996 resultados para DC-sign


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This study evaluated four polymorphisms located in the DC-SIGN (CD209) gene promoter region (positions -336, -332 -201 and -139) in DNA samples from four Brazilian ethnic groups (Caucasians, Afro-Brazilian, Asians and Amerindians) to establish the population distribution of these single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and correlated DC-SIGN polymorphisms and infection in samples from human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1)-infected individuals. To identify CD209 SNPs, 452 bp of the CD209 promoter region were sequenced and the genotype and allelic frequencies were evaluated. This is the first study to show genetic polymorphism in the CD209 gene in distinct Brazilian ethnic groups with the distribution of allelic and genotypic frequency. The results showed that -336A and -139A SNPs were quite common in Asians and that the -201T allele was not observed in Caucasians, Asians or Amerindians. No significant differences were observed between individuals with HTLV-1 disease and asymptomatic patients. However, the -336A variant was more frequent in HTLV-1 -infected patients [HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP), 80%; healthy asymptomatic HTLV-1 carriers, 90 %] than in the control group (70 %) [P=0.0197, odds ratio (OR)=2.511, 95 % confidence interval (CI)=1.218-5.179). In addition, the -139A allele was found to be associated with protection against HTLV-1 infection (P=0.0037, OR=0.3758, 95% CI=0.1954-0.7229) when the HTLV-1 -infected patients as a whole were compared with the healthy-control group. These observations suggest that the -139A allele may be associated with HTLV-1 infection, although no significant association was observed among asymptomatic and HAM/TSP patients. In conclusion, the variation observed in SNPs -336 and -139 indicates that this lectin may be of crucial importance in the susceptibility/transmission of HTLV-1 infections.


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The recognition of pathogen-derived structures by C-type lectins and the chemotactic activity mediated by the CCL2/CCR2 axis are critical steps in determining the host immune response to fungi. The present study was designed to investigate whether the presence of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within DC-SIGN, Dectin-1, Dectin-2, CCL2 and CCR2 genes influence the risk of developing Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis (IPA). Twenty-seven SNPs were selected using a hybrid functional/tagging approach and genotyped in 182 haematological patients, fifty-seven of them diagnosed with proven or probable IPA according to the 2008 EORTC/MSG criteria. Association analysis revealed that carriers of the Dectin-1(rs3901533 T/T) and Dectin-1(rs7309123 G/G) genotypes and DC-SIGN(rs4804800 G), DC-SIGN(rs11465384 T), DC-SIGN(7248637 A) and DC-SIGN(7252229 C) alleles had a significantly increased risk of IPA infection (OR = 5.59 95%CI 1.37-22.77; OR = 4.91 95%CI 1.52-15.89; OR = 2.75 95%CI 1.27-5.95; OR = 2.70 95%CI 1.24-5.90; OR = 2.39 95%CI 1.09-5.22 and OR = 2.05 95%CI 1.00-4.22, respectively). There was also a significantly increased frequency of galactomannan positivity among patients carrying the Dectin-1(rs3901533_T) allele and Dectin-1(rs7309123_G/G) genotype. In addition, healthy individuals with this latter genotype showed a significantly decreased level of Dectin-1 mRNA expression compared to C-allele carriers, suggesting a role of the Dectin-1(rs7309123) polymorphism in determining the levels of Dectin-1 and, consequently, the level of susceptibility to IPA infection. SNP-SNP interaction (epistasis) analysis revealed significant interactions models including SNPs in Dectin-1, Dectin-2, CCL2 and CCR2 genes, with synergistic genetic effects. Although these results need to be further validated in larger cohorts, they suggest that Dectin-1, DC-SIGN, Dectin-2, CCL2 and CCR2 genetic variants influence the risk of IPA infection and might be useful in developing a risk-adapted prophylaxis.


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The CD209 gene family that encodes C-type lectins in primates includes CD209 (DC-SIGN), CD209L (L-SIGN) and CD209L2. Understanding the evolution of these genes can help understand the duplication events generating this family, the process leading to the repeated neck region and identify protein domains under selective pressure. We compiled sequences from 14 primates representing 40 million years of evolution and from three non-primate mammal species. Phylogenetic analyses used Bayesian inference, and nucleotide substitutional patterns were assessed by codon-based maximum likelihood. Analyses suggest that CD209 genes emerged from a first duplication event in the common ancestor of anthropoids, yielding CD209L2 and an ancestral CD209 gene, which, in turn, duplicated in the common Old World primate ancestor, giving rise to CD209L and CD209. K(A)/K(S) values averaged over the entire tree were 0.43 (CD209), 0.52 (CD209L) and 0.35 (CD209L2), consistent with overall signatures of purifying selection. We also assessed the Toll-like receptor (TLR) gene family, which shares with CD209 genes a common profile of evolutionary constraint. The general feature of purifying selection of CD209 genes, despite an apparent redundancy (gene absence and gene loss), may reflect the need to faithfully recognize a multiplicity of pathogen motifs, commensals and a number of self-antigens


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The arenavirus Lassa virus (LASV) causes a severe hemorrhagic fever with high mortality in humans. Antigen-presenting cells, in particular dendritic cells (DCs), are early and preferred targets of LASV, and their productive infection contributes to the virus-induced immunosuppression observed in fatal disease. Here, we characterized the role of the C-type lectin DC-specific ICAM-3-grabbing nonintegrin (DC-SIGN) in LASV entry into primary human DCs using a chimera of the prototypic arenavirus lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) expressing the LASV glycoprotein (rLCMV-LASVGP). We found that differentiation of human primary monocytes into DCs enhanced virus attachment and entry, concomitant with the upregulation of DC-SIGN. LASV and rLCMV-LASVGP bound to DC-SIGN via mannose sugars located on the N-terminal GP1 subunit of LASVGP. We provide evidence that DC-SIGN serves as an attachment factor for rLCMV-LASVGP in monocyte-derived immature dendritic cells (MDDC) and can accelerate the capture of free virus. However, in contrast to the phlebovirus Uukuniemi virus (UUKV), which uses DC-SIGN as an authentic entry receptor, productive infection with rLCMV-LASVGP was less dependent on DC-SIGN. In contrast to the DC-SIGN-mediated cell entry of UUKV, entry of rLCMV-LASVGP in MDDC was remarkably slow and depended on actin, indicating the use of different endocytotic pathways. In sum, our data reveal that DC-SIGN can facilitate cell entry of LASV in human MDDC but that its role seems distinct from the function as an authentic entry receptor reported for phleboviruses.


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La transmission mère-enfant du VIH-1 (TME) représente le principal mode d’infection chez l’enfant et se produit durant la grossesse (in utero, IU), l’accouchement (intrapartum, IP) ou l’allaitement (postpartum, PP). Les mécanismes qui sous-tendent le passage du VIH-1 à travers le placenta et les muqueuses intestinales du nouveau-né sont encore très peu décrits. « Dendritic cell-specific ICAM-grabbing non-integrin » (DC-SIGN) et son homologue DC-SIGN « related » (DC-SIGNR) sont des récepteurs d’antigènes exprimés au niveau du placenta et capables de capter et de transmettre le VIH-1 aux cellules adjacentes. Ils pourraient donc participer au passage trans placentaire du VIH-1 et le polymorphisme génétique affectant l’expression ou modifiant l’interaction avec le virus aurait une influence sur la TME du VIH-1. Afin d’explorer cette hypothèse, nous avons procédé à une analyse exhaustive du polymorphisme de DC-SIGN et DC-SIGNR dans la population du Zimbabwe. Par la suite, nous avons déterminé l’association entre le polymorphisme de DC-SIGN et DC-SIGNR et la TME du VIH-1 dans une cohorte d’enfants nés de mères VIH-positives à Harare, au Zimbabwe. Enfin, nous avons défini l’impact fonctionnel des mutations associées. Les enfants homozygotes pour les haplotypes H1 et H3 dans le gène de DC-SIGNR sont 4 à 6 fois plus à risque de contracter le VIH-1 par voie IU et IP. H1 et H3 contiennent la mutation du promoteur p-198A et la mutation de l’intron 2, int2-180A, et des études fonctionnelles nous ont permis de démontrer que p-198A diminue l’activité transcriptionnelle du promoteur de DC-SIGNR et l’expression des transcrits d’ARNm dans le placenta, alors que int2-180A modifie le répertoire d’isoformes de DC-SIGNR vers une proportion diminuée d’isoformes membranaires. Les enfants porteurs des haplotypes H4 et H6 de DC-SIGN sont 2 à 6 fois plus à risque de contracter le VIH-1 par voie IU. Ces haplotypes contiennent deux mutations du promoteur (p-336T/C et p-201C/A) et quatre mutations codant pour un changement d’acide aminé dans l’exon 4 (R198Q, E214D, R221Q ou L242V) associées à un risque augmenté de transmission IU, IP et PP du VIH-1. Des études fonctionnelles ont démontré que les mutations du promoteur diminuent l’expression de DC-SIGN dans les macrophages placentaires. Toutefois, l’exposition IU au VIH-1 module le niveau d’expression de DC-SIGN, résultant en des niveaux d’expression similaires entre les macrophages des porteurs des allèles sauvages et mutés. Les mutations de l’exon 4 augmentent l’affinité de DC-SIGN pour le VIH-1 et sa capacité à capturer et à transmettre le virus aux lymphocytes T, favorisant possiblement la dissémination du VIH-1 à travers le placenta. L’association entre les mutations de DC-SIGN et la transmission IP et PP du VIH-1 suggèrent qu’il aurait aussi un rôle à jouer dans les muqueuses intestinales de l’enfant. Notre étude démontre pour la première fois l’implication de DC-SIGN et DC-SIGNR dans la TME du VIH-1. L’augmentation des capacités de capture et de transmission de DC-SIGN résulte en une susceptibilité accrue de l’enfant à l’infection au VIH-1 et concorde avec un rôle dans la dissémination transplacentaire. Toutefois, la diminution préférentielle des transcrits membranaires de DC-SIGNR au placenta augmente la TME du VIH-1 et laisse croire à son implication via un autre mécanisme. Ces mécanismes pourraient aussi s’appliquer à d’autres pathogènes reconnus par DC-SIGN et DC-SIGNR et transmis de la mère à l’enfant.


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Mannose-binding C-type lectin receptors, expressed on Langerhans cells and subepithelial dendritic cells (DCs) of cervico-vaginal tissues, play an important role in HIV-1 capture and subsequent dissemination to lymph nodes. DC-SIGN has been implicated in both productive infection of DCs and the DC-mediated trans infection of CD4(+) T cells that occurs in the absence of replication. However, the molecular events that underlie this efficient transmission have not been fully defined. In this study, we have examined the effect of the extracellular domains of DC-SIGN and Langerin on the stability of the interaction of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein with CD4 and also on replication in permissive cells. Surface plasmon resonance analysis showed that DC-SIGN increases the binding affinity of trimeric gp140 envelope glycoproteins to CD4. In contrast, Langerin had no effect on the stability of the gp140:CD4 complex. In vitro infection experiments to compare DC-SIGN enhancement of CD4-dependent and CD4-independent strains demonstrated significantly lower enhancement of the CD4-independent strain. In addition DC-SIGN increased the relative rate of infection of the CD4-dependent strain but had no effect on the CD4-independent strain. DC-SIGN binding to the HIV envelope protein effectively increases exposure of the CD4 binding site, which in turn contributes to enhancement of infection.


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The role of dendritic cells (DCs) in disease progression of primary cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) is not well understood. With their unique ability to induce primary immune responses as well as immunotolerance, DCs play a critical role in mediation of anti-tumor immune responses. Tumor-infiltrating DCs have been determined to represent important prognostic factors in a variety of human tumors.


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Immature dendritic cells (DC) reside in tissues where they initiate immune responses by taking up foreign antigens. Since DC have a limited tissue half-life, the DC pool in tissues has to be replenished constantly. This implies that precursor/immature DC must be able to cross non-activated endothelium using as yet unknown mechanisms. Here we show that immature, but not mature bone marrow-derived murine DC migrate across resting endothelial monolayers in vitro. We find that endothelial intercellular adhesion molecule-2 (ICAM-2) is a major player in transendothelial migration (TEM) of immature DC, accounting for at least 41% of TEM. Surprisingly, the ICAM-2-mediated TEM was independent of beta2-integrins, the known ICAM-2 ligands, since neither blocking of beta2-integrins with antibodies nor the use of CD18-deficient DC affected the ICAM-2-specific TEM. In humans, the C-type lectin DC-specific ICAM-3-grabbing nonintegrin (DC-SIGN) was shown to interact with ICAM-2, suggesting a similar role in mice. However, we find that none of the murine DC-SIGN homologues mDC-SIGN, murine DC-SIGN-related molecule-1 (mSIGN-R1) and mSIGN-R3 is expressed on the surface of bone marrow-derived mouse DC. Taken together, this study shows that ICAM-2 strongly supports transmigration of immature DC across resting endothelium by interacting with ligands that are distinct from beta2-integrins and DC-SIGN homologues.


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DC-SIGN, a C-type lectin expressed on the surface of dendritic cells (DCs), efficiently binds and transmits HIVs and simian immunodeficiency viruses to susceptible cells in trans. A DC-SIGN homologue, termed DC-SIGNR, has recently been described. Herein we show that DC-SIGNR, like DC-SIGN, can bind to multiple strains of HIV-1, HIV-2, and simian immunodeficiency virus and transmit these viruses to both T cell lines and human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Binding of virus to DC-SIGNR was dependent on carbohydrate recognition. Immunostaining with a DC-SIGNR-specific antiserum showed that DC-SIGNR was expressed on sinusoidal endothelial cells in the liver and on endothelial cells in lymph node sinuses and placental villi. The presence of this efficient virus attachment factor on multiple endothelial cell types indicates that DC-SIGNR could play a role in the vertical transmission of primate lentiviruses, in the enabling of HIV to traverse the capillary endothelium in some organs, and in the presentation of virus to CD4-positive cells in multiple locations including lymph nodes.


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Airway epithelial cells have been shown to drive differentiation of monocytes into dendritic cells (DC) with suppressive phenotype. In this study we investigated the impact of virus-induced inflammatory mediator production on DC development. Monocyte differentiation into functional DC, as reflected by the expression of CD11c, CD123, BDCA-4 and DC-SIGN and the capacity to activate T cells, was similar for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)- and mock-infected BEAS-2B and A549 cells. RSV-conditioned culture media resulted in a partially mature DC phenotype, but failed to upregulate CD80, CD83, CD86 and CCR7 and failed to release pro-inflammatory mediators upon TLR triggering. Nevertheless, these DCs were able to maintain an antiviral response by the release of type I IFN. Collectively, these data indicate that the airway epithelium maintains an important suppressive DC phenotype under inflammatory conditions induced by RSV infection.


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Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the inflammatory cell subset proportions in the upper gingival connective tissue, including mature dendritic cells (DC) in elderly and younger patients with generalized chronic periodontitis in order to further understand the effect of aging on gingival inflammatory phenomenon. Methods: Gingival tissue specimens presenting chronic periodontitis from 8 elderly patients aged >75 (test group, group T) and from 8 younger patients aged 50-60 (considered as controls, group C) were analysed by immunohistochemistry using monoclonal antibodies against CD45RB, CD4, CD8, CD19, CD68, DC-SIGN, DC-LAMP molecules. The number of each immunolabelled cells subset was counted using image analysis. Results: The difference in the number of CD45RB + leucocytes in the upper gingival connective tissue between groups was not significant permitting to use it as reference. As compared. to group C, the lymphocyte subsets/CD45RB + leucocytes ratios tended to decrease in group T but the decrease was significant only for CD4 + T lymphocytes/ CD45RB + cells ratio (p < 0.03). On the opposite, the ratios of antigen-presenting cells DC-SIGN + cells/CD45RB + cells and DC-LAMP + cells/CD45RB + cells were significantly increased;(p < 0.03 and <0.0001, respectively) in group T. Moreover, in group T the DC-LAMP + cells/DC-SIGN + cells ratio was significantly increased (p < 0.05) showing an increased number of matured dendritic cells. Conclusion: During chronic periodontitis in elderly patients, our results show a decrease in the ratio of gingival CD4 + lymphocyte subset associated with an increase in the ratios of antigen-presenting cells subsets and more particularly maturated DC-LAMP + dendritic cells. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Dendritic cells (DCs) are important targets for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) because of their roles during transmission and also maintenance of immune competence. Furthermore, DCs are a key cell in the development of HIV vaccines. In both these settings the mechanism of binding of the HIV envelope protein gp120 to DCs is of importance. Recently a single C-type lectin receptor (CLR), DC-SIGN, has been reported to be the predominant receptor on monocyte-derived DCs (MD-DCs) rather than CD4. In this study a novel biotinylated gp120 assay was used to determine whether CLR or CD4 were predominant receptors on MDDCs and ex vivo blood DCs. CLR bound more than 80% of gp120 on MDDCs, with residual binding attributable to CD4, reconfirming that CLRs were the major receptors for gp120 on MDDCs. However, in contrast to recent reports, gp120 binding to at least 3 CLRs was observed: DC-SIGN, mannose receptor, and unidentified trypsin resistant CLR(s). In marked contrast, freshly isolated and cultured CD11c(+ve) and CD11c(-ve) blood DCs only bound gp120 via CD4. In view of these marked differences between MDDCs and blood DCs, HIV capture by DCs and transfer mechanisms to T cells as well as potential antigenic processing pathways will need to be determined for each DC phenotype. (Blood. 2001;98:2482-2488) (C) 2001 by The American Society of Hematology.


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Background: Dendritic cells (DC) are believed to be one of the first cell types infected during HIV transmission. Recently a single C-type lectin receptor (CLR), DC-SIGN, has been reported to be the predominant receptor on monocyte derived DC (MDDC) rather than CD4. The role of other CLRs in HIV binding and HIV binding by CLRs on other types of DC in vivo is largely unknown. Objectives and study design: Review HIV binding to DC populations, both in vitro and in vivo, in light of the immense interest of a recently re-identified CLR called DC-SIGN. Results and conclusions: From recent work, it is clear that immature MDDC have a complex pattern of HIV gp120 binding. In contrast to other cell types gp120 has the potential to bind to several receptors on DC including CD4 and several types of C type lectin receptor, not just exclusively DC-SIGN. Given the diverse types of DC in vivo future work will need to focus on defining the receptors for HIV binding to these different cell types. Mucosal transmission of HIV in vivo targets immature sessile DCs, including Langerhans cells which lack DC-SIGN. The role of CLRs and DC-SIGN in such transmission remains to be defined. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Airway epithelial cells were shown to drive the differentiation of monocytes into dendritic cells (DCs) with a suppressive phenotype. In this study, we investigated the impact of virus-induced inflammatory mediator production on the development of DCs. Monocyte differentiation into functional DCs, as reflected by the expression of CD11c, CD123, BDCA-4, and DC-SIGN and the capacity to activate T cells, was similar for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)-infected and mock-infected BEAS-2B and A549 cells. RSV-conditioned culture media resulted in a partially mature DC phenotype, but failed to up-regulate CD80, CD83, CD86, and CCR7, and failed to release proinflammatory mediators upon Toll-like receptor (TLR) triggering. Nevertheless, these DCs were able to maintain an antiviral response by the release of Type I IFN. Collectively, these data indicate that the airway epithelium maintains an important suppressive DC phenotype under the inflammatory conditions induced by infection with RSV.


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Low molecular weight dextran sulfate (DXS) has been reported to inhibit the classical, alternative pathway as well as the mannan-binding lectin pathway of the complement system. Furthermore, it acts as an endothelial cell protectant inhibiting complement-mediated endothelial cell damage. Endothelial cells are covered with a layer of heparan sulfate (HS), which is rapidly released under conditions of inflammation and tissue injury. Soluble HS induces maturation of dendritic cells (DC) via TLR4. In this study, we show the inhibitory effect of DXS on human DC maturation. DXS significantly prevents phenotypic maturation of monocyte-derived DC and peripheral myeloid DC by inhibiting the up-regulation of CD40, CD80, CD83, CD86, ICAM-1, and HLA-DR and down-regulates DC-SIGN in response to HS or exogenous TLR ligands. DXS also inhibits the functional maturation of DC as demonstrated by reduced T cell proliferation, and strongly impairs secretion of the proinflammatory mediators IL-1beta, IL-6, IL-12p70, and TNF-alpha. Exposure to DXS leads to a reduced production of the complement component C1q and a decreased phagocytic activity, whereas C3 secretion is increased. Moreover, DXS was found to inhibit phosphorylation of IkappaB-alpha and activation of NF-kappaB. These findings suggest that DXS prevents TLR-induced maturation of human DC and may therefore be a useful reagent to impede the link between innate and adaptive immunity.