216 resultados para Cumulus.


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Clouds are the largest source of uncertainty in climate science, and remain a weak link in modeling tropical circulation. A major challenge is to establish connections between particulate microphysics and macroscale turbulent dynamics in cumulus clouds. Here we address the issue from the latter standpoint. First we show how to create bench-scale flows that reproduce a variety of cumulus-cloud forms (including two genera and three species), and track complete cloud life cycles-e.g., from a ``cauliflower'' congestus to a dissipating fractus. The flow model used is a transient plume with volumetric diabatic heating scaled dynamically to simulate latent-heat release from phase changes in clouds. Laser-based diagnostics of steady plumes reveal Riehl-Malkus type protected cores. They also show that, unlike the constancy implied by early self-similar plume models, the diabatic heating raises the Taylor entrainment coefficient just above cloud base, depressing it at higher levels. This behavior is consistent with cloud-dilution rates found in recent numerical simulations of steady deep convection, and with aircraft-based observations of homogeneous mixing in clouds. In-cloud diabatic heating thus emerges as the key driver in cloud development, and could well provide a major link between microphysics and cloud- scale dynamics.


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This paper is a review prepared for the second Marseille Colloquium on the mechanics of turbulence, held in 2011, 50 years after the first. The review covers recent developments in our understanding of the large-scale dynamics of cumulus cloud flows and of the atmospheric boundary layer in the low-wind convective regime that is often encountered in the tropics. It has recently been shown that a variety of cumulus cloud forms and life cycles can be experimentally realized in the laboratory, with the transient diabatic plume taken as the flow model for a cumulus cloud. The plume is subjected to diabatic heating scaled to be dynamically similar to heat release from phase changes in clouds. The experiments are complemented by exact numerical solutions of the Navier-Stokes-Boussinesq equations for plumes with scaled off-source heating. The results show that the Taylor entrainment coefficient first increases with heating, reaches a positive maximum and then drops rapidly to zero or even negative values. This reduction in entrainment is a consequence of structural changes in the flow, smoothing out the convoluted boundaries in the non-diabatic plume, including the tongues engulfing the ambient flow. This is accompanied by a greater degree of mixedness in the core flow because of lower dilution by the ambient fluid. The cloud forms generated depend strongly on the history of the diabatic heating profile in the vertical direction. The striking effects of heating on the flow are attributable to the operation of the baroclinic torque due to the temperature field. The mean baroclinic torque is shown to peak around a quasi-cylindrical sheet situated midway between the axis of the flow and the edges. This torque is shear-enhancing and folds down the engulfment tongues. The increase in mixedness can be traced to an explosive growth in the enstrophy, triggered by a strong fluctuating baroclinic torque that acts as a source, especially at the higher wave numbers, thus enhancing the mixedness. In convective boundary layers field measurements show that, under conditions prevailing in the tropics, the eddy fluxes of momentum and energy do not follow the Monin-Obukhov similarity. Instead, the eddy momentum flux is found to be linear in the wind speed at low winds; and the eddy heat flux is, to a first approximation, governed by free convection laws, with wind acting as a small perturbation on a regime of free convection. A new boundary layer code, based on heat flux scaling rather than wall-stress scaling, shows promising improvements in predictive skills of a general circulation model.


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O objectivo deste trabalho científico é o estudo do transporte vertical de momento linear horizontal (CMT) realizado por sistemas de nuvens de convecção profunda sobre o oceano tropical. Para realizar este estudo, foram utilizadas simulações tridimensionais produzidas por um modelo explícito de nuvens (CRM) para os quatro meses de duração da campanha observacional TOGA COARE que ocorreu sobre as águas quentes do Pacífico ocidental. O estudo foca essencialmente as características estatísticas e à escala da nuvem do CMT durante um episódio de fortes ventos de oeste e durante um período de tempo maior que incluí este evento de convecção profunda. As distribuições verticais e altitude-temporais de campos atmosféricos relacionados com o CMT são avaliadas relativamente aos campos observacionais disponíveis, mostrando um bom acordo com os resultados de estudos anteriores, confirmando assim a boa qualidade das primeiras e fornecendo a confiança necessária para continuar a investigação. A sensibilidade do CMT em relação do domínio espacial do model é analisada, utilizando dois tipos de simulações tridimensionais produzidas por domínios horizontais de diferente dimensão, sugerindo que o CMT não depende da dimensão do domínio espacial horizontal escolhido para simular esta variável. A capacidade da parameterização do comprimento de mistura simular o CMT é testada, destacando as regiões troposféricas onde os fluxos de momento linear horizontal são no sentido do gradiente ou contra o gradiente. Os fluxos no sentido do gradiente apresentam-se relacionados a uma fraca correlação entre os campos atmosféricos que caracterizam esta parameterização, sugerindo que as formulações dos fluxos de massa dentro da nuvem e o fenómeno de arrastamento do ar para dentro da nuvem devem ser revistos. A importância do ar saturado e não saturado para o CMT é estudada com o objectivo de alcançar um melhor entendimento acerca dos mecanismos físicos responsáveis pelo CMT. O ar não saturado e saturado na forma de correntes descendentes contribuem de forma determinante para o CMT e deverão ser considerados em futuras parameterizações do CMT e da convecção em nuvens cumulus. Métodos de agrupamento foram aplicados às contribuições do ar saturado e não saturado, analisando os campos da força de flutuação e da velocidade vertical da partícula de ar, concluindo-se a presença de ondas gravíticas internas como mecanismo responsável pelo ar não saturado. A força do gradiente de pressão dentro da nuvem é também avaliada, utilizando para este efeito a fórmula teórica proposta por Gregory et al. (1997). Uma boa correlação entre esta força e o produto entre efeito de cisalhamento do vento e a perturbação da velocidade vertical é registada, principalmente para as correntes ascendentes dentro da nuvem durante o episódio de convecção profunda. No entanto, o valor ideal para o coeficiente empírico c*, que caracteriza a influência da força do gradiente de pressão dentro da nuvem sobre a variação vertical da velocidade horizontal dentro da nuvem, não é satisfatoriamente alcançado. Bons resultados são alcançados através do teste feito à aproximação do fluxo de massa proposta por Kershaw e Gregory (1997) para o cálculo do CMT total, revelando mais uma vez a importância do ar não saturado para o CMT.


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Les WNTs sont une famille de glycoprotéines qui, secrétées dans le milieu extracellulaire, jouent un rôle important dans l’embryogenèse. Chez l’adulte, leur dérégulation va entrainer diverses affections incluant des troubles du développement accompagnés ou non de malformations mais aussi des cancers. Au niveau de l’ovaire, le rôle des WNTs demeure peu défini même si des études chez l’humain et la souris prouvent l’implication de certains membres de cette famille dans le développement ovarien ainsi que dans les processus de maturation folliculaire et d’ovulation. Dans ce contexte, nous avons voulu évaluer l’expression de quelques membres de la famille des WNTs (-2, -2b, -4, -5a et -5b) durant l’expansion des cellules du cumulus et évaluer l’effet de certains d’entre eux sur le COC ainsi que la maturation de l’ovocyte chez la vache. Les COCs bovins étaient placés dans une solution de maturation in vitro pendant 0, 6, 12 et 22h et les niveaux d’ARNm mesurés par PCR en temps réel. L’abondance de l’ARNm pour WNT-2b était significativement plus élevée après 6h de maturation comparée aux COCs immatures (à 0h), alors que l’ARNm codant pour WNT-2, -4, -5a et -5b n’augmentait qu’en fin de culture. L’addition d’EGF provoquait l’expansion du COC et la progression de l’ovocyte vers la métaphase II (MII) comme nous l’espérions mais, à notre grande surprise, l’ajout de WNT-2b au milieu de maturation provoquait également l’expansion du COC (82% et 69% pour EGF et WNT-2b respectivement) et la progression de l’ovocyte vers le stade MII (62% et 56% EGF et WNT-2b respectivement). La combinaison d’EGF et WNT-2b n’a pas produit de meilleurs résultats. Notre étude met en lumière l’implication des WNTs dans la maturation du COC chez la vache. Leurs voies d’activation restent toutefois à déterminer.


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This paper considers the relationship between the mean temperature and humidity profiles and the fluxes of heat and moisture at cloud base and the base of the inversion in the cumulus-capped boundary layer. The relationships derived are based on an approximate form of the scalar-flux budget and the scaling properties of the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) budget. The scalar-flux budget gives a relationship between the change in the virtual potential temperature across either the cloud base transition zone or the inversion and the flux at the base of the layer. The scaling properties of the TKE budget lead to a relationship between the heat and moisture fluxes and the mean subsaturation through the liquid-water flux. The 'jump relation' for the virtual potential temperature at cloud base shows the close connection between the cumulus mass flux in the cumulus-capped boundary layer and the entrainment velocity in the dry-convective boundary layer. Gravity waves are shown to be an important feature of the inversion.


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Scalar-flux budgets have been obtained from large-eddy simulations (LESs) of the cumulus-capped boundary layer. Parametrizations of the terms in the budgets are discussed, and two parametrizations for the transport term in the cloud layer are proposed. It is shown that these lead to two models for scalar transports by shallow cumulus convection. One is equivalent to the subsidence detrainment form of convective tendencies obtained from mass-flux parametrizations of cumulus convection. The second is a flux-gradient relationship that is similar in form to the non-local parametrizations of turbulent transports in the dry-convective boundary layer. Using the fluxes of liquid-water potential temperature and total water content from the LES, it is shown that both models are reasonable diagnostic relations between fluxes and the vertical gradients of the mean fields. The LESs used in this study are for steady-state convection and it is possible to treat the fluxes of conserved thermodynamic variables as independent, and ignore the effects of condensation. It is argued that a parametrization of cumulus transports in a model of the cumulus-capped boundary layer should also include an explicit representation of condensation. A simple parametrization of the liquid-water flux in terms of conserved variables is also derived.


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Wagner and Graf (2010) derive a population evolution equation for an ensemble of convective plumes, an analogue with the Lotka–Volterra equation, from the energy equations for convective plumes provided by Arakawa and Schubert (1974). Although their proposal is interesting, as the present note shows, there are some problems with their derivation.


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We propose a new modelling framework suitable for the description of atmospheric convective systems as a collection of distinct plumes. The literature contains many examples of models for collections of plumes in which strong simplifying assumptions are made, a diagnostic dependence of convection on the large-scale environment and the limit of many plumes often being imposed from the outset. Some recent studies have sought to remove one or the other of those assumptions. The proposed framework removes both, and is explicitly time-dependent and stochastic in its basic character. The statistical dynamics of the plume collection are defined through simple probabilistic rules applied at the level of individual plumes, and van Kampen's system size expansion is then used to construct the macroscopic limit of the microscopic model. Through suitable choices of the microscopic rules, the model is shown to encompass previous studies in the appropriate limits, and to allow their natural extensions beyond those limits.


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In situ high resolution aircraft measurements of cloud microphysical properties were made in coordination with ground based remote sensing observations of a line of small cumulus clouds, using Radar and Lidar, as part of the Aerosol Properties, PRocesses And InfluenceS on the Earth's climate (APPRAISE) project. A narrow but extensive line (~100 km long) of shallow convective clouds over the southern UK was studied. Cloud top temperatures were observed to be higher than −8 °C, but the clouds were seen to consist of supercooled droplets and varying concentrations of ice particles. No ice particles were observed to be falling into the cloud tops from above. Current parameterisations of ice nuclei (IN) numbers predict too few particles will be active as ice nuclei to account for ice particle concentrations at the observed, near cloud top, temperatures (−7.5 °C). The role of mineral dust particles, consistent with concentrations observed near the surface, acting as high temperature IN is considered important in this case. It was found that very high concentrations of ice particles (up to 100 L−1) could be produced by secondary ice particle production providing the observed small amount of primary ice (about 0.01 L−1) was present to initiate it. This emphasises the need to understand primary ice formation in slightly supercooled clouds. It is shown using simple calculations that the Hallett-Mossop process (HM) is the likely source of the secondary ice. Model simulations of the case study were performed with the Aerosol Cloud and Precipitation Interactions Model (ACPIM). These parcel model investigations confirmed the HM process to be a very important mechanism for producing the observed high ice concentrations. A key step in generating the high concentrations was the process of collision and coalescence of rain drops, which once formed fell rapidly through the cloud, collecting ice particles which caused them to freeze and form instant large riming particles. The broadening of the droplet size-distribution by collision-coalescence was, therefore, a vital step in this process as this was required to generate the large number of ice crystals observed in the time available. Simulations were also performed with the WRF (Weather, Research and Forecasting) model. The results showed that while HM does act to increase the mass and number concentration of ice particles in these model simulations it was not found to be critical for the formation of precipitation. However, the WRF simulations produced a cloud top that was too cold and this, combined with the assumption of continual replenishing of ice nuclei removed by ice crystal formation, resulted in too many ice crystals forming by primary nucleation compared to the observations and parcel modelling.


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Tropical deep convection exhibits a variety of levels of aggregation over a wide range of scales. Based on a multisatellite analysis, the present study shows at mesoscale that different levels of aggregation are statistically associated with differing large-scale atmospheric states, despite similar convective intensity and large-scale forcings. The more aggregated the convection, the dryer and less cloudy the atmosphere, the stronger the outgoing longwave radiation, and the lower the planetary albedo. This suggests that mesoscale convective aggregation has the potential to affect couplings between moisture and convection and between convection, radiation, and large-scale ascent. In so doing, aggregation may play a role in phenomena such as “hot spots” or the Madden-Julian Oscillation. These findings support the need for the representation of mesoscale organization in cumulus parameterizations; most parameterizations used in current climate models lack any such representation. The ability of a cloud system-resolving model to reproduce observed relationships suggests that such models may be useful to guide attempts at parameterizations of convective aggregation.


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The present in vitro experiments were designed to evaluate the ability of bovine cumulus-oocyte-complexes (COCs)to produce steroids and also to evaluate the modulatory effects of added estradiol, progesterone and testosterone on the steroidogenic activity of COCs. Considerable estradiol accumulation was observed in the control maturation medium for in vitro maturation of bovine COCs during the 24h of maturation (P < 0.05). When testosterone was added to the medium at various concentrations, a slight estradiol accumulation occurred, which, however, was lower (P < 0.05) than that observed in the control medium. Slight estradiol accumulation was observed in maturation medium containing progesterone at concentrations of 2.5, 5.0 and 10.0 mug/ml, but these increases were less (P < 0.05) than those observed in the control medium. However, in the presence of 1.0 mug/ml progesterone, estradiol accumulation was equal to that of the control medium (P > 0.05). Progesterone accumulation (P < 0.05) was observed in the control medium for in vitro maturation of bovine COCs. When estradiol was added to the maturation medium, progesterone accumulation was observed, but was significant (P < 0.05) only when the medium was supplemented with the lesser concentrations of estradiol utilized in the experiment (1.0 mug/ml). The results demonstrated that (1) cumulus cells of bovine COCs are able to secrete estradiol and progesterone in culture systems for in vitro maturation, and this steroidogenesis is modulated by the steroids progesterone, testosterone and estradiol, and (2) the addition of estradiol to the in vitro maturation medium of bovine oocytes should be reviewed, since cumulus cells of COCs have been demonstrated to secrete estradiol in the maturation medium. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.