931 resultados para DC voltage
The intensive use of semiconductor devices enabled the development of a repetitive high-voltage pulse-generator topology from the dc voltage-multiplier (VM) concept. The proposed circuit is based on an odd VM-type circuit, where a number of dc capacitors share a common connection with different voltage ratings in each one, and the output voltage comes from a single capacitor. Standard VM rectifier and coupling diodes are used for charging the energy-storing capacitors, from an ac power supply, and two additional on/off semiconductors in each stage, to switch from the typical charging VM mode to a pulse mode with the dc energy-storing capacitors connected in series with the load. Results from a 2-kV experimental prototype with three stages, delivering a 10-mu s pulse with a 5-kHz repetition rate into a resistive load, are discussed. Additionally, the proposed circuit is compared against the solid-state Marx generator topology for the same peak input and output voltages.
A newly developed solid-state repetitive high-voltage (HV) pulse modulator topology created from the mature concept of the d.c. voltage multiplier (VM) is described. The proposed circuit is based in a voltage multiplier type circuit, where a number of d.c. capacitors share a common connection with different voltage rating in each one. Hence, besides the standard VM rectifier and coupling diodes, two solid-state on/off switches are used, in each stage, to switch from the typical charging VM mode to a pulse mode with the d.c. capacitors connected in series with the load. Due to the on/off semiconductor configuration, in half-bridge structures, the maximum voltage blocked by each one is the d.c. capacitor voltage in each stage. A 2 kV prototype is described and the results are compared with PSPICE simulations.
Technical analysis of Low Voltage Direct Current (LVDC) distribution systems shows that in LVDC transmission the customer voltage quality is higher. One of the problems in LVDC distribution networks that converters both ends of the DC line are required. Because of the converters produce not pure DC voltage, but some fluctuations as well, the huge electrolytic capacitors are required to reduce voltage distortions in the DC-side. This thesis master’s thesis is focused on calculating required DC-link capacitance for LVDC transmission and estimation of the influence of different parameters on the voltage quality. The goal is to investigate the methods of the DC-link capacitance estimation and location in the transmission line.
The purpose of this work is to study voltage control and energy balance of a split DC bus topology within a power electronics equipment connected to the AC mains, such as UPS systems, wind power generators, active filters and FACTS devices. A typical configuration in such equipment has two mains connected converters sharing a common DC bus, one series connected and the other parallel connected. The DC bus is usually composed by a battery or a capacitor bank. In the proposed topology, the DC bus is divided in two sides, interconnected with a buck-boost converter, which controls power flow and DC voltage on both sides. © 2009 IEEE.
Pulsewidth-modulated (PWM) rectifier technology is increasingly used in industrial applications like variable-speed motor drives, since it offers several desired features such as sinusoidal input currents, controllable power factor, bidirectional power flow and high quality DC output voltage. To achieve these features,however, an effective control system with fast and accurate current and DC voltage responses is required. From various control strategies proposed to meet these control objectives, in most cases the commonly known principle of the synchronous-frame current vector control along with some space-vector PWM scheme have been applied. Recently, however, new control approaches analogous to the well-established direct torque control (DTC) method for electrical machines have also emerged to implement a high-performance PWM rectifier. In this thesis the concepts of classical synchronous-frame current control and DTC-based PWM rectifier control are combined and a new converter-flux-based current control (CFCC) scheme is introduced. To achieve sufficient dynamic performance and to ensure a stable operation, the proposed control system is thoroughly analysed and simple rules for the controller design are suggested. Special attention is paid to the estimationof the converter flux, which is the key element of converter-flux-based control. Discrete-time implementation is also discussed. Line-voltage-sensorless reactive reactive power control methods for the L- and LCL-type line filters are presented. For the L-filter an open-loop control law for the d-axis current referenceis proposed. In the case of the LCL-filter the combined open-loop control and feedback control is proposed. The influence of the erroneous filter parameter estimates on the accuracy of the developed control schemes is also discussed. A newzero vector selection rule for suppressing the zero-sequence current in parallel-connected PWM rectifiers is proposed. With this method a truly standalone and independent control of the converter units is allowed and traditional transformer isolation and synchronised-control-based solutions are avoided. The implementation requires only one additional current sensor. The proposed schemes are evaluated by the simulations and laboratory experiments. A satisfactory performance and good agreement between the theory and practice are demonstrated.
In recent years, the network vulnerability to natural hazards has been noticed. Moreover, operating on the limits of the network transmission capabilities have resulted in major outages during the past decade. One of the reasons for operating on these limits is that the network has become outdated. Therefore, new technical solutions are studied that could provide more reliable and more energy efficient power distributionand also a better profitability for the network owner. It is the development and price of power electronics that have made the DC distribution an attractive alternative again. In this doctoral thesis, one type of a low-voltage DC distribution system is investigated. Morespecifically, it is studied which current technological solutions, used at the customer-end, could provide better power quality for the customer when compared with the current system. To study the effect of a DC network on the customer-end power quality, a bipolar DC network model is derived. The model can also be used to identify the supply parameters when the V/kW ratio is approximately known. Although the model provides knowledge of the average behavior, it is shown that the instantaneous DC voltage ripple should be limited. The guidelines to choose an appropriate capacitance value for the capacitor located at the input DC terminals of the customer-end are given. Also the structure of the customer-end is considered. A comparison between the most common solutions is made based on their cost, energy efficiency, and reliability. In the comparison, special attention is paid to the passive filtering solutions since the filter is considered a crucial element when the lifetime expenses are determined. It is found out that the filter topology most commonly used today, namely the LC filter, does not provide economical advantage over the hybrid filter structure. Finally, some of the typical control system solutions are introduced and their shortcomings are presented. As a solution to the customer-end voltage regulation problem, an observer-based control scheme is proposed. It is shown how different control system structures affect the performance. The performance meeting the requirements is achieved by using only one output measurement, when operating in a rigid network. Similar performance can be achieved in a weak grid by DC voltage measurement. An additional improvement can be achieved when an adaptive gain scheduling-based control is introduced. As a conclusion, the final power quality is determined by a sum of various factors, and the thesis provides the guidelines for designing the system that improves the power quality experienced by the customer.
A low-voltage low-power 2nd-order CMOS pseudo-differential bump-equalizer is presented. Its topology comprises a bandpass section with adjustable center frequency and quality factor, together with a programmable current amplifier. The basic building blocks are triode-operating transconductors, tunable by means of either a DC voltage or a digitally controlled current divider. The bump-equalizer as part of a battery-operated hearing aid device is designed for a 1.4V-supply and a 0.35μm CMOS fabrication process. The circuit performance is supported by a set of simulation results, which indicates a center frequency from 600Hz to 2.4kHz, 1≤Q≤5, and an adjustable gain within ±6dB at center frequency. The filter dynamic range lies around 40dB. Quiescent consumption is kept below 12μW for any configuration of the filter.
High voltage electrophoretic deposition (HVEPD) has been developed as a novel technique to obtain vertically aligned forests of one-dimensional nanomaterials for efficient energy storage. The ability to control and manipulate nanomaterials is critical for their effective usage in a variety of applications. Oriented structures of one-dimensional nanomaterials provide a unique opportunity to take full advantage of their excellent mechanical and electrochemical properties. However, it is still a significant challenge to obtain such oriented structures with great process flexibility, ease of processing under mild conditions and the capability to scale up, especially in context of efficient device fabrication and system packaging. This work presents HVEPD as a simple, versatile and generic technique to obtain vertically aligned forests of different one-dimensional nanomaterials on flexible, transparent and scalable substrates. Improvements on material chemistry and reduction of contact resistance have enabled the fabrication of high power supercapacitor electrodes using the HVEPD method. The investigations have also paved the way for further enhancements of performance by employing hybrid material systems and AC/DC pulsed deposition. Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were used as the starting material to demonstrate the HVEPD technique. A comprehensive study of the key parameters was conducted to better understand the working mechanism of the HVEPD process. It has been confirmed that HVEPD was enabled by three key factors: high deposition voltage for alignment, low dispersion concentration to avoid aggregation and simultaneous formation of holding layer by electrodeposition for reinforcement of nanoforests. A set of suitable parameters were found to obtain vertically aligned forests of MWCNTs. Compared with their randomly oriented counterparts, the aligned MWCNT forests showed better electrochemical performance, lower electrical resistance and a capability to achieve superhydrophpbicity, indicating their potential in a broad range of applications. The versatile and generic nature of the HVEPD process has been demonstrated by achieving deposition on flexible and transparent substrates, as well as aligned forests of manganese dioxide (MnO2) nanorods. A continuous roll-printing HVEPD approach was then developed to obtain aligned MWCNT forest with low contact resistance on large, flexible substrates. Such large-scale electrodes showed no deterioration in electrochemical performance and paved the way for practical device fabrication. The effect of a holding layer on the contact resistance between aligned MWCNT forests and the substrate was studied to improve electrochemical performance of such electrodes. It was found that a suitable precursor salt like nickel chloride could be used to achieve a conductive holding layer which helped to significantly reduce the contact resistance. This in turn enhanced the electrochemical performance of the electrodes. High-power scalable redox capacitors were then prepared using HVEPD. Very high power/energy densities and excellent cyclability have been achieved by synergistically combining hydrothermally synthesized, highly crystalline α-MnO2 nanorods, vertically aligned forests and reduced contact resistance. To further improve the performance, hybrid electrodes have been prepared in the form of vertically aligned forest of MWCNTs with branches of α-MnO2 nanorods on them. Large- scale electrodes with such hybrid structures were manufactured using continuous HVEPD and characterized, showing further improved power and energy densities. The alignment quality and density of MWCNT forests were also improved by using an AC/DC pulsed deposition technique. In this case, AC voltage was first used to align the MWCNTs, followed by immediate DC voltage to deposit the aligned MWCNTs along with the conductive holding layer. Decoupling of alignment from deposition was proven to result in better alignment quality and higher electrochemical performance.
A Blumlein line is a particular Pulse Forming Line, PFL, configuration that allows the generation of high-voltage sub-microsecond square pulses, with the same voltage amplitude as the dc charging voltage, into a matching load. By stacking n Blumlein lines one can multiply in theory by n the input dc voltage charging amplitude. In order to understand the operating behavior of this electromagnetic system and to further optimize its operation it is fundamental to theoretically model it, that is to calculate the voltage amplitudes at each circuit point and the time instant that happens. In order to do this, one needs to define the reflection and transmission coefficients where impedance discontinuity occurs. The experimental results of a fast solid-state switch, which discharges a three stage Blumlein stack, will be compared with theoretical ones.
Fast Field Cycling (FFC) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) relaxometers require controlled current sources in order to get accurate flux density with respect to its magnet. The main elements of the proposed solution are a power semiconductor, a DC voltage source and the magnet. The power semiconductor is commanded in order to get a linear control of the flux density. To implement the flux density control, a Hall Effect sensor is used. Furthermore, the dynamic behavior of the current source is analyzed and compared when using a PI controller and a PD2I controller.
Fast Field Cycling (FFC) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) relaxometers require controlled current sources in order to get accurate flux density with respect to its magnet. The main elements of the proposed solution are a power semiconductor, a DC voltage source and the magnet. The power semiconductor is commanded in order to get a linear control of the flux density. To implement the flux density control, a Hall Effect sensor is used. Furthermore, the dynamic behavior of the current source is analyzed and compared when using a PI controller and a PD2I controller.
Dissertação de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Eletrotécnica Ramo Automação e Eletrónica Industrial
This paper presents a single-phase Series Active Power Filter (Series APF) for mitigation of the load voltage harmonic content, while maintaining the voltage on the DC side regulated without the support of a voltage source. The proposed series active power filter control algorithm eliminates the additional voltage source to regulate the DC voltage, and with the adopted topology it is not used a coupling transformer to interface the series active power filter with the electrical power grid. The paper describes the control strategy which encapsulates the grid synchronization scheme, the compensation voltage calculation, the damping algorithm and the dead-time compensation. The topology and control strategy of the series active power filter have been evaluated in simulation software and simulations results are presented. Experimental results, obtained with a developed laboratorial prototype, validate the theoretical assumptions, and are within the harmonic spectrum limits imposed by the international recommendations of the IEEE-519 Standard.
Aquesta tesi explora la possibilitat de fer servir enllaços inductius per a una aplicació de l’automòbil on el cablejat entre la centraleta (ECU) i els sensors o detectors és difícil o impossible. S’han proposat dos mètodes: 1) el monitoratge de sensors commutats (dos possibles estats) via acoblament inductiu i 2) la transmissió mitjançant el mateix principi físic de la potència necessària per alimentar els sensors autònoms remots. La detecció d'ocupació i del cinturó de seguretat per a seients desmuntables pot ser implementada amb sistemes sense fils passius basats en circuits ressonants de tipus LC on l'estat dels sensors determina el valor del condensador i, per tant, la freqüència de ressonància. Els canvis en la freqüència són detectats per una bobina situada en el terra del vehicle. S’ha conseguit provar el sistema en un marge entre 0.5 cm i 3 cm. Els experiments s’han dut a terme fent servir un analitzador d’impedàncies connectat a una bobina primària i sensors comercials connectats a un circuit remot. La segona proposta consisteix en transmetre remotament la potència des d’una bobina situada en el terra del vehicle cap a un dispositiu autònom situat en el seient. Aquest dispositiu monitorarà l'estat dels detectors (d'ocupació i de cinturó) i transmetrà les dades mitjançant un transceptor comercial de radiofreqüència o pel mateix enllaç inductiu. S’han avaluat les bobines necessàries per a una freqüència de treball inferior a 150 kHz i s’ha estudiat quin és el regulador de tensió més apropiat per tal d’aconseguir una eficiència global màxima. Quatre tipus de reguladors de tensió s’han analitzat i comparat des del punt de vista de l’eficiència de potència. Els reguladors de tensió de tipus lineal shunt proporcionen una eficiència de potència millor que les altres alternatives, els lineals sèrie i els commutats buck o boost. Les eficiències aconseguides han estat al voltant del 40%, 25% i 10% per les bobines a distàncies 1cm, 1.5cm, i 2cm. Les proves experimentals han mostrat que els sensors autònoms han estat correctament alimentats fins a distàncies de 2.5cm.
Tässä työssä on tutkittu tasasähkönsiirron tuomia mahdollisuuksia sähkönjakelussa, kun pienjännitedirektiivin pienjännitemäärittelyn soveltamista laajennetaan koskemaan vaihtojännitteen lisäksi myös tasajännitettä. Aiemmin tasasähköjärjestelmiä on käytetty ainoastaan sähköistymisen alkuaikoina 1900-luvun alussa. Viime vuosikymmeninä on sähkönjakelussa käytetty pelkästään vaihtosähköverkkoja, koska tehoelektronisten laitteiden korkea hintataso ja tekniset ominaisuudet ovat mahdollistaneet tasasähkön käytön vain suurjännitteellä. Suomalaisten sähkönkäyttö on lisääntynyt muutamalla prosenttiyksiköllä vuosittain ja kasvun taantumista ei ole odotettavissa lähiaikoina. Samaan aikaan yhteiskunta muuttuu jatkuvasti yhä riippuvaisemmaksi sähköstä ja odotukset toteutuvasta sähkönlaadusta ovat jatkuvasti korkeammat. Sähkönlaadun näkökulmasta ilmasto on tuonut aiempia suurempia haasteita sähkön toimitusvarmuudelle, kun myrskyjen aiheuttamat tuhot ovat olleet yhä entisiä suurempia. Toimitusvarmuuden parantamiseksi ovat muutamat vuosikymmenen alun rajut myrskyt johtaneet pohdintaan tulevien haasteiden hoitamiseksi ja edelleen uuden 3-portaiseen 20/1/0,4 kV vaihtosähköjärjestelmän kehittämiseen. Tasasähkönsiirron avulla halutaan tuoda käyttöön niitä hyötyjä, joita järjestelmän vaihdolla on saavutettavissa. Täysimääräisellä tasajännitteen hyödyntämisellä voidaan saavuttaa mm. aiempaa edullisempia investointivaihtoehtoja,parempi sähkönlaatu, parempi hajautetun tuotannon liitettävyys verkkoon ja erilaisten asiakaskohtaisten laitteiden helppo integroitavuus osaksi jakelujärjestelmää. Tämän työn puitteissa on pohdittu sekä teknisiä ratkaisuja että järjestelmän teknistaloudellista käyttöaluetta. Lisäksi on pyritty hahmottamaan eri tekijöiden vaikutuksia sähkönjakeluun.