951 resultados para DC-DC power conversion


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For the development of communication systems such as Internet of Things, integrating communication with power supplies is an attractive solution to reduce supply cost. This paper presents a novel method of power/signal dual modulation (PSDM), by which signal transmission is integrated with power conversion. This method takes advantage of the intrinsic ripple initiated in switch mode power supplies as signal carriers, by which cost-effective communications can be realized. The principles of PSDM are discussed, and two basic dual modulation methods (specifically PWM/FSK and PWM/PSK) are concluded. The key points of designing a PWM/FSK system, including topology selection, carrier shape, and carrier frequency, are discussed to provide theoretical guidelines. A practical signal modulation-demodulation method is given, and a prototype system provides experimental results to verify the effectiveness of the proposed solution.


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High voltage power supplies for radar applications are investigated which are subjected to pulsed load with stringent specifications. In the proposed solution, power conversion is done in two stages. A low power-high frequency converter modulates the input voltage of a high power-low frequency converter. This method satisfies all the performance specifications and takes care of the critical aspects of HV transformer.


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For intelligent DC distributed power systems, data communication plays a vital role in system control and device monitoring. To achieve communication in a cost effective way, power/signal dual modulation (PSDM), a method that integrates data transmission with power conversion, can be utilized. In this paper, an improved PSDM method using phase shift full bridge (PSFB) converter is proposed. This method introduces a phase control based freedom in the conventional PSFB control loop to realize communication using the same power conversion circuit. In this way, decoupled data modulation and power conversion are realized without extra wiring and coupling units, and thus the system structure is simplified. More importantly, the signal intensity can be regulated by the proposed perturbation depth, and so this method can adapt to different operating conditions. Application of the proposed method to a DC distributed power system composed of several PSFB converters is discussed. A 2kW prototype system with an embedded 5kbps communication link has been implemented, and the effectiveness of the method is verified by experimental results.


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This project is funded by European Research Council in FP7; grant no 259328, 2010 and EPSRC grant no EP/K006428/1, 2013.


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This project is funded by European Research Council in FP7; grant no 259328, 2010 and EPSRC grant no EP/K006428/1, 2013.


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In the education of physical sciences, the role of the laboratory cannot be overemphasised. It is the laboratory exercises which enable the student to assimilate the theoretical basis, verify the same through bench-top experiments, and internalize the subject discipline to acquire mastery of the same. However the resources essential to put together such an environment is substantial. As a result, the students go through a curriculum which is wanting in this respect. This paper presents a low cost alternative to impart such an experience to the student aimed at the subject of switched mode power conversion. The resources are based on an open source circuit simulator (Sequel) developed at IIT Mumbai, and inexpensive construction kits developed at IISc Bangalore. The Sequel programme developed by IIT Mumbai, is a circuit simulation program under linux operating system distributed free of charge. The construction kits developed at IISc Bangalore, is fully documented for anyone to assemble these circuit which minimal equipment such as soldering iron, multimeter, power supply etc. This paper puts together a simple forward dc to dc converter as a vehicle to introduce the programming under sequel to evaluate the transient performance and small signal dynamic model of the same. Bench tests on the assembled construction kit may be done by the student for study of operation, transient performance and closed loop stability margins etc.


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High voltage power supplies for radar applications are investigated, which are subjected to pulsed load (125 kHz and 10% duty cycle) with stringent specifications (<0.01% regulation, efficiency>85%, droop<0.5 V/micro-sec.). As good regulation and stable operation requires the converter to be switched at much higher frequency than the pulse load frequency, transformer poses serious problems of insulation failure and higher losses. This paper proposes a methodology to tackle the problems associated with this type of application. Synchronization of converter switching with load pulses enables the converter to switch at half the load switching frequency. Low switching frequency helps in ensuring safety of HV transformer insulation and reduction of losses due to skin and proximity effect. Phase-modulated series resonant converter with ZVS is used as the power converter.


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High voltage power supplies for radar applications are investigated, which are subjected to pulsed load (125 kHz and 10% duty cycle) with stringent specifications (<0.01% regulation, efficiency>85%, droop<0.5 V/micro-sec.). As good regulation and stable operation requires the converter to be switched at much higher frequency than the pulse load frequency, transformer poses serious problems of insulation failure and higher losses. Few converter topologies are proposed to tackle these problems. A study is made regarding the beat frequency oscillations that may exist with pulsed loading. It is illustrated with respect to the proposed converter topologies. Methods are proposed to eliminate or minimize these oscillations.


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Single-phase DC/AC power electronic converters suffer from pulsating power at double the line frequency. The commonest practice to handle the issue is to provide a huge electrolytic capacitor for smoothening out the ripple. But, the electrolytic capacitors having short end of lifetimes limit the overall lifetime of the converter. Another way of handling the ripple power is by active power decoupling (APD) using the storage devices and a set of semiconductor switches. Here, a novel topology has been proposed implementing APD. The topology claims the benefit of 1) reduced stress on converter switches 2) using smaller capacitance value thus alleviating use of electrolytic capacitor in turn improving the lifetime of the converter. The circuit consists of a third leg, a storage capacitor and a storage inductor. The analysis and the simulation results are shown to prove the effectiveness of the topology.


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Single-phase DC/AC power electronic converters suffer from pulsating power at double the line frequency. The commonest practice to handle the issue is to provide a huge electrolytic capacitor for smoothening out the ripple. But, the electrolytic capacitors having short end of lifetimes limit the overall lifetime of the converter. Another way of handling the ripple power is by active power decoupling (APD) using the storage devices and a set of semiconductor switches. Here, a novel topology has been proposed implementing APD. The topology claims the benefit of 1) reduced stress on converter switches 2) using smaller capacitance value thus alleviating use of electrolytic capacitor in turn improving the lifetime of the converter. The circuit consists of a third leg, a storage capacitor and a storage inductor. The analysis and the simulation results are shown to prove the effectiveness of the topology.


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This thesis is concerned with inductive charging of electric vehicle batteries. Rectified power form the 50/60 Hz utility feeds a dc-ac converter which delivers high-frequency ac power to the electric vehicle inductive coupling inlet. The inlet configuration has been defined by the Society of Automotive Engineers in Recommended Practice J-1773. This thesis studies converter topologies related to the series resonant converter. When coupled to the vehicle inlet, the frequency-controlled series-resonant converter results in a capacitively-filtered series-parallel LCLC (SP-LCLC) resonant converter topology with zero voltage switching and many other desirable features. A novel time-domain transformation analysis, termed Modal Analysis, is developed, using a state variable transformation, to analyze and characterize this multi-resonant fourth-orderconverter. Next, Fundamental Mode Approximation (FMA) Analysis, based on a voltage-source model of the load, and its novel extension, Rectifier-Compensated FMA (RCFMA) Analysis, are developed and applied to the SP-LCLC converter. The RCFMA Analysis is a simpler and more intuitive analysis than the Modal Analysis, and provides a relatively accurate closed-form solution for the converter behavior. Phase control of the SP-LCLC converter is investigated as a control option. FMA and RCFMA Analyses are used for detailed characterization. The analyses identify areas of operation, which are also validated experimentally, where it is advantageous to phase control the converter. A novel hybrid control scheme is proposed which integrates frequency and phase control and achieves reduced operating frequency range and improved partial-load efficiency. The phase-controlled SP-LCLC converter can also be configured with a parallel load and is an excellent option for the application. The resulting topology implements soft-switching over the entire load range and has high full-load and partial-load efficiencies. RCFMA Analysis is used to analyze and characterize the new converter topology, and good correlation is shown with experimental results. Finally, a novel single-stage power-factor-corrected ac-dc converter is introduced, which uses the current-source characteristic of the SP-LCLC topology to provide power factor correction over a wide output power range from zero to full load. This converter exhibits all the advantageous characteristics of its dc-dc counterpart, with a reduced parts count and cost. Simulation and experimental results verify the operation of the new converter.


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Experimental, analytical and simulated data are presented in this article to assess the performance of electrodeposited nickel-iron within a novel solenoid microinductor. A design flowchart highlights the primary design principles when developing a microscale magnetic component for DC-DC power converters. Thermal modeling is used to predict the operational conditions that generate undesirable thermal generation within the component. Operating at 0.5MHz, the microinductor achieves an efficiency and power density of 78% and 7.8 W/cm3, respectively.


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Electrolytic capacitors are extensively used in power converters but they are bulky, unreliable, and have short lifetimes. This paper proposes a new capacitor-free high step-up dc-dc converter design for renewable energy applications such as photovoltaics (PVs) and fuel cells. The primary side of the converter includes three interleaved inductors, three main switches, and an active clamp circuit. As a result, the input current ripple is greatly reduced, eliminating the necessity for an input capacitor. In addition, zero voltage switching (ZVS) is achieved during switching transitions for all active switches, so that switching losses can be greatly reduced. Furthermore, a three-phase modular structure and six pulse rectifiers are employed to reduce the output voltage ripple. Since magnetic energy stored in the leakage inductance is recovered, the reverse-recovery issue of the diodes is effectively solved. The proposed converter is justified by simulation and experimental tests on a 1-kW prototype.


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Renewable energy is high on international and national agendas. Currently, grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) systems are a popular technology to convert solar energy into electricity. Existing PV panels have a relatively low and varying output voltage so that the converter installed between the PVs and the grid should be equipped with high step-up and versatile control capabilities. In addition, the output current of PV systems is rich in harmonics which affect the power quality of the grid. In this paper, a new multi-stage hysteresis control of a step-up DC-DC converter is proposed for integrating PVs into a single-phase power grid. The proposed circuitry and control method is experimentally validated by testing on a 600W prototype converter. The developed technology has significant economic implications and could be applied to many distributed generation (DG) systems, especially for the developing countries which have a large number of small PVs connected to their single-phase distribution network.