8 resultados para DEGU


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Background: Placentas of guinea pig-related rodents are appropriate animal models for human placentation because of their striking similarities to those of humans. To optimize the pool of potential models in this context, it is essential to identify the occurrence of characters in close relatives. Methods: In this study we first analyzed chorioallantoic placentation in the prea, Galea spixii, as one of the guinea pig's closest relatives. Material was collected from a breeding group at the University of Mossoro, Brazil, including 18 individuals covering an ontogenetic sequence from initial pregnancy to term. Placentas were investigated by means of histology, electron microscopy, immunohistochemistry (vimentin, alpha-smooth muscle actin, cytokeration) and proliferation activity (PCNA). Results: Placentation in Galea is primarily characterized by an apparent regionalization into labyrinth, trophospongium and subplacenta. It also has associated growing processes with clusters of proliferating trophoblast cells at the placental margin, internally directed projections and a second centre of proliferation in the labyrinth. Finally, the subplacenta, which is temporarily supplied in parallel by the maternal and fetal blood systems, served as the center of origin for trophoblast invasion. Conclusion: Placentation in Galea reveals major parallels to the guinea pig and other caviomorphs with respect to the regionalization of the placenta, the associated growing processes, as well as trophoblast invasion. A principal difference compared to the guinea pig occurred in the blood supply of the subplacenta. Characteristics of the invasion and expanding processes indicate that Galea may serve as an additional animal model that is much smaller than the guinea pig and where the subplacenta partly has access to both maternal and fetal blood systems.


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Aims: To investigate the expression of sboA and ituD genes among strains of Bacillus spp. at different pH and temperature. Methods and Results: Different Bacillus strains from the Amazon basin and Bacillus subtilis ATCC 19659 were investigated for the production of subtilosin A and iturin A by qRT-PCR, analysing sboA and ituD gene expression under different culture conditions. Amazonian strains presented a general gene expression level lower than B. subtilis ATCC 19659 for sboA. In contrast, when analysing the expression of ituD gene, the strains from the Amazon, particularly P40 and P45B, exhibited higher levels of expression. Changes in pH (6 and 8) and temperature (37 and 42 degrees C) caused a decrease in sboA expression, but increased ituD expression among strains from Amazonian environment. Conclusions: Temperature and pH have an important influence on the expression of genes sboA (subtilosin A) and ituD (iturin A) among Bacillus spp. The strains P40 and P45B can be useful for the production of antimicrobial peptide iturin A. Significance and Impact of the Study: Monitoring the expression of essential biosynthetic genes by qRT-PCR is a valuable tool for optimization of the production of antimicrobial peptides.


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Eduardo Sevilla Guzmán il·lustra l'especificitat de vàries disciplines centrades en el medi rural a partir de la seva pròpia experiència. Tal i com explica en l'entrevista, la seva deriva cap a les Ciències Socials es degué a la necessitat de sostreure's al domini que els interessos de latifundistes i multinacionals exercien sobre la recerca en l'escola d'enginyers on treballava. Més endavant, la necessitat de cercar una alternativa al que es coneix com agricultura "convencional" el dugué a focalitzar la seva atenció en l'estudi d'altres formes històriques i contemporànies de manejar els recursos naturals, confluint ¿amb la incorporació dels sabers locals i científics en Ciències Naturals- en l'Agroecologia. En tot aquest camí ha seguit de prop i col·laborat amb el SOC (Sindicato de Obreros del Campo), històrica i combativa associació de jornalers andalusos, i establert una xarxa internacional d'aliances acadèmiques i activistes en el camp dels estudis i les lluites camperoles. La seva aposta ¿com veurem tot seguit- és a favor d'un tipus d'investigació militant i pluriepistemològica.


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Aquest article és una crònica de la recepció que va tenir Virginia Woolf a Catalunya fins a final de la guerra civil espanyola. Més enllà de consignar els comentaris que van suscitar les traduccions de Mrs. Dalloway (1931) i Flush (1938), es reconstrueixen les principals línies crítiques del discurs sobre l¿escriptora, en el qual hi van tenir molt pes qüestions tant d¿ordre moral com estètic. En darrer terme, l¿estudi demostra que la tèbia rebuda de Woolf es degué al fet que ben aviat es va considerar que ni les traduccions de la seva obra ni la seva influència literària podien col¿laborar a consolidar un públic lector de novel¿les en català.


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The evolutionary history of Hystricognathi is associated with major transformations in their placental system. Data so far indicate that key characters are independent from size dimensions in medium to very large species. To better understand the situation in smaller species, we analyzed placental development in a spiny rat, Thrichomys laurentinus. Fourteen individuals ranging from early implantation to near term were investigated by histology, immunohistochemistry, proliferation activity and electron microscopy. Placentation in Thrichomys revealed major parallels to the guinea pig and other hystricognath rodents with respect to the early and invasive implantation, the process of trophoblast invasion, the internal organization of the labyrinth and the trophospongium as well as the establishment of the complete inverted yolk sac placenta. In contrast to systematically related small-sized species, the placental regionalization in Thrichomys was characterized by a remarkable lobulated structure and associated growing processes. Reverse to former perspectives, these conditions represented ancient character states of hystricognaths. The subplacenta was temporarily supplied by both the maternal and fetal blood systems, a rare condition among hystricognaths. The extraplacental trophoblast originating from the subplacenta was partly proliferative in mid gestation. In conclusion, the presented results indicated that only minor variations occurred in small-sized hystricognath species, independent of their systematic interrelationships. Previous views were supported that placentation in hystricognaths followed an extraordinary stable pattern, although the group had distinct habitats in South America and Africa that were separated 30-40 million years ago. J. Exp. Zool. (Mol. Dev. Evol.) 318:13-25, 2012. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Alestes baremoze (Joannis, 1835), locally known as Angara in Uganda, is native to fresh water systems in Africa, thriving well in both lacustrine and riverine conditions. It is part of the routine diets of families in northern Uganda, South Sudan, the Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The objective of this study was to determine the proximate composition and mineral contents of A. baremoze fillets according to fish size. The mineral contents of A. baremoze from Lake Albert were analysed using standard procedures. The fish samples were categorised into three size-groups; <1 kg (880–990g), 1-1.5 kg and 1.6-2.5 kg. On wet weight basis, there were no significant differences (p>0.05) in crude protein and ash content among the different fish sizes. However, there were significant differences (p<0.05) in crude fat, carbohydrate, gross energy and vitamin A. Crude fat (0.35%), carbohydrate (0.37%) and gross energy (597.6 Kcal/100 g) were significantly higher in medium sized fish (1 to 1.5 kg) compared with the larger fish category. Vitamin A contents of different fish sizes ranged from 55.1 to75.3 μg RAE/100g. The contents of magnesium and iron were highest in sizes <1 kg (5.34 mg/100 g) and (3.58 mg/100 g), respectively. It was observed that potassium content (339.33 mg/100 g) and calcium (29.75 mg/100 g) were significantly higher (p<0.05) in fish >1.5 kg. These findings suggest that taste, freshness and other related external appearances should not be the only factors to be considered in making choice for marketing and consumption of Alestes baremoze.