5 resultados para DBHF
采用Dirac Brueckner-Hartree-Fock理论方法,计算了零温核物质中每核子的结合能、压强和单核子能量,着重讨论了不同的T矩阵协变表示对核物质中Hugenholtz-Van Hove(HVH)定理满足程度的影响.结果表明:不同的协变表示对核子自能各分量的动量相关性和密度依赖性均有重要影响,进而对核介质中HVH定理的满足程度产生重要影响.在完全的膺矢量表示下,HVH定理遭到了相当大程度的破坏,从而体现出基态关联效应对单核子性质的重要性,并与非相对论BHF理论方法得到的结论一致,因而完全的膺矢量表示要优于膺标量表示.
Within the framework of Dirac Brueckner-Hartree-Fock (DBHF) approach, we calculate the energy per nucleon, the pressure, the nucleon self-energy, and the single-nucleon energy in the nuclear matter by adopting two different covariant representations for T-matrix. We mainly investigate the influence of different covariant representations on the satisfiable extent of the Hugenholtz-Van Hove (HVH) theorem in the nuclear medium in the framework of DBHF. By adopting the two different covariant representations of T-matrix, the predicted nucleon self-energy shows a quite different momentum and density dependence. Different covariant representations affect remarkably the satisfiable extent of the HVH theorem. By adopting the complete pseudo-vector representation of the T-matrix, HVH theorem is largely violated, which is in agreement with the result in the non-relativistic Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approach and reflects the importance of ground state correlations for single nucleon properties in nuclear medium, whereas by using the pseudoscalar representation, the ground state correlation cannot be shown. It indicates that the complete pseudo-vector presentation is more feasible than the pseudo-scalar one.
在BHF理论框架内 ,利用两体现实核力和微观三体核力研究了核物质状态方程 ,仔细计算和分析了核介质中不同的基本微观过程导致的三体核力对核物质状态方程的贡献 ,与相对论DBHF方法的计算进行了比较 .结果表明 ,DBHF方法中包含的对核物质状态方程的主要相对论修正来自于核介质中伴随着自由核子 -反核子对虚激发中间过程对核子相互作用中标量σ介子交换过程介质修正效应所导致的三体核力 ,而来自于其他的基本微观过程的三体核力对核物质状态方程的贡献并不能完全相互抵消 ,它们的总贡献甚至在饱和密度附近也是不能忽略的
We calculate the in-medium nucleon-nucleon scattering cross sections from the G-matrix using the Dirac-Brueckner-Hartree-Fock (DBHF) approach. And we investigate the influence of the different representations of the G-matrix to the cross sections, the difference of which is mainly from the different effective masses.