945 resultados para DARK ENERGY MODELS


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Models with interacting dark energy can alleviate the cosmic coincidence problem by allowing dark matter and dark energy to evolve in a similar fashion. At a fundamental level, these models are specified by choosing a functional form for the scalar potential and for the interaction term. However, in order to compare to observational data it is usually more convenient to use parametrizations of the dark energy equation of state and the evolution of the dark matter energy density. Once the relevant parameters are fitted, it is important to obtain the shape of the fundamental functions. In this paper I show how to reconstruct the scalar potential and the scalar interaction with dark matter from general parametrizations. I give a few examples and show that it is possible for the effective equation of state for the scalar field to cross the phantom barrier when interactions are allowed. I analyze the uncertainties in the reconstructed potential arising from foreseen errors in the estimation of fit parameters and point out that a Yukawa-like linear interaction results from a simple parametrization of the coupling.


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In accelerating dark energy models, the estimates of the Hubble constant, Ho, from Sunyaev-Zerdovich effect (SZE) and X-ray surface brightness of galaxy clusters may depend on the matter content (Omega(M)), the curvature (Omega(K)) and the equation of state parameter GO. In this article, by using a sample of 25 angular diameter distances of galaxy clusters described by the elliptical beta model obtained through the SZE/X-ray technique, we constrain Ho in the framework of a general ACDM model (arbitrary curvature) and a flat XCDM model with a constant equation of state parameter omega = p(x)/rho(x). In order to avoid the use of priors in the cosmological parameters, we apply a joint analysis involving the baryon acoustic oscillations (BA()) and the (MB Shift Parameter signature. By taking into account the statistical and systematic errors of the SZE/X-ray technique we obtain for nonflat ACDM model H-0 = 74(-4.0)(+5.0) km s(-1) Mpc(-1) (1 sigma) whereas for a fiat universe with constant equation of state parameter we find H-0 = 72(-4.0)(+5.5) km s(-1) Mpc(-1)(1 sigma). By assuming that galaxy clusters are described by a spherical beta model these results change to H-0 = 6(-7.0)(+8.0) and H-0 = 59(-6.0)(+9.0) km s(-1) Mpc(-1)(1 sigma), respectively. The results from elliptical description are in good agreement with independent studies from the Hubble Space Telescope key project and recent estimates based on the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe, thereby suggesting that the combination of these three independent phenomena provides an interesting method to constrain the Bubble constant. As an extra bonus, the adoption of the elliptical description is revealed to be a quite realistic assumption. Finally, by comparing these results with a recent determination for a, flat ACDM model using only the SZE/X-ray technique and BAO, we see that the geometry has a very weak influence on H-0 estimates for this combination of data.


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We investigate theoretical and observational aspects of a time-dependent parameterization for the dark energy equation of state w(z), which is a well behaved function of the redshift z over the entire cosmological evolution, i.e., z is an element of [-1, infinity). By using a theoretical algorithm of constructing the quintes-sence potential directly from the w(z) function, we derive and discuss the general features of the resulting potential for the cases in which dark energy is separately conserved and when it is coupled to dark matter. Since the parameterization here discussed allows us to divide the parametric plane in defined regions associated to distinct classes of dark energy models, we use some of the most recent observations from type Ia supernovae, baryon acoustic oscillation peak and Cosmic Microwave Background shift parameter to check which class is observationally preferred. We show that the largest portion of the confidence contours lies into the region corresponding to a possible crossing of the so-called phantom divide line at some point of the cosmic evolution.


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We discuss two Lagrangian interacting dark energy models in the context of the holographic principle. The potentials of the interacting fields are constructed. The models are compared with CMB distance information, baryonic acoustic oscillations, lookback time and the Constitution supernovae sample. For both models, the results are consistent with a nonvanishing interaction in the dark sector of the Universe and the sign of coupling is consistent with dark energy decaying into dark matter, alleviating the coincidence problem-with more than 3 standard deviations of confidence for one of them. However, this is because the noninteracting holographic dark energy model is a bad fit to the combination of data sets used in this work as compared to the cosmological constant with cold dark matter model, so that one needs to introduce the interaction in order to improve this model.


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There are a plethora of dark energy parametrizations that can fit current supernovae Ia data. However, these data are only sensitive to redshifts up to order one. In fact, many of these parametrizations break down at higher redshifts. In this paper we study the effect of dark energy models on the formation of dark halos. We select a couple of dark energy parametrizations which are sensible at high redshifts and compute their effect on the evolution of density perturbations in the linear and non-linear regimes. Using the Press-Schechter formalism we show that they produce distinguishable signatures in the number counts of dark halos. Therefore, future observations of galaxy clusters can provide complementary constraints on the behaviour of dark energy.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In this work we investigate the influence of dark energy on structure formation, within five different cosmological models, namely a concordance $\Lambda$CDM model, two models with dynamical dark energy, viewed as a quintessence scalar field (using a RP and a SUGRA potential form) and two extended quintessence models (EQp and EQn) where the quintessence scalar field interacts non-minimally with gravity (scalar-tensor theories). We adopted for all models the normalization of the matter power spectrum $\sigma_{8}$ to match the CMB data. For each model, we perform hydrodynamical simulations in a cosmological box of $(300 \ {\rm{Mpc}} \ h^{-1})^{3}$ including baryons and allowing for cooling and star formation. We find that, in models with dynamical dark energy, the evolving cosmological background leads to different star formation rates and different formation histories of galaxy clusters, but the baryon physics is not affected in a relevant way. We investigate several proxies for the cluster mass function based on X-ray observables like temperature, luminosity, $M_{gas}$, and $Y_{X}$. We confirm that the overall baryon fraction is almost independent of the dark energy models within few percentage points. The same is true for the gas fraction. This evidence reinforces the use of galaxy clusters as cosmological probe of the matter and energy content of the Universe. We also study the $c-M$ relation in the different cosmological scenarios, using both dark matter only and hydrodynamical simulations. We find that the normalization of the $c-M$ relation is directly linked to $\sigma_{8}$ and the evolution of the density perturbations for $\Lambda$CDM, RP and SUGRA, while for EQp and EQn it depends also on the evolution of the linear density contrast. These differences in the $c-M$ relation provide another way to use galaxy clusters to constrain the underlying cosmology.


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The cosmological constant Λ seems to be a not satisfactory explanation of the late-time accelerated expansion of the Universe, for which a number of experimental evidences exist; therefore, it has become necessary in the last years to consider alternative models of dark energy, meant as cause of the accelerated expansion. In the study of dark energy models, it is important to understand which quantities can be determined starting from observational data, without assuming any hypothesis on the cosmological model; such quantities have been determined in Amendola, Kunz et al., 2012. In the same paper it has been further shown that it is possible to estabilish a relation between the model-independent parameters and the anisotropic stress η, which can be also expressed as a combination of the functions appearing in the most general Lagrangian for the scalar-tensor theories, the Horndeski Lagrangian. In the present thesis, the Fisher matrix formalism is used to perform a forecast on the constraints that will be possible to make on the anisotropic stress η in the future, starting from the estimated uncertainties for the galaxy clustering and weak lensing measurements which will be performed by the European Space Agency Euclid mission, to be launched in 2020. Further, constraints coming from supernovae-Ia observations are considered. The forecast is performed for two cases in which (a) η is considered as depending from redshift only and (b) η is constant and equal to one, as in the ΛCDM model.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Acceleration of the universe has been established but not explained. During the past few years precise cosmological experiments have confirmed the standard big bang scenario of a flat universe undergoing an inflationary expansion in its earliest stages, where the perturbations are generated that eventually form into galaxies and other structure in matter, most of which is non-baryonic dark matter. Curiously, the universe has presently entered into another period of acceleration. Such a result is inferred from observations of extra-galactic supernovae and is independently supported by the cosmic microwave background radiation and large scale structure data. It seems there is a positive cosmological constant speeding up the universal expansion of space. Then the vacuum energy density the constant describes should be about a dozen times the present energy density in visible matter, but particle physics scales are enormously larger than that. This is the cosmological constant problem, perhaps the greatest mystery of contemporary cosmology. In this thesis we will explore alternative agents of the acceleration. Generically, such are called dark energy. If some symmetry turns off vacuum energy, its value is not a problem but one needs some dark energy. Such could be a scalar field dynamically evolving in its potential, or some other exotic constituent exhibiting negative pressure. Another option is to assume that gravity at cosmological scales is not well described by general relativity. In a modified theory of gravity one might find the expansion rate increasing in a universe filled by just dark matter and baryons. Such possibilities are taken here under investigation. The main goal is to uncover observational consequences of different models of dark energy, the emphasis being on their implications for the formation of large-scale structure of the universe. Possible properties of dark energy are investigated using phenomenological paramaterizations, but several specific models are also considered in detail. Difficulties in unifying dark matter and dark energy into a single concept are pointed out. Considerable attention is on modifications of gravity resulting in second order field equations. It is shown that in a general class of such models the viable ones represent effectively the cosmological constant, while from another class one might find interesting modifications of the standard cosmological scenario yet allowed by observations. The thesis consists of seven research papers preceded by an introductory discussion.


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In this work we investigate if a small fraction of quarks and gluons, which escaped hadronization and survived as a uniformly spread perfect fluid, can play the role of both dark matter and dark energy. This fluid, as developed in [1], is characterized by two main parameters: beta, related to the amount of quarks and gluons which act as dark matter; and gamma, acting as the cosmological constant. We explore the feasibility of this model at cosmological scales using data from type Ia Supernovae (SNeIa), Long Gamma-Ray Bursts (LGRB) and direct observational Hubble data. We find that: (i) in general, beta cannot be constrained by SNeIa data nor by LGRB or H(z) data; (ii) gamma can be constrained quite well by all three data sets, contributing with approximate to 78% to the energy matter content; (iii) when a strong prior on (only) baryonic matter is assumed, the two parameters of the model are constrained successfully. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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In this work we show the results obtained applying a Unified Dark Matter (UDM) model with a fast transition to a set of cosmological data. Two different functions to model the transition are tested, and the feasibility of both models is explored using CMB shift data from Planck [1], Galaxy Clustering data from [2] and [3], and Union2.1 SNe Ia [4]. These new models are also statistically compared with the ACDM and quiessence models using Bayes factor through evidence. Bayesian inference does not discard the UDM models in favor of ACDM.


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We reconstruct the interaction rate between dark matter and the holographic dark energy with the parametrized equation of states and the future event horizon as the infrared cutoff length. It is shown that the observational constraints from the 192 type Ia Supernovae (SnIa) and baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) measurement permit the negative interaction in the wide region. Moreover, the usual phenomenological descriptions cannot describe the reconstructed interaction well for many cases. The other possible interaction is also discussed.


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The negative pressure accompanying gravitationally-induced particle creation can lead to a cold dark matter (CDM) dominated, accelerating Universe (Lima et al. 1996 [1]) without requiring the presence of dark energy or a cosmological constant. In a recent study, Lima et al. 2008 [2] (LSS) demonstrated that particle creation driven cosmological models are capable of accounting for the SNIa observations [3] of the recent transition from a decelerating to an accelerating Universe, without the need for Dark Energy. Here we consider a class of such models where the particle creation rate is assumed to be of the form Gamma = beta H + gamma H(0), where H is the Hubble parameter and H(0) is its present value. The evolution of such models is tested at low redshift by the latest SNe Ia data provided by the Union compilation [4] and at high redshift using the value of z(eq), the redshift of the epoch of matter - radiation equality, inferred from the WMAP constraints on the early Integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) effect [5]. Since the contributions of baryons and radiation were ignored in the work of LSS, we include them in our study of this class of models. The parameters of these more realistic models with continuous creation of CDM are constrained at widely-separated epochs (z(eq) approximate to 3000 and z approximate to 0) in the evolution of the Universe. The comparison of the parameter values, {beta, gamma}, determined at these different epochs reveals a tension between the values favored by the high redshift CMB constraint on z(eq) from the ISW and those which follow from the low redshift SNIa data, posing a potential challenge to this class of models. While for beta = 0 this conflict is only at less than or similar to 2 sigma, it worsens as beta increases from zero.


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Models of dynamical dark energy unavoidably possess fluctuations in the energy density and pressure of that new component. In this paper we estimate the impact of dark energy fluctuations on the number of galaxy clusters in the Universe using a generalization of the spherical collapse model and the Press-Schechter formalism. The observations we consider are several hypothetical Sunyaev-Zel`dovich and weak lensing (shear maps) cluster surveys, with limiting masses similar to ongoing (SPT, DES) as well as future (LSST, Euclid) surveys. Our statistical analysis is performed in a 7-dimensional cosmological parameter space using the Fisher matrix method. We find that, in some scenarios, the impact of these fluctuations is large enough that their effect could already be detected by existing instruments such as the South Pole Telescope, when priors from other standard cosmological probes are included. We also show how dark energy fluctuations can be a nuisance for constraining cosmological parameters with cluster counts, and point to a degeneracy between the parameter that describes dark energy pressure on small scales (the effective sound speed) and the parameters describing its equation of state.