928 resultados para Cutaneous stimulation
Patella taping reduces pain ill individuals with patellofemoral pain (PFP), although the mechanism remains unclear. One possibility is that patella taping modifies vasti muscle activity via stimulation of cutaneous afferents. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of stretching the skin over the patella on vasti Muscle activity in people with PFP. Electromyographic activity (EMG) of individual motor units in vastus medialis obliquus (VMO) was recorded via a needle electrode and from Surface electrodes placed over VMO and vastus lateralis (VL). A tape was applied to the skin directly over the patella and stretch was applied via the tape in three directions, while subjects maintained a gentle isometric knee extension effort at constant force. Recordings were made from five separate motor units in each direction. Stretch applied to the skin over the patella increased VMO surface EMG and was greatest with lateral stretch. There was no change in VL surface EMG activity. While there was no net increase in motor unit firing rate, it was increased in the majority of motor units during lateral stretch. Application of stretch to the skin over VMO via the tape can increase VMO activity, suggesting that cutaneous stimulation may be one mechanism by which patella taping produces a clinical effect. (c) 2004 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Chez diverses espèces animales, les informations sensorielles peuvent déclencher la locomotion. Ceci nécessite l’intégration des informations sensorielles par le système nerveux central. Chez la lamproie, les réseaux locomoteurs spinaux sont activés et contrôlés par les cellules réticulospinales (RS), système descendant le plus important. Ces cellules reçoivent des informations variées provenant notamment de la périphérie. Une fois activées par une brève stimulation cutanée d’intensité suffisante, les cellules RS produisent des dépolarisations soutenues de durées variées impliquant des propriétés intrinsèques calcium-dépendantes et associées à l’induction de la nage de fuite. Au cours de ce doctorat, nous avons voulu savoir si les afférences synaptiques ont une influence sur la durée des dépolarisations soutenues et si l’ensemble des cellules RS partagent des propriétés d’intégration similaires, impliquant possiblement les réserves de calcium internes. Dans un premier temps, nous montrons pour la première fois qu’en plus de dépendre des propriétés intrinsèques des cellules réticulospinales, les dépolarisations soutenues dépendent des afférences excitatrices glutamatergiques, incluant les afférences spinales, pour perdurer pendant de longues périodes de temps. Les afférences cutanées ne participent pas au maintien des dépolarisations soutenues et les afférences inhibitrices glycinergique et GABAergiques ne sont pas suffisantes pour les arrêter. Dans un deuxième temps, nous montrons que suite à une stimulation cutanée, l’ensemble des cellules RS localisées dans les quatre noyaux réticulés possèdent un patron d’activation similaire et elles peuvent toutes produire des dépolarisations soutenues dont le maintien ne dépend pas des réserves de calcium internes. Enfin, les résultats obtenus durant ce doctorat ont permis de mieux comprendre les mécanismes cellulaires par lesquels l’ensemble des cellules RS intègrent une brève information sensorielle et la transforment en une réponse soutenue associée à une commande motrice.
Limb movement imparts a perturbation to the body. The impact of that perturbation is limited via anticipatory postural adjustments. The strategy by which the CNS controls anticipatory postural adjustments of the trunk muscles during limb movement is altered during acute back pain and in people with recurrent back pain, even when they are pain free. The altered postural strategy probably serves to protect the spine in the short term, but it is associated with a cost and is thought to predispose spinal structures to injury in the long term. It is not known why this protective strategy might occur even when people are pain free, but one possibility is that it is caused by the anticipation of back pain. In eight healthy subjects, recordings of intramuscular EMG were made from the trunk muscles during single and repetitive arm movements. Anticipation of experimental back pain and anticipation of experimental elbow pain were elicited by the threat of painful cutaneous stimulation. There was no effect of anticipated experimental elbow pain on postural adjustments. During anticipated experimental back pain, for single arm movements there was delayed activation of the deep trunk muscles and augmentation of at least one superficial trunk muscle. For repetitive arm movements, there was decreased activity and a shift from biphasic to monophasic activation of the deep trunk muscles and increased activity of superficial trunk muscles during anticipation of back pain. In both instances, the changes were consistent with adoption of an altered strategy for postural control and were similar to those observed in patients with recurrent back pain. We conclude that anticipation of experimental back pain evokes a protective postural strategy that stiffens the spine. This protective strategy is associated with compressive cost and is thought to predispose to spinal injury if maintained long term. © Guarantors of Brain 2004; all rights reserved
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Recent experiments using electrical and N-methyl-d-aspartate microstimulation of the spinal cord gray matter and cutaneous stimulation of the hindlimb of spinalized frogs have provided evidence for a modular organization of the frog’s spinal cord circuitry. A “module” is a functional unit in the spinal cord circuitry that generates a specific motor output by imposing a specific pattern of muscle activation. The output of a module can be characterized as a force field: the collection of the isometric forces generated at the ankle over different locations in the leg’s workspace. Different modules can be combined independently so that their force fields linearly sum. The goal of this study was to ascertain whether the force fields generated by the activation of supraspinal structures could result from combinations of a small number of modules. We recorded a set of force fields generated by the electrical stimulation of the vestibular nerve in seven frogs, and we performed a principal component analysis to study the dimensionality of this set. We found that 94% of the total variation of the data is explained by the first five principal components, a result that indicates that the dimensionality of the set of fields evoked by vestibular stimulation is low. This result is compatible with the hypothesis that vestibular fields are generated by combinations of a small number of spinal modules.
Background: Voluntary limb movements are associated with involuntary and automatic postural adjustments of the trunk muscles. These postural adjustments occur prior to movement and prevent unwanted perturbation of the trunk. In low back pain, postural adjustments of the trunk muscles are altered such that the deep trunk muscles are consistently delayed and the superficial trunk muscles are sometimes augmented. This alteration of postural adjustments may reflect disruption of normal postural control imparted by reduced central nervous system resources available during pain, so-called pain interference, or reflect adoption of an alternate postural adjustment strategy. Methods: We aimed to clarify this by recording electromyographic activity of the upper (obliquus extemus) and lower (transversus abdominis/obliquus internus) abdominal muscles during voluntary arm movements that were coupled with painful cutaneous stimulation at the low back. If the effect of pain on postural adjustments is caused by pain interference, it should be greatest at the onset of the stimulus, should habituate with repeated exposure, and be absent immediately when the threat of pain is removed. Sixteen patients performed 30 forward movements of the right arm in response to a visual cue (control). Seventy trials were then conducted in which arm movement was coupled with pain (pain trials) and then a further 70 trials were conducted without the pain stimulus (no pain trials). Results: There was a gradual and increasing delay of transversus abdominis/obliquus internus electromyograph and augmentation of obliquus externus during the pain trials, both of which gradually returned to control values during the no pain trials. Conclusion: The results suggest that altered postural adjustments of the trunk muscles during pain are not caused by pain interference but are likely to reflect development and adoption of an alternate postural adjustment strategy, which may serve to limit the amplitude and velocity of trunk excursion caused by arm movement.
In a complete study in 25 patients with American cutaneous leishmaniasis, caused by Leishmania braziliensis complex, immunotherapeutic efficacy of parasite derived antigen (94-67 KD) has been compared to antimonial therapy. Additionally, to delineate the mechanism of therapeutic success, microscopical features of immune response in active lesions and healed or non-healed lesions following therapy were analyzed. The results showed that cure rates in immunotherapy and chemoterapy were equal (>83 por cento). The immunohistochemical changes in two therapeutic groups were also largely similar. The analysis of humoral and cellular immune response suggest that appropriate stimulation of T helper cells in the lesion site, in association with one or more cytokines, play a key role in the healing process.
For decades thimerosal has been used as a preservative in the candidate vaccine for cutaneous leishmaniasis, which was developed by Mayrink et al. The use of thimerosal in humans has been banned due to its mercury content. This study addresses the standardization of phenol as a new candidate vaccine preservative. We have found that the proteolytic activity was abolished when the test was conducted using the candidate vaccine added to merthiolate (MtVac) as well as to phenol (PhVac). The Montenegro's skin test conversion rates induced by MtVac and by PhVac was 68.06% and 85.9%, respectively, and these values were statistically significant (p < 0.05). The proliferative response of peripheral mononuclear blood cells shows that the stimulation index of mice immunized with both candidate vaccines was higher than the one in control animals (p < 0.05). The ability of the candidate vaccines to induce protection in C57BL/10 mice against a challenge with infective Leishmania amazonensis promastigotes was tested and the mice immunized with PhVac developed smaller lesions than the mice immunized with MtVac. Electrophoresis of phenol-preserved antigen revealed a number of proteins, which were better preserved in PhVac. These results do in fact encourage the use of phenol for preserving the immunogenic and biochemical properties of the candidate vaccine for cutaneous leishmaniasis.
Impaired ectodysplasin A (EDA) receptor (EDAR) signaling affects ectodermally derived structures including teeth, hair follicles, and cutaneous glands. The X-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (XLHED), resulting from EDA deficiency, can be rescued with lifelong benefits in animal models by stimulation of ectodermal appendage development with EDAR agonists. Treatments initiated later in the developmental period restore progressively fewer of the affected structures. It is unknown whether EDAR stimulation in adults with XLHED might have beneficial effects. In adult Eda mutant mice treated for several weeks with agonist anti-EDAR antibodies, we find that sebaceous gland size and function can be restored to wild-type levels. This effect is maintained upon chronic treatment but reverses slowly upon cessation of treatment. Sebaceous glands in all skin regions respond to treatment, although to varying degrees, and this is accompanied in both Eda mutant and wild-type mice by sebum secretion to levels higher than those observed in untreated controls. Edar is expressed at the periphery of the glands, suggesting a direct homeostatic effect of Edar stimulation on the sebaceous gland. Sebaceous gland size and sebum production may serve as biomarkers for EDAR stimulation, and EDAR agonists may improve skin dryness and eczema frequently observed in XLHED.
The levels of regulatory T cells (Treg cells), analyzed by Foxp3 mRNA expression, were determined in lesions from patients with acute cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) and chronic cutaneous leishmaniasis (CCL). We demonstrated that Treg cells preferentially accumulate in lesions from ACL patients during the early phase of infection (lesion duration of less than 1 month). In addition, levels of Foxp3 mRNA transcripts were significantly higher in specimens from patients with CCL than in those from patients with ACL, suggesting a critical role of intralesional Treg cells in CCL. Intralesional Treg cells from both ACL and CCL patients were shown to have suppressive functions in vitro, since they inhibited the gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) produced by CD4(+) CD25(-) T cells purified from peripheral blood mononuclear cells from the same patient in response to Leishmania guyanensis stimulation. Intralesional 2,3-indoleamine dioxygenase (IDO) mRNA expression was associated with that of Foxp3, suggesting a role for IDO in the suppressive activity of intralesional Treg cells. In addition, a role, albeit minor, of interleukin-10 (IL-10) was also demonstrated, since neutralization of IL-10 produced by intralesional T cells increased IFN-gamma production by effector cells in an in vitro suppressive assay. These results confirm the role of intralesional Treg cells in the immunopathogenesis of human Leishmania infection, particularly in CCL patients.
Short Report: Spinal Cord Stimulation in Thromboangiitis Obliterans and Secondary Raynaud's-Syndrome
Introduction: Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) may be a treatment option in limb ischemia occurring as a result of Thromboangiitis obliterans (TAO) or secondary Raynaud's-Syndrome (SRS). The impact of SCS on disease progression and micro-perfusion was prospectively evaluated during a follow-up (FU) of 4 years. Report: Under SCS, a significant increase in trans-cutaneous oxygen tension (tcpO2) was observed in TAO and a significant increase in systolic perfusion pressure at plethysmography was observed in SRS. Complete limb preservation was achieved in all patients who had reduced tobacco consumption. Discussion: SCS is an efficient therapeutic tool in TAO and SRS. Patient selection criteria are crucial for success.
Electroacupuncture analgesia in dogs: is there a difference between uni- and bi-lateral stimulation?
Objective To compare the analgesic effect of uni- and bi-lateral electroacupuncture (EA) in response to thermal and mechanical nociceptive stimuli and to investigate the cardiorespiratory, endocrine, and behavioral changes in dogs submitted to EA.Study design Prospective, randomized cross-over experimental study.Animals Eight adult, clinically healthy, cross-breed dogs, weighing 13 +/- 4 kg.Methods Dogs underwent electrostimulation at false acupoints (T-false); bilateral EA at acupoints, stomach 36, gall bladder 34 and spleen 6 (T-EA/bil); unilateral EA at the same points (T-EA/uni) or were untreated (T-control). All animals received acepromazine (0.05 mg kg(-1)) IV; and heart rate, pulse oximetry, indirect arterial blood pressure, respiratory rate, PECO2, rectal temperature, and plasma cortisol concentration were measured before, during, and after EA. Analgesia was tested using thoracic and abdominal cutaneous thermal and mechanical stimuli, and an interdigital thermal stimulus. Behavior was classified as calm or restless. Analysis of variance for repeated measures followed by Tukey's test was used for analysis of the data.Results There were no cardiorespiratory differences among the treatments. The cutaneous pain threshold was higher after EA, compared with false points. The latency period was shorter and analgesia was more intense in T-EA/bil than T-EA/uni, when both were compared with T-false and T-control. Six out of eight animals treated with EA were calm during treatment, and 5/8 and 4/8 of the T-false and T-control animals, respectively, were restless. Latency to interdigital thermal stimulation increased in T-EA/bil compared with the others. There was no difference in plasma cortisol concentrations among the treatments.Conclusions Bilateral EA produced a shorter latency period, a greater intensity, and longer duration of analgesia than unilateral stimulation, without stimulating a stress response.Clinical relevance Bilateral EA produces a better analgesic effect than unilateral EA.
The human skin not only provides passive protection as a physical barrier against external injury, but also mediates active surveillance via epidermal cell surface receptors that recognize and respond to potential invaders. Primary keratinocytes and immortalized cell lines, the commonly used sources to investigate immune responses of cutaneous epithelium are often difficult to obtain and/or potentially exhibit changes in cellular genetic make-up. Here we investigated the possibility of using salivary epithelial cells (SEC) to evaluate the host response to cutaneous microbes. Elevated secretion of IFN-γ and IL-12 was observed in the SEC stimulated with Staphylococcus aureus, a transient pathogen of the skin, as mono species biofilm as compared to SEC stimulated with a commensal microbe, the Staphylococcus epidermidis. Co-culture of the SEC with both microbes as dual species biofilm elicited maximum cytokine response. Stimulation with S. aureus alone but not with S. epidermidis alone induced maximum toll-like receptor-2 (TLR-2) expression in the SEC. Exposure to dual species biofilm induced a sustained upregulation of TLR-2 in the SEC for up to an hour. The data support novel application of the SEC as efficient biospecimen that may be used to investigate personalized response to cutaneous microflora. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Signaling through the interleukin 2 receptor (IL-2R) involves phosphorylation of several proteins including Jak3, STAT5, and, in preactivated cells, STAT3. In the present study, we examined the functional status of the IL-2R-associated Jak/STAT pathway in malignant T lymphocytes from advanced skin-based lymphomas: anaplastic large T-cell lymphoma (ALCL) and Sezary syndrome (SzS). Proliferation of three ALCL cell lines (PB-1, 2A, and 2B) was partially inhibited by rapamycin, a blocker of some of the signals mediated by IL-2R, but not by cyclosporin A, FK-506, and prednisone, which suppress signals mediated by the T-cell receptor. All the cell lines expressed on their surface the high-affinity IL-2R (alpha, beta, and gamma c chains). They showed basal, constitutive phosphorylation, and coassociation of Jak3, STAT5, and STAT3. Weak basal phosphorylation of IL-2R gamma c was also detected. In regard to SzS, peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 10 of 14 patients showed basal phosphorylation of Jak3, accompanied by phosphorylation of STAT5 in 9 patients, and STAT3 in 4 patients. However, in vitro overnight culture of SzS cells without exogenous cytokines resulted in markedly decreased Jak3 and STAT5 phosphorylation, which could be reversed by stimulation with IL-2. This indicates that the basal phosphorylation of Jak3 and STAT5 in freshly isolated SzS cells is induced rather than constitutive. The basal activation of the Jak/STAT pathway involved in IL-2R signal transduction in ALCL and SzS cells reported here suggests that this pathway may play a role in the pathogenesis of cutaneous T-cell lymphomas, although the mechanism (induced versus constitutive) may vary between different lymphoma types.
Cutaneous melanoma (CM) represents the third most common cancer in Italian women under 49 years old. In the last decades, many molecular studies confirmed that sex hormones have a part in melanogenesis and melanoma genesis. However, many controversies are present regarding the role of exogenous oestrogens intake and endogenous hormonal status in female melanoma. Our study's primary objective is to investigate the features of melanoma in women of fertile age and women in postmenopausal age. The secondary aim is to evaluate the expression of ERα and ERβ by immunohistochemical analysis in women who underwent ovarian stimulation for medically assisted procreation and in women in cancer therapy for breast cancer (BC) comparing to two control groups. The tertiary objective is to correlate ERα and ERβ with the Breslow thickness and other relevant histopathological, clinical and dermoscopic characteristics Results A total of 998 women were included in the study. Women in fertile age are significantly more prone to have CM on the trunk. Conversely, postmenopausal females are more likely to develop CM on acral locations. Breslow thickness and ulceration were statistically significant among postmenopausal women (P-value <0,001). In the group for women with a history of breast cancer (BC), we observed a significantly higher CM percentage with “non-brisk” TILs. Upon immunohistochemical analysis, most cases with inhibitor aromatase therapy displayed a strong cytoplasmatic ERα positivity. Upon the Pearson correlation analysis, no association was shown between nuclear ERβ and Breslow thickness. The meaning of cytoplasmatic ERα in melanoma is still debated. It could suggest a potentially significant role of oestrogen non-genomic pathway in these patients, or it can be a mechanism of ERs modulation in response to aromatase inhibitor therapy. Our work tried to enlighten some of the existing shadows on the role of ERs and hormonal factors in CM.