997 resultados para Cyclic stabilised stress


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Aiming at evaluating the influence of cyclic temperatures on the performance and egg quality of Japanese quails an experiment was carried out with 480 birds after egg production peak. Birds were housed in a bioclimatic chamber with automatic temperature control that contained two rooms, one maintained at thermoneutral temperature (21 ºC) and the other adjusted for the tested cyclic temperatures (24, 27, 30, 33 and 36 ºC at a time). Each room had a battery of five floors and ten cages, with a capacity of 24 birds per cage, totaling 240 birds per battery. Birds were fed iso-nutritious and iso-caloric diets. Data obtained under the tested cyclic temperatures were compared with those obtained under thermoneutral temperature. At the end of each experimental period (14 days) performance and egg quality parameters were evaluated. A completely randomized experimental design with two treatments (thermoneutral temperature and tested temperature) and ten replicates of 24 birds each. Cyclic increases of 27 ºC and higher in environmental temperature negatively affected bird performance, with reduced feed intake and consequent reductions in egg weight and mass. A cyclic increase of the environmental temperature to 36 ºC reduced the percentage of saleable eggs and egg production.


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The widespread introduction of multiphase sheet steels in the automotive industry has led to considerable interest in the fatigue properties of these materials. The different microstructural phases within matelials such as TRIP steels can influence the fatigue behaviour due to the manner in which the cyclic strain is accommodated within these phases. In this study fully reversed straincontrolled fatigue tests were perfonnrmed on a commercially-produced uncoated TRIP 780 steel both in the as-received and 20 % prestrained condition. The pre-strained TRIP steel showed significant cyclic softening at higher strain amplitudes, whereas some initial work hardening was observed at lower strain amplitudes before cyclic softening. The cyclic stabilised strength of the pre-strained TRIP steel was independent of strain amplitude, while the cyclic stabilised strength of the as-received TRIP steel increased with strain amplitude. Transmission Electron Microscopy TEM was used to examine the effect of the cyclic deformation on the microstructure of the different conditions, with the differences in fatigue behaviour explained based on the differences in the deformation structure formed within the steel (i.e. dislocation density and sub-structure and microband formation).


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of betaine in methionine- and choline-reduced diets fed to broilers submitted to heat stress. In total, 1,408 male broilers were randomly distributed into eight treatments, according to 2 × 4 (environment x diet) factorial arrangement, with eight replicates of 2 birds each. Birds were reared environmental chambers under controlled temperature (25-26 °C) or cyclic heat-stressing temperature (25-31 °C). The following diets were tested: positive control (PC), formulated to meet broiler nutritional requirements; negative control (NC), with reduced DL-methionine and choline chloride levels; and with two supplementation levels of natural betaine to the negative control diet (NC+NB1 and NC+NB2). Live performance, carcass traits, and intestinal morphometrics were evaluated when broilers were 45 days of age. The results showed that all evaluated parameters were influenced by the interaction between environment and diet, except for breast meat drip loss. The breakdown of the interactions showed that birds fed the PC diet and reared in the controlled environment had greater breast drip loss than those submitted to the cyclic heat-stress environment. Birds submitted to cyclic heat stress and fed the PC diet presented the lowest feed intake. Feed conversion ratio was influenced only by diet. The FCR of broilers fed the NC+NB2 diet was intermediate relative to those fed the PC and NC diets. The addition of betaine in the diet, with 11.18% digestible methionine and 24.73% total choline reductions, did not affect broiler live performance, carcass yield, or intestinal morphometrics.


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Bone is continually being removed and replaced through the actions of basic multicellular units (BMU). This constant upkeep is necessary to remove microdamage formed naturally due to fatigue and thus maintain the integrity of the bone. The repair process in bone is targeted, meaning that a BMU travels directly to the site of damage and repairs it. It is still unclear how targeted remodelling is stimulated and directed but it is highly likely that osteocytes play a role. A number of theories have been advanced to explain the microcrack osteocyte interaction but no complete mechanism has been demonstrated. Osteocytes are connected to each other by dendritic processes. The “scissors model" proposed that the rupture of these processes where they cross microcracks signals the degree of damage and the urgency of the necessary repair. In its original form it was proposed that under applied compressive loading, microcrack faces will be pressed together and undergo relative shear movement. If this movement is greater than the width of an osteocyte process, then the process will be cut in a “scissors like" motion, releasing RANKL, a cytokine known to be essential in the formation of osteoclasts from pre-osteoclasts. The main aim of this thesis was to investigate this theoretical model with a specific focus on microscopy and finite element modelling. Previous studies had proved that cyclic stress was necessary for osteocyte process rupture to occur. This was a divergence from the original “scissors model" which had proposed that the cutting of cell material occurred in one single action. The present thesis is the first study to show fatigue failure in cellular processes spanning naturally occurring cracks and it's the first study to estimate the cyclic strain range and relate it to the number of cycles to failure, for any type of cell. Rupture due to shear movement was ruled out as microcrack closing never occurred, as a result of plastic deformation of the bone. Fatigue failure was found to occur due to cyclic tensile stress in the locality of the damage. The strain range necessary for osteocyte process rupture was quantified. It was found that the lower the process strain range the greater the number of cycles to cell process failure. FEM modelling allowed to predict stress in the vicinity of an osteocyte process and to analyse its interaction with the bone surrounding it: simulations revealed evident creep effects in bone during cyclic loading. This thesis confirms and dismisses aspects of the “scissors model". The observations support the model as a viable mechanism of microcrack detection by the osteocyte network, albeit in a slightly modified form where cyclic loading is necessary and the method of rupture is fatigue failure due to cyclic tensile motion. An in depth study was performed focusing on microscopy analysis of naturally occurring cracks in bone and FEM simulation analysis of an osteocyte process spanning a microcrack in bone under cyclic load.


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The dynamic behaviour of saturated sands has been studied from different perspectives. However, most experimental research on this field does not take into account the shear stress conditions existing prior to the application of dynamic loads; i.e., a null initial static shear stress (τo = 0) is assumed. The main objective of this work is to report on the influence that static shear stresses (τo) have on the behaviour of saturated sands under cyclic shear loads. This article presents the results and analysis of part of a wider experimental programme involving 30 monotonic and 26 cyclic simple shear tests for different combinations of static shear stress (τo) and cyclic shear stress (τc) (all undrained), besides identification and classification tests. The tested samples have been taken from the area of the North Entrance Mouth at the Port of Barcelona (Spain).


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A detailed study on the postliquefaction undrained shear behavior of sand-silt mixtures at constant void ratios is presented in this article. The influence of different parameters such as density, amplitude of cyclic shear stress, and drainage conditions on the postliquefaction undrained response of sand-silt mixtures has been investigated, in addition to the effect of fines content. The results showed that the limiting silt content plays a vital role in the strength of the soil under both cyclic and monotonic shear loading. Both the liquefaction resistance and postliquefaction shear strength of the soils are found to decrease with an increase in the fines content until the limiting silt content is reached. However, further increase in the silt content beyond the limiting silt content increases the liquefaction resistance as well as the postliquefaction shear strength of the soils. It is also observed that these variations on the liquefaction and postliquefaction resistance of soils are closely related to the variations in relative density. (C) 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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O experimento foi conduzido em câmara climática para determinar os efeitos das vitaminas D3 e C sobre o desempenho, temperatura corporal e qualidade dos ovos de poedeiras em três temperaturas: termoneutra (24,8º a 27,0º C), estresse calórico cíclico (26,2º C por 16h e 32,1º C por 8h) e estresse calórico constante (30,0º a 32,0º C). Foram utilizadas 144 galinhas brancas com 31 semanas num delineamento inteiramente ao acaso em arranjo fatorial 3x3x3: vitamina D3 (2500, 3000 e 3500 UI/kg), vitamina C (0, 200 e 400 ppm) e temperatura ambiente (termoneutra, estresse calórico cíclico e constante). As características avaliadas foram: consumo de ração (CR), produção de ovos (PO), peso dos ovos (PE), massa de ovos (MO), conversão alimentar (CA), porcentagens de albúmem (AL) e de gema (GE), unidade Haugh (UH), índice de gema (IG), porcentagem de casca (PC), espessura de casca (EC), gravidade específica dos ovos (GO), temperaturas dorsal (TD) e retal (TR). A vitamina D3 interferiu nas características PC, EC, GO e TD; a vitamina C no IG, PC e GO. A temperatura ambiente não afetou somente a UH. Concluiu-se que níveis mais altos de vitamina D3 e níveis de 200 ou 400 ppm de vitamina C na dieta podem melhorar a qualidade da casca e que o estresse calórico prejudicou as principais características avaliadas.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This volume contains the Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Biochemical Engineering Symposium held at Kansas State University on September 21, 1996. The program included 10 oral presentations and 14 posters. Some of the papers describe the progress of ongoing projects, and others contain the results of completed projects. Only brief summaries are given of some of the papers; many of the papers will be published in full elsewhere. A listing of those who attended is given below. ContentsForeign Protein Production from SV40 Early Promoter in Continuous Cultures of Recombinant CHO Cells - Gautam Banik, Paul Todd, and Dhinakar Kampala Enhanced Cell Recruitment Due to Cell-Cell Interactions - Brad Farlow and Matthias Nollert The Recirculation of Hybridoma Suspension Cultures: Effects on Cell Death, Metabolism and Mab Productivity - Peng Jin and Carole A. Heath The Importance of Enzyme Inactivation and Self-Recovery in Cometabolic Biodegradation of Chlorinated Solvents - Xi-Hui Zhang, Shanka Banerji, and Rakesh Bajpai Phytoremediation of VOC contaminated Groundwater using Poplar Trees - Melissa Miller, Jason Dana, L.C. Davis, Murlidharan Narayanan, and L.E. Erickson Biological Treatment of Off-Gases from Aluminum Can Production: Experimental Results and Mathematical Modeling - Adeyma Y. Arroyo, Julio Zimbron, and Kenneth F. Reardon Inertial Migration Based Separation of Chlorella Microalgae in Branched Tubes - N.M. Poflee, A.L. Rakow, D.S. Dandy, M.L. Chappell, and M.N. Pons Contribution of Electrochemical Charge to Protein Partitioning in Aqueous Two-Phase Systems - Weiyu Fan and Charles C. Glatz Biodegradation of Some Commercial Surfactants Used in Bioremediation - Jun Gu, G.W. Preckshot, S.K. Banerji, and Rakesh Bajpai Modeling the Role of Biomass in Heavy Metal Transport Ln Vadose Zone - K.V. Nedunuri, L.E. Erickson, and R.S. Govindaraju Multivariable Statistical Methods for Monitoring Process Quality: Application to Bioinsecticide Production by 73 89 Bacillus Thuringiensis - c. Puente and M.N. Karim The Use of Polymeric Flocculants in Bacterial Lysate Streams - H. Graham, A.S. Cibulskas and E.H. Dunlop Effect of Water Content on transport of Trichloroethylene in a Chamber with Alfalfa Plants - Muralidharan Narayanan, Jiang Hu, Lawrence C. Davis, and Larry E. Erickson Detection of Specific Microorganisms using the Arbitrary Primed PCR in the Bacterial Community of Vegetated Soil - X. Wu and L.C. Davis Flux Enhancement Using Backpulsing - V.T. Kuberkar and R.H. Davis Chromatographic Purification of Oligonucleotides: Comparison with Electrophoresis - Stephen P. Cape, Ching-Yuan Lee, Kevin Petrini, Sean Foree, Micheal G. Sportiello and Paul Todd Determining Singular Arc Control Policies for Bioreactor Systems Using a Modified Iterative Dynamic Programming Algorithm - Arun Tholudur and W. Fred Ramirez Pressure Effect on Subtilisins Measured via FTIR, EPR and Activity Assays, and Its Impact on Crystallizations - J.N. Webb, R.Y. Waghmare, M.G. Bindewald, T.W. Randolph, J.F. Carpenter, C.E. Glatz Intercellular Calcium Changes in Endothelial Cells Exposed to Flow - Laura Worthen and Matthias Nollert Application of Liquid-Liquid Extraction in Propionic Acid Fermentation - Zhong Gu, Bonita A. Glatz, and Charles E. Glatz Purification of Recombinant T4 Lysozyme from E. Coli: Ion-Exchange Chromatography - Weiyu Fan, Matt L. Thatcher, and Charles E. Glatz Recovery and Purification of Recombinant Beta-Glucuronidase from Transgenic Corn - Ann R. Kusnadi, Roque Evangelista, Zivko L. Nikolov, and John Howard Effects of Auxins and cytokinins on Formation of Catharanthus Roseus G. Don Multiple Shoots - Ying-Jin Yuan, Yu-Min Yang, Tsung-Ting Hu, and Jiang Hu Fate and Effect of Trichloroethylene as Nonaqueous Phase Liquid in Chambers with Alfalfa - Qizhi Zhang, Brent Goplen, Sara Vanderhoof, Lawrence c. Davis, and Larry E. Erickson Oxygen Transport and Mixing Considerations for Microcarrier Culture of Mammalian Cells in an Airlift Reactor - Sridhar Sunderam, Frederick R. Souder, and Marylee Southard Effects of Cyclic Shear Stress on Mammalian Cells under Laminar Flow Conditions: Apparatus and Methods - M.L. Rigney, M.H. Liew, and M.Z. Southard


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This paper presents test results for 22 high strength deformed bars and nine mild steel bars subjected to monotonic repeated and reversed axial loading to determine the stress-strain behavior. Equations have been proposed for the stress-strain curves and have been compared with test results. Satisfactory agreement was obtained.


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This paper presents test results for 22 high strength deformed bars and nine mild steel bars subjected to monotonic repeated and reversed axial loading to determine the stress-strain behavior. Equations have been proposed for the stress-strain curves and have been compared with test results. Satisfactory agreement was obtained.


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Strength and behaviour of cement stabilised rammed earth (CSRE) is a scantily explored area. The present study is focused on the strength and elastic properties of CSRE. Characteristics of CSRE are influenced by soil composition, density of rammed earth, cement and moisture content. The study is focused on examining (a) role of clay content of the soil on strength of CSRE and arriving at optimum clay fraction of the soil mix, (b) influence of moisture content, cement content and density on strength and (c) stress-strain relationships and elastic properties for CSRE. Major conclusions are (a) there is considerable difference between dry and wet compressive strength of CSRE and the wet to dry strength ratio depends upon the clay fraction of soil mix and cement content, (b) optimum clay fraction yielding maximum compressive strength for CSRE is about 16%, (c) strength of CSRE is highly sensitive to density and for a 20% increase in density the strength increases by 300-500% and (d) in dry state the ultimate strain at failure for CSRE is as high as 1.5%, which is unusual for brittle materials.


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Rigorous elastic-plastic finite element analysis of joints subjected to cyclic loading is carried out. An incremental-iterative algorithm is developed in a modular form combining elasto-plastic material behaviour and contact stress analysis. For the case of the interference fit, the analysis sequentially carries out insertion of the pin and application of the load on the joint, covering possible initiation of separation (and/or yielding) and progressively the receding/advancing contact at the pin-plate interface. Deformations of both the plate and the pin are considered in the analysis. Numerical examples are presented for the case of an interference fit pin in a large plate under remote cyclic tension, and for an interference fit pin lug joint subjected to cyclic loading. A detailed study is carried out for the latter problem considering the effect of change in contact/separation at the pin-plate interface on local stresses, strains and redistribution of these stresses with the spread of a plastic zone. The results of the study are a useful input for the estimation of the fatigue life of joints. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd


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Axisymmetric notched bars with notch roots of large and small radii were tested under large strain cyclic loading. The main attention is focused on the fracture behaviour of steels having cycles to failure within the range 1-100. Our study shows that a gradual transition from a static ductile nature to one of fatigue cleavage can be observed and characterized by the Coffin-Manson formula in a generalized form. Both the triaxial tensile stress within the central region of specimens and static damage caused by the first increasing load have effects on the final failure event. A generalized cyclic strain range parameter DELTAepsilon is proposed as a measure of the numerous factors affecting behaviour. Fractographs are presented to illustrate the behaviour reported in the paper.