989 resultados para Cultivation system


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Die vorliegende Studie befasst sich mit der Ressourcennachhaltigkeit der traditionellen, auf Wanderfeldbau beruhenden Subsistenzwirtschaft in zwei Dörfern (Hongphoy und Minyakshu) in Nagaland im Nordosten Indiens. Hierbei werden die Cerealien Produktion, der Feuerholz Konsum und auch die Folgen der intensivierten Bewirtschaftung (Forstdegradation und Bodenverarmung) im Hinblick auf das Bevölkerungswachstum diskutiert. Während das traditionelle System des Wanderfeldbaus (Jhum) seit Jahrzehnten die Bedürfnisse der ehemals kopfjagenden Stämme Nagalands erfüllte, ergab unsere Studie durch Interviews und Feldaufnahmen in 2004 und 2005, dass die steigende Nachfrage einer wachsenden Bevölkerung nach Cerealien und Feuerholz als wichtigste Ressourcen der Subsistenzwirtschaft zu einer verkürzten Brachezeit und letztlich der Degradation von Naturressourcen geführt hat: Pro Hektar Ernten sind reduziert und der Zuwachs der Holzvorräte auf den Feldern kann durch die verkürzten Bracheperioden nicht mehr die Feuerholz Nachfrage decken. Eine Nahrungsmittelknappheit wurde durch die Gegenüberstellung des Energiebedarfs einer Person und die jährlichen pro-Kopf Erntemengen und unter Berücksichtigung des Zukaufs von Reis reflektiert: In Hongphoy ergab dies ein Defizit auf Dorfebene von 130 Tonnen Reis, in Minyakshu von 480 Tonnen, die nicht durch Ernten gedeckt werden konnten. Diese Nahrungsmittelknappheit erweist sich vor allem vor dem Hintergrund eines Bevölkerungswachstums von 6.7% und marginalen Einkünften als problematisch. Für fünf verschiedene Waldformationen (zwei Brachewälder, zwei Dorfwälder und ein Naturwald) wurden die unterschiedliche Artenzusammensetzung (Diversität) und Bestandesvolumina durch Forstinventuren beschrieben. Der dem Bestandesvolumen der Brachewälder gegenübergestellte pro-Kopf Feuerholz Bedarf ergab ein jährliches Defizit von 1,81m³ in Hongphoy und 0.05m³ in Minyakshu. Der Unterschied dieses Defizits zwischen beiden Dörfern wurde in einer abweichenden Bestandesstruktur (Dominanz der N2 fixierenden Baumart Alnus nepalensis in den Brachewäldern Minyakshus) begründet. Über den erhobenen Feuerholzbedarf wurde ein theoretischer pro-Kopf Flächenbedarf an Brachewald errechnet, der nötig wäre um den gesamten Feuerholz Bedarf innerhalb des Wanderfeldbau Systems zu decken. Das daraus resultierende Defizit wurde mit den Feuerholzvolumina der Dorfwälder und des verbliebenen Naturwalds gegenüber gestellt. Hieraus ergibt sich die Bedeutung der Feuerholzernte und des Wanderfeldbau als Ursache für die fortschreitende Entwaldung und Forstdegradation in Nagaland. Mit Hilfe dieser Informationen und aktuellen Angaben zum Bevölkerungswachstum werden die Ergebnisse anhand einschlägiger Literatur diskutiert und letztendlich die Nachhaltigkeit und Tragfähigkeit des Wanderfeldbau Systems in dieser Region bestimmt. Mögliche Verbesserungsstrategien um der zunehmenden Ressourcendegradation zu begegnen, werden andiskutiert.


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With the aim of evaluating the effect of intercropping on the productivity of beet and roquette crops, a study was conducted in the Section of Vegetable and Aromatic-Medicinal Plants, FCAV-UNESP, Jaboticabal/SP. The treatments consisted of co-cultivations of roquette (Cultivada) and beets (Early Wonder) established at 0, 7, 14 and 21 days after the transplanting of beets, and as monocultures of beets and roquette. The experiments were delineated in a randomized block design. The productivity of beets in monoculture was not superior to that obtained with intercropping with roquette. The production of dry mass of roquette with intercropping was less than that with monoculture and the reduction was more marked with more delayed establishment of co-cultivation. Intercropping established at 0 and 7 days after the transplanting of beets was the most efficient, with indices of efficient use of land of 1.26 and 1.27, respectively.


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The delineation of shifting cultivation landscapes using remote sensing in mountainous regions is challenging. On the one hand, there are difficulties related to the distinction of forest and fallow forest classes as occurring in a shifting cultivation landscape in mountainous regions. On the other hand, the dynamic nature of the shifting cultivation system poses problems to the delineation of landscapes where shifting cultivation occurs. We present a two-step approach based on an object-oriented classification of Advanced Land Observing Satellite, Advanced Visible and Near-Infrared Spectrometer (ALOS AVNIR) and Panchromatic Remote-sensing Instrument for Stereo Mapping (ALOS PRISM) data and landscape metrics. When including texture measures in the object-oriented classification, the accuracy of forest and fallow forest classes could be increased substantially. Based on such a classification, landscape metrics in the form of land cover class ratios enabled the identification of crop-fallow rotation characteristics of the shifting cultivation land use practice. By classifying and combining these landscape metrics, shifting cultivation landscapes could be delineated using a single land cover dataset.


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园址选择、优良品种搭配、坡地改良、合理施肥与抗旱栽培、合理修剪等是陕北丘陵沟壑区苹果优质丰产的保障 ,且同时论述了各项措施的操作依据和方法


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确立了黄土高原沟壑区沟坡地为优质苹果生产地带 ,建立起沟坡道路防蚀体系 ,春栽改秋栽 ,量化施肥、灌水、修剪 ,生态防治病虫害 ,加强优果生产和采后处理等是黄土高原沟壑区沟坡地带优质苹果生产的主要技术措施。


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The past decade has seen the genetic engineering of various types of seaweed. To date, genetic transformation studies have been carried out in several seaweeds, including the red seaweeds Porphyra, Gracilaria, Grateloupia, Kappaphyclus and Ceramium and the green seaweed Ulva. A genetic transformation model system has been established in the most commonly cultivated seaweed, the brown seaweed Laminaria japonica (kelp), based on the transfer of technology used in land plant transformation and also by modulating the seaweed life cycle. This model showed the potential for application of transgenic kelp to the production of valuable products and an indoor cultivation system for transgenic kelp was proposed, taking into account necessary factors for bio-safety. In this review, the establishment at use of the kelp transformation model is introduced, highlighting the potential for transforming kelp into a marine bioreactor.


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Introduction Facing the challenging treatment of neurodegenerative diseases as well as complex craniofacial injuries such as those common after cancer therapy, the field of regenerative medicine increasingly relies on stem cell transplantation strategies. Here, neural crest-derived stem cells (NCSCs) offer many promising applications, although scale up of clinical-grade processes prior to potential transplantations is currently limiting. In this study, we aimed to establish a clinical-grade, cost-reducing cultivation system for NCSCs isolated from the adult human nose using cGMP-grade Afc-FEP bags. Methods We cultivated human neural crest-derived stem cells from inferior turbinate (ITSCs) in a cell culture bag system using Afc-FEP bags in human blood plasma-supplemented medium. Investigations of viability, proliferation and expression profile of bag-cultured ITSCs were followed by DNA-content and telomerase activity determination. Cultivated ITSCs were introduced to directed in vitro differentiation assays to assess their potential for mesodermal and ectodermal differentiation. Mesodermal differentiation was determined using an enzyme activity assay (alkaline phosphatase, ALP), respective stainings (Alizarin Red S, Von Kossa and Oil Red O), and RT-PCR, while immunocytochemistry and synaptic vesicle recycling were applied to assay neuroectodermal differentiation of ITSCs. Results When cultivated within Afc-FEP bags, ITSCs grew three-dimensionally in a human blood plasma-derived matrix, thereby showing unchanged morphology, proliferation capability, viability and expression profile in comparison to three dimensionally-cultured ITSCs growing in standard cell culture plastics. Genetic stability of bag-cultured ITSCs was further accompanied by unchanged telomerase activity. Importantly, ITSCs retained their potential to differentiate into mesodermal cell types, particularly including ALP-active, Alizarin Red S-, and Von Kossa-positive osteogenic cell types, as well as adipocytes positive in Oil Red O assays. Bag culture further did not affect the potential of ITSCs to undergo differentiation into neuroectodermal cell types coexpressing β-III-tubulin and MAP2 and exhibiting the capability for synaptic vesicle recycling. Conclusions Here, we report for the first time the successful cultivation of human NCSCs within cGMP-grade Afc-FEP bags using a human blood plasma-supplemented medium. Our findings particularly demonstrate the unchanged differentiation capability and genetic stability of the cultivated NCSCs, suggesting the great potential of this culture system for future medical applications in the field of regenerative medicine.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o desempenho produtivo, adaptabilidade e estabilidade fenotípica de seis genótipos de tomateiro na região de Marília, SP. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em nove ambientes (seis sob condições de cultivo protegido e três sob condições de céu aberto), com seis genótipos (Carmen, Diva, Donador, Graziela, Vita e HE-295), em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Ocorreram diferenças significativas entre ambientes, e a média geral dos cultivos protegidos superou a dos cultivos a céu aberto quanto à produtividade, apesar de a média geral dos cultivos a céu aberto ser superior quanto ao peso médio de frutos. As cultivares, à exceção de HE-295, demonstraram alta estabilidade, merecendo destaque as cultivares Carmen, Donador e Vita, que tiveram rendimento médio superior ao da média geral, adaptabilidade geral e comportamento previsível em todos os ambientes estudados. Quanto ao peso médio dos frutos, as cultivares Diva e Vita foram as únicas que mostraram ampla adaptabilidade a todos os ambientes, comportamento previsível, além de apresentarem peso médio do fruto superior ao da média geral.


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O trabalho foi conduzido na UNESP, Jaboticabal-SP, de setembro a dezembro de 2006, com objetivo de avaliar o efeito da adubação nitrogenada em consórcio de alface e rúcula. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos casualizados completos, com quatro repetições, sendo os tratamentos arranjados em esquema fatorial 4 x 4 + 2. Os tratamentos resultaram da combinação de quatro doses de N para a alface (0, 65, 130 e 195 kg ha-1) e quatro doses de N para a rúcula (0, 65, 130 e 195 kg ha-1), mais dois tratamentos adicionais, correspondentes aos monocultivos de alface e rúcula. As cultivares utilizadas foram Verônica (alface) e Folha Larga (rúcula). O aumento da dose de N para ambas as culturas, em consórcio, proporcionou incrementos na massa fresca e produtividade de alface e da rúcula e maximizou o índice de eficiência de uso da área (1,84) na dose 127 kg ha-1 de N para a alface e 195 kg ha-1 de N para rúcula.


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Due to the small and the round seeds represent a rather high proportion of an ear, this experiment viewed to study the effects of those factors on seed germinative performance in the field as well as on the plant traits related to grain yield. Six treatment combinations replicated five times were sown in Votuporanga/SP on 08/22/2008. Flat shaped (C) and round shaped (R) seeds were made to go through flat round and oblong hole screens which resulted in the following treatments: 1. C1: seeds remaining on the top of a 23/64 '' round hole screen, 2. C2G: 21/64 '', 3. C3M: 17/64 '' or 16/64 '', 4. R2GM: medium length seeds remaining on the top of 13 x 3/4 '' oblong hole screen, 5. R3M: medium length seeds remaining on a 12 x 3/4 '' (from 1 to 2 mm bigger than R3), and 6. R3: 12 x 3/4 ''. The soil of the experimental area was submitted to a no-till cultivation system and the rows were set 0.6 m apart from one another. Fifteen days after emergence (DAE), the plants were thinned to a population of 66,000 plants/ha. Harvest took place 115 DAE and the mean yield was of 12,498 kg ha(-1). Based on the results it was concluded that only the initial growth of the plants is significantly affected by seed size. Plant traits such as plant height, ear insertion height, culm diameter, number of grains per year, grain weight and size as well as grain yield evaluated 40 or more DAE are not significantly affected by seed size or seed shape.


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Com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos do método de preparo do solo e do controle de plantas daninhas em resteva de aveia preta (Avena strigosa), na cultura da soja (Glycine max cv. 'IAC 14'), foi conduzido um experimento de campo na Fazenda Experimental Lageado - UNESP Botucatu - SP, em 1993/94. Os tratamentos de manejo do solo foram Plantio Direto e Plantio Convencional (preparado com uma aração e três gradagens). As formas de controle de plantas daninhas estudadas corresponderam a uma testemunha sem controle do mato; controle com uso exclusivo de herbicidas aplicados em préemergência (0,28 kg/ha de metribuzim + 1,29 kg/ha de orizalin); controle com uso exclusivo de herbicidas aplicados em pósemergência (0,25 kg/ha de fluazifop-p-butil + 0,25 kg/ha de fomesafen); controle com o uso conjunto dos tratamentos em pré e pós-emergência mencionados. Tanto no plantio direto quanto no convencional, utilizou-se glyphosate para a eliminação da aveia preta e das plantas daninhas antes da implantação da cultura. O delineamento experimental adotado foi de blocos ao acaso em parcelas subdivididas, com quatro repetições. Os tipos de manejo do solo foram aplicados às parcelas e os métodos de controle das plantas daninhas às sub-parcelas. Deve ser ressaltado que durante a fase inicial do ensaio, as chuvas foram escassas, limitando tanto o crescimento da cultura quanto a atuação dos herbicidas de pré-emergência e pósemergência. As avaliações baseadas na contagem do número de plantas/m2, realizadas aos 14, 28 e 35 dias após a emergência da cultura da soja, indicaram diferenças entre os métodos de preparo do solo e os métodos de controle. Entre as espécies daninhas mais freqüentes, Brachiaria plantaginea e Amaranthus viridis foram as predominantes no sistema de plantio convencional; estas espécies apresentaram pequena importância no plantio direto, no qual predominou Euphorbia heterophylla. No plantio convencional, os herbicidas de pré-emergência proporcionaram melhor controle de A. viridis do que de B. plantaginea; o controle com herbicidas pós-emergentes foi insatisfatório para ambas espécies. No plantio direto, o controle de E. heterophylla foi insatisfatório em todos os sistemas de controle testados. O plantio direto apresentou sempre menor número total de plantas daninhas, sobretudo de gramineas. A germinação de plantas daninhas limitou-se ao período de até 15 dias após a emergência da cultura, nos dois sistemas de cultivo.