350 resultados para DELICIOUS APPLES
In this research, the effects of three different holding periods (6, 12 and 24 hours) prior to storage on the quality attributes of Starking Delicious apples were investigated during storage of 8 months at 0.5 ± 1.0 ºC. Changes in weight loss, flesh firmness, pH values, soluble dry matter amount, titratable acidity values, ascorbic acid contents, and total and reducing sugar content were determined. According to the results, the holding period showed statistically significant changes in the quality attributes of the apples (p < 0.05).
This study aimed to analyze the cuticle thickness and pattern of epicuticular wax deposition in 'Gala' and 'Galaxy' apple cultivars (Malus domestica Borkh,) from three Brazilian producing areas: Vacaria (RS), Fraiburgo (SC) and Sao Joaquim (SC) with altitudes of 971, 1,048 and 1,353m, respectively. Harvested fruit were kept under two storage conditions: regular atmosphere (RA) (0 degrees C and 90% RH) and controlled atmosphere (CA) (1.5% O-2, 2.5% CO2, 0 degrees C and 90% RH). Cuticle thickness measurements were made using LM and the deposition pattern of epicuticular wax observed with a SEM. Altitude among the apple producing areas was not a factor in deposition pattern of waxes between the cultivars but at higher altitudes, the cuticle was thicker in both the cultivars. In the freshly-harvested fruits, waxes deposition in the form of platelets and the mechanism of "tear and repair" were observed. Severity of microcracks in the cuticle was more evident on the fruits from CA.
The cultivation of dessert apples has to meet the consumer's increasing demand for high fruit quality and a sustainable mostly residue-free production while ensuring a competitive agricultural productivity. It is therefore of great interest to know the impact of different cultivation methods on the fruit quality and the chemical composition, respectively. Previous studies have demonstrated the feasibility of High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning (HR-MAS) NMR spectroscopy directly performed on apple tissue as analytical tool for metabonomic studies. In this study, HR-MAS NMR spectroscopy is applied to apple tissue to analyze the metabolic profiles of apples grown under 3 different cultivation methods. Golden Delicious apples were grown applying organic (Bio), integrated (IP) and low-input (LI) plant protection strategies. A total of 70 1H HR-MAS NMR spectra were analyzed by means of principle component analysis (PCA) and partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA). Apples derived from Bio-production could be well separated from the two other cultivation methods applying both, PCA and PLS-DA. Apples obtained from integrated (IP) and low-input (LI) production discriminated when taking the third PLS-component into account. The identified chemical composition and the compounds responsible for the separation, i.e. the PLS-loadings, are discussed. The results are compared with fruit quality parameters assessed by conventional methods. The present study demonstrates the potential of HR-MAS NMR spectroscopy of fruit tissue as analytical tool for finding markers for specific fruit production conditions like the cultivation method.
This study evaluated the efficacy of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from fresh fruits and vegetables as biocontrol agents against the phytopathogenic and spoilage bacteria and fungi, Xanthomonas campestris, Erwinia carotovora, Penicillium expansum, Monilinia laxa, and Botrytis cinerea. The antagonistic activity of 496 LAB strains was tested in vitro and all tested microorganisms except P. expansum were inhibited by at least one isolate. The 496 isolates were also analyzed for the inhibition of P. expansum infection in wounds of Golden Delicious apples. Four strains (TC97, AC318, TM319, and FF441) reduced the fungal rot diameter of the apples by 20%; only Weissella cibaria strain TM128 decreased infection levels by 50%. Cell-free supernatants of selected antagonistic bacteria were studied to determine the nature of the antimicrobial compounds produced. Organic acids were the preferred mediators of inhibition but hydrogen peroxide was also detected when strains BC48, TM128, PM141 and FF441 were tested against E. carotovora. While previous reports of antifungal activity by LAB are scarce, our results support the potential of LAB as biocontrol agents against postharvest rot. [Int Microbiol 2008; 11(4):231-236]
La present tesi doctoral es centra en l'aplicació dels bacteris de l'àcid lactic (BAL) com a agents bioprotectors davant microorganismes patògens i deteriorants.Es van aïllar i seleccionar BAL de fruites i hortalisses fresques i es van assajar in vitro davant 5 microorganismes fitopatògens i 5 patògens humans.Es van realitzar assajos d'eficàcia en pomes Golden Delicious amb tots els aïllats enfront les infeccions causades pel fong Penicillium expansum. La soca més eficaç era Weissella cibaria TM128, que reduïa el diàmetre de les infeccions en un 50%.Les soques seleccionades es van assajar enfront els patògens Salmonella typhimurium, Escherichia coli i Listeria monocytogenes en enciams Iceberg i pomes Golden Delicious.Els BAL interferien eficientment amb el creixemet de S. typhimurium, and L. monocytogenes, però van mostrar poc efecte enfront E. coli.Finalment, es van realitzar assajos dosi-resposta amb les soques Leuconostoc mesenteroides CM135, CM160 and PM249 enfront L. monocytogenes. De totes les soques assajades, la soca CM160 va ser la més efectiva.
Cloudy apple juice has been found to develop off-flavors during storage in daylight. The development of off-flavors and volatile compounds was monitored in reconstituted juice prepared from 'Golden Delicious' and 'Fuji' apple concentrates stored in glass bottles under fluorescent light (3000 Ix, 8 degrees C). A strong metallic off-flavor was formed by photooxidation. A major contributor to the off-flavor was identified as 1-octen-3-one by gas chromatography-olfactometry. In addition, six volatile compounds, pentanal, 2-methyl-1-penten-3-one, hexanal, (E)-2-heptenal, 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one, and (E)-2octenal, increased significantly after light exposure and could contribute to the off-flavor. Except for pentanal and hexanal, these volatiles were found only after light exposure. Higher levels of volatiles were observed in juice from 'Golden Delicious' apples than in juice from 'Fuji' apples, and this difference was consistent with higher levels of suspended solids. When the suspended solids were removed by centrifugation, the development of volatiles on exposure to light was reduced significantly.
Mealiness is a textural attribute related to an internal fruit disorder that involves quality loss. It is characterised by the combination of abnormal softness of the fruit and absence of free juiciness in the mouth when eaten by the consumer. Recent research concluded with the development of precise instrumental procedure to measure a scale of mealiness based on the combination of several rheological properties and empirical magnitudes. In this line, time-domain laser reflectance spectroscopy (TDRS) is a medical technology, new in agrofood research, which is capable of obtaining physical and chemical information independently and simultaneously, and this can be of interest to characterise mealiness. Using VIS & NIR lasers as light sources, TDRS was applied in this work to Golden Delicious and Cox apples (n=90), conforming several batches of untreated samples and storage-treated (20°C & 95%RH) to promote the development of mealiness. The collected database was clustered into different groups according to their instrumental test values (Barreiro et al, 1998). The optical coefficients were used as explanatory variables when building discriminant analysis functions for mealiness, achieving a classification score above 80% of correctly identified mealy versus fresh apples.
Mealiness is a textural attribute related to an internal fruit disorder that involves quality loss. It is characterised by the combination of abnormal softness of the fruit and absence of free juiciness in the mouth when eaten by the consumer. Recent research concluded with the development of precise instrumental procedure to measure a scale of mealiness based on the combination of several rheological properties and empirical magnitudes. In this line, time-domain laser reflectance spectroscopy (TDRS) is a new medical technology, used to characterise the optical properties of tissues, and to locate affected areas like tumours. Among its advantages compared to more traditional spectroscopic techniques, there is the feasibility to asses simultaneously and independently two optical parameters: the absorption of the light inside the irradiated body, and the scattering of the photons across the tissues, at each wavelength, generating two coefficients (µa, absorption coeff.; and µ's, transport scattering coeff.). If it is assumed that they are related respectively to chemical components and to physical properties of the sample, TDRS can be applied to the quantification of chemicals and the measurement of the rheological properties (i.e. mealiness estimation) at the same time. Using VIS & NIR lasers as light sources, TDRS was applied in this work to Golden Delicious and Cox apples (n=90), conforming several batches of untreated samples and storage-treated (20°C & 95%RH) to promote the development of mealiness. The collected database was clustered into different groups according to their instrumental test values (Barreiro et al, 1998). The optical coefficients were used as explanatory variables when building discriminant analysis functions for mealiness, achieving a classification score above 80% of correctly identified mealy versus fresh apples.
Dissertation presented to obtain a Ph.D degree in Engineering and Technology Sciences, Biotechnology at the Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
La producción frutícola española es muy importante y los problemas relacionados con su conservación, sobre todo desde la entrada de España en la UE, tienen un interés peculiar con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad y disminuir el uso de los productos susceptibles de perjudicar la salud humana. Para conseguir avances importantes en el aspecto tecnológico se precisa una profundización en los fenómenos bioquímicos que determinan las capacidades de conservación del fruto. Dentro de la complejidad de esta temática, este proyecto pretende determinar los factores bioquímicos involucrados en el control de podredumbres en la fruta y más específicamente los factores endógenos que determinan la resistencia del fruto a este tipo de daños. El objetivo general de este proyecto era de definir los mecanismos bioquímicos involucrados en la resistencia de la manzana ‘Golden Delicious’ contra la acción de un patógeno: Penicillium expansum. Para lograr este objetivo se plantearon las diferentes tareas: Tarea 1 (T1): determinación de madurez y del estado fisiológico a la cosecha Tarea 2 (T2): determinación de las capacidades de resistencia endógenas iniciales e influencia del estado de madurez a la cosecha Tarea 3 (T3): respuesta inicial a una inoculación artificial: cambios bioquímicos y sensibilidad al patógeno Tarea 4 (T4): comportamiento después de conservación: respuesta a una inoculación (cambios bioquímicos y sensibilidad al patógeno) y sensibilidad natural durante la conservación Tarea 5 (T5): determinación de un esquema explicativo y caracterización de los factores bioquímicos determinantes Tarea 6 (T6): elaboración de un test de predicción.
Complemento para Microsoft Word 2007 encargado de incluir marcadores de una cuenta Delicious como notas al final de un documento.
In the scenario of social bookmarking, a user browsing the Web bookmarks web pages and assigns free-text labels (i.e., tags) to them according to their personal preferences. In this technical report, we approach one of the practical aspects when it comes to represent users' interests from their tagging activity, namely the categorization of tags into high-level categories of interest. The reason is that the representation of user profiles on the basis of the myriad of tags available on the Web is certainly unfeasible from various practical perspectives; mainly concerning the unavailability of data to reliably, accurately measure interests across such fine-grained categorisation, and, should the data be available, its overwhelming computational intractability. Motivated by this, our study presents the results of a categorization process whereby a collection of tags posted at Delicious #http://delicious.com# are classified into 200 subcategories of interest.
Organic producers have limited methods of avoiding plant diseases that result in cosmetic damage to produce. Therefore, the appearance of organic produce is often less than perfect. We use an experimental auction to investigate how cosmetic damage affects consumers’ willingness to pay for organic apples. We find that 75% of the participants are willing to pay more for organic than for conventional apples given identical appearance. However, at the first sight of any imperfection in the appearance of the organic apples, this segment is significantly reduced. Furthermore, we find that there is a significant effect of interaction between cosmetic damage and product methods. Even though most consumers say they buy organic products to avoid pesticides, we find that cosmetic damage has a larger impact on the willingness to pay for organic apples than for conventional apples.