was observed with androstenedione (P = 0.07), but no association with DHEAS or SHBG. Results were consistent in analyses stratified by tumor type (invasive, in situ), estrogen receptor status, age at blood donation, and menopausal status at diagnosis. Intra-class correlation coefficients for samples collected from 0.8 to 5.3 years apart (median 2 years) in 138 cases and 268 controls were greater than 0.7 for all biomarkers except for androstenedione (0.57 in controls). CONCLUSIONS: Premenopausal concentrations of testosterone and free testosterone are associated with breast cancer risk. Testosterone and free testosterone measurements are also highly reliable (that is, a single measurement is reflective of a woman's average level over time). Results from other prospective studies are consistent with our results. The impact of including testosterone or free testosterone in breast cancer risk prediction models for women between the ages of 40 and 50 years should be assessed. Improving risk prediction models for this age group could help decision making regarding both screening and chemoprevention of breast cancer.
OBJETIVO: reavaliar a função adrenal em pacientes com síndrome dos ovários policísticos, após a introdução dos critérios de Roterdã. MÉTODOS: estudo descritivo de corte transversal, incluindo 53 pacientes com média de idade de 26±5,1 anos. Glicose, hemoglobina glicada, lipídios, estradiol, progesterona, 17-OHP4, DHEAS, FSH, LH, TSH, PRL, androstenediona, tiroxina livre, insulina, testosterona total, SHBG e índice de androgênios livres foram estimados. Resistência à insulina, examinada pelo modelo homeostático, foi admitida com índice >2,8. A resposta adrenal à cortrosina foi avaliada pelo incremento hormonal observado após 60 minutos e área sobre a curva. RESULTADOS: entre as 53 pacientes elegíveis, hiperandrogenismo bioquímico foi encontrado em 43 (81,1%). Trinta e três delas, com idade de 25,1±5,0 anos, apresentaram hiperandrogenismo adrenal (62,2%), pesavam 74,9±14,9 kg; tinham IMC de 28,8±6,0 e razão cintura/quadril de 0,8±0,1. DHEAS foi >6,7 nmol/L em 13 (39,4%) e androstenendiona >8,7 nmol/L em 31 (93,9%). Cortisol, 17-OHP4, A e progesterona tiveram incremento de 153%, 163%, 32% e 79%, respectivamente. O modelo usado para avaliar a resistência á insulina foi >2,8 em 14 (42,4%). Não foi encontrada correlação entre as concentrações de insulina ou estradiol com as de cortisol ou androgênios. CONCLUSÕES: a utilização de múltiplos parâmetros hormonais revela alta prevalência de hiperandrogenismo bioquímico na SOP, sendo que as adrenais têm participação em dois terço dos casos. Níveis de estradiol e insulina não influenciam a secreção adrenal de androgênios e cortisol.
Em pacientes portadores de fibromialgia, a administração de doses farmacológicas de DHEA ocasionou redução da sensação de dor muscular e fadiga, o que permitiu inferir seu envolvimento na modulação da percepção dolorosa. É sabido que a DHEA pode ser convertida, tanto perifericamente como no SNC, em sua forma sulfatada (DHEAS) por ação de enzimas sulfotransferases, tendo esta papel na modulação da nocicepção. Outro hormônio esteróide com ação sobre a nocicepção é a progesterona, cuja administração resultou em efeitos anestésicos e sedativos. A maioria destes resultados foram obtidos em mamíferos e humanos. Todavia, um estudo recente demonstrou que o tecido encefálico de rã foi capaz de sintetizar esteróides a partir de colesterol, sendo este processo de biossíntese similar àquele descrito em mamíferos. Deste modo, o presente estudo utilizou a rã Rana catesbeiana, adulta, macho, para determinar os efeitos da administração aguda (1,0, 2,0 e 10,0 mg/kg) e crônica (2,0 mg/kg) de DHEA, DHEAS e progesterona sobre o limiar nociceptivo das mesmas. Este limiar foi determinado pela utilização do teste químico do ácido acético, o qual foi realizado 2 horas antes da administração das soluções e após 2, 6 e 24 horas nos estudos de tratamento agudo e 48 horas após o término da última injeção nos estudos crônicos, sendo que nestes as rãs receberam 6 injeções subcutâneas, havendo entre cada administração um intervalo de 72 horas. Foram utilizados 3 grupos: controle, veículos e tratados. No tratamento agudo, as doses de 1,0 e 2,0 mg/kg de DHEA, DHEAS e progesterona não ocasionaram modificações estatisticamente significativas no limiar nociceptivo das rãs. Já a dose de 10,0 mg/kg de DHEA e DHEAS induziu um acréscimo significativo no limiar nociceptivo destes animais. Esta alteração não foi observada nas rãs tratadas com progesterona nesta dose. Entretanto, a administração crônica de DHEA, DHEAS e progesterona, provocou aumento estatisticamente significativo no limiar nociceptivo das rãs. A interrupção da administração de DHEA por 05 dias resultou no retorno do limiar nociceptivo a valores semelhantes àqueles obtidos antes das injeções subcutâneas de DHEA. A repetição deste tratamento por mais 07 dias ocasionou um novo aumento no limiar nociceptivo das rãs. Estes resultados sugerem que o efeito antinociceptivo destes esteróides apareceram precocemente na evolução dos vertebrados, estando ainda presente em humanos. Assim, as rãs, constituem modelos experimentais que poderão contribuir para o esclarecimento dos mecanismos celulares de ação da DHEA, da DHEAS e da progesterona sobre a nocicepção, tema ainda muito especulativo na neurociência.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a contribuição do hiperandrogenismo para o desenvolvimento da síndrome metabólica (SM) em mulheres obesas com ou sem Síndrome dos Ovários Policísticos (SOP). MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal retrospectivo no qual foram incluídas 60 mulheres obesas com fenótipo clássico da SOP - Consenso de Rotterdam - e 70 obesas sem SOP. A SM foi diagnosticada pelos critérios do NCEP-ATP III. A obesidade foi definida pelo índice de massa corpórea e o hirsutismo, pelo Índice de Ferriman-Gallwey (IFG). As dosagens realizadas foram: testosterona total, sulfato de dehidroepiandrosterona (SDHEA), insulina e glicose, colesterol total, HDL e triglicerídios. A resistência insulínica (RI) foi avaliada pelo HOMA-IR e pelo índice de sensibilidade à insulina de Matsuda e De Fronzo. A analise estatística foi realizada com o teste t de Student, teste do χ² e análise de regressão logística multivariada (p<0,05). RESULTADOS: As obesas com SOP apresentaram significativamente maiores valores de IFG (15,4±6,1), circunferência da cintura (105,6±11,4 cm), testosterona (135,8±71,4 ng/dL), SDHEA (200,8±109,2 µg/dL), HOMA-IR (8,4±8,5) e menores valores de ISI (2,0±1,8) quando comparadas às obesas não SOP (3,2±2,1; 101,4±9,2 cm; 50,0±18,2 ng/dL; 155,0±92,7 µg/dL; 5,1±4,7; 3,3±2,7, respectivamente) (p<0,05). A frequência de SM foi significativamente maior nas obesas com SOP (75%) do que nas obesas não SOP (52,8%) (p=0,01). A análise multivariada não demonstrou contribuição das variávies IFG, testoterona total e SDHEA para o desenvolvimento da SM (p>0,05). CONCLUSÃO: Mulheres obesas com SOP apresentam maior frequência de SM quando comparadas às obesas não SOP. O hiperandrogenismo não mostrou influência nesse grupo de mulheres estudadas.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Children who experience early pubertal development have an increased risk of developing cancer (breast, ovarian, and testicular), osteoporosis, insulin resistance, and obesity as adults. Early pubertal development has been associated with depression, aggressiveness, and increased sexual prowess. Possible explanations for the decline in age of pubertal onset include genetics, exposure to environmental toxins, better nutrition, and a reduction in childhood infections. In this study we (1) evaluated the association between 415 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from hormonal pathways and early puberty, defined as menarche prior to age 12 in females and Tanner Stage 2 development prior to age 11 in males, and (2) measured endocrine hormone trajectories (estradiol, testosterone, and DHEAS) in relation to age, race, and Tanner Stage in a cohort of children from Project HeartBeat! At the end of the 4-year study, 193 females had onset of menarche and 121 males had pubertal staging at age 11. African American females had a younger mean age at menarche than Non-Hispanic White females. African American females and males had a lower mean age at each pubertal stage (1-5) than Non-Hispanic White females and males. African American females had higher mean BMI measures at each pubertal stage than Non-Hispanic White females. Of the 415 SNPs evaluated in females, 22 SNPs were associated with early menarche, when adjusted for race ( p<0.05), but none remained significant after adjusting for multiple testing by False Discovery Rate (p<0.00017). In males, 17 SNPs were associated with early pubertal development when adjusted for race (p<0.05), but none remained significant when adjusted for multiple testing (p<0.00017). ^ There were 4955 hormone measurements taken during the 4-year study period from 632 African American and Non-Hispanic White males and females. On average, African American females started and ended the pubertal process at a younger age than Non-Hispanic White females. The mean age of Tanner Stage 2 breast development in African American and Non-Hispanic White females was 9.7 (S.D.=0.8) and 10.2 (S.D.=1.1) years, respectively. There was a significant difference by race in mean age for each pubertal stage, except Tanner Stage 1 for pubic hair development. Both Estradiol and DHEAS levels in females varied significantly with age, but not by race. Estradiol and DHEAS levels increased from Tanner Stage 1 to Tanner Stage 5.^ African American males had a lower mean age at each Tanner Stage of development than Non-Hispanic White males. The mean age of Tanner Stage 2 genital development in African American and Non-Hispanic White males was 10.5 (S.D.=1.1) and 10.8 (S.D.=1.1) years, respectively, but this difference was not significant (p=0.11). Testosterone levels varied significantly with age and race. Non-Hispanic White males had higher levels of testosterone than African American males from Tanner Stage 1-4. Testosterone levels increased for both races from Tanner Stage 1 to Tanner Stage 5. Testosterone levels had the steepest increase from ages 11-15 for both races. DHEAS levels in males varied significantly with age, but not by race. DHEAS levels had the steepest increase from ages 14-17. ^ In conclusion, African American males and females experience pubertal onset at a younger age than Non-Hispanic White males and females, but in this study, we could not find a specific gene that explained the observed variation in age of pubertal onset. Future studies with larger study populations may provide a better understanding of the contribution of genes in early pubertal onset.^
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and its sulfate derivative (DHEAS) are the most abundant steroids produced by the human adrenal, but no receptors have been identified for these steroids, and no function for them has been established, other than as precursors for sex steroid synthesis. DHEA and DHEAS are found in brains from many species, and we have shown that enzymes crucial for their synthesis, especially P450c17 (17α-hydroxylase/c17,20 lyase), are expressed in a developmentally regulated, region-specific fashion in the developing rodent brain. One region of embryonic expression of P450c17, the neocortical subplate, has been postulated to play a role in guiding cortical projections to their appropriate targets. We therefore determined if products of P450c17 activity, DHEA and DHEAS, regulated the motility and/or growth of neocortical neurons. In primary cultures of mouse embryonic neocortical neurons, DHEA increased the length of neurites containing the axonal marker Tau-1, and the incidence of varicosities and basket-like process formations in a dose-dependent fashion. These effects could be seen at concentrations normally found in the brain. By contrast, DHEAS had no effect on Tau-1 axonal neurites but increased the length of neurites containing the dendritic marker microtubule-associated protein-2. DHEA rapidly increased free intracellular calcium via activation of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors. These studies provide evidence of mechanisms by which DHEA and DHEAS exert biological actions, show that they have specific functions other than as sex steroid precursors, mediate their effects via non-classic steroid hormone receptors, and suggest that their developmentally regulated synthesis in vivo may play crucial and different roles in organizing the neocortex.
A cross-sectional survey was made in 56 exceptionally healthy males, ranging in age from 20 to 84 years. Measurements were made of selected steroidal components and peptidic hormones in blood serum, and cognitive and physical tests were performed. Of those blood serum variables that gave highly significant negative correlations with age (r > −0.6), bioavailable testosterone (BT), dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), and the ratio of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) to growth hormone (GH) showed a stepwise pattern of age-related changes most closely resembling those of the age steps themselves. Of these, BT correlated best with significantly age-correlated cognitive and physical measures. Because DHEAS correlated well with BT and considerably less well than BT with the cognitive and physical measures, it seems likely that BT and/or substances to which BT gives rise in tissues play a more direct role in whatever processes are rate-limiting in the functions measured and that DHEAS relates more indirectly to these functions. The high correlation of IGF-1/GH with age, its relatively low correlation with BT, and the patterns of correlations of IGF-1/GH and BT with significantly age-correlated cognitive and physical measures suggest that the GH–IGF-1 axis and BT play independent roles in affecting these functions. Serial determinations made after oral ingestion of pregnenolone and data from the literature suggest there is interdependence of steroid metabolic systems with those operational in control of interrelations in the GH–IGF-1 axis. Longitudinal concurrent measurements of serum levels of BT, DHEAS, and IGF-1/GH together with detailed studies of their correlations with age-correlated functional measures may be useful in detecting early age-related dysregulations and may be helpful in devising ameliorative approaches.
In human beings of both sexes, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) circulating in blood is mostly an adrenally secreted steroid whose serum concentration (in the micromolar range and 30–50% higher in men than in women) decreases with age, toward ≈20–10% of its value in young adults during the 8th and 9th decades. The mechanism of action of DHEA and DHEAS is poorly known and may include partial transformation into sex steroids, increase of bioavailable insulin-like growth factor I, and effects on neurotransmitter receptors. Whether there is a cause-to-effect relationship between the decreasing levels of DHEAS with age and physiological and pathological manifestations of aging is still undecided, but this is of obvious theoretical and practical interest in view of the easy restoration by DHEA administration. Here we report on 622 subjects over 65 years of age, studied for the 4 years since DHEAS baseline values had been obtained, in the frame of the PAQUID program, analyzing the functional, psychological, and mental status of a community-based population in the south-west of France. We confirm the continuing decrease of DHEAS serum concentration with age, more in men than in women, even if men retain higher levels. Significantly lower values of baseline DHEAS were recorded in women in cases of functional limitation (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living), confinement, dyspnea, depressive symptomatology, poor subjective perception of health and life satisfaction, and usage of various medications. In men, there was a trend for the same correlations, even though not statistically significant in most categories. No differences in DHEAS levels were found in cases of incident dementia in the following 4 years. In men (but not in women), lower DHEAS was significantly associated with increased short-term mortality at 2 and 4 years after baseline measurement. These results, statistically established by taking into account corrections for age, sex, and health indicators, suggest the need for further careful trials of the administration of replacement doses of DHEA in aging humans. Indeed, the first noted results of such “treatment” are consistent with correlations observed here between functional and psychological status and endogenous steroid serum concentrations.
Hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal underactivity has been reported in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). This phenomenon has implications with regard to the pathogenesis and treatment of the disease. The present study was designed to evaluate the secretion of the adrenal androgen dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) and its relation to clinical variables in RA, spondyloarthropathy (Spa), and undifferentiated inflammatory arthritis (UIA). Eighty-seven patients (38 with RA, 29 with Spa, and 20 with UIA) were studied, of whom 54 were women. Only 12 patients (14%) had taken glucocorticoids previously. Age-matched, healthy women (134) and men (149) served as controls. Fasting blood samples were taken for determination of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), serum DHEAS and insulin, and plasma glucose. Insulin resistance was estimated by the homeostasis-model assessment (HOMAIR). DHEAS concentrations were significantly decreased in both women and men with inflammatory arthritis (IA) (P < 0.001). In 24 patients (28%), DHEAS levels were below the lower extreme ranges found for controls. Multiple intergroup comparisons revealed similarly decreased concentrations in each disease subset in both women and men. After the ESR, previous glucocorticoid usage, current treatment with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, duration of disease and HOMAIR were controlled for, the differences in DHEAS levels between patients and controls were markedly attenuated in women (P = 0.050) and were no longer present in men (P = 0.133). We concluded that low DHEAS concentrations are commonly encountered in IA and, in women, this may not be fully explainable by disease-related parameters. The role of hypoadrenalism in the pathophysiology of IA deserves further elucidation. DHEA replacement may be indicated in many patients with IA, even in those not taking glucocorticoids.