834 resultados para Cyclical movement
Performance of cyclical and discrete movements executed in Fitts’ task simulated by computer Abstract This study compared the performance of cyclical and discrete movements in Fitts’ task simulated by a computer. Twenty male adults, between 25 and 30 years old, participated as volunteers in the study. The software Discrete Aiming Task (v.2.0) simulated the Fitts’ task, in the discrete and cyclical conditions, and provided the movement time (TM). It was manipulated 4 target widths and 3 distances between the targets to provide index of difficulties (ID) from 1 to 6 bits. The ANOVA TWO WAY, 3 (Conditions) x 6 (ID), with repeated measures in the last factor, compared the TM in the different conditions. Regression analysis verified the relationship between TM x ID. There were no significant differences between the conditions; the virtual environment and the mouse were used to explain such results. All movement conditions showed a straight relationship between TM x ID with R²>0.990. Therefore, Fitts’ law showed to be consistent, independently of the movement strategy performed.
A dolgozat alapja egy olyan Leontief-típusú gazdaság, ahol minden egyes ágazatban egy vállalat termel, tehát monopóliumokból áll a gazdaság. A vállalatok termelnek, és a termékeiket a piacon értékesítik. A gazdaság mozgásegyenleteit a vállalati mérleg összefüggések, valamint a piaci csere után a gazdaságban, a termékek készletváltozása írja le. Az így létrejött mozgásegyenletekből arra következtethetünk, hogy a ciklusok egy ilyen modellben szükségszerűen kialakulnak, tehát az üzleti ciklus a gazdaság működéséhez hozzátartozik. Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) kód: D46, E32. = The aim of the paper is to analyze a Leontief-type economy, i.e. all firms produce only one product and only one technology. The firms sell the products on a monopolistic market. The move of this economy is controlled by the balance sheet expressions and the inventory level fluctuations. The differential equations of the move of this economy show a cyclical movement of the economy along the balanced growth path. Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) kód: D46, E32.
Orthodontic tooth movement requires external orthodontic forces to be converted to cellular signals that result in the coordinated removal of bone on one side of the tooth (compression side) by osteoclasts, and the formation of new bone by osteoblasts on the other side (tension side). The length of orthodontic treatment can take several years, leading to problems of caries, periodontal disease, root resorption, and patient dissatisfaction. It appears that the velocity of tooth movement is largely dependent on the rate of alveolar bone remodeling. Pharmacological approaches to increase the rate of tooth movement are limited due to patient discomfort, severe root resorption, and drug-induced side effects. Recently, externally applied, cyclical, low magnitude forces (CLMF) have been shown to cause an increase in the bone mineral density of long bones, and in the growth of craniofacial structures in a variety of animal models. In addition, CLMF is well tolerated by the patient and produces no known adverse effects. However, its application in orthodontic tooth movement has not been specifically determined. Since factors that increase alveolar bone remodeling enhance the rate of orthodontic tooth movement, we hypothesized that externally applied, cyclical, low magnitude forces (CLMF) will increase the rate of orthodontic tooth movement. In order to test this hypothesis we used an in vivo rat orthodontic tooth movement model. Our specific aims were: Specific Aim 1: To develop an in vivo rat model for tooth movement. We developed a tooth movement model based upon two established rodent models (Ren and Yoshimatsu et al, See Figure 1.). The amount of variation of tooth movement in rats exposed to 25-60 g of mesial force activated viii from the first molar to the incisor for 4 weeks was calculated. Specific Aim 2: To determine the frequency dose response of externally applied, cyclical, low magnitude forces (CLMF) for maximal tooth movement and osteoclast numbers. Our working hypothesis for this aim was that the amount of tooth movement would be dose dependent on the frequency of application of the CLMF. In order to test this working hypothesis, we varied the frequency of the CLMF from 30, 60, 100, and 200 Hz, 0.4N, two times per week, for 10 minutes for 4 weeks, and measured the amount of tooth movement. We also looked at the number of osteoclasts for the different frequencies; we hypothesized an increase in osteoclasts for the dose respnse of different frequencies. Specific Aim 3: To determine the effects of externally applied, cyclical, low magnitude forces (CLMF) on PDL proliferation. Our working hypothesis for this aim was that PDL proliferation would increase with CLMF. In order to test this hypothesis we compared CLMF (30 Hz, 0.4N, two times per week, for 10 minutes for 4 weeks) performed on the left side (experimental side), to the non-CLMF side, on the right (control side). This was an experimental study with 24 rats in total. The experimental group contained fifteen (15) rats in total, and they all received a spring plus a different frequency of CLMF. Three (3) received a spring and CLMF at 30 Hz, 0.4N for 10 minutes. Six (6) received a spring and CLMF at 60 Hz, 0.4N for 10 minutes. Three (3) received a spring and CLMF at 100 Hz, 0.4N for 10 minutes. Three (3) received a spring and CLMF at 200 Hz, 0.4N for 10 minutes. The control group contained six (6) rats, and received only a spring. An additional ix three (3) rats received CLMF (30 Hz, 0.4N, two times per week, for 10 minutes for 4 weeks) only, with no spring, and were used only for histological purposes. Rats were subjected to the application of orthodontic force from their maxillary left first molar to their left central incisor. In addition some of the rats received externally applied, cyclical, low magnitude force (CLMF) on their maxillary left first molar. micro-CT was used to measure the amount of orthodontic tooth movement. The distance between the maxillary first and second molars, at the most mesial point of the second molar and the most distal point of the first molar (1M-2M distance) were used to evaluate the distance of tooth movement. Immunohistochemistry was performed with TRAP staining and BrdU quantification. Externally applied, cyclical, low magnitude forces (CLMF) do appear to have an effect on the rate, while not significant, of orthodontic tooth movement in rats. It appears that lower CLMF decreases the rate of tooth movement, while higher CLMF increases the rate of tooth movement. Future studies with larger sample sizes are needed to clarify this issue. CLMF does not appear to affect the proliferation in PDL cells, and has no effect on the number of osteoclasts.
The present paper proposes a technical analysis method for extracting information about movement patterning in studies of motor control, based on a cluster analysis of movement kinematics. In a tutorial fashion, data from three different experiments are presented to exemplify and validate the technical method. When applied to three different basketball-shooting techniques, the method clearly distinguished between the different patterns. When applied to a cyclical wrist supination-pronation task, the cluster analysis provided the same results as an analysis using the conventional discrete relative phase measure. Finally, when analyzing throwing performance constrained by distance to target, the method grouped movement patterns together according to throwing distance. In conclusion, the proposed technical method provides a valuable tool to improve understanding of coordination and control in different movement models, including multiarticular actions.
Patterns of movement in aquatic animals reflect ecologically important behaviours. Cyclical changes in the abiotic environment influence these movements, but when multiple processes occur simultaneously, identifying which is responsible for the observed movement can be complex. Here we used acoustic telemetry and signal processing to define the abiotic processes responsible for movement patterns in freshwater whiprays (Himantura dalyensis). Acoustic transmitters were implanted into the whiprays and their movements detected over 12 months by an array of passive acoustic receivers, deployed throughout 64 km of the Wenlock River, Qld, Australia. The time of an individual's arrival and departure from each receiver detection field was used to estimate whipray location continuously throughout the study. This created a linear-movement-waveform for each whipray and signal processing revealed periodic components within the waveform. Correlation of movement periodograms with those from abiotic processes categorically illustrated that the diel cycle dominated the pattern of whipray movement during the wet season, whereas tidal and lunar cycles dominated during the dry season. The study methodology represents a valuable tool for objectively defining the relationship between abiotic processes and the movement patterns of free-ranging aquatic animals and is particularly expedient when periods of no detection exist within the animal location data.
Using a panel of Colombian banks and quarterly data between 1996:1 and 2010:3, we study the relationship between short-run adjustemnts in bank capital buffers and the business cycle. We follow a partial adjustment framework and control for several variables that have been identified as important determinants of bank capital buffers in previous studies, and find that bank capital buffers vary over the business cycle. We are able to identify a negative co-movement of capital buffers and and the business cycle. However, we also find that capital buffers of small and large banks behave asymmetrically during the business cycle. While the former appear to be constant over time, once the appropriate set of control variables is used, the latter present a countercyclical behavior. Our results suggest the possible need of the implementation of regulatory policy measures in developing countries
Marker placement to describe the wrist movements during activities of daily living in cyclical tasks
Objective. To describe the wrist kinematics during movement through free range of motion and activities of daily living using a cyclical task. Design. The wrist angles were initially calculated in a calibration trial and then in two selected activities of daily living (jar opening and carton pouring). Background. Existing studies which describe the wrist movement do not address the specific application of daily activities. Moreover, the data presented from subject to subject may differ simply because of the non-cyclical nature of the upper limbs movements. Methods. The coordinates of external markers attached to bone references on the forearm and dorsal side of the hand were obtained using an optical motion capture system. The wrist angles were derived from free motion trials and successively calculated in four healthy subjects for two specific cyclical daily activities (opening a jar and pouring from a carton). Results. The free motions trial highlighted the interaction between the wrist angles. Both the jar opening and the carton pouring activity showed a repetitive pattern for the three angles within the cycle length. In the jar-opening task, the standard deviation for the whole population was 10.8degrees for flexion-extension, 5.3degrees for radial-ulnar deviation and 10.4degrees for pronation-supination. In the carton-pouring task, the standard deviation for the whole population was 16.0degrees for flexion-extension, 3.4degrees for radial-ulnar deviation and 10.7degrees for pro nation-supination. Conclusion. Wrist kinematics in healthy subjects can be successfully described by the rotations about the axes of marker-defined coordinates systems during free range of motion and daily activities using cyclical tasks.
It is well known that cointegration between the level of two variables (e.g. prices and dividends) is a necessary condition to assess the empirical validity of a present-value model (PVM) linking them. The work on cointegration,namelyon long-run co-movements, has been so prevalent that it is often over-looked that another necessary condition for the PVM to hold is that the forecast error entailed by the model is orthogonal to the past. This amounts to investigate whether short-run co-movememts steming from common cyclical feature restrictions are also present in such a system. In this paper we test for the presence of such co-movement on long- and short-term interest rates and on price and dividend for the U.S. economy. We focuss on the potential improvement in forecasting accuracies when imposing those two types of restrictions coming from economic theory.
This paper has two original contributions. First, we show that the present value model (PVM hereafter), which has a wide application in macroeconomics and fi nance, entails common cyclical feature restrictions in the dynamics of the vector error-correction representation (Vahid and Engle, 1993); something that has been already investigated in that VECM context by Johansen and Swensen (1999, 2011) but has not been discussed before with this new emphasis. We also provide the present value reduced rank constraints to be tested within the log-linear model. Our second contribution relates to forecasting time series that are subject to those long and short-run reduced rank restrictions. The reason why appropriate common cyclical feature restrictions might improve forecasting is because it finds natural exclusion restrictions preventing the estimation of useless parameters, which would otherwise contribute to the increase of forecast variance with no expected reduction in bias. We applied the techniques discussed in this paper to data known to be subject to present value restrictions, i.e. the online series maintained and up-dated by Shiller. We focus on three different data sets. The fi rst includes the levels of interest rates with long and short maturities, the second includes the level of real price and dividend for the S&P composite index, and the third includes the logarithmic transformation of prices and dividends. Our exhaustive investigation of several different multivariate models reveals that better forecasts can be achieved when restrictions are applied to them. Moreover, imposing short-run restrictions produce forecast winners 70% of the time for target variables of PVMs and 63.33% of the time when all variables in the system are considered.
Background: The relationship between normal and tangential force components (grip force - GF and load force - LF, respectively) acting on the digits-object interface during object manipulation reveals neural mechanisms involved in movement control. Here, we examined whether the feedback type provided to the participants during exertion of LF would influence GF-LF coordination and task performance. Methods. Sixteen young (24.7 ±3.8 years-old) volunteers isometrically exerted continuously sinusoidal FZ (vertical component of LF) by pulling a fixed instrumented handle up and relaxing under two feedback conditions: targeting and tracking. In targeting condition, FZ exertion range was determined by horizontal lines representing the upper (10 N) and lower (1 N) targets, with frequency (0.77 or 1.53 Hz) dictated by a metronome. In tracking condition, a sinusoidal template set at similar frequencies and range was presented and should be superposed by the participants' exerted FZ. Task performance was assessed by absolute errors at peaks (AEPeak) and valleys (AEValley) and GF-LF coordination by GF-LF ratios, maximum cross-correlation coefficients (r max), and time lags. Results: The results revealed no effect of feedback and no feedback by frequency interaction on any variable. AE Peak and GF-LF ratio were higher and rmax lower at 1.53 Hz than at 0.77 Hz. Conclusion: These findings indicate that the type of feedback does not influence task performance and GF-LF coordination. Therefore, we recommend the use of tracking tasks when assessing GF-LF coordination during isometric LF exertion in externally fixed instrumented handles because they are easier to understand and provide additional indices (e.g., RMSE) of voluntary force control. © 2013 Pedão et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
In selected East Asian economies, the behavior of detrended macroeconomic variables was found to be similar to that observed in the postwar U.S. economy. Consumption and investment are highly procyclical while the balance of trade and the price level are counter-cyclical in most of them. Labor productivity is procyclical in general. The high coherence between U.S. GDP and that of the East Asian economies suggests that business cycles in terms of frequency are also similar between the United States and East Asia. However, the GDP and consumption of East Asian countries do not necessarily co-move well with current U.S. and Japanese GDP and consumption, while East Asian consumption tends to co-move more with lagged U.S. and Japanese consumption.