997 resultados para Cultural intermediaries


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Based on interviews with arts administrators responsible for addressing targeted groups labelled “socially excluded,” this paper highlights new understandings of the term “cultural intermediary” (Featherstone 1991; Bourdieu 2000) within art galleries and art centres. It considers the unique role of such figures in crossing the exclusion/inclusion boundary within the arts and developing more personal approaches to marketing activities in their institutions through relationship building. While it is acknowledged here that such workers find themselves in a privileged position in being able to shape questions of taste and particular consumerist dispositions to understanding the art world, little, if not no, effort has been made to understand this process. As such, there remains a void between the cultural policy‐oriented conception of social inclusion, which implies a version of repairing the “flawed consumer” (Bauman 2005), and the way in which such policy is played out on the ground.


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This paper conducts an historical and conceptual review of the idea of ‘cultural intermediaries’ and sets up a contrast between the cultural and creative industries. It draws on theorizations of ‘economic imaginaries’ and reconstructs the respective imaginaries of cultural and creative industries. It suggests that the former was organized around the culturalization of the economy and the second around the economization of culture. Nevertheless, there are complicities between them, not least in the contention that a new set of economic developments would redeem the traditional promises of culture.


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As media institutions are encouraged to explore new production methodologies in the current economic crisis, they align with Schumpeter’s creative destruction provocation by exhibiting user-led political, organisation and socio-technical innovations. This paper highlights the significance of the cultural intermediary within the innovative, co-creative production arrangements for cultural artefacts by media professionals in institutional online communities. An institutional online community is defined as one that is housed, resourced and governed by commercial or non- commercial institutions and is not independently facilitated. Web 2.0 technologies have mobilised collaborative peer production activities for online content creation and professional media institutions face challenges in engaging participatory audiences in practices that are beneficial for all concerned stakeholders. The interests of those stakeholders often do not align, highlighting the need for an intermediary role that understands and translates the norms, rhetoric tropes and day-to-day activities between the individuals engaging in participatory communication activities for successful negotiation within the production process. This paper specifically explores the participatory relationship between the public service broadcaster (PSB), the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) and one of its online communities, ABC Pool (www.abc.net.au/pool). ABC Pool is an online platform developed and resourced by the ABC to encourage co-creation between audience members engaging in the production of user-generated content (UGC) and the professional producers housed within the ABC Radio Division. This empirical research emerges from a three-year research project where I employed an ethnographic action research methodology and was embedded at the ABC as the community manager of ABC Pool. In participatory communication environments, users favour meritocratic heterarchical governance over traditional institutional hierarchical systems (Malaby 2009). A reputation environment based on meritocracy requires an intermediary to identify the stakeholders, understand their interests and communicate effectively between them to negotiate successful production outcomes (Bruns 2008; Banks 2009). The community manager generally occupies this role, however it has emerged that other institutional production environments also employ an intermediary role under alternative monikers(Hutchinson 2012). A useful umbrella term to encompass the myriad of roles within this space is the cultural intermediary. The ABC has experimented with three institutional online community governance models that engage in cultural intermediation in differing decentralised capacities. The first and most closed is a single point of contact model where one cultural intermediary controls all of the communication of the participatory project. The second is a model of multiple cultural intermediaries engaging in communication between the institutional online community stakeholders simultaneously. The third is most open yet problematic as it promotes and empowers community participants to the level of cultural intermediaries. This paper uses the ABC Pool case study to highlight the differing levels of openness within cultural intermediation during the co-creative production process of a cultural artifact.


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This thesis addresses the question of what it means to be a public broadcaster in the context of a rapidly changing media landscape, in which audiences no longer only watch and consume but now also make and share media content. Through a close investigation of the ABC Pool community, this thesis documents how the different interests of the stakeholders within an institutional online community intersect and how those interests are negotiated within the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. It demonstrates a new approach towards the cultural intermediation of user-created content within institutional online communities. The research moves beyond the exploration of the community manager role as one type of intermediary to demonstrate the activities of multiple cultural intermediaries that engage in collaborative peer production. Cultural intermediation provides the basis for institutional online community governance.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This text analyzes the speeches of a group of cultural mediators working in Madrid in public and private institutions of arts. The group was organized as part of the activities of the European Project Divercity: Diving into Diversity in Museums and the City of the Complutense University in March 2015. The aim of the interview was to unravel what they mean by diversity in the profession, and analyze the contradictions and objectives professions that arise in this new field of work.


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Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC


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With new technologies, there are fields of unprecedented artistic legitimation and consecration. On the Internet, MySpace is used as a social network whose peculiarity lies in the interactivity of between artists (established and independent) users and non-artists. The website has revealed new names in the music scene from the popularity they gained by its peers. To see how the communication happens within that environment, was chosen the band profile Restart, whose audience is the majority of MySpace teen (youth 12 to 17 years). The analysis of this article is part of a broader research and the results already obtained allow us to see, within the limits of the selected area, that the Internet not only introduces a new field of action, but new instances of artistic consecration.


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Thanks to technological advances and new communication paradigms, the field of music production has changed profoundly. The site MySpace, the social network that connects musicians and fans, enables the development of new forms of cultural mediation. Through literature research on topics such as convergence culture (Jenkins, 2008), affective and immaterial labor (Hardt and Negri, 2010) and the new role of cultural intermediaries (Featherstone, 1995); netnography and case study, it was found that rates of site visibility denote value and trigger the artistic consecration.


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El objetivo de este trabajo es acercarnos al conocimiento de los intermediarios culturales que habitaron el espacio fronterizo bonaerense en la primera mitad del siglo XIX. La elección de este período se fundamenta en que a lo largo del mismo se transitó por una compleja relación interétnica que derivó, a fines de la década de 1820, en la aplicación de una política indígena muy particular por parte del gobierno de Buenos Aires. Esta llevó, por un lado, al asentamiento de grupos nativos dentro del espacio provincial y, por otro, al establecimiento de alianzas con otras agrupaciones. Las cotidianas y constantes relaciones interétnicas que debieron llevarse a cabo a raíz de este proceso, produjeron la aparición de un gran número de personajes "intermediarios".


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El objetivo de este trabajo es acercarnos al conocimiento de los intermediarios culturales que habitaron el espacio fronterizo bonaerense en la primera mitad del siglo XIX. La elección de este período se fundamenta en que a lo largo del mismo se transitó por una compleja relación interétnica que derivó, a fines de la década de 1820, en la aplicación de una política indígena muy particular por parte del gobierno de Buenos Aires. Esta llevó, por un lado, al asentamiento de grupos nativos dentro del espacio provincial y, por otro, al establecimiento de alianzas con otras agrupaciones. Las cotidianas y constantes relaciones interétnicas que debieron llevarse a cabo a raíz de este proceso, produjeron la aparición de un gran número de personajes "intermediarios".


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El objetivo de este trabajo es acercarnos al conocimiento de los intermediarios culturales que habitaron el espacio fronterizo bonaerense en la primera mitad del siglo XIX. La elección de este período se fundamenta en que a lo largo del mismo se transitó por una compleja relación interétnica que derivó, a fines de la década de 1820, en la aplicación de una política indígena muy particular por parte del gobierno de Buenos Aires. Esta llevó, por un lado, al asentamiento de grupos nativos dentro del espacio provincial y, por otro, al establecimiento de alianzas con otras agrupaciones. Las cotidianas y constantes relaciones interétnicas que debieron llevarse a cabo a raíz de este proceso, produjeron la aparición de un gran número de personajes "intermediarios".


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It is widely accepted that the Thatcher years and their immediate aftermath were associated with substantive social and organizational change. The privatisation programme, 'the rolling back of the State', prosecuted by the successive Conservative Governments from 1979-1997 was a central pillar of Governmental policy. This thesis seeks to engage with privatization through the of CoastElectric, a newly privatised Regional Electricity Company. This thesis contributes to the extant understanding of the dynamics of organizational change in four major ways. Firstly, the study into CoastElectric addresses the senior management decision making within the organization: in particular, it will attempt to make sense of 'why' particular decisions were made. The theoretical backdrop to this concern will draw on the concepts of normalization, cultural capital and corporate fashion. The argument presented in this thesis is that the decision-making broadly corresponded with that which could be considered to be at the vanguard of mangerialist thought. However, a detailed analysis suggested that at different junctures in CoastElectric's history there were differences in the approach to decision making that warranted further analysis. The most notable finding was that the relative levels of new managerialist cultural capital possessed by the decision-making elite had an important bearing upon whether the decision was formulated either endogenously or exogenously, with the assistance of cultural intermediaries such as management consultants. The thesis demonstrates the importance of the broader discourse of new managerialism in terms of shaping what is considered to be a 'commonsensical, rational' strategy. The second concern of this thesis is that of the process of organizational change. The study of CoastElectric attempts to provide a rich account of the dynamics of organizational change. This is realized through, first, examining the pre-existing context of the organization; second, through analyzing the power politics of change interventions. The master concepts utilised in this endeavour are that of: dividing practices, the establishment of violent hierarchies between competing discourses; symbolic violence; critical turning points; recursiveness; creative destruction; legitimation strategies and the reconstitution of subjects in the workplace.


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From the Divercity project, the article reflects on methodology, good practices and indicators useful for community art practices. At first term, social exclusión is defined as well as community art, and which features it presents. Subsequently, the article reviews the indicators that are being used to measure the success or achievement of community arts practice, raising criticism from equality and including indicators that measure the well-being of women.