243 resultados para DAG


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The aim of the study is to investigate the use of finlandisms in an historical perspective, how they have been viewed from the mid-19th century to this day, and the effect of language planning on their use. A finlandism is a word, a phrase, or a structure that is used only in the Swedish varieties used in Finland (i.e. in Finland Swedish), or used in these varieties in a different meaning than in the Swedish used in Sweden. Various aspects of Finland-Swedish language planning are discussed in relation to language planning generally; in addition, the relation of Finland Swedish to Standard Swedish and standard regional varieties is discussed, and various types of finlandisms are analysed in detail. A comprehensive picture is provided of the emergence and evolution of the ideology of language planning from the mid-19th century up until today. A theoretical model of corpus planning is presented and its effect on linguistic praxis described. One result of the study is that the belief among Finland-Swedish language planners that the Swedish language in Finland must not be allowed to become distanced from Standard Swedish, has been widely adopted by the average Finland Swede, particularly during the interwar period, following the publication of Hugo Bergroth s work Finlandssvenska in 1917. Criticism of this language-planning ideology started to appear in the 1950s, and intensified in the 1970s. However, language planning and the basis for this conception of language continue to enjoy strong support among Swedish-speaking Finns. I show that the editing of Finnish literary texts written in Swedish has often been somewhat amateurish and the results not always linguistically appropriate, and that Swedish publishers have in fact adopted a rather liberal attitude towards finlandisms. My conclusion is that language planning has achieved rather modest results in its resistance to finlandisms. Most of the finlandisms used in 1915 were still in use in 2005. Finlandisms occur among speakers of all ages, and even among academically educated people despite their more elevated style. The most common finlandisms were used by informants of all ages. The ones that are firmly rooted are the most established, in other words those that are stylistically neutral, seemingly genuinely Swedish, but which are nevertheless strongly supported by Finnish, and display a shift in meaning as compared with Standard Swedish.


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Graverad af C. F. Himberg


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Syfte - Syftet med studien är att få en djupare insikt i sambandet mellan ledarskap och de faktorer som bidrar till ökat engagemang hos medarbetarna i arbetet med ständiga förbättringar. Studien riktar sig mot ett mellanstort industriföretag som implementerat lean production. Design/ metod - I vår undersökning valde vi att göra en kvalitativ fallstudie. Data samlades in i ett svenskt industriföretag. Totalt har 7 intervjuer genomförts. Undersökningsresultat - Resultatet vi kom fram till är att medarbetarna är i låg utsträckning delaktiga i förbättringsarbetet. Tidigare forskning visar att medarbetare som är delaktiga i beslut är också mer engagerade i arbetet. Metodkritik – Resultatet speglar enbart subjektiva bedömningar och de studerade variablerna bygger på respondenternas uppfattningar. Framtida forskning bör inkludera mer objektiva mått. Praktiska konsekvenser - Studien ger belägg till att medarbetarnas engagemang och motivation i förbättringsarbetet kan ökas genom att göra dem mer delaktiga. Forskning visar att medarbetare som får information och får delta i beslut känner större delaktighet i arbetet. Kunskapsbidrag - I den befintliga litteraturen hävdas det att ledarskapet är en viktig komponent för att öka medarbetarnas engagemang. Lite har dock skrivits om hur ledarskapet kan motivera medarbetarna till ständiga förbättringar i en organisation som arbetar i lean production. Nyckelord:


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Pain, beauty, and socio-matter. An interview with Dag Østerberg concerning the concepts of form, process, and sociality. Professor Dag Østerberg (born 1938) is one of the most prominent Nordic sociologists and the author of many influential books. In this interview he discusses the concept of form in sociology and social thinking and relates it not only to change, but to sociality, pain, beauty, and socio-matter as well. In order to contextualise Østerberg’s discussion, the interview is prefaced by a brief introduction to the traditional understanding of form as related to matter and content.


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En este libro se recogen los respetos brindados a este ilustre sueco en Santiago por destacadas personalidades de las relaciones internacionales, los derechos humanos y el derecho internacional. A través de ellos es posible hacerse una idea cabal de sus significativos aportes, su infatigable estilo de trabajo y la impronta que dejó como legado inspirador y desafío para las generaciones venideras.


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The occurrence of a high incidence of sperm tail defects in a male domestic cat resembling the known 'Dag-like' defect is reported. Sperm analyses were performed in ejaculated samples collected by an artificial vagina and in testicular and epididymal sperm cells after castration. The following alterations were observed using transmission electron microscope: heavily coiled sperm tails containing several axonemal units enclosed in the same common cell membrane; aberrations in the axonemal main structure; and swollen and unevenly distributed mitochondria in the midpiece. Abnormal modifications in the mitochondrial sheath were also found in sperm cells retrieved from testes and epididymides. Considering these findings, we can conclude that this is the Dag-like defect, described previously in other domestic species and a testicular origin may be involved. © ISFM and AAFP 2012.


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In many application domains data can be naturally represented as graphs. When the application of analytical solutions for a given problem is unfeasible, machine learning techniques could be a viable way to solve the problem. Classical machine learning techniques are defined for data represented in a vectorial form. Recently some of them have been extended to deal directly with structured data. Among those techniques, kernel methods have shown promising results both from the computational complexity and the predictive performance point of view. Kernel methods allow to avoid an explicit mapping in a vectorial form relying on kernel functions, which informally are functions calculating a similarity measure between two entities. However, the definition of good kernels for graphs is a challenging problem because of the difficulty to find a good tradeoff between computational complexity and expressiveness. Another problem we face is learning on data streams, where a potentially unbounded sequence of data is generated by some sources. There are three main contributions in this thesis. The first contribution is the definition of a new family of kernels for graphs based on Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs). We analyzed two kernels from this family, achieving state-of-the-art results from both the computational and the classification point of view on real-world datasets. The second contribution consists in making the application of learning algorithms for streams of graphs feasible. Moreover,we defined a principled way for the memory management. The third contribution is the application of machine learning techniques for structured data to non-coding RNA function prediction. In this setting, the secondary structure is thought to carry relevant information. However, existing methods considering the secondary structure have prohibitively high computational complexity. We propose to apply kernel methods on this domain, obtaining state-of-the-art results.


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Through the years, several studies reported the involvement of nuclear lipid signalling as highly connected with cell cycle progression. Indeed, nuclear Phosphatidylinositol-4,5-Biphosphate (PIP2) hydrolisis mediated by Phospholipases C (PLC), which leads to production of the second messengers Diacylglycerol (DAG) and Inositol-1,4,5-Triphosphate (IP3), is a fundamental event for both G1/S and G2/M checkpoints. In particular, we found that nuclear DAG production was mediated by PLCbeta1, enzyme mainly localized in the nucleus of K562 human erythroleukemia cells. This event triggered the activation and nuclear translocation of PKCalpha, which, in turn, resulted able to affect cell cycle via modulation of Cyclin D3 and Cyclin B1, two important enzymes for G1/S transition and G2/M progression respectively.


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Kritische Kommentierung der Ernennung des Reichsverwesers Erzherzog Johann zum Reichsfeldmarschall sowie der für den 6. August 1848 geplanten Huldigung des preußischen Militärs vor demselben. Bekenntnis zur kleindeutschen Lösung: Die Einheit Deutschlands ist ohne Preußen nicht zu bewerkstelligen; nicht Preußen soll in Deutschland, sondern Deutschland in Preußen aufgehen


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Kritische Kommentierung der gewalttätigen Ausschreitungen von Teilen der Bevölkerung Charlottenburgs gegen die beabsichtigte Gründung eines Demokratischen Vereins am 20. August 1848: "Strafen müssen wir die Dorfdeibels, sonst wächst uns de Reakzion übern Kopp, und wir sind sammt unsre Freiheit belämmert." Bei den angesprochenen Todesfällen in Düsseldorf handelt es sich um einen "längere[n] Schußwechsel zwischen Bürgern und Soldaten, der erst durch ... Eingreifen der Bürgergarde beendet werden konnte" und der sich aus einer anläßlich eines Besuchs Friedrich Wilhelms IV. veranstalteten Katzenmusik entwickelte (14. August 1848). [Niemann, Dietmar: Die Revolution von 1848/49 in Düsseldorf; Düsseldorf 1993, S. 154/55] In der Form einer Unterhaltung der drei Berliner Bürger Neumann, Piesecke und Brennecke