5 resultados para Cucullanus


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Cucullanus palmeri n. sp. is described from the shortnose batfish, Ogcocephalus nasutus, in the Gulf of Mexico. This species is anatomically most similar to Cucullanus gendrei but differs from it in having a shorter esophagus and longer tail. Males differ in having a smaller gubernaculum and a different arrangement of a lateral caudal papilla. Cucullanus palmeri is readily distinguished from Cucullanus lophii, also from a lophiform fish host, in that the deirids and excretory pore are not posterior to the posterior end of the esophagus like in C. lophii.


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A preliminary survey of the helminth fish parasites was carried out in Imo River (Nigeria). A total of 191 fishes belonging to 15 genera were examined and only 13.6% were infested with various species of helminth parasites which is low percentage of infection. The following helminth parasites were recorded. Wenyonia virilis, kainji; Wenyonia sp., Procamallanus laeviconchus; Procamallanus sp., Sprionoura congolense; Spironoura sp., Cucullanus sp. and Serradacnitis serrata. It was found that helminth parasites showed some degree of specificity in their distribution within their fish hosts. This specificity could be as a result of the physiochemical and physiological factors operating in the gut such as pH, osmotic tension, oxygen tension and nutrient levels. The results also revealed that age and sex influence helminth parasites infections in fishes


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Estudos em taxonomia descritiva de helmintos de peixes na Amazônia são relevantes, visto a grande diversidade de hospedeiros conhecidos. Este estudo visou analisar o parasitismo de Ageneiosus ucayalensis identificando e descrevendo novos helmintos, e referenciar novos hospedeiros para Espécies de helmintos conhecidos, utilizando como ferramentas microscopia de luz, eletrônica de varredura e biologia molecular. A. ucayalensis, peixe Siluriformes de água doce da América do Sul é uma Espécie pouco estudada, frente à sua importância na cadeia trófica de ambientes dulcícolas e de seu valor na composição da dieta alimentar de populações ribeirinhas amazônicas. Esses hospedeiros habitam a região da foz do rio Guamá e baía do Guajará e estão parasitados por helmintos dos Filos Plathyhemintes, Acanthocephala e Nematoda os quais foram aqui descritos pela primeira vez. Neste estudo foram descritas duas novas Espécies de Nematoda, Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) belenensis e Cucullanus ageneiosus; novo hospedeiro e nova localidade de ocorrência foram descrita para Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) rarus; além de formas larvais de nematóides das Famílias Anisakidae (Anisakis sp.), Cystidicolidae (Pseudoproleptus sp.) e Cucullanidae (Cucullanus sp.) como parasitos de A. ucayalensis. Do Filo Plathyhelmintes, a Classe Cestoda está representada por metacestódeos e adultos da Família Proteocephalidae. A Classe Monogenea está representada por helmintos da Família Dactylogiridae, Sub-Família Ancyrocephalinae e o Filo Acanthocephala por exemplares da Família Neoechinorhynchidae (Gênero Neoechinorhynchus). Assim, o estudo da helmintofauna de A. ucayalensis contribui com importantes dados para a biodiversidade de parasitos da região amazônica.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the host/parasite relationship of nematodes in Macrodon ancylodon. Ninety seven fishes (50 in wet season and 47 in dry season) were weighed (167.1 ± 109.9g) and measured (28.3 ± 5.2cm). Only twelve specimens were not infected by any parasites and the prevalence of infection was 87.6%. The highest prevalence values were observed in August and September (dry season, 100%). The stomach was the most infected organ during the whole months (prevalence of 64.2%, and mean intensity of 4.6±7.8 parasites/fish), and the medium intestine showed the lowest infection (prevalence 27.3% and mean intensity 2.5±2.1 parasites/fish). The nematodes were identified as Raphidascaris sp., Goezia sp. and Cucullanus sp. Only the male and juvenile fishes could be presented different values of infection according to rainfall, being more infected in August to October. The female hosts presented higher values of abundance and mean intensity of infection (p<0.01) throughout the year.