800 resultados para Cultural (re)production
Le génocide arménien de 1915 a eu de conséquentes répercussions identitaires sur les différentes générations d’Arméniens en diaspora, créant ainsi, pour les communautés arméniennes diasporiques, une responsabilité de perpétuer la mémoire collective traumatique. Cependant, des différences s’observent entre ces générations dans la définition de l’arménité ainsi que dans les sources d’approvisionnement identitaire. Ainsi, notre question de recherche vise à comprendre comment les contenus des imaginaires nationaux et les sources de (re)production culturelle changent entre les deuxième, troisième et quatrième générations d’Arméniens établis à Montréal. L’objectif de cette présente recherche est de faire combiner la littérature scientifique émergente sur le nationalisme diasporique, ainsi que celle sur le rôle du cyberespace. Par le biais d'entrevues auprès d'Arméniens, exilés depuis le génocide arménien de 1915 et établis à Montréal, nous montrerons, dans un premier temps, comment le contenu des imaginaires nationaux change par le passage d'une identité traditionnelle à une identité symbolique. Deuxièmement, nous verrons comment les sources de (re)production culturelle se transforment par le passage de sources traditionnelles aux sources numériques avec l'avènement du cyberespace.
Longitudinal studies have the capacity to provide more nuanced explanations of tourism and event phenomena, taking account of complexity, change and context. This paper is a self-reflexive, methodological study of research practice. It investigates my experience of engaging with cultural event producers in an emerging destination over a seven-year period. Focussing on my research journey, it considers the social and relational dynamics associated with longitudinal research. Reciprocal relations and co-production of cultural events reveal nuanced information and expose fluid relationships and networks. Long-term engagement uncovers evolving practices and develops understanding of event processes embedded within their wider context.
Cette thèse lève en partie le voile sur l’histoire des sports féminins au Québec de 1919 à 1961, soit de l’âge d’or des sports féminins au Canada jusqu’à l’adoption de la Loi sur la condition physique et le sport amateur par le gouvernement fédéral. Elle montre comment les rapports de genre ont été re/produits dans les sports féminins en étudiant les discours et les pratiques, tout en portant une attention particulière à l’influence qu’exercent l’appartenance de classe, l’ethnicité et la religion sur les sports féminins. L’analyse se penche d’abord sur les discours des médecins, des professeurs d’éducation physique et des clercs de l’Église catholique pour étudier les prescriptions qu’ils ont formulées à l’égard de la participation sportive des femmes. Les idées de deux Montréalaises, Myrtle Cook et Cécile Grenier, sont ensuite examinées pour montrer comment elles contestent les discours dominants. Enfin, les pratiques sportives des femmes dans deux centres sportifs montréalais, soit la Palestre nationale et le Young Women’s Christian Association, ont été étudiées de manière détaillée afin de mettre en lumière les différences, mais aussi certaines similitudes, entre l’organisation des sports féminins dans les communautés francophones et anglophones de la ville. Cette thèse met en évidence les tensions qui découlent des rapports de genre, de classe, d’ethnicité et de l’appartenance religieuse, et qui sont présentes à la fois dans les discours et les pratiques. Comme ailleurs en Amérique du Nord et même ailleurs en Occident, les discours dominants au Québec ne sont pas univoques, alors que des vues divergentes les contestent et que les pratiques sont plurielles. Tout en s’inscrivant dans le mouvement plus large d’accès des femmes aux sports en Occident, les discours et les pratiques observables à Montréal s’en distinguent, notamment par la forte influence de l’Église catholique et par les tensions ethniques. Le Québec est donc un cas d’espèce tout indiqué pour mettre en lumière la complexité de la re/production des rapports de genre à travers l’analyse des sports féminins, l’étude de ce champ constituant en même temps une avenue de recherche fort stimulante pour mieux saisir l’entrée de la province dans la modernité.
There is a contemporary shift in the institutional context of 'disabled' children's education in the United Kingdom from segregated special to mainstream schools. This change is tied to wider deinstitutionalised or reinstitutionalised geographies of disabled people, fragile globalised educational 'inclusion' agendas, and broader concerns about social cohesiveness. Although coeducating children is expected to transform negative representations of (dis)ability in future society, there are few detailed explorations of how children's everyday sociospatial practices (re)produce or transform dominant representations of (dis)ability. With this in mind, children's contextual and shifting performances of (dis)ability in two case study school playground (recreational) spaces are explored. The findings demonstrate that children with mind-body differences are variously (dis)abled, in comparison with sociospatially shifting norms of ability, which have body, learning, and emotional-social facets. The discussion therefore places an emphasis on the need to incorporate 'intellectual' and 'emotional' differences more fully into geographical studies of disability and identity. The paper has wider resonance for transformative expectations placed on colocating children with a variety of 'axes of difference' (such as gender, 'race, ethnicity, and social class) in schools.
Within children's geographies there has been an absence concerning sexuality and in particular how this can lead to the discimination and marginalisation of individuals. Similarly, within geographies of sexualities the demographic of non-heterosexual children and youth has been under researched, with studies concerning the space of the school being very limited. This thesis sought to address these absences by carrying out qualitative interviews with non-heterosexual individuals about their school experiences. The interviews showed the importance and variation of both physical and time-spaces in the (re)production of heteronormativities, and that the agency of the indiviudal was asserted through the use of negotiation strategies that sought to navigate or resist heteronormativities.
"Reabilitação técnica/cultural (re)conhecimento, celebração e bem-estar"
A Produção do Flagelo : a re-produção do espaço social da seca na cidade de Mossoró (1877-1903-1915)
The great droughts re- produced spaces in the city of Mossoró / RN in the end of the nineteenth century to the beginning of the twentieth century. Its dimension exceeds the climatic effects becoming social locus when advances over the political and economic sectors, social and cultural of the North / Northeast Brazilian societies during that period. This way, analyzing the re-production of social space in episodes of Mossoró‟s droughts is our toil. So try to reveal each segment, route and aspect of production of space in its size and interface between the perceived, conceived and lived, and subjects related to it - refugees, population and authorities - during the droughts of 1877, 1903 and 1915 within Mossoró city. Therefore, issues such as the constitution and representation of the city and social space in the terrifying experience of the drought of 1877, the production of fixed objects and flows of the urban web through of migrant labor, attempts to control, discipline and spatial planning and ways to resistance to these charges in daily sphere are key issues addressed in this work. For this we use diverse sources as minutes of the city council, reports from provincial presidents, media, memory books and others that sustain us in building our narrative and problematic. This way, the spatial production of Mossoró‟s droughts reveals itself in the field of relations and political-economic transformations and sociocultural, inextricably, that shapes and mobilizes your own social space
The thesis is an examination of how Japanese popular culture products are remade (rimeiku). Adaptation of manga, anime and television drama, from one format to another, frequently occurs within Japan. The rights to these stories and texts are traded in South Korea and Taiwan. The ‘spin-off’ products form part of the Japanese content industry. When products are distributed and remade across geographical boundaries, they have a multi-dimensional aspect and potentially contribute to an evolving cultural re-engagement between Japan and East Asia. The case studies are the television dramas Akai Giwaku and Winter Sonata and two manga, Hana yori Dango and Janguru Taitei. Except for the television drama Winter Sonata these texts originated in Japan. Each study shows how remaking occurs across geographical borders. The study argues that Japan has been slow to recognise the value of its popular culture through regional and international media trade. Japan is now taking steps to remedy this strategic shortfall to enable the long-term viability of the Japanese content industry. The study includes an examination of how remaking raises legal issues in the appropriation of media content. Unauthorised copying and piracy contributes to loss of financial value. To place the three Japanese cultural products into a historical context, the thesis includes an overview of Japanese copying culture from its early origins through to the present day. The thesis also discusses the Meiji restoration and the post-World War II restructuring that resulted in Japan becoming a regional media powerhouse. The localisation of Japanese media content in South Korea and Taiwan also brings with it significant cultural influences, which may be regarded as contributing to a better understanding of East Asian society in line with the idea of regional ‘harmony’. The study argues that the commercial success of Japanese products beyond Japan is governed by perceptions of the quality of the story and by the cultural frames of the target audience. The thesis draws on audience research to illustrate the loss or reinforcement of national identity as a consequence of cross-cultural trade. The thesis also examines the contribution to Japanese ‘soft power’ (Nye, 2004, p. x). The study concludes with recommendations for the sustainability of the Japanese media industry.
Each September since 1983 in the rural Shire of Ravensthorpe, Western Australia, volunteers collect samples of up to 700 wildfl ower species which are then displayed in the Ravensthorpe Senior Citizens Centre from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm daily over a two-week period. This chapter offers an ethnographic interpretation of this enduring annual event focusing on the 25th show held in 2007. The study contributes to understanding the complex and nuanced role of local wildflower shows in shaping and supporting rural senses of place and of community. Importantly, this particular type of festival, and more specifically this local instance, foregrounds a less-remarked aspect of festivals, namely the (re)production and celebration of place-specific knowledge through validations of, and interconnections between, scientific flower classification and emotive experience. This feature, encapsulated in Laurel Lamperd’s poem above, invites consideration of the ways in which local place knowledge and the simultaneous (re)production of ‘place’ are constituted by a complex layering of rational, objective ways of knowing and those which emphasize emotions, aesthetics and memories. This rural wildflower show not only mobilises both the rational and the emotional in ‘making sense of the world’ for local residents and for tourists, but also offers insights into the production of place as constituted in and through relations between humans and non-human life forms (Cloke & Jones, 2001; Conradson, 2005; see also Chapter 6).
Over time Belfast has been well researched as a site of ethnosectarian conflict, segregation and fear see (Boal et al 1976) and (Gaffiken and Morrisey 2011). The study of socio-spatial patterns of ‘ethnocracy’ is useful, but this article will argue how it is equally important to understand local forms of urban restructuring in terms of global processes that are linked to neoliberalism. To better understand the neoliberal urbanisation of Belfast this article is organised into two parts. The first part will demonstrate how the Northern Ireland State has sought legitimacy in the free market as ‘therapy’ for the production of neutral socio-spatial formations such as the Cathedral Quarter. Secondly it will examine this performance of neoliberal urbanism, as it ‘actually exists’ and demonstrate how market-led renewal has been extended through the clustering and non-sectarian interests, ‘soft’ arrangements of urban governance, cultural re-branding strategies, economic development incentives, and the development of various flagship projects. Critically this place-based grounding of neoliberalism is useful, as it also allows for the contestations of neoliberal urbanism to become real rather than just theoretical. The second part of the article will draw attention to the responses of local, and sometimes marginal, interests that have looked to challenge, adapt and, at times, divert the extension of market-led renewal. To be clear, this article does not want to overstate the performance of such interests. Nor does it want to claim that they significantly impact or obstruct the wider neoliberal urbanisation of Belfast. Instead it is interested in their behaviours and their different methods of working to explore what may be constituted as ‘alternative’, at least in the locality of the Cathedral Quarter. By studying how and why these interests have responded to the extension of neoliberal urbanism over time, it may just be possible to provide a better platform to articulate what more progressive forms of urban resistance might look like.
Les objectifs généraux de ce mémoire visent à mieux comprendre comment les gais et les lesbiennes d'origine libanaise (primo-migrants ou descendants) vivant à Montréal articulent et négocient leurs identifications ethno-sexuelles à travers la (re)production et la mobilisation de divers capitaux (économique, social, culturel et symbolique). Basée sur sept entrevues menées auprès de cinq femmes lesbiennes et deux hommes gais d’origine libanaise, cette recherche propose d’examiner, en suivant un cadrage intersectionnel, les manières dont les discours identitaires des gais et des lesbiennes d’origine libanaise de Montréal sont structurés par les rapports de classe, de genre, de sexualités, d’ethnicité, d’âge, etc. Les chapitres 1 à 3 sont consacrés à la mise en situation théorique et pratique de la recherche. Le chapitre 4 est dédié à l’analyse des subjectivités ethno-sexuelles des répondants.
Os rostos da pobreza brasileira: análise crítica dos discursos do governo federal, da Veja e da Cufa
Brazilian constitution says that all Brazilians have basic survival rights such as education, sanitation and food, but these basic rights are luxury for some. So, thinking about this, this paper aims to develop a critical analysis about the (re)production of the discourse on poverty, and consequently on the poor, given by the federal government, through the official website of the program Brazil Without Poverty (Brasil Sem Pobreza), the media, represented by Veja magazine, and by those who affirm to be representatives of the poor; like the Single Central Slums (Central Única das Favelas CUFA). Our aim is to present a critical reflection on the discourses about the poverty in the voices of the government, Veja magazine (media representative) and CUFA (poor representative) and their contribution to the development of the meanings of the theme in Brazilian society. In order to do so, we have identified categories based upon Bajoit (2006a) to classify which the author calls faces of poverty . We have used the Sociological and Communicational Discourse Approach (ASCD) as developed by Pedrosa (2012a, 2012b, 2012c), within the Critical Discourse Analysis as theoretical apparatus, and also the studies in which the ASCD is built upon such as Sociology for Social Change (BAJOIT, 2006), the Cultural Studies (HALL, 2005), and the Functional Systemic Linguistic, especially the Evaluating System (MARTHIN & WHITE, 2005, VIAN JR et al, 2011). Thus, the discourse on poverty or on fighting poverty, extracted from news, chronicles and other genres of the mentioned vehicles, are taken as object of study to understand identities that are created and renewed on poverty and on the Brazilian poor, as their dependence on the government and civil society, their exploitation by the economy, and even the media that sometimes features them as delinquent
This study aims at analysing the (re) prodction of urban space in the south sone of Natal city, in particular the influence of the shopping-centers in this process. In this respect, it also analyses the changes of habits and constumes for part of the society, when those entreprizes were built in better-off areas of the south zone Natal as well as the transformations in the surroundings of the thre main shopping-centers. A sother commercial establishments of the same size, two out of the three main shopping-centers in the city are targered towards the better-off population. However, if compared to the others, one these has, for some time, sought to target a lower in come population. In spite of being an important element in the (re)production of urban space as well as in the cities modern commercial sector, these large commercial entreprizes reinforce capitalisms contradctions in so far as they constitute semi-public space whit an exclusionary and segregatory vatune
The Feira da Pedra is an extension of the open fair of São Bento in the State of Paraiba. It is a system of trade in textile goods produced by textile industry in manufacturing of hammocks and derivatives of this industry, present in some cities in the state of Paraiba and Rio Grande do Norte, as a survival strategy, inserted in the list of tertiary and retail of the urban economics of this city. It is thereby aimed to discuss about the urban economics, reflecting on the open fair system from the two circuits of urban economy, mainly in the context of the dynamics of the current period of geographic space, the technical-scientific-informational period, as the specific empirical object, the Feira da Pedra of São Bento (PB). For this, this research was carried out in two stages of operation: a) surveys of secondary data and b) primary data collection which were reported an operational triad: I) literature; II) documentary research, and III) research of field. The presence of the Feira da Pedra in São Bento has shown us one of the most important characteristics of this city, in order to present major economic, social and cultural benefits to the local population, and contribute to (re) production of sertanejo space, making lower part of the circuit of its urban economy. This activity has entailed several dynamics for urban space in this city, mainly because of attracting large numbers of people, carrying typical actions of its relationship with the urban space are são-bentense and built environment. Thus, its importance is not only a local and regional phenomenon, but also a cultural reference of a place in the geographical area of many paraibanos and norte-rio-grandenses subjects, as the case of this activity has brought to its weekly routine, this product resulting from the textile working of this area of Sertão Paraibano and Seridó Potiguar
This work aims to conduct an analysis on the production of space and the dynamics between social agents that act and interact, albeit in different ways, in the production and re-production space in the Neighborhood Potengi in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. The neighborhood is undergoing a process of dynamism undeniable and has a daily marked by heterogeneity, especially as a neighborhood in transition. So your analysis, from the perspective of the dialectical method, contributes to the understanding of the production space can be analyzed through the study of the forms and content, and may contribute to its real apprehension. After all, the city reflects forms, assumes functions, features and content that dynamic influences and is influenced by human relationships. Thus, this research seeks to analyze the production of space, based on the observation and study of the rich daily life of different social agents that operate within concrete quoted