994 resultados para Cuo : HZSM-5


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The addition of ZnO or ZrO2 into CuO/HZSM-5 was investigated for DME synthesis from syngas by using the reactive frontal chromatography method, TPR and in situ TPR. These promoters enhanced the catalytic activity of Cu/HZSM-5 and promotion with ZnO and ZrO2 produced a maximum activity, which could be explained by the improvement of the dispersion of Cu and the promotion of CuO reduction. The Cu+ species existing during the reaction have been detected, based on which a Cu-0 <-> Cu+1 redox cycle model was put forward.


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Herein we investigate the use of CuO-ZnO-Al2O3 (CZA) with different solid acid catalysts (NH(4)ZSM-5. HZSM-5 or gamma-Al2O3) for the production of dimethyl ether from syngas. It was found that of the solid acids, which are necessary for the dehydration function of the admixed system, the CZA/HZSM-5 bifunctional catalyst with a 0.25 acid fraction showed high stability over a continuous period of 212 h.

As this particular system was observed to loose around 16.2% of its initial activity over this operating period this study further investigates the CZA/HZSM-5 bifunctional catalyst in terms of its deactivation mechanisms. TPO investigations showed that the catalyst deactivation was related to coke deposited on the metallic sites: interface between the metallic sites and the support near the metal-support: and on the support itself. 


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The kinetics of thermal degradation of poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) in solution was investigated at various temperatures (210-250degreesC). The degradation rate coefficients were determined from the time evolution of the molecular weight distribution (MWD). The energy of activation, determined from the temperature dependence of the rate coefficient, was 26.6 kcal/mol. The degradation of PVC was also studied in the presence of a catalyst (HZSM-5 zeolite). The results indicated that increase of the degradation rate of PVC is first order with the HZSM-5 concentration up to 50 g/L and zero order at higher concentrations. The thermal degradation kinetics of PVC in the presence of 50 g/L of the catalyst was studied at various temperatures. The temperature dependency of the rate coefficient was used to calculate the activation energy (21.5 kcal/mol). This is consistent with the observation that the presence of a catalyst generally decreases the activation energy and promotes degradation. (C) 2002 John Wiley Sons, Inc.


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El propileno es un monómero muy versátil y es la materia prima para una amplia gama de polímeros, intermedios y productos químicos. Esta versatilidad se debe a su estructura química: al igual que el etileno, el propileno contiene un doble enlace carbono - carbono, pero a diferencia de éste, el propileno contiene también un grupo metil - alílico (un grupo metilo adyacente a un doble enlace), otorgando a los químicos, diseñadores catalíticos e ingenieros dos distintas alternativas para llevar a cabo las trasformaciones químicas, por lo que son más numerosos los derivados del propilen o que del etileno (Plotkin, 2005).


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A reação de transformação de MeOH em olefinas leves foi investigada sobre zeólitas HZSM-5 com razões SiO2/Al2O3 (SAR) iguais a 30, 80 e 280. As propriedades ácidas e texturais da amostra com SAR 30 foram modificadas por impregnação com ácido fosfórico. A caracterização físico-química das amostras foi realizada empregando-se as técnicas de FRX, fisissorção de N2, DRX, DTP de NH3 e IV com adsorção de piridina. O desempenho catalítico das mesmas foi comparado tanto em condições reacionais similares (mesma T, pressão parcial de MeOH e WHSV) como em condições de isoconversão. Verificou-se, que quanto maior a SAR da zeólita, menor a densidade total e a força dos sítios ácidos presentes, sendo este efeito mais significativo para os sítios de Brönsted. O efeito do aumento da SAR favoreceu a estabilidade catalítica e a formação de olefinas leves, principalmente propeno. No caso das amostras contendo fósforo, foi observada uma redução linear na área específica BET e no volume de microporos com o aumento do teor de fósforo. Estes resultados, aliados aos obtidos por DRX, sugerem que a redução mais significativa na área específica e no volume de microporos pode ser associada à redução na cristalinidade e à formação de espécies amorfas contendo fósforo, que bloqueariam a estrutura porosa da zeólita. Não se observou alteração significativa na força dos sítios fracos, enquanto a força dos sítios fortes diminuiu significativamente. As amostras apresentando menor SAR e menor teor de fósforo foram mais ativas. Por outro lado, em condições de isoconversão de 916%, a amostra mais seletiva à formação de olefinas foi aquela com maior SAR. Dentre as amostras impregnadas, aquela contendo 4% de fósforo foi a mais seletiva a propeno, enquanto a que continha 6% foi mais seletiva a eteno. A amostra com SAR igual a 280 foi investigada variando-se a temperatura de reação (400, 500 e 540C) e a pressão parcial de metanol (0,038; 0,083 e 0,123 atm), através de um planejamento experimental do tipo Box-Benhnken (32). O rendimento otimizado em olefinas leves foi alcançado a 480C e 0,08 atm. O modelo proposto descreveu bem os dados experimentais e evidenciou a existência de uma faixa ótima de temperatura para maximização do rendimento em propeno e eteno, o qual foi também afetado pela pressão parcial de MeOH na faixa estudada. Palavras-chave: ZSM-5, olefinas, propeno, eteno, processo MTO, fósforo.


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Microporous HZSM-5 zeolite and mesoporous SiO2 supported Ru-Co catalysts of various Ru adding amounts were prepared and evaluated for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (FTS) of gasoline-range hydrocarbons (C-5-C-12). The tailor-made Ru-Co/SiO2/HZSM-5 catalysts possessed both micro- and mesopores, which accelerated hydrocracking/hydroisomerization of long-chain products and provided quick mass transfer channels respectively during FTS. In the same time. Ru increased Cor reduction degree by hydrogen spillover, thus CO conversion of 62.8% and gasoline-range hydrocarbon selectivity of 47%, including more than 14% isoparaffins, were achieved simultaneously when Ru content was optimized at 1 wt% in Ru-Co/SiO2/HZSM-5 catalyst.


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Two types of SiO2 with different mesopore size and HZSM-5 zeolite were used to prepare hybrid supported cobalt-based catalysts. The textual and structural properties of the catalysts were studied using N-2 physisorption, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and H-2 temperature-programmed reduction (TPR) techniques. Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (FTS) performances of the catalysts were carried out in a fixed-bed reactor. The combination effects of the meso- and micropores of the supports as well as the interaction between supports and cobalt particles on FTS activity are discussed. The results indicate that the catalyst supported on the tailor-made SiO2 and HZSM-5 hybrid maintained both meso- and micropore pores during the preparation process without HZSM-5 particles agglomerating. The mesopores provided quick mass transfer channels, while the micropores contributed to high metal dispersion and accelerated hydrocracking/hydroisomerization reaction rate. High CO conversion of 83.9% and selectivity to gasoline-range hydrocarbons (C-5-C-12) of 55%, including more than 10% isoparaffins, were achieved simultaneously on this type of catalyst.


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