1000 resultados para Cycle pulses


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The brightness of a particular harmonic order is optimized for the chirp and initial phase of the laser pulse by genetic algorithm. The influences of the chirp and initial phase of the excitation pulse on the harmonic spectra are discussed in terms of the semi-classical model including the propagation effects. The results indicate that the harmonic intensity and cutoff have strong dependence on the chirp of the laser pulse, but slightly on its initial phase. The high-order harmonics can be enhanced by the optimal laser pulse and its cutoff can be tuned by optimization of the chirp and initial phase of the laser pulse.


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The asymmetric photoionization of atoms irradiated by intense, few-cycle laser pulses is studied numerically. The results show that the pulse intensity affects the asymmetric photoionization in three aspects. First, at higher intensities, the asymmetry becomes distinctive for few-cycle pulses of longer durations. Second, as the laser intensity increases, the maximal asymmetry first decreases then increases after it has reached a minimal value. Last, the value of the carrier-envelope phase corresponding to the maximal asymmetry varies with the pulse intensity. This study reveals that the increasing of pulse intensity is helpful for observing the asymmetric photoionization.


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The conditions required for the production of isolated attosecond pulses from relativistically oscillating mirrors (ROM) are investigated numerically and experimentally. In simulations, carrier-envelope-phase-stabilized three-cycle pulses are found to be sufficient to produce isolated attosecond pulses, while two-cycle pulses will predominantly lead to isolated attosecond pulses even in the absence of carrier-envelope stabilization. Using a state-of-the-art laser system delivering three-cycle pulses at multiple-terawatt level, we have generated higher harmonics up to 70 eV photon energy via the ROM mechanism. The observed spectra are in agreement with theoretical expectations and highlight the potential of few-cycle-driven ROM harmonics for intense isolated attosecond pulse generation for performing extreme ultraviolet-pump extreme ultraviolet-probe experiments. © 2012 American Physical Society.


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The propagation behaviors, which include the carrier-envelope phase, the area evolution and the solitary pulse number of few-cycle pulses in a dense two-level medium, are investigated based on full-wave Maxwell-Bloch equations by taking Lorentz local field correction (LFC) into account. Several novel features are found: the difference of the carrier-envelope phase between the cases with and without LFC can go up to pi at some location; although the area of ultrashort solitary pulses is lager than 2 pi, the area of the effective Rabi frequency, which equals to that the Rabi frequency pluses the product of the strength of the near dipole-dipole (NDD) interaction and the polarization, is consistent with the standard area theorem and keeps 2 pi; the large area pulse penetrating into the medium produces several solitary pulses as usual, but the number of solitary pulses changes at certain condition. (C) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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A spectral-filter method is numerically demonstrated to obtain sub-5 fs pulses by using femtosecond filamentation in fused silica. Instead of employing spectral phase compensation, by properly employing a high-pass filter to select the broadened high-frequency spectra that are located almost in phase in the tailing edge of the self-compressed pulses owing to self-steepening, as short as single-cycle pulses can be obtained. For instance, for an input pulse with a duration of 50 fs and energy 2.2 mu J, the minimum pulse duration can reach to similar to 4 fs (about 1.5 cycles) by applying a proper spectral filter. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America


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We investigate the effect of the electric field maximum on the Rabi flopping and the generated higher frequency spectra properties by solving Maxwell-Bloch equations without invoking any standard approximations. It is found that the maximum of the electric field will lead to carrier-wave Rabi flopping (CWRF) through reversion dynamics which will be more evident when the applied field enters the sub-one-cycle regime. Therefore, under the interaction of sub-one-cycle pulses, the Rabi flopping follows the transient electric field tightly through the oscillation and reversion dynamics, which is in contrast to the conventional envelope Rabi flopping. Complete or incomplete population inversion can be realized through the control of the carrier-envelope phase (CEP). Furthermore, the generated higher frequency spectra will be changed from distinct to continuous or irregular with the variation of the CEP. Our results demonstrate that due to the evident maximum behavior of the electric field, pulses with different CEP give rise to different CWRFs, and then different degree of interferences lead to different higher frequency spectral features.


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The phase-matching condition of high-order harmonic generation driven by intense few-cycle pulses could be controlled by adding second-harmonic pulses to change the ionization fraction of the gaseous medium. The harmonic generation efficiency could be improved by moving the phase-matching point with an all-optical control of the ionization fraction or a proper change of the confocal parameter. A specific order of harmonics could be easily controlled to reach phase matching at a fixed higher gas pressure by adding second-harmonic pulses with a suitable intensity. Such an all-optical phase-matching control was demonstrated to be dependent upon the temporal delay between the fundamental-wave and second harmonic pulses.


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The proton energy spectrum from photodissociation of the hydrogen molecular ion by short intense pulses of infrared light is calculated. The time-dependent Schrödinger equation is discretized and integrated. For few-cycle pulses one can resolve vibrational structure, arising from the experimental preparation of the molecular ion. We calculate the corresponding energy spectrum and analyse the dependence on the pulse time delay, pulse length and intensity of the laser for ? ~ 790 nm. We conclude that the proton spectrum is a sensitive probe of both the vibrational populations and phases, and allows us to distinguish between adiabatic and nonadiabatic dissociation. Furthermore, the sensitivity of the proton spectrum from H2+ is a practical means of calibrating the pulse. Our results are compared with recent measurements of the proton spectrum for 65 fs pulses using a Ti:Sapphire laser (? ~ 790 nm) including molecular orientation and focal-volume averaging. Integrating over the laser focal volume, for the intensity I ~ 3 × 1015 W cm-2, we find our results are in excellent agreement with these experiments.


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We report calculations of double ionization energy spectra and momentum distributions of laser-driven helium due to few-cycle pulses of wavelength 195 nm. The results are obtained from full-dimensional numerical integration of the two electron time-dependent Schr¨odinger equation. A momentum-space analysis of doubly ionizing wavepackets shows that the concentric-ring structure of above-threshold double ionization, together with the associated structure of peaks in the total kinetic energy spectrum, may be attributed to wavepacket interference effects, where at least two doubly-ionizing wavepackets from different recollision events populate the same spatial hemisphere.


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The scaling law of photoionization in few-cycle laser pulses is verified in this paper. By means of numerical solution of time-dependent Schrodinger equation, the photoionization and the asymmetry degree of photoionization of atoms with different binding potential irradiated by various laser pulses are studied. We find that the effect of increasing pulse intensity is compensated by deepening the atomic binding potential. In order to keep the asymmetric photoionization unchanged, if the central frequency of the pulse is enlarged by k times, the atomic binding potential should also be enlarged by k times, and the laser intensity should be enlarged by k(3) times. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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The behavior of population transfer in an excited-doublet four-level system driven by linear polarized few-cycle ultrashort laser pulses is investigated numerically. It is shown that almost complete population transfer can be achieved even when the adiabatic criterion is not fulfilled. Moreover, the robustness of this scheme in terms of the Rabi frequencies and chirp rates of the pulses is explored.


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Using an unperturbed scattering theory, the characteristics of H atom photoionization are studied respectively by a linearly- and by a circularly- polarized one-cycle laser pulse sequence. The asymmetry for photoelectrons in two directions opposite to each other is investigated. It is found that the asymmetry degree varies with the carrier-envelope (CE) phase, laser intensity, as well as the kinetic energy of photoelectrons. For the linear polarization, the maximal ionization rate varies with the CE phase, and the asymmetry degree varies with the CE phase in a sine-like pattern. For the circular polarization, the maximal ionization rate keeps constant for various CE phases, but the variation of asymmetry degree is still in a sine-like pattern.


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The photoelectron angular distributions (PADs) from above-threshold ionization of atoms irradiated by one-cycle laser pulses satisfy a scaling law. The scaling law denotes that the main features of the PADs are determined by four dimensionless parameters: (1) the ponderomotive number u(p) = U-p/hw, the ponderomotive energy U-p in units of laser photon energy; (2) the binding number E-b = E-b/h(w), the atomic binding energy E-b in units of laser photon energy; (3) the number of absorbed photons q; (4) the carrier-envelope phase phi(0), the phase of the carrier wave with respect to the envelope. We verify the scaling law by theoretical analysis and numerical calculation, compared to that in long-pulse case. A possible experimental test to verify the scaling law is suggested.


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Photoionization of hydrogen atoms in few-cycle laser pulses is studied numerically. The total ionization probability, the. instantaneous ionization probability; and the partial ionization probabilities in a pair of opposite directions are obtained. The partial ionization probabilities are not always equal to each other which is termed as inversion asymmetry. The variation of asymmetry degree with the CE phase, the pulse duration and the pulse intensity is studied. It is found that the pulse intensity affects the asymmetry degree in many aspects. Firstly, the asymmetry is more distinct at higher intensities than that at lower intensities when the pulse duration exceeds 4 cycles; secondly, the maximal asymmetry in lower intensities varies with the CE phase visibly while at higher intensities riot; thirdly, the partial ionization probabilities equal to each other for some special CE phases. For lower pulse intensities, the corresponding value of CE phase is always 0.5 pi and 1.5 pi, while for higher pulse intensities, the corresponding value varies with the pulse intensity. Similar phenomena were observed in a recent experiment using few-cycle radio-frequency (RF) pulses.