963 resultados para Cultural control


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Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) was found by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) to be not fully systemic in naturally infected kava (Piper methysticum) plants in Fiji. Twenty-six of 48 samples (54%) from various tissues of three recently infected plants were CMV-positive compared with 7/51 samples (14%) from three long-term infections (plants affected by dieback for more than 1 year). The virus was also found to have a limited ability to move into newly formed stems. CMV was detected in only 2/23 samples taken from re-growth stems arising from known CMV infected/dieback affected plants. Mechanical inoculation experiments conducted in Fiji indicate that the known kava intercrop plants banana (Musa spp.), pineapple (Ananas comosus), peanut (Arachis hypogaea) and the common weed Mikania micrantha are potential hosts for a dieback-causing strain of CMV It was not possible to transmit the virus mechanically to the common kava intercrop plants taro (Colocasia esculenta), Xanthosoma sp., sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), yam (Dioscorea alata), papaya (Carica papaya) or the weed Momordica charantia. Implications of the results of this research on a possible integrated disease management strategy are discussed.


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The Community Arts sector in Australia has a history of resistance. It has challenged hegemonic culture through facilitating grassroots creative production, contesting notions of artistic processes, and the role of the artist in society. This paper examines this penchant for resistance through the lens of contemporary digital culture, to establish that the sector is continuing to challenge dominant forms of cultural control. It then proposes that this enthusiasm and activity lacks ethical direction, describing it as feral to encompass the potential of current practices, while highlighting how a level of taming is needed in order to develop ethical approaches.


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The Community Arts sector in Australia has a history of resistance. It has challenged hegemonic culture through facilitating grassroots creative production, contesting notions of artistic processes, and the role of the artist in society. This paper examines this penchant for resistance through the lens of contemporary digital culture, to establish that the sector is continuing to challenge dominant forms of cultural control. It then proposes that this enthusiasm and activity lacks ethical direction, describing it as feral to encompass the potential of current practices, while highlighting how a level of taming is needed in order to develop ethical approaches.


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La presente investigación tiene como propósito analizar en qué forma la justicia estatal ecuatoriana, a través de la Corte Constitucional, examina o debería examinar las decisiones de carácter jurisdiccional emitidas por autoridades indígenas en la resolución de sus conflictos. El análisis propuesto pretende determinar de qué manera el máximo organismo de interpretación y control constitucional, debe conciliar las diferencias de la visión indígena y la visión eurocéntrica, en la sustanciación de la acción extraordinaria de protección en contra de decisiones jurisdiccionales indígenas. Para alcanzar los fines planteados, empiezo explorando el alcance y relaciones de los conceptos de Estado plurinacional; pluralismo jurídico, nación cívica y nación étnica cultural; control constitucional; decisiones jurisdiccionales indígenas y límites a la Corte Constitucional en la acción extraordinaria de protección en contra de resoluciones indígenas. Finalmente realizo un breve estudio del denominado caso La Cocha 2, que actualmente se sustancia en la Corte Constitucional por impugnación a una decisión judicial indígena, a fin de determinar cuáles son los parámetros que la Corte Constitucional debe considerar al momento de resolver.


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Physical, cultural and biological methods for weed control have developed largely independently and are often concerned with weed control in different systems: physical and cultural control in annual crops and biocontrol in extensive grasslands. We discuss the strengths and limitations of four physical and cultural methods for weed control: mechanical, thermal, cutting, and intercropping, and the advantages and disadvantages of combining biological control with them. These physical and cultural control methods may increase soil nitrogen levels and alter microclimate at soil level; this may be of benefit to biocontrol agents, although physical disturbance to the soil and plant damage may be detrimental. Some weeds escape control by these methods; we suggest that these weeds may be controlled by biocontrol agents. It will be easiest to combine biological control with. re and cutting in grasslands; within arable systems it would be most promising to combine biological control (especially using seed predators and foliar pathogens) with cover-cropping, and mechanical weeding combined with foliar bacterial and possibly foliar fungal pathogens. We stress the need to consider the timing of application of combined control methods in order to cause least damage to the biocontrol agent, along with maximum damage to the weed and to consider the wider implications of these different weed control methods.


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In order to explicate Murakami's version of the official culture, I have analyzed the novel with the works of several different theorists. Primarily, I drew my own understanding of the official culture from Raymond Williams's examination of culture in Marxism and Literature. His terminology became helpful in writing about the operation of the System and the Town, though it did not define that operation precisely. Williams's work also introduced me to the theory behind the official culture's manipulation and exclusion of historical aspects in order to create their "official" version of history, from which the official culture draws its identity. For further analysis of the treatment of history, I turned to Friedrich Nietzsche's On the Advantage and Disadvantage of History for Life. Though it examines the official culture's manipulation of history in a much more in-depth manner, it seems to have influenced Murakami's treatment of individual memories and cultural histories. For instance, the herd ofunicoms in the End of the World resembles Nietzsche's description of the ''unhistorical herd," or has the potential to resemble it. With these theories I was able to access the mechanisms of cultural control that Murakami depicts in the form of the System and the Town, and from there I was able to develop a model for how the narrator struggles to subvert that control. Both sides of that struggle are depicted and re-imagined many times throughout Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Grass and broad-leaved weeds can reduce both yields and product marketability of desmanthus (Desmanthus virgatus) seed crops, even when cultural control strategies are used. Selective herbicides might economically control these weeds, but, prior to this study, the few herbicides tolerated by desmanthus did not control key weed contaminants of desmanthus seed crops. In this study, the tolerance of desmanthus cv. Marc to 55 herbicides used for selective weed control in other leguminous crops was assessed in 1 pot trial and 3 Queensland field trials. One field trial assessed the tolerance of desmanthus seedlings to combinations of the most promising pre-emergent and post emergent herbicides. The pre-emergent herbicides, imazaquin, imazethapyr, pendimethalin, oryzalin and trifluralin, gave useful weed control with very little crop damage. The post-emergent herbicides, haloxyfop, clethodim, propyzamide, carbetamide and dalapon, were safe for controlling grass weeds in desmanthus. Selective post-emergence control of broad-leaved weeds was achieved using bentazone, bromoxynil and imazethapyr. One trial investigated salvaging second-year desmanthus crops from mature perennial weeds, and atrazine, terbacil and hexazinone showed some potential in this role. Overall, our results show that desmanthus tolerates herbicides which collectively control a wide range of weeds encountered in Queensland. These, in combination with cultural weed control strategies, should control most weeds in desmanthus seed crops.


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O presente trabalho se propõe a analisar a leitura sociocultural do Brasil pós-64 feita por Edilberto Coutinho através das narrativas do livro Maracanã, Adeus e, tendo como base os postulados mais recentes da Teoria da Literatura, procurar identificar as contribuições literárias, históricas, sociológicas e antropológicas deixadas pelo autor em sua narrativa. O estudo procurará demonstrar determinadas minúcias do comportamento do brasileiro e de sua sociedade pelo viés futebolístico, pensando o futebol como Esporte Nacional e elemento dessa cultura. Procurará também apresentar mecanismos de controle social e cultural exercidos durante esse período pelos governos militares e, principalmente, a maneira escolhida pelo escritor para apresentar esse poder. Esta pesquisa privilegia o estudo das técnicas contemporâneas de escrever e das possíveis inovações estilísticas introduzidas no conjunto dos contos e busca contextualizar a escolha do autor pelo conto enquanto gênero literário. E com todo rigor científico comprovar a importância de Edilberto Coutinho no cenário literário brasileiro


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Descricao dos sintomas da mancha foliar do coqueiro, causada por Bipolaris incurvata. Como medida de controle, e recomendado efetuar a correcao do solo com calcario dolomitico e prover adubacoes adequadas, principalmente com materia organica e potassio, na cova de plantio, dentre outras medidas.


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Informacoes sobre doencas, foliares, vasculares e abiotica, da bananeira no Estado do Amazonas, e seu controle.


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El artículo se propone desarrollar cuatro dimensiones conceptuales de la política de inseguridad como clave de interpretación de la globalización, en tanto que procesos de debilitamiento de las clases sociales, de profundización de la individualización, de control cultural hegemónico y de territorialización y temporalización local. Se pretende ampliar la concepción imperante que se tiene del concepto de inseguridad, entendido como alteración del orden público y presencia de la delincuencia, para inscribirlo en un espectro más amplio de significación social que tome en cuenta las estrategias de dominación sistémica referidas al mundo laboral, a la identidad personal y a las posibilidades de organización colectiva.-----This article seeks to develop four conceptual dimensions about the Insecurity Policy as for key comprehension of Globalization. It´s means the weakening process in the social classes, the individualization deepening, the hegemonic cultural control and the local territorialization/temporalization. It pretend extend the imperative idea that understand the Insecurity as disturbance public order and presence of Criminality in order to inscribed in a wide social range, that to bear in mind the systematic domination strategies refers to the labor world, to the personal identity and to the collective possibilities of organization.


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Commercial mango production in Ghana is a relatively young industry faced with several pest problems including the mango stone weevil, Sternochetus mangiferae (F.). There is an urgent need to control this and other pests to facilitate access to the international export market for fresh mango fruits. A literature survey identifies stone weevil control tactics in the areas of host plant resistance, administrative and legislative controls, use of pesticides, biological control, cultural control and quarantine and phytosanitary measures that have been developed in other mango-producing areas. We assess these pest management approaches for their relevance to Ghana and West Africa, with emphasis on the research required for their appropriate, effective and sustainable use in the systems of mango production of the West African sub-region. The importance of processing and value addition technologies, as a means of circumventing the quarantine hurdles of S. mangiferae, is highlighted.


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Anglo governance systems rely of a number of controls to align shareholder and boards of director’s interests. In general they are referred to as market control, regulatory control, and political and cultural control. Agency theory proposes that these control mechanisms are necessary as human nature is such that directors and managers act in a self-interested and boundedly rational manner in decision-making that can result in sub optimality. Notwithstanding that each country within the Anglo system accepts such controls are necessary they have their own foci and priorities, being a product of their own system’s characteristics. This paper through interviewing a number of Australian business executives adds to the academic literature by providing evidence from the field of the important characteristics of the Australian governance system, the drivers of change and the effectiveness of the principles-based approach. It argues that debate needs to move beyond the principles versus rules approach to look at how firms can be provided with more guidance in operationalising some of the principles that appear to be key to governance effectiveness. It concludes that there is a need for a holistic model of governance that is broader than that focusing on the control/legalistic approach; that top management is important in setting and driving the in-firm governance agenda; that the public needs to be informed and educated about governance and its importance; and that disclosure still requires an improvement in quality.


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Este estudo exploratório teve como objetivo investigar os principais mecanismos de gestão utilizados no planejamento na indústria cinematográfica. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo de casos múltiplos, envolvendo quatro produtoras cinematográficas, das quais três estão localizadas no estado do Rio de Janeiro e uma em São Paulo. Os dados foram obtidos a partir de entrevistas focalizadas com profissionais dessas quatro empresas. Os casos foram analisados sob à luz de teorias sobre planejamento e controle em ambientes incertos e nas indústrias culturais. Os resultados indicam que o orçamento e controle dos filmes é feito de forma rigorosa. Todas as produtoras efetuam revisões orçamentárias durante a produção dos filmes. A maior incerteza relatada por todas as empresas foi a estimativa da receita e para isso, duas produtoras indicaram o uso de cenários para auxiliá-los nesta tarefa. Além disso, duas produtoras relataram a elaboração de carteiras de projetos a fim de reduzir o risco das produções. Por fim, um caso especificamente trouxe um elemento novo em relação aos demais casos ao incluir sócio em busca de investimento de risco na composição acionária do filme. Este modelo de negócio acarretou orçamentos em patamares menores do que nos demais casos.