121 resultados para Cyclisation radicalaire


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Complementary sequences at the 5′ and 3′ ends of the dengue virus RNA genome are essential for viral replication, and are believed to cyclise the genome through long-range base pairing in cis. Although consistent with evidence in the literature, this view neglects possible biologically active multimeric forms that are equally consistent with the data. Here, we propose alternative multimeric structures, and suggest that multigenome noncovalent concatemers are more likely to exist under cellular conditions than single cyclised monomers. Concatemers provide a plausible mechanism for the dengue virus to overcome the single-stranded (+)-sense RNA virus dilemma, and can potentially assist genome transport from the virus-induced vesicles into the cytosol.


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Diels-Alder reaction of the dienone 12, obtained by C-alkylation of sodium 2,6-dimethylphenoxide, with acrylonitrile and phenyl vinyl sulfones generate the enynes 14 and 17. Tributyltin radical addition to the terminal acetylene in 14 and 17 lead to the vinylstannanes 15 and 18 via 5-exo trig cyclisation of the resulting vinyl radical, which on oxidative cleavage furnishes the isotwistane-diones 16 and 19. Reductive desulfonylation of the diketosulfone 19 furnishes the dione 11, constituting a formal total synthesis of 2-pupukeanone 5 and 2-isocyanopupukeanone 3.


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Reaction of the bromoketals 3, 7a-g and 11 with tri-n-butyltin chloride and sodium cyanoborohydride in the presence of a catalytic amount of AIBN furnished the ethers 5, 8a-g and 13 via a tandem sequence comprising of a radical cyclisation reaction and tri-n-butylhalostannane and sodium cyanoborohydride mediated reductive demethoxylation of the resulting cyclic ketals.


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A new strategy for the construction of the isotwistane skeleton is reported from easily available cyclohexadienes, which involves a one-pot cationic skeletal rearrangement and ene cyclisation of a bicyclo[2.2.2]octenone derivative and a cationic rearrangement of a tricyclo[,8)]decane to a [,7)]decane skeleton as the key steps in the synthesis of 2-pupukeanone.


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Mercuric acetate catalysed one pot Claisen rearrangement of the cinnamyl alcohol Image , generated the pent-4-enal Image , which on homologation resulted the hex-5-enal Image . Radical cyclisation of the radical anion derived from Image , followed by oxidation provided the ketone mixture Image , a known precursor to the sesquiterpenes (Image )-α-cuparenone (Image ), (Image )-epilaurene (Image ) and laurene (Image )


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Homoallyl alcohols 4a-b and 5a-b undergo smooth oxidative cyclisation to give the corresponding ring enlarged keto-lactones under heterogeneous permanganate oxidation conditions.


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A four step cyclopentaannulation methodology starting from allyl alcohols using 5-exo-trig radical cyclisation as the key reaction, and its application to the total synthesis of 4-epibakkenolide is described.


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A novel tandem 5-exo-trig allyl and 3-exo-trig radical cyclisation and rearrangement to copa and ylanga type sesquiterpene skeleton is reported.


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We present a detailed study of a 3+2+1] cascade cyclisation of vinylcyclopropanes (VCP) catalysed by a bromenium species (Brd+?Xd-) generated in situ, which results in the synthesis of chiral bicyclic amidines in a tandem one-pot operation. The formation of amidines involves the ring-opening of VCPs with Br?X, followed by a Ritter-type reaction with chloramine-T and a tandem cyclisation. The reaction has been further extended to vinylcyclobutane systems and involves a 4+2+1] cascade cyclisation with the same reagents. The versatility of the methodology has been demonstrated by careful choice of VCPs and VCBs to yield bicyclo4.3.0]-, -4.3.1]- and -4.4.0]amidines in enantiomerically pure form. On the basis of the experimental observations and DFT calculations, a reasonable mechanism has been put forth to account for the formation of the products and the observed stereoselectivity. We propose the existence of a p-stabilised homoallylic carbocation at the cyclopropane carbon as the reason for high stereoselectivity. DFT studies at B3LYP/6-311+G** and M06-2X/6-31+G* levels of theory in gas-phase calculations suggest the ring-opening of VCP is initiated at the p-complex stage (between the double bond and Br?X). This can be clearly perceived from the solution-phase (acetonitrile) calculations using the polarisable continuum model (PCM) solvation model, from which the extent of the ring opening of VCP was found to be noticeably high. Studies also show that the formation of zero-bridge bicyclic amidines is favoured over other bridged bicyclic amidines. The energetics of competing reaction pathways is compared to explain the product selectivity.


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Concise syntheses of the substituted enynediones 28a, 33b and 36 starting from the cyclohexenealdehyde 18, corresponding to ring A in the taxanes, and the vinylstannane 24, are described. Treatment of 36 with Bu3SnH–AIBN did not lead to the oxy-substituted taxadiene 37 expected from a tandem radical macrocyclisation–radical transannulation sequence; instead, a mixture of unidentified products resulted. When the PMB ether 33b corresponding to the alcohol 36 was treated with Bu3SnH–AIBN under similar conditions, p-anisaldehyde was isolated, as a major by-product, but no evidence for the formation of a taxadiene could be observed. In contrast, the iododienynedione 41, i.e., deoxy 36, underwent a tandem radical macrocyclisation–transannulation sequence, when treated with Bu3SnH–AIBN, leading to the tetraoxy-bis-nortaxadiene 42 in 44% yield. Attempts to synthesise the alcohol 28b from the silyl ether 28a en route to the iodide 28c instead gave the substituted tetrahydrofuran 29 via an intramolecular oxy-Michael reaction.


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A novel synthetic procedure has been developed that provides access to D/L-2-deoxy-C-nucleosides from 3,4-epoxytetrahydrofuran in seven steps and in moderate to good yields. The key chemical transformation was the Lewis acid catalysed intramolecular cyclisation reaction of an acetal for which the stereochemical outcome was dependent of the reagents' ratio.