994 resultados para Cultural repertoire
Teaching sports techniques lessons of Physical Education is a very controversial subject. We must emphasize the fact that called our attention, that dealing with sport in a critical way would be the same as being against the teaching of the art. Several factors contributed in shaping this reality, among them we suspect that the proposal's incomprehension made within the socio-cultural trends. Thus, the aim of this work was to investigate the technical aspects of sports in teaching of Physical Education, as socio-cultural trends part. Throughout the text it is possible to identify new goals considering sportive techniques such as the concern with interests of students who movement, consideration of cultural repertoire of these students, in addition to proposing that the lessons do not restrict implementation of these movements, but also includes the knowledge of social, political, economic and cultural universe of sports events.
ABSTRACT: The “azure jay” and the “pine tree” are among the most acknowledged representative symbols from Parana State in Brazil. They have been referenced by many different kinds of artistic expressions, such as theater, poetry and music. Along the years the tales about these cultural images have inspired regional and nationally recognized poets, writers and composers. In this perspective, considering the importance of these local symbols, this paper aims to verify how distinct kinds of artistic production, such as literary and musical works, depict these acknowledged symbols. So, as corpus to this research we took three texts. The first one is the song Gralha azul (1968), composed by Inami Custódio Pinto, which is considered one of the most outstanding songs of the cultural repertoire from Parana State. The second one is the poem Araucária (1999), by Helena Kolody. The third one is A lenda do pinheiro e a gralha azul (1972), which is in the first publication about blue azure jay’s tales, the book A sombra dos pinheirais (1925), by Eurico Branco Ribeiro. We analyze some lexical units such as “azure jay”, “pine tree” and “pinion”, trying to describe their meanings conveyed by the selected artistic work. The theoretical basis that guides this work are the Lexicology and Lexicography studies (BIDERMAN, 2001a, 2001b, 2001c), discussing the existing relation between lexicon, society and culture. KEYWORDS: Lexicon; Symbols of Parana; Culture of Parana.
In this research I ask what is interpreted as sex-based harassment by 15-16-year old girls and boys. By sex-based harassment I refer to one-sided, unwanted attention that is based on gender and that makes the target feel embarrassed, frightened, hurt or angry. My focus is not on the most overt cases of harassment but rather on everyday encounters. While young people differentiate between harassing and non-harassing attention, at the same time they define, assign value to and construct differences and power relations on the basis of gender, age and ethnicity, for example. My main data consists of essays (N 104, 54 girls, 54 boys) and thematic interviews (N 14; 20 girls, 3 boys) of ninth graders of a secondary school in Helsinki. In the essays and interviews, students construe the border between pleasant and unpleasant, tolerable and intolerable attention as clear in principle, but, they suggest that in practice this border is ambivalent, negotiable and contextual. The interpretations of incidents are justified by referring to features of the target, the scene or the perpetrator. Targets of harassment are most often construed as being girls who are characterized as thin-skinned, but at the same time they are expected to be understanding toward any sex-based attention they may get, particularly when it is not physical. On the other hand, girls are regarded as equal and even active participants in incidents of harassment. Such statements include considerations of how girls either reject or invite particular kinds of attention by their actions and outward appearance. Forms of harassment, ways of understanding it as well as overcoming it vary according to spatial context. By situating incidents in different spaces and places, young people contrast their experiences with ordinary and predictable non-harassment that takes place e.g. in discos and unusual and unexpected harassment that takes place e.g. in the city streets in the daytime. The behaviour of boys harassing a girls is naturalized by appealing to young masculinity and the childishness but also strong sexual drive which is seen as characteristic of teenage boys. On the other hand, sex-based harassment is racialized and pathologized in ways that separate the phenomenon from young, Finnish, normal masculinity. Both the material experiences of the young people and the definitions of the parties involved in harassing incidents are gendered. Girls encounter and deal with sexualized commenting and unwanted approaches much more often and in a more intensive way than boys. Furthermore, there is a vast cultural repertoire of acceptable accounts that can be mobilised in order to excuse male harassers, to critically evaluate the appearance or action of the female targets and to divide the responsibility between the female target and the male perpetrator.
A partir das teorias da Linguística Textual e da Análise do Discurso, este trabalho tem por objeto de estudo o processo de produção e recepção do anúncio publicitário impresso, investigando especificamente a intertextualidade e a interdiscursividade como forma de associação de informações que se encontram no repertório cultural da sociedade. Analisa, portanto, os efeitos de tais textos no interlocutor, que é seduzido pela mensagem que lhe é exposta, considerando que a linguagem publicitária está impregnada de discursos sócio-históricos e valores ideológicos que refletem o cotidiano das pessoas, sendo comum a aparição de anúncios que se destacam diante do leitor / consumidor por revelarem situações vividas por ele ou que se identifiquem com seus anseios mais íntimos. Com a análise de um corpus formado por 10 (dez) anúncios, retirados de revistas de grande circulação nacional, que mobilizam uma série de estratégias criativas para o seu processamento, assim como o conhecimento de mundo do leitor, buscou-se evidenciar de que modo o intertexto e o interdiscurso constroem o sentido das peças publicitárias, construindo textos persuasivos e sedutores. Com isso, o presente estudo se volta para uma reflexão da língua, podendo ser utilizado com finalidade didática, para que o olhar do aluno / leitor seja aguçado para as estratégias persuasivas propositadamente presentes nesse gênero textual. Assim, o sujeito-receptor de anúncios publicitários se instrumentaliza para a leitura, em sentido amplo, e se torna capaz de perceber todo o jogo arquitetado por uma linguagem híbrida
We provide a select overview of tools supporting traditional Jewish learning. Then we go on to discuss our own HyperJoseph/HyperIsaac project in instructional hypermedia. Its application is to teaching, teacher training, and self-instruction in given Bible passages. The treatment of two narratives has been developed thus far. The tool enables an analysis of the text in several respects: linguistic, narratological, etc. Moreover, the Scriptures' focality throughout the cultural history makes this domain of application particularly challenging, in that there is a requirement for the tool to encompass the accretion of receptions in the cultural repertoire, i.e., several layers of textual traditions—either hermeneutic (i.e., interpretive), or appropriations—related to the given core passage, thus including "secondary" texts (i.e., such that are responding or derivative) from as disparate realms as Roman-age and later homiletics, Medieval and later commentaries or supercommentaries, literary appropriations, references to the arts and modern scholarship, etc. in particular, the Midrash (homiletic expansions) is adept at narrative gap filling, so the narratives mushroom at the interstices where the primary text is silent. The genealogy of the project is rooted in Weiss' index of novelist Agnon's writings, which was eventually upgraded into a hypertextual tool, including Agnon's full-text and ancillary materials. Those early tools being intended primarily for reference and research-support in literary studies, the Agnon hypertext system was initially emulated in the conception of HyperJoseph, which is applied to the Joseph story from Genesis. Then, the transition from a tool for reference to an instructional tool required a thorough reconception in an educational perspective, which led to HyperIsaac, on the sacrifice of Isaac, and to a redesign and upgrade of HyperJoseph as patterned after HyperIsaac.
This study approaches the relations of family and school, from the perspective of the family. It aims to analyze the meanings attributed by family to the school as a space for plural relationships, and understand the relations that these mothers constitute culturally with schools and their everyday pedagogical practices. When we seek to understand this problematic, it was established as guiding principles of the search in/from/with everyday life. Accordingly, we focused on, as main interlocutors, mothers and authors such as Certeau (1994), Morin (2000) and Freire (1978), among others, on the understanding that cultural diversity is an essential element of the complex relationship between family and public school, because they come from different cultural contexts. In the course of the research it was made the use of the procedure of dialogic conversation as a production process and information analysis. The current analysis highlights that families observe the difference between cultural and report that they are from different socio-political context set by the school, they came from rural areas and their lives were marked by the struggle for survival, and the work activity has been present since their childhood. For the families that participated in this research the school is/was not part of the cultural repertoire significance in their lives and it feels that they attribute to them, are in negotiations with their symbolic universe. The mothers hold a speech of a schoolar binding and pertencing, but the school has the time as possible in their daily lives. Thus, the dynamics of family and school relationships, is configured as complex, and the ambiguity in maternal speech marks a thinking/doing about the school in which they demonstrate ways of making the common man, involving the art of duplicity of the saying and doing, gimmnicks and antidiscipline
This work aims at under the cognitive-functional perspective describing, inside the vast domain of the linguistic prefabs, the structure and the functioning of the Idiomatic Verb Phrases (SVIs), produced by speakers of the Portuguese from Brazil, located in Natal (RN). From the functionalist presupposition that the language is used essentially to assist to communicative demands, it is observed that its morphologic-syntactic structure is conditioned to the inherent pragmatic vicissitudes to the verbal interaction of subjects, socially heterogeneous and historically established. It is focalized, in the composition of SVIs, the relationships VT + OD (transitive verb + direct object), characterizing the syntactic-semantic nature of the verb and of the respective verbal complement. Those verb combinations + complement can be interpreted as lexical structures, reflexes of the idiomaticity inherent to conventional constructions already systematized in the users' of the language cultural repertoire. It is sought, still, to glimpse the cognitive and discursive motivations pertinent to that linguistic phenomenon. In the investigative process, are analyzed exclusive data of speech collected in Corpus Discurso & Gramática a lingua falada e escrita na cidade do Natal, organized by Furtado da Cunha (1998). The adopted methodological procedures configure as methods of empiric analysis and use of the intuition, being emphasized the qualitative approach (explanatory) of the data with quantitative support of statistical indicators. It shows, finally, a grating of didactic suggestions on SVIs, for Portuguese's classes, as subsidies to the educational practice in the Medium Teaching and in the course of Letters.
Expõe uma prática de pesquisa-ação realizada em uma sala de aula de língua portuguesa durante o ano de 2003. Ele traz à tona produções textuais, geradas neste contexto, que nos servem para discutir mecanismos de escrita utilizados pelos sujeitos da pesquisa (alunos de 5a série do ensino fundamental) em seus textos. Partimos do pressuposto bakhtiniano da compreensão responsiva ativa de que os educandos diante de uma atividade de produção textual escolar não são passivos e, em função disso, respondem à atividade utilizando a escrita para manifestarem os discursos constituídos em suas comunidades. Dado os problemas predominantes nas produções escritas escolares, desenvolveu-se um trabalho que pretendia valorizar práticas sociais de contar lendas presentes no repertório cultural dos alunos que, na maioria das vezes, são bastante preteridas pela instituição escolar. Assim, pôde-se gerar um corpus composto por lendas re-escritas pelos alunos que trazem espaço para discutirmos questões pertinentes ao ensino de língua portuguesa na escola, tais como retextualização e intertextualidade, que perpassam, consciente ou inconscientemente, a produção escrita em sala de aula.
This paper presents the results of a University research and extension project conducted at an institution that provides support to children and adolescents in the city of Marília, state of São Paulo, in 2010. This project focuses on reading and storytelling activities to stimulate children to become readers and increase their cultural repertoire. The theoretical reflection is based on the studies of Vygotsky, Bakhtin and Benjamin. The practical activities were organized based on authors such as Bajard, Freinet and Coelho; and the choice of the literary works and stories follow the criteria described in the text. The activities were used with the purpose of motivating children and teenagers to read. We observed significant changes in participants, namely: better vocabulary and engagement in activities proposed. The data collected is presented in the text in the form of speech transcripts and in the reports of the book of life.
This study aims to reflect on the cultural and aesthetics formation of teacher, and how they act as a co-author in the virtual environment. The reflection permeates on topics such as: The Information Age and the challenges of the teacher in the twenty-first century; teacher professional development and the multiple personal identities; the importance of cultural repertoire for teaching practice and the role of the teacher as co-author in the informational network. In addition to the theoretical reflections were conducted two focus groups with the participation of teachers with different graduations and working in various levels of education to discuss the presented topics. It was proposed to create a website for the teacher to sail and collaborate with posts on many cultural artifacts. For the construction of the content for the site, it developed a “daily creation”, which is the search information storage from multiple sources, such as academic papers, songs, websites, magazines, comics, blogs, books, photographs, advertisements, finally everything that can increase imagination and serve for the production of content. Data analysis of the focus group showed that teachers recognize the varied cultural repertoire makes for a good professional aplomb, but cannot actively participate in the local culture. It was also found that the teacher has difficulty manipulating information technology and communication and therefore, distance themselves from an active production network. The focus group contributed to building a website and posts on cultural artifacts. Production can be accessed at www.digitaldoprofessor.com.
Embedded generalized markup, as applied by digital humanists to the recording and studying of our textual cultural heritage, suffers from a number of serious technical drawbacks. As a result of its evolution from early printer control languages, generalized markup can only express a document’s ‘logical’ structure via a repertoire of permissible printed format structures. In addition to the well-researched overlap problem, the embedding of markup codes into texts that never had them when written leads to a number of further difficulties: the inclusion of potentially obsolescent technical and subjective information into texts that are supposed to be archivable for the long term, the manual encoding of information that could be better computed automatically, and the obscuring of the text by highly complex technical data. Many of these problems can be alleviated by asserting a separation between the versions of which many cultural heritage texts are composed, and their content. In this way the complex inter-connections between versions can be handled automatically, leaving only simple markup for individual versions to be handled by the user.
Cultural innovation and transmission of tool use in wild chimpanzees:evidence from field experiments
Animal Cognition, V.6, pp. 213-223
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)